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Author Topic: More football violence!  (Read 3947 times)

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Norfolk N Chance

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #1 on March 25, 2011, 07:31:31 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Totally and utterly hate f**king leeds more than life itself


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #2 on March 25, 2011, 07:41:26 pm by donnyjay »
Let's help track this nasty lookin fecker while we're at it. Somebody must recognise him.  


Snods Shinpad 2

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #3 on March 25, 2011, 09:23:16 pm by Snods Shinpad 2 »
Quote from: \"donnyjay\" post=147920
Let's help track this nasty lookin fecker while we're at it. Somebody must reconise him.  


Wouldn't fancy bumping into that in a dark alley.

not on facebook

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #4 on March 26, 2011, 07:14:09 am by not on facebook »
went to a leeds v chelsea game in old div2 in 1980,s.
got on the inter city 125 from london kingsx at doncaster where about a 100+ chelsea fans
got on too.the train was packed to the hilt and it was that full that chelsea fans were laying in
the overhead luggage racks.

i managed to get sat on a table with me back to the window.all the talk was about leeds lads this and that
how many would they have out? etc etc.

then just before the train was pulling into wakefield westgate we was aware of 3 lads stood across on the railway
embankment,to which they started to throw som'ert towards our train.we all thought it was bricks and not too much concern was given.

then you heard the smashing of glass when objects hit the train windows in our carraige one of the windows i was sat against.did not quite kickin at start as the train windows were not broken or shattered but soon it became apparant when the windows caught fire,these 3 lads were launching petrol bombs at our train.

comments from the chelsea fans were 'facking typical leeds cant fight with their fists they have to resort
to facking petrol bombs' type of relaxed the tension.

by time train had pulled into wakefield westgate the flames on our carriage windows had blown out thank

tunrns out these 3.lads then went into a local wakefield pub where the landlord overheard them
gobbing off about what they had just done to the 'chelsea train'.landlord informed the police who
then locked up the 3 lads.

they all recieved time for their offence,then someway into a lads sentence the poor lad hung him self
in preston prison.type of sad is that ending.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #5 on March 26, 2011, 08:28:41 am by Norfolk N Chance »
sound like whites to me ...how can you do that to your own lot.... scum!

Let get the CCTV footage and get the bas**rds banged up!

Quote from: \"oslorovers\" post=147956
went to a leeds v chelsea game in old div2 in 1980,s.
got on the inter city 125 from london kingsx at doncaster where about a 100+ chelsea fans
got on too.the train was packed to the hilt and it was that full that chelsea fans were laying in
the overhead luggage racks.

i managed to get sat on a table with me back to the window.all the talk was about leeds lads this and that
how many would they have out? etc etc.

then just before the train was pulling into wakefield westgate we was aware of 3 lads stood across on the railway
embankment,to which they started to throw som'ert towards our train.we all thought it was bricks and not too much concern was given.

then you heard the smashing of glass when objects hit the train windows in our carraige one of the windows i was sat against.did not quite kickin at start as the train windows were not broken or shattered but soon it became apparant when the windows caught fire,these 3 lads were launching petrol bombs at our train.

comments from the chelsea fans were 'facking typical leeds cant fight with their fists they have to resort
to facking petrol bombs' type of relaxed the tension.

by time train had pulled into wakefield westgate the flames on our carriage windows had blown out thank

tunrns out these 3.lads then went into a local wakefield pub where the landlord overheard them
gobbing off about what they had just done to the 'chelsea train'.landlord informed the police who
then locked up the 3 lads.

they all recieved time for their offence,then someway into a lads sentence the poor lad hung him self
in preston prison.type of sad is that ending.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #6 on March 26, 2011, 10:12:14 am by benaldo »
All football violence is the work of brain-dead thicko's. They should all be ashamed of themselves. It's a game where a ball is kicked about for fecks sake!


