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Author Topic: Cat got your tongue Mick?  (Read 1372 times)

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Cat got your tongue Mick?
« on March 10, 2015, 10:37:38 pm by BobG »
It's fascinating sitting here watching your increasingly desparate attempts to avoid the contempt in which you are held by this entire forum, and, your fatuous attempts this evening to impress people. You've won over a thousand quid? Pull the other one. Why don't you scan the betting slips and post them up here? You can't. And I know now what excuse you'll give us. You chucked 'em away.

You're blown Mick. People know you for what you are. Your replies yesterday to my perfectly reasonable and rational questions, and your repeated ignoring of Wilts question, tells us all that you are a loser. A loser with a massive inferiority complex. A loser who does nothing but lie. A loser who can't cope when people laugh at him. And people are laughing at you all the time now Mick. You wouldn't believe the IM's I get about you. You wanna know the one thing they all have in common? Their contempt for you. Folk on here despise you Mick. What's it like to be the most despised man on this entire forum?

The cat has got your tongue Mick. You can't bring yourself to speak about reality. That complex of yours has taken over your life. It will destroy it too if you don't do soemthing positive for a change.


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Re: Cat got your tongue Mick?
« Reply #1 on March 10, 2015, 10:52:04 pm by IC1967 »
It's fascinating sitting here watching your increasingly desparate attempts to avoid the contempt in which you are held by this entire forum, and, your fatuous attempts this evening to impress people. You've won over a thousand quid? Pull the other one. Why don't you scan the betting slips and post them up here? You can't. And I know now what excuse you'll give us. You chucked 'em away.

You're blown Mick. People know you for what you are. Your replies yesterday to my perfectly reasonable and rational questions, and your repeated ignoring of Wilts question, tells us all that you are a loser. A loser with a massive inferiority complex. A loser who does nothing but lie. A loser who can't cope when people laugh at him. And people are laughing at you all the time now Mick. You wouldn't believe the IM's I get about you. You wanna know the one thing they all have in common? Their contempt for you. Folk on here despise you Mick. What's it like to be the most despised man on this entire forum?

The cat has got your tongue Mick. You can't bring yourself to speak about reality. That complex of yours has taken over your life. It will destroy it too if you don't do soemthing positive for a change.


Hahahha! I must be really getting to you. Cat got my tongue? Are you having a laugh? Have you read the numerous posts I put out there. You'd be  on stronger ground if you argued the opposite point of view.

I know I'm not popular. I couldn't care less. Why on earth would I expect to be popular on a forum full of the hard left? I feel it is my duty to be the voice of reason to counter all the leftie drivel that is so prevalent on this forum.

Now one thing I cannot be accused of is not answering questions. I answer everything that is thrown at me. You on the other hand ignore nearly all my questions as do your leftie mates.

You're all just annoyed that I'm more than a match for your nonsensical points of view.

Inferiority complex? That's a laugh. If you tried to say I had a superiority complex you'd be on stronger ground. I probably come across as superior but this is only because I always win the debate. Trust me I am a very modest person who just happens to have a far superior intellect to all you lefties put together.

Now crack on with answering those questions I've thrown at you about the TTIP or at the very least get an abject apology sorted.



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Re: Cat got your tongue Mick?
« Reply #2 on March 10, 2015, 11:09:37 pm by BobG »
I'm sitting here laughing Mick. I'm laughing at you. Just like a lot of other people are.

Just from that one post above:

Lie number 1: that you answer every question
Lie number 2: that the cat hasn;'t got your tongue. It has. It's hardly my fault you are so dim you can neither read nor understand the sense in which I made the point
Lie number 3: That this forum is full of 'hard left'. if you ever met someone from the hard left you'd shit yourself Mick. Once again your lack of knowledge betrays you.

And then there's the inferiority complex all over that post. Read it again Mick. It's full of it. You're so desparate to defend the indefensible that the whole thing shouts it.

I am going to haunt you Mick. I am going to plague you. I hope I can discover your whereabouts because then I will publicly post what you are and see whether or not you have the balls to start an action for libel. You won't though. You're gutless as well as everything else.



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Re: Cat got your tongue Mick?
« Reply #3 on March 10, 2015, 11:37:17 pm by NickDRFC »
Jesus Christ Bob. If Mick is unstable I would suggest that on the strength of your recent posts here that you're not far off. Go and put your energies back into your son or some other far more worthwhile activity.


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Re: Cat got your tongue Mick?
« Reply #4 on March 11, 2015, 07:21:00 am by Boomstick »
The only unstable person I see here is BobG.
His attacks on ic1967 are obsessive.


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