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Author Topic: Season Ticket Pices  (Read 5452 times)

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Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #30 on February 24, 2011, 06:41:47 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Are you the guy that has a go at Seth Bennett?

Quote from: \"DearneValleyRover\" post=143485
Well said benaldo but you have to remember that Norfolk is a nob by his own admission

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #31 on February 24, 2011, 06:43:43 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
As you can imagine, Gareth and others from the VSC have made representations to the club about the ST/Pricing policy and to a degree we have had some success.

Reduced Prices for Polypipe Pop Stand
Reduced kids prices

However, we also have to deal with the reality that the pricing policy is determined by the board and we have to work with what they publish. We will continue to work with the club, as we share your concerns, to try and get the best deal for all fans.

The Club Scout incentive surprised us all with the level of discount that can be shared if only you can find a new ST holder. Now we understand everyone has financial constraints however it would be a shame if we can't maximise this opportunity.

I can only speak from my own experience, and by keep asking folks if they would be interested in getting a cheap ST, I have managed to get a number of takers. Now, I'm not saying it's easy and I'm not saying it's your duty but it's worth trying.

Time will ultimately tell whether DRFC, and football in general, recognise who and what is important to them in terms of income and how best to maximise it. It's our job to do what we can to keep pushing and poking until the penny drops.

Now, for those of you in the Polypipe Pop Stand on Saturday, you have a great opportunity to make you views known to JR.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #32 on February 24, 2011, 06:46:57 pm by DonnyRTID »
Beckyface wrote

\"£340 is more than reasonable BUT it is impossible for me and others to pay that now...if it was May like it usually is taht would be a different story\".

\"And no I'm not asking for season tickets to be giving to me, I'm asking for them to be reasonably priced so I can afford one. I would then be going to every game next season, rather than just buying a magic 8 ticket, which I'm having to do.\"

Well you’ve contradicted yourself there, haven’t you?.

Look the line needs to be drawn somewhere re - concessions etc,  it’s not the boards fault you chose to become a student so why should they subsidise you, you might think me harsh but my daughter is doing an apprenticeship and only earns £95  for a 43hr week, she catches 2 buses to and from her place of work so  has to purchase a bus pass costing £55 a month but she’s not on here bloody moaning about it.
Like someone else has stated, get a job. Footballs a luxury that has to be paid for.

Benaldo wrote

\"No-one above has been specifically \"moaning\" about rovers prices compared to other clubs, they are worried that the price of football will mean they can't go. I think that's a real shame.\"

Well I beg to differ,  I suggest  you read the OP in full, it is clearly a dig at our prices and the petition backs it up.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #33 on February 24, 2011, 06:50:58 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Outstanding post!

Quote from: \"DN5Rover\" post=143429
I have a great idea! I will go to Morrisons and buy my weekly shop then offer them a sum of money that I can afford as I am a low earner. Sorry this is the real world we all live. I agree watching football is not the cheapest entertainment around, I would love to have a new car but I can't afford one so I don't own one.
 I have to cut my cloth accordingly in these hard times thanks to the governments cuts.I am sure DRFC would love make all tickets cheaper but high wages and costs within football dictate that this is impossible.
I do not feel anyone at the club is rubbing their hands in anticipation of screwing as much money as possible out of their loyal supporters \"young or old employed or unemployed.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #34 on February 24, 2011, 06:52:14 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Quote from: \"Norfolk N Chance\" post=143526
Are you the guy that has a go at Seth Bennett?

Quote from: \"DearneValleyRover\" post=143485
Well said benaldo but you have to remember that Norfolk is a nob by his own admission


Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #35 on February 24, 2011, 06:57:50 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Right ok not sure what prompted that outburst at all but at least I back my points of view up!

Merely defending the clubs ST policy - You may like to comment rather than just being nasty!


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #36 on February 24, 2011, 07:04:42 pm by DearneValleyRover »
It's unfortunate that you think I was being nasty (re-read your post to the young lady) but in general your posts have a glass half empty spin on them and the last time I pointed this out to you, your reply was that you were often called a nob. If your not one then accept my apologies.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #37 on February 24, 2011, 07:09:50 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Sorry half empty again ......nothing positive to say!! OH DEAR......!

Quote from: \"DearneValleyRover\" post=143536
It's unfortunate that you think I was being nasty (re-read your post to the young lady) but in general your posts have a glass half empty spin on them and the last time I pointed this out to you, your reply was that you were often called a nob. If your not one then accept my apologies.

Berkshire Rover

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #38 on February 24, 2011, 07:52:15 pm by Berkshire Rover »
In support of DonnyBazRover, the VSC is starting to make some positive headway in achieving things for fans. There is much more to be done. I would have thought the obvious area for us to look at is a concession for those in full time  education.

Football (and footballers) live in an economic bubble and realistically until TV revenues fall drastically, it will remain like that.

I have real sympathy for those that would like to buy a ST for next season but can't afford it, we need every fan we can get at every game.

The reality of  prices for nest season are however that the cheapest prices are available now, combined with the instalment option and the club scout scheme is the best deal that has been on offer from this club for many years.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #39 on February 24, 2011, 09:00:43 pm by donnyproletarian »
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143377
Now I can't be the only one who thinks that the season ticket prices for next season are just unreasonable?
I'm going to have to go without a season ticket for the first time in around 5 years simply because the prices are too high and I know I'm not the only one. I know that they are offered at a cheaper rate at the minute...but they have to be bought by March, whilst people are still paying for this season! Now, before anyone points to prices at other clubs to justify it, I don't think people should be paying these prices anywhere! And Rovers are in danger of excluding their hardcore support by just pricing tickets too high and they just don't have the numbers to replace them. They are also discouraging potential supporters from coming along to the odd game and from regular supporters from making the plunge and buying a season ticket. It also feels like cheek that they have raised season ticket prices despite a large number of games this season having reduced gate ticket prices o.O
Now, I'm not just grumbling. I don't want my football club to fall into financial straits just because people aren't coming because it's to expensive. I also want to be able to afford to watch the football club I've supported since I was a little girl.