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #7 on March 26, 2011, 10:37:55 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Quote from: \"oslorovers\" post=147956
went to a leeds v chelsea game in old div2 in 1980,s.
got on the inter city 125 from london kingsx at doncaster where about a 100+ chelsea fans
got on too.the train was packed to the hilt and it was that full that chelsea fans were laying in
the overhead luggage racks.

i managed to get sat on a table with me back to the window.all the talk was about leeds lads this and that
how many would they have out? etc etc.

then just before the train was pulling into wakefield westgate we was aware of 3 lads stood across on the railway
embankment,to which they started to throw som'ert towards our train.we all thought it was bricks and not too much concern was given.

then you heard the smashing of glass when objects hit the train windows in our carraige one of the windows i was sat against.did not quite kickin at start as the train windows were not broken or shattered but soon it became apparant when the windows caught fire,these 3 lads were launching petrol bombs at our train.

comments from the chelsea fans were 'facking typical leeds cant fight with their fists they have to resort
to facking petrol bombs' type of relaxed the tension.

by time train had pulled into wakefield westgate the flames on our carriage windows had blown out thank

tunrns out these 3.lads then went into a local wakefield pub where the landlord overheard them
gobbing off about what they had just done to the 'chelsea train'.landlord informed the police who
then locked up the 3 lads.

they all recieved time for their offence,then someway into a lads sentence the poor lad hung him self
in preston prison.type of sad is that ending.

Three or four years ago, I was on the train back to Sheffield after a Rovers match. Between Rotherham and Meadowhall. The train was doing about 40mph, when some t**t chucked a half-setter through my window. I don't know what they'd used to launch it, but it went at head height clipped the head rest and cracked the window at the far said of the carriage.  By some ridiculous  good fortune, I'd just leaned forwards to look at the screen on my iPod a second or so before, otherwise the brick would have gone straight through my head and there would have been no more pearls of wisdom from me on here.

If I'd got hold of the Kitson who chucked that brick, he wouldn't have had a chance to top himself in prison.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #8 on March 26, 2011, 10:48:30 am by jucyberry »
Just goes to show, there are two types of man.. The decent ordinary bloke who loves football., and the small penis no balled, knuckle dragging , deformed lump for a brained football 'supporter'....

As for the lad who was in jail for petrol bombing the train.. so?  It might sound harsh, but how packed was that train Oslo? how many innocent people could they have maimed or killed if they had hit the drivers cab with their missiles?

No time or sympathy for morons I'm afraid.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #9 on March 26, 2011, 11:03:39 am by RobTheRover »
Det Cons Heseltine added: “The vicious attack lasted several minutes and must have been frightening for other passengers onboard the busy service.

“No one should be subjected to such violence whilst trying to make their way home.

“This kind of unprovoked attack is totally unacceptable on the railway and it is essential that these offenders are traced and brought to justice.”

How much of this interest is because it's \"football related violence\"?

Here is a comparison.

My nephew Andy (who a few on here will know through me) was having a couple of pints with his pal in the Mallard last friday night.  They nipped over the road to the cash machine after they'd drunk all their funds, where they were attacked by around 10 lads after one of them had gobbed in Andy's pal's face for no apparent reason.  Andy suffered two black eyes, a broken nose, and chipped teeth, not to mention the balance problems he now is going back to see someone about.

The police came to see him and took a statement, and even though they think they know a couple of the lads already from their descriptions, have told Andy it will be a waste of time catching them as the courts wont convict them.  Thats a bit different to the case above, dont you think?

Justice in this country is a f**king joke.  Give it 5 years and scum like these will be getting mopped up by vigilante gangs.  I'm close to that point now.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #10 on March 26, 2011, 11:29:57 am by benaldo »
Holy crap!!

If a police officer said that to your nephew you should report him straight away. You should ring the station directly (actually it's better to go in person to the main Doncaster police station off college road) and ask to speak to the \"Duty Inspector\". Don't be fobbed off, say it's because you want to make a genuine complaint. The duty inspector has an obligation to record the complaint and deal with it in an appropriate manner. If it is not dealt with to your satisfaction, then you are entitled to approach the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

As for your comment on Vigilantism, I think you'll find there is no difference between a gang of vigilante's and a gang of thugs. Either way it's violence without proper investigation, a proper trial, and a fair and appropriate sentence (you could, of course argue the last point). And vigilantes are usually very, very wrong. Here are a couple of good examples -

In Portsmouth a few years ago when there was a lot of uproar about peadophiles, a vigilante group smashed the windows of a house and then beat up the owner. The reason?........he was a pediatrician!!

