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Author Topic: Baldwin and Dickov  (Read 9505 times)

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Lifelong supporter

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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #60 on October 24, 2014, 08:03:56 pm by Lifelong supporter »
I wouldn't believe everything that Paul Goodwin tweets. It's not correct to say that the club will share confidential information with him, why would they? There's nothing to be gained for the club in doing so.

As I've said before the budget is a good one, and funds are available when required. At this moment in time it doesn't look good, but have a bit of faith, it will turn round, I promise.

How on earth can you promise us 'it will turn round'?
In your lengthy post on this page you say the CEO can't make 'promises' on behalf of the club, so how are you able to?
Or has the club shared confidential information with you which we, and Paul Goodwin, are not privy to?
Brave of you to have a pop at Goodwin by the way when he's not allowed a right of reply on this forum.
Not sure you're right when you state the club wouldn't share confidential information with him because there is nothing to be gained by doing so.
Doesn't Gavin write a column in his paper?

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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #61 on October 24, 2014, 08:53:17 pm by les@donr »

Thanks again for your detailed response to my post. Your previous posts do seem to come across as uncritical of GB and you have full confidence that he will turn things around. I understand your role and you don't want to openly criticize both the Board and the CEO. However, in you last post you were measured in your response and indicated all it not well at the club,  being honest as you can without compromising anything confidential would benefit your rapport with us fellow fans.

Are you concerned that all the success of IRWT with better communication between fans and club could be undone in the current climate of growing disquiet of many genuine fans who see the club sliding back from where we came, the Conference. I too was around in those dark days.
I think as you have said you want the club to act with integrity and honest, we would all welcome that and I would like to ask you as our representative if you could ask the CEO and Board to give us the fans an honest assessment of where we are as a club and how they will address the challenges we are facing both on and off  the pitch.

When you mention we have an above average budget for players, then why do we have a below average performance by the team, and ultimately by the manager? What measure is the Board using to determine whether the manager's performance is a success or failure? Again this is something we do not hear anything about.

I have absolutely no problem with the Keepmoat being a multi-user stadium, as long as Rovers are not subsidizing a loss making partner team. This would be poor business practice.


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #62 on October 24, 2014, 09:34:52 pm by Muttley »

When you mention we have an above average budget for players, then why do we have a below average performance by the team, and ultimately by the manager?

Ah, that old chestnut!

silent majority

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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #63 on October 24, 2014, 10:13:27 pm by silent majority »

I'm concerned that this is a conversation between two people, however if there no objections by others I'll carry on.

It's true, I don't want to be critical of GB, but that's because I've sat in many meetings with different CEOs at different clubs and I can assure you Gavin is, in my opinion, one of the best. This guy, if he's not poached or disillusioned by the current atmosphere around this club, will go far in this game. OK I appreciate people will attack me for stating that, (I'm not worried by the way!) but it's a truism.

Another good example. Because I did a lot of work for the Football League last year with regards to the SLO project I had requests from several CEOs to learn how we did things at DRFC. Every time I asked GB if he could spare an hour two talking to CEOs from other clubs he obliged and gave up valuable time to help me put the message across. It didn't help him directly, but he obliged every time.

Am I concerned about IRWT? Yes I am and have been for a while. The two takeover attempts not only put the project on hold but essentially set it back a very long way. We are talking and discussing things again though, so hopefully we'll put it back on track very soon.

I have passed on my concerns to the club with regard to communication, hopefully we should start to see things improving in that respect very soon. Watch this space.

Budgets? As I've stated previously the manager has the responsibility to come up with the results. He's got a good budget, so far the performances are not matching that. If it continues I'm sure the responses will be measured and fair.


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #64 on October 24, 2014, 10:26:03 pm by bpoolrover »
While I'm not doubting the budget we must be over paying a lot of our players if we can't even fill the bench with experienced players


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #65 on October 24, 2014, 10:34:01 pm by BobG »
We can. There's a list somewhere on here of the bench the other night.



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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #66 on October 24, 2014, 11:09:49 pm by bpoolrover »
Only recently then bob,wellens copps must be on massive wages that's all I can think and maybe forrester


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #67 on October 25, 2014, 02:10:49 am by les@donr »

Again thanks for your message and the details you are able to give about the role of the CEO and also the limitations he has to work with. Perhaps you could ask Gavin how he thinks things can be changed at the club to put it back on track?

Perhaps the IRWT project could be looked at again and an agreement between the Board and supporters be drafted that has both a vision and mission at its core to have supporters engaged in and part of all aspects of the club. I'm sensing an us and them relationship developing between fans and the club at the moment. This needs urgent addressing unless there is a real breach of trust between the two parties, at the end of the day we should be united.

Regarding the future of the manager, if as you say he has had a good budget and he hasn't used it to the maximum effect, then again the Board should be listening to the fans concerns regarding the manager's performance and future at the club.

One related question that you did not answer from my previous posting was as follows: What measure is the Board using to determine whether the manager's performance is a success or failure? Again this is something we do not hear anything about.


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #68 on October 25, 2014, 06:36:20 am by knockers »
Les, Martin has offered you the chance to speak to Gavin in person tomorrow. Why don't you just take up this offer and stop bleating and point scoring in front of the masses. You could then come back on here and let everyone know how you got on. The fact that this can happen surely tells you a lot about our club and the way that they will engage with the supporters. How many clubs would you get this chance with?


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #69 on October 25, 2014, 09:17:16 am by IDM »
Les, looking at your last point - and this is only my speculation - perhaps how the board measures the manager's performance is rightly kept behind closed doors?

We know from recent experience that this board does not wash its dirty linen in public so to speak, so why start now? 

I believe this should be a matter between the board and the manager alone.

silent majority

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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #70 on October 25, 2014, 09:38:47 am by silent majority »
I did answer that question, I said why would the club make its managers strategy public? It would be impossible for the manager and the club to do its normal business if everybody knew what the trigger points and performance targets were. So, as IDM points out, it's rightly kept behind closed doors.


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #71 on October 25, 2014, 03:56:26 pm by les@donr »
Martin, I have looked back at your posts and do not find a direct answer to my question. However, I'm satisfied by your answer in your last post. I did PM you regarding a meeting with Gavin.

silent majority

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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #72 on October 25, 2014, 06:55:14 pm by silent majority »
Could you pm me again, I don't appear to have it?


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Re: Baldwin and Dickov
« Reply #73 on October 25, 2014, 09:04:57 pm by les@donr »
Martin, I PM'ed you!


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