Please sign my petition.
Let the board know that the rices are just to high and more would come if the prices were at least reasonable.
I am also proposing that tickets should be priced according to income rather than age. ie. There should be a Dependant, Unemployed/Benefits, Student tickets and so on...I think this would show that the club is aware of the economic climate in Doncaster and would bring more fans to the club.

Please sign =] lets not be typical grumbling Rovers fans and actually do something!



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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #40 on February 24, 2011, 09:19:55 pm by fattyfoods »
why do people go through this garbage every season?  you all know the time is coming around, just like this time next season it will be time to re-new your season tickets again.  its like a brown envelope has landed on some people`s doormats with a £340 bill to pay by end of march and its caught them by surprise.  just throw a few pennies in a tub each week / month then this time next year you`ll not be caught short.  surely there is more than me who does this

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #41 on February 24, 2011, 09:28:17 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Sadly they have to moan and moan every season ....
Quote from: \"fattyfoods\" post=143563
why do people go through this garbage every season?  you all know the time is coming around, just like this time next season it will be time to re-new your season tickets again.  its like a brown envelope has landed on some people`s doormats with a £340 bill to pay by end of march and its caught them by surprise.  just throw a few pennies in a tub each week / month then this time next year you`ll not be caught short.  surely there is more than me who does this

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #42 on February 24, 2011, 09:32:55 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
So the OP is telling me students are worse off than your average youngster with a job - yeah ok then.

I had 2 jobs at uni, it enabled me to go to gigs, festivals, football games, alsorts because I blooming worked for it, I wasn't much worse off as a student as I am now - difference is rather than just rent I have taxes, national insurance etc taking most of the difference.

The season ticket prices are fine, it's the mentality of the fans that isn't, most of whom don't realise just how lucky we are.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #43 on February 24, 2011, 09:44:47 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
another outstanding post

Quote from: \"big fat yorkshire pudding\" post=143566
So the OP is telling me students are worse off than your average youngster with a job - yeah ok then.

I had 2 jobs at uni, it enabled me to go to gigs, festivals, football games, alsorts because I blooming worked for it, I wasn't much worse off as a student as I am now - difference is rather than just rent I have taxes, national insurance etc taking most of the difference.

The season ticket prices are fine, it's the mentality of the fans that isn't, most of whom don't realise just how lucky we are.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #44 on February 24, 2011, 11:25:12 pm by drfcsteve »
To the people on here moaning about the prices, what would you like to pay? As someone has already mentioned our season ticket prices are already in line with some League 1 and League 2 clubs, lower them anymore and that's where we'll end up playing. Some people don't seem to realise that we are punching above our weight on a limited budget as it is, and season ticket sales provide vital revenue to the club.

The only thing I can agree with you about is switching from an age based pricing policy to a student discount for reasons I have talked about before on here.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #45 on February 24, 2011, 11:28:53 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
They dont want to pay anything .....should be available on NHS;)

Quote from: \"drfcsteve\" post=143605
To the people on here moaning about the prices, what would you like to pay? As someone has already mentioned our season ticket prices are already in line with some League 1 and League 2 clubs, lower them anymore and that's where we'll end up playing. Some people don't seem to realise that we are punching above our weight on a limited budget as it is, and season ticket sales provide vital revenue to the club.

The only thing I can agree with you about is switching from an age based pricing policy to a student discount for reasons I have talked about before on here.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #46 on February 24, 2011, 11:41:03 pm by Superspy »
Quote from: \"drfcsteve\" post=143605

The only thing I can agree with you about is switching from an age based pricing policy to a student discount for reasons I have talked about before on here.

it wont happen, they went from students/employed to age based due to a lack of take-up from students in the first place, i believe there were less than 100 student season ticket holders.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #47 on February 25, 2011, 12:01:10 am by drfcsteve »
Quote from: \"Superspy\" post=143612
Quote from: \"drfcsteve\" post=143605

The only thing I can agree with you about is switching from an age based pricing policy to a student discount for reasons I have talked about before on here.

it wont happen, they went from students/employed to age based due to a lack of take-up from students in the first place, i believe there were less than 100 student season ticket holders.

If that's the case then you can see the logic behind the desision to scrap them. However you could ask why the take-up was so low, we all know how notoriously bad DRFC marketing are, maybe students didn't know about it?

The worry is that we have loads of students from Doncaster attending the Sheffield universities and we might be losing these potential fans to the 2 sheffield clubs which both offer good student discounts.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #48 on February 25, 2011, 12:05:00 am by Superspy »
Quote from: \"drfcsteve\" post=143617

If that's the case then you can see the logic behind the desision to scrap them. However you could ask why the take-up was so low, we all know how notoriously bad DRFC marketing are, maybe students didn't know about it?

yeah, i was going to say that myself, but wondered if anybody else would bring it up. it's true though. the thing is, as has been mentioned in the thread previously, the club HAVE done some things to make it easier for season ticket holders, regardless of what price or category anybody falls into, its never been easier, but you can't please everybody.


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