A mother and her son (who had learning difficulties) were constantly abused, spat at, had their shed set on fire, and the son was beaten up frequently, all because some vigilantes thought they were peadophiles. \"They looked different\" was one residents response. They were not peadophiles, there was no evidence to even slightly suggest they were, except \"they looked weird\".

During my previous job I had the cause to meet a young chap who had just been sentenced to life in prison (Which in his case meant a minimum of 22 years before he could attempt to beg for release). His crime? He was part of a vigilante gang who had received \"information\" on the identity of a person responsible for breaking into a shed the previous night (stolen - one old bike). The young chap and fellow vigilantes leapt into action and chased down this person (who happened to be a local heroin user, therefore looking shifty before he could even open his mouth) and set about him with a baseball bat in the street. The unfortunate lad died right there in front of the whole community. And the bike? Turns out he didn't steal it.........

Vigilantes are no better than any other group of thugs you can name I\"m afraid. The justice system is far from perfect, but without it we are no more than fools, and in my experience, usually mistaken fools. Having said that, no-one, including your nephew, deserves to be beaten by a gang in the street no matter what the cause. I hope the gang are caught and that your nephew gets some satisfaction of knowing they have been arrested and dealt with. :)


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #11 on March 26, 2011, 11:47:25 am by jucyberry »
I have to say I agree with you Benaldo , the reason we have laws is to protect the innocent from the lynch mob. Sadly however the law seems to let the innocent down time after time...I can understand why someone who has been let down by the law would want to resort to vigilantisim, but at the end of the day, the scope for getting it wrong, or causing more harm than good is huge.

More should be done to follow through to the rightful conclusion, the justice system seems to have it's hands tied by overly liberal laws..And as always crime involving fraud seem to be seen as more in need of chasing than crimes of violence. We live in a society unfortunately when money comes far higher in importance than human life.

Kids are taught from an early age that they are untouchable, respect has become a dirty word.. Far too much emphasis is placed on the rights of the child, the rights of the rest of society are quashed..The elderly live in fear, I would never want anyone I love to go out and defend their property so many good men are murderd just going out to tackle gangs of kids causing havoc..

I know I am so lucky living in my village, we have next to no problems with teenagers, in the main they still are nicely raised polite kids...But then I live in one of the quietest parts of Norfolk, we are years behind and out of step thank god.

not on facebook

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #12 on March 26, 2011, 12:19:40 pm by not on facebook »
cant understand why the police cop out of a arrest because they think that if it went
to court the offender would not get a sentence etc etc.

thats the whole point of been taken to court is it not?

my point on the leeds lad that hung him sen been sad

he must have woke up that saturday morning like any other,except chelsea are in town
so lets be up and about.
before the day is out he has helped petrol bomb a train from london kingsx going to leeds
and there guess was right as it was rammed to the rafters with chelsea fans who were all like minded.

end of day he is in police cell and getting charged with whatever offence,sent down then months
later whilst in preston prison hung him sen.

all for sake of football and taking rivals far too serious and way over the line.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #13 on March 26, 2011, 02:11:51 pm by RobTheRover »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=147982
Holy crap!!

If a police officer said that to your nephew you should report him straight away. You should ring the station directly (actually it's better to go in person to the main Doncaster police station off college road) and ask to speak to the \"Duty Inspector\". Don't be fobbed off, say it's because you want to make a genuine complaint. The duty inspector has an obligation to record the complaint and deal with it in an appropriate manner. If it is not dealt with to your satisfaction, then you are entitled to approach the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

As for your comment on Vigilantism, I think you'll find there is no difference between a gang of vigilante's and a gang of thugs. Either way it's violence without proper investigation, a proper trial, and a fair and appropriate sentence (you could, of course argue the last point). And vigilantes are usually very, very wrong. Here are a couple of good examples -

In Portsmouth a few years ago when there was a lot of uproar about peadophiles, a vigilante group smashed the windows of a house and then beat up the owner. The reason?........he was a pediatrician!!

A mother and her son (who had learning difficulties) were constantly abused, spat at, had their shed set on fire, and the son was beaten up frequently, all because some vigilantes thought they were peadophiles. \"They looked different\" was one residents response. They were not peadophiles, there was no evidence to even slightly suggest they were, except \"they looked weird\".

