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Author Topic: The clubs attitude to STH's  (Read 6559 times)

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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #30 on April 19, 2011, 07:07:34 pm by ian1980 »
Because people are too busy worrying what other people are getting instead of being thankful for what they have.

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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #31 on April 19, 2011, 07:09:28 pm by hoolahoop »
Quote from: \"ian1980\" post=151889
Because people are too busy worrying what other people are getting instead of being thankful for what they have.

Exactement mon ami, ca va sans rien dire.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #32 on April 19, 2011, 07:11:12 pm by Wellred »
I can understand why JR has done what he has with the free ticket offer but one thing that nobody has considered is that by giving tickets away there is absolutely no commitment for anyone to actually turn up.
If we had charged £5 for a ticket then at least having bought one people would make the effort to go.
It will be interesting to see what the crowd is on Friday. How many will find something else to do if the weather is nice etc etc.
You can just imagine the comments can't you \"Well it doesn't matter the tickets were free anyway so we haven't lost anything\"


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #33 on April 19, 2011, 07:22:15 pm by RobTheRover »
Still not found an avatar image of a glass half empty yet, Wellred?

Lessons to be learnt are being noted and WILL be raised with the club, but after this important match has been won.  Let's get ready for Friday with a positive approach.  We know the club can be their own worst enemy at times, so its old ground.  It can be raised next week after we are safe.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #34 on April 19, 2011, 07:31:12 pm by Wellred »
Bloody hell does every post on this forum from now until Saturday have to be a happy clapper post?
You might as well put a notice on the forum saying unless you only say anything 100% positive and absolutely no comments other than JR is wonderful, SOD is wonderful, Free tickets are a fantastic idea, everyone must sing on Friday then you are not allowed to post anything.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #35 on April 19, 2011, 07:54:06 pm by RobTheRover »
Ok, post every negative you like. See what good it will do.

If we end up on L1 I shall blame you personally. ;)


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #36 on April 19, 2011, 08:05:11 pm by Gartom »
Rob, we both know Wellred only posts negatives!!..he has to be the most mournful git in Donny.
Still, he can freeload on our site...but oh, why do we put up with him.
As one of our mob said at the meeting the other day, I'd love to see Rovers win the FA cup....and some one said yeah, but Wellred would be on the site and moan we did nt score enough goals or play the right formation!!
I laughed then, but I cant laugh now tho...

Big yawn....anyway, just off to practice happy clappy stuff!


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #37 on April 19, 2011, 08:09:51 pm by RobTheRover »
Actually G, I'll defend his right to moan, but he can't moan back at the alternative viewpoint.  We've said we'll pick it up after the important stiff is done, and we will.  Like you said, its time to see the big picture.  The team need our support from top to bottom. just because from time to time they don't reciprocate doesn't dilute that in times like these.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #38 on April 19, 2011, 08:11:46 pm by ian1980 »
No, I'm sure every post doesn't need to be 100% positive but if your gunna moan, at least moan about something worth while rather than what the club / JR think is the best way to help grow the crowd and give a boost to the team on Friday.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but at least they have tried by spreading positivity rather than moaning about one thing after another.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #39 on April 19, 2011, 08:12:02 pm by Gartom »
Yes agreed - in fact Wellred makes some really good points - but dont tell him that just now!
I just want a united front for this game and we can sort the aggro out later as you know.....it just really hacks me off for us to have this debate right now....only Donny folk eh?

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #40 on April 19, 2011, 08:21:46 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=151920
Actually G, I'll defend his right to moan, but he can't moan back at the alternative viewpoint.  We've said we'll pick it up after the important stiff is done, and we will.  Like you said, its time to see the big picture.  The team need our support from top to bottom. just because from time to time they don't reciprocate doesn't dilute that in times like these.

How do you sleep at night? :ohmy:


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #41 on April 19, 2011, 08:31:33 pm by RobTheRover »
Like Billy Smart's big top!


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #42 on April 19, 2011, 08:52:14 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=151920
We've said we'll pick it up after the important stiff is done, and we will.  

