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Author Topic: Naive in the Extreme  (Read 2206 times)

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Sammy Chung was King

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Naive in the Extreme
« on January 01, 2014, 11:58:54 pm by Sammy Chung was King »
A Fantastic performance,no getting away from it,but name me any other team that are level with ''One of the Best Teams in the League'',who go chasing a winner,Admirable yes,but totally gullible in the position we are in,a point would have been an excellent result,and i don't think the manager can be blamed for that,you don't chase games against teams with that sort of quality,full of enthusiasm and no brains,that's our players today,a point lost,really encouraged with the performance,but come on guys we need every point going.

What i would have a pop at Paul for is the substitutions,you've got the Qpr defence pinned back so what do you do?,send Brown on who has no pace,yes he can hold the ball up,but no threat in behind,Robinson and Macheda should have stayed on until the end,when will managers learn that sometimes the game is too tight to change things?,substitutions for the sake of it,he's been right many times this season,but not today,please Paul and the team take heart from the performance,but ''Learn from your mistakes''.

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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #1 on January 02, 2014, 12:04:25 am by GazLaz »
Robinson went off injured.


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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #2 on January 02, 2014, 12:08:10 am by GazLaz »
Forrester had the chance to put brown clean through and completely f**ked up. There was nothing wrong with Brownys movement then.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #3 on January 02, 2014, 12:10:36 am by Sammy Chung was King »
I didn't know he was injured Gaz,that's fair enough,i do understand the thinking behind Brown coming on,personally i would have put Forrester up there in place of Robinson with him being injured,it would have kept they're back four more occupied,it's gone now anyway,just hope we learn that chasing a game when we don't need to is stupid,great performance against a highly rated side,tighten those mistakes up and we'll be okay.


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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #4 on January 02, 2014, 12:16:04 am by GazLaz »
It's just another hard luck story . Relegated clubs can tell dozens of them.

In terms of budget we need to over achieve to stay up. We will need luck along the way to do this. We had plenty of it last year, you've got to take the rough with the smooth. If we go down it will be through no lack of effort.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #5 on January 02, 2014, 12:22:50 am by Sammy Chung was King »
This i know it's a cliche nowadays,but this was one of our bonus games,where anything gained is a bonus,because i'd expect QPR to be in the top three or four.


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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #6 on January 02, 2014, 12:46:57 am by RedJ »
It's just another hard luck story . Relegated clubs can tell dozens of them.

All clubs can tell dozens of them. Get a f**king grip eh.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #7 on January 02, 2014, 12:58:07 am by Sammy Chung was King »
A Lot of the QPR fans were very complimentary about our performance today,a fair few were impressed with our passing game,the positive from it all is we got half the available points going,against them,not bad,with a bit of luck and a more cynical side we could have had four.


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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #8 on January 02, 2014, 10:45:15 am by graingrover »
we are NOT relegated... pessimist!


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Re: Naive in the Extreme
« Reply #9 on January 02, 2014, 02:40:41 pm by CusworthRovers »
I really don't understand the mind set of some. What would you have us say about yesterday?

The goalie was shit perhaps?

He wasn't. He was solid. Can't recall one mistake

The defence was shit perhaps?

They were very good to excellent. A make do war horse journeyman and 3 raw kids more than held their own against the cream of Championship (and Prem quality/pedigree) footballers.

The midfield was shit perhaps?

Wellens and Furman dominated the middle against very high quality players. They were getting butchered by the opposition, as they continued to dominate the game. Duffy perhaps displayed himself to be the most technically gifted footballer on the pitch. Cotts put a bloody shift in up and down the pitch helping the team.

The forwards were shit perhaps?

Theo must have run a marathon and never let them settle. They were booting it away in the air or out of play. No ability or time from their CH's caused by Theo et al. Macheda was what their team was missing. He was MoM yesterday.

The subs and timing were shit perhaps?

One was forced and one tactical. Both correct. Browny ran his nads off, as did Forrester

The manager and set up were shit perhaps?

See above write up.
We were the better team and looked to have the better players and system. So said all their fans on the way back and on the tubes.

I'm not sure how anybody can find negativity in yesterday. Especially comparing to the previous months games. We were fantastic, it's that simple.


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