During my previous job I had the cause to meet a young chap who had just been sentenced to life in prison (Which in his case meant a minimum of 22 years before he could attempt to beg for release). His crime? He was part of a vigilante gang who had received \"information\" on the identity of a person responsible for breaking into a shed the previous night (stolen - one old bike). The young chap and fellow vigilantes leapt into action and chased down this person (who happened to be a local heroin user, therefore looking shifty before he could even open his mouth) and set about him with a baseball bat in the street. The unfortunate lad died right there in front of the whole community. And the bike? Turns out he didn't steal it.........

Vigilantes are no better than any other group of thugs you can name I\"m afraid. The justice system is far from perfect, but without it we are no more than fools, and in my experience, usually mistaken fools. Having said that, no-one, including your nephew, deserves to be beaten by a gang in the street no matter what the cause. I hope the gang are caught and that your nephew gets some satisfaction of knowing they have been arrested and dealt with. :)

I agree Benaldo, but when one of your own gets 10 bells kicked out of them by a mob of skunked-up teenagers, the thought does cross your mind of what you'd like to do to them.  We now have had 2 names given to us.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #14 on March 26, 2011, 02:28:47 pm by jucyberry »
The trouble is Rob, as satisfying as it would be to do something, you would then be turning the criminal into a victim and you can be dammed sure with our wonky justice system your punishment would be far harsher than that of the original yobs.

That is the biggest crime being commited every day in this country, the justice systems crime of favourning the criminal..


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #15 on March 26, 2011, 06:23:08 pm by Rios »
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=147978
Det Cons Heseltine added: “The vicious attack lasted several minutes and must have been frightening for other passengers onboard the busy service.

“No one should be subjected to such violence whilst trying to make their way home.

“This kind of unprovoked attack is totally unacceptable on the railway and it is essential that these offenders are traced and brought to justice.”

How much of this interest is because it's \"football related violence\"?

Here is a comparison.

My nephew Andy (who a few on here will know through me) was having a couple of pints with his pal in the Mallard last friday night.  They nipped over the road to the cash machine after they'd drunk all their funds, where they were attacked by around 10 lads after one of them had gobbed in Andy's pal's face for no apparent reason.  Andy suffered two black eyes, a broken nose, and chipped teeth, not to mention the balance problems he now is going back to see someone about.

The police came to see him and took a statement, and even though they think they know a couple of the lads already from their descriptions, have told Andy it will be a waste of time catching them as the courts wont convict them.  Thats a bit different to the case above, dont you think?

Justice in this country is a f**king joke.  Give it 5 years and scum like these will be getting mopped up by vigilante gangs.  I'm close to that point now.

I was walking to the pub one Sunday evening unaware that my brother had had an argument with a local in a nightclub the night before.  Was set upon and according to eye witnesses who did f**k all (I don't remember most of it!) I took a proper kicking followed by one of them jumping off a wall onto my head which is a pretty certain way to cause damage without using weapons.  The police visited me in hospital, knew who they were but there was a lack of evidence as not one of the dozen witnesses would come forward.

So far, so similar eh?  Except the same group decided that wasn't enough and targetted my father a week later with an iron bar.  They hadn't counted on him being a hard bas**rd though and having knocked the shit out of the them he put them in the recovery position and called them an ambulance.  He then went and got his mates and went round to one of their houses and made it quite clear to the older members of the \"clan\" that they were taking on a lot more than they could handle... strangely it went very quiet and we never had another moments trouble.

And the police came back to see my Dad and were very pompous about the whole thing... yet despite threatening to take it further did nothing to either side.  The Police have a tough job and it's getting harder as time goes on.  It's a shame that some members of our society though only respect violence and it takes a good pasting back for that lesson to be learnt.


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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #16 on March 28, 2011, 12:09:36 am by RobTheRover »
Thanks for that insight, Rios, and sorry to hear you found yourself an innocent victim of the lawless scum the police/courts dont have the bottle to tackle properly.  I'm saying no more on the subject.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: More football violence!
« Reply #17 on March 28, 2011, 05:25:37 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
It's all ridiculous anyway.  For example, my Dad was assaulted, the guy was caught on CCTV and arrested at the time.  It took 2 years for prosecution to occur where the guy got a suspended sentence due to the lenght it took the police to prosecute.  My Dad left with permanent facial and eyesight damage due to it in a basically random attack.  Just not enough really and pretty pathetic.


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