An excellent philosophy Rob. Personally, I never get down to work of a morning until the important stiff is done.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #43 on April 19, 2011, 08:55:38 pm by benaldo »
I suppose the emotions of this particular period of the season have grasped a few people and squeezed their brains out of their ears. I know that Fridays game is important (all of the previous games have also offered 3 points I believe?), but the paying people who watch Rovers are not \"blessed\" by being allowed to do so, they are customers. Telling your customers to shut up or likewise is appalling. God knows I'm one for having a go at someone, anyone, for anything usually, but it's my right. And as a company, Doncaster Rovers have to act professionally at all times, not tell people to shut up etc. No-one owes Doncaster Rovers money/time....and Doncaster does not owe JR, me, you, anyone, a football team. Yet again, Rovers look like a bunch of dim-witted morons playing at running a business. God only knows how the members of the board got so wealthy if this is how they run their \"day jobs\"...............


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #44 on April 19, 2011, 08:59:47 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=151920
The team need our support from top to bottom. just because from time to time they don't reciprocate doesn't dilute that in times like these.

As profound a post as I've seen on here lately. It gets to the heart of the matter.

A football club-fan relationship is like a capricious woman - doting man relationship.

He loves her without question. He may complain about her down the pub or in today's virtual tap rooms like this place, but a fierce passion for her burns in his heart.

She, on the other hand is flighty. She flirts with other fans. She taunts him with what she may produce, then rolls over and complains of a headache just as it looks like she's going to make a run for the play-offs.

She has her periods of sublime beauty (Winter 2009) and her periods of \"Can't even be arsed to put any slap on\" repulsiveness (last 4 months).

She knows that he'll stick by her no matter. No matter how many times she calls him a thick illiterate Kitson on Facebook.

It's the epitome of the asymmetric love affair. It says something deep about us as men. We love her deeply even though we know she will always let us down, humiliate us, taunt us with what might have been...

We want her beauty, her charm, her uplifting moments of sublime perfection. THAT keeps us coming back for more.

Mind, if she loses on Friday, I'm having a skinfull and kicking the living shite out of her.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #45 on April 19, 2011, 09:11:09 pm by CusworthRovers »
That type of women is easily tamed by lobbing one up the old trumper


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #46 on April 19, 2011, 09:11:14 pm by yapper1901 »
i think this is going to get a whole lot bigger than just people discussing it on facebook
just seen on Facebook the doncaster free press are going to be running a story and want season ticket
holders to respond

and you know JR wont hesitate to respond with it being in the free press

i think this could go on for a while

also just so all of you don't just think wellred is being negative see below some of the official response from the club

Doncaster Rovers - We need all fans to be behind us - This game is that important we need the whole town and every season ticket holder to understand why we are doing this. The board have covered the cost of this. So instead of moaning get all your mates down

Doncaster Rovers - Took off because this is not a time for negative which it seems you are all through this. Get behind team and not moaning all the time. Do you actually know where we advertise and how much it costs plus all the restriction on where we can advertise?

Doncaster Rovers - We do have poster on and do ask for people to put up and no one does. plus we have had them here and asked fans to pick up yet again none. We have videos and advertise throughout town but it makes no difference. Lets make some noise Friday and get the ones who sit there as though asleep going


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #47 on April 19, 2011, 09:15:23 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I think we all agree, and have done for sometime, that there are some important issues in terms of communication, policy, marketing and attitudes that keep recurring and have still to be seen to be addressed.

I think what Gartom and Rob are saying is 'Are we going to let them off the hook ? No we're not.'

I have had the privilege of working with the VSC recently and I can assure you it ain't for the lack of trying. I hope Gareth and Rob will continue to influence those that matter in realising that customers matter and without 'customers' we don't have a club.

I think from the board level there is a will. The decision about Friday's freebies shows they are customer focussed. JRs decision to get amongst the fans again shows that. In between the board and the fans we have some paid individuals at the club who must be under pressure at the moment.  

I'll leave it at that and focus my positive thoughts on GOOD Friday.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #48 on April 19, 2011, 09:17:37 pm by benaldo »
If that's what the club thinks of people who have paid to sit and watch the miserable pile of footballing shite that's been served up to us for the past 4 months then they can go feck themselves. If what I've been watching every home match was equated to food in a restaurant, it'd be like a dogshit sandwich......and, on closer inspection, there's a ginger pube in it.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #49 on April 19, 2011, 09:21:14 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Doncaster Rovers - Took off because this is not a time for negative which it seems you are all through this. Get behind team and not moaning all the time. Do you actually know where we advertise and how much it costs plus all the restriction on where we can advertise?

Doncaster Rovers - We do have poster on and do ask for people to put up and no one does. plus we have had them here and asked fans to pick up yet again none. We have videos and advertise throughout town but it makes no difference. Lets make some noise Friday and get the ones who sit there as though asleep going

I think I can guess who wrote that. Sound familiar Gareth ?

Let's be right. He makes a couple of accurate observations however has he stopped to wonder why ?? We've all told him !!


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #50 on April 19, 2011, 09:21:52 pm by hoolahoop »
Hmmmm some of it sounds quite accurate other bits not at all. The truth sometimes hurts but it is not the place of a business to be openly discourteous to it's customers EVER.
Who has actually written this claptrap ? Imo they should be in a disciplinary hearing.


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #51 on April 19, 2011, 09:28:03 pm by benaldo »
Quote from: \"yapper1901\" post=151950
i think this is going to get a whole lot bigger than just people discussing it on facebook
just seen on Facebook the doncaster free press are going to be running a story and want season ticket
holders to respond

and you know JR wont hesitate to respond with it being in the free press

i think this could go on for a while

also just so all of you don't just think wellred is being negative see below some of the official response from the club

Doncaster Rovers - We need all fans to be behind us - This game is that important we need the whole town and every season ticket holder to understand why we are doing this. The board have covered the cost of this. So instead of moaning get all your mates down

Doncaster Rovers - Took off because this is not a time for negative which it seems you are all through this. Get behind team and not moaning all the time. Do you actually know where we advertise and how much it costs plus all the restriction on where we can advertise?

Doncaster Rovers - We do have poster on and do ask for people to put up and no one does. plus we have had them here and asked fans to pick up yet again none. We have videos and advertise throughout town but it makes no difference. Lets make some noise Friday and get the ones who sit there as though asleep going

And considering that the author of this knackers is, I would guess, getting paid for writing this? The use of English isn't just appalling, it's laughable! It's like a employing a juggler who can't juggle giving this person the job of communications with the public......typical Rovers though. :unsure:


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #52 on April 19, 2011, 09:38:36 pm by yapper1901 »
i just wanted to post i have got it totally wrong it isn't chris mortley who does the Facebook page
i thought he taken over that but apparently not so i apologize

i will edit my original post


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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #53 on April 19, 2011, 10:03:35 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Quote from: \"yapper1901\" post=151950
i think this is going to get a whole lot bigger than just people discussing it on facebook
just seen on Facebook the doncaster free press are going to be running a story and want season ticket
holders to respond

and you know JR wont hesitate to respond with it being in the free press

i think this could go on for a while

also just so all of you don't just think wellred is being negative see below some of the official response from the club

Doncaster Rovers - We need all fans to be behind us - This game is that important we need the whole town and every season ticket holder to understand why we are doing this. The board have covered the cost of this. So instead of moaning get all your mates down

Doncaster Rovers - Took off because this is not a time for negative which it seems you are all through this. Get behind team and not moaning all the time. Do you actually know where we advertise and how much it costs plus all the restriction on where we can advertise?

Doncaster Rovers - We do have poster on and do ask for people to put up and no one does. plus we have had them here and asked fans to pick up yet again none. We have videos and advertise throughout town but it makes no difference. Lets make some noise Friday and get the ones who sit there as though asleep going

Hang on.

Are you really saying that a company with a £10million per year turnover is paying someone to write this on Facebook as a way of marketing itself?

Jesus f**king wept...

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #54 on May 03, 2011, 04:43:59 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
From the OS regarding golf jumper wearing Harry Canwell's work experience...

\"I was set with more exciting tasks. I had to update the team's new Facebook page and ensure it is constantly updated for the fans.\"

Was he responsible for the Facebookgate affair?

Snods Shinpad 2

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Re: The clubs attitude to STH's
« Reply #55 on May 03, 2011, 06:27:11 pm by Snods Shinpad 2 »
Quote from: \"Sheepskin Stu\" post=155183
From the OS regarding golf jumper wearing Harry Canwell's work experience...

\"I was set with more exciting tasks. I had to update the team's new Facebook page and ensure it is constantly updated for the fans.\"

Was he responsible for the Facebookgate affair?

Or is poor Harry the innocent victim of a vicious machiavellian stitch up?


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