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Author Topic: Chanting  (Read 30292 times)

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #150 on November 10, 2015, 09:42:11 am by idler »
Didn't you once put on Facebook that you wanted to or would enjoy burying a VSC member under your patio?
That's not exactly grown up is it?
I've been at every AGM so far and don't know you from Adam but you have never voiced concerns or disgust at any of these. You should have the courage of your convictions, not just sniping and trying to raise discontent.

Idler you must remember him from last year's AGM.
He was the one that turned up about 20mins late suffering from small man syndrome and tried to sneaked in unnoticed.  :welcome:
I do remember that incident as I was sat fairly near but didn't pay too much attention as I was listening to the speaker at the time.
I certainly wouldn't remember his face. I would just like to meet some of these lads face to face so that they could tell me why as a VSC member I am suddenly the anti-Christ after following the Rovers for 57 years.
I even put a tenner into their fund for the flag.

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #151 on November 10, 2015, 09:53:43 am by PopStander »
End of the day it was maybe 5 minutes in a 90 minute game where this chant was sung, it usually lasts seconds because people don't join in.

So that's 85 minutes of singing, drum banging and flag waving people forgot about because on this...

People should think what the same game would of been like this time last year, yes a library!

 :bbscarf: :bbscarf: :bbscarf: :bbscarf:


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #152 on November 10, 2015, 10:00:24 am by idler »
Shhh. I'm reading.🤓

Rovers Return

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #153 on November 10, 2015, 11:50:11 am by Rovers Return »
Didn't you once put on Facebook that you wanted to or would enjoy burying a VSC member under your patio?
That's not exactly grown up is it?
I've been at every AGM so far and don't know you from Adam but you have never voiced concerns or disgust at any of these. You should have the courage of your convictions, not just sniping and trying to raise discontent.

Idler you must remember him from last year's AGM.
He was the one that turned up about 20mins late suffering from small man syndrome and tried to sneaked in unnoticed.  :welcome:
I do remember that incident as I was sat fairly near but didn't pay too much attention as I was listening to the speaker at the time.
I certainly wouldn't remember his face. I would just like to meet some of these lads face to face so that they could tell me why as a VSC member I am suddenly the anti-Christ after following the Rovers for 57 years.
I even put a tenner into their fund for the flag.

I remember him! He even attempted to join in on our conversation.

Honestly, my opinion, my impression, mine only............

in my day he would be described as 'not the full shilling', 'wire missing', 'one brick short of a full load', ....


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #154 on November 10, 2015, 12:17:46 pm by Alickismyhero »
What I find interesting is that this individual has made more comments on the VSC forum than he has done in months on the DRSG forum and yet he fundamentally disagrees with everything the VSC stands for.

I certainly would not ban him from this forum but would assist him to come to terms with his demons, he needs help!


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #155 on November 10, 2015, 04:39:32 pm by Mike_F »
The anti-VSC chants don't take f*** all away from the support the team get. They still got a lot of support yesterday. The VSC brought all this on themselves.

I'm assuming this muppet has now been banned again/gone back to his little crew of sycophants boasting about how he wound up the mesters down the road. I still had to take umbrage with the above though.

The pathetic chants absolutely did and do detract from the atmosphere. Quite a few people know me and more would probably recognise me by sight and sound. It's probably fair to say that over the last 15 years I've been one of the loudest, most vocal supporters and started many a song at every game I've been to. I'm not trying to big myself up as some sort of super-fan or anything, I just enjoy a good shout at the match.

I've been delighted to see the Black Bank taking off this season as I'm getting a bit old to try and drive the atmosphere these days and it's great to see some younger lads taking on the mantle but I still like to make an effort from my regular spot to the left of the main Black Bank throng.

As someone who has also been a long-standing member (and one time director) of the VSC the amount of bile directed at the trust thanks to a few petty personal disagreements really knocks the wind out of my sails (and lungs). There was a point on Saturday at which I thought about some of the great times I had at matches and in the fans' panel etc. with Andy Liney. I thought about our trip to John Ryan's house to discuss fan engagement. I thought about the hassle I got from my wife for giving up time I could be spending with her to go to VSC board meetings and liaise with club officials.

I thought it's no wonder such a great man as Andy Liney turned his back on the club. I thought I would be better off doing the same. I was ready to walk out and never come back. Then I thought that would be letting the likes of Ghosh and co win. The young supporters are the future of the club. Hopefully they'll realise how big a responsibility that is.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #156 on November 10, 2015, 05:03:45 pm by ctay »
So how do we bridge the obvious divide?

Maybe its a society thing?


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #157 on November 10, 2015, 05:20:26 pm by graingrover »
Mike AND iDLER ;though I too have supported the new Black Bank I find criticism of VSC in the way it is done very cowardly .I really believe that the vast majority of people who read it and hear it find the children who do it as just that and the older ones as sily cowards. It is so easy to big yourself up when hiding in a crowd or going on the internet especially if you ca hide behind an alias .  but the people who do it are always those who have need to escape the real world because their real self is usually quite unable to fill the same rĂ´le in real life .

      It is very puerile and as someone just said a new  'societal ' thing .

wilts rover

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #158 on November 10, 2015, 05:28:39 pm by wilts rover »
Apparently the user known as Nathan West is reading this thread at the same time as I am (so he hasn't been banned, just not posting). Lets hope he has taken some of it in.

walter the red

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #159 on November 10, 2015, 05:41:11 pm by walter the red »
No Popsider the chanting was a lot longer than 5 minutes ( in 2 or 3 segments ) Also who is the "Shouter " who shouts out the first few lines of what they are to sing ( ? ) next-is it that Nathan or whoever he is .?
I am sure at least 50% of the lads have no idea what they are chanting about -just like lemmins follow the leaders over a cliff !


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #160 on November 10, 2015, 05:59:01 pm by Yorkiered »
Apparently the user known as Nathan West is reading this thread at the same time as I am (so he hasn't been banned, just not posting). Lets hope he has taken some of it in.

Sorry Wilts, just because you can see a person as showing online it doesn't mean they are not banned from posting

wilts rover

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #161 on November 10, 2015, 06:23:46 pm by wilts rover »
Ahh, you mean he hasn't taken it in and we are going to get more of his drivel under a different user name in the near future....

..thanks for that!!


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #162 on November 10, 2015, 06:33:10 pm by swintonrover »
He's banned from posting, he was bragging on Twitter

wing commander

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #163 on November 10, 2015, 06:41:02 pm by wing commander »
He achieved his attention seeking aim then...He can boast to his mates now about how unfair it is...I would have left him on,he digs his own grave...


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #164 on November 10, 2015, 06:54:25 pm by eastender »
He achieved his attention seeking aim then...He can boast to his mates now about how unfair it is...I would have left him on,he digs his own grave...

Attention seeker he certainly is , for those of you who still haven't worked it out .

He was the one at the meet the owners night wearing his home made "# Dickov Out" t shirt.

The Red Baron

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #165 on November 10, 2015, 07:04:56 pm by The Red Baron »
He achieved his attention seeking aim then...He can boast to his mates now about how unfair it is...I would have left him on,he digs his own grave...

I agree. He enjoys playing the martyr. People who don't want to read his outpourings can always ignore him.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #166 on November 10, 2015, 11:57:41 pm by Sammy Chung was King »
He achieved his attention seeking aim then...He can boast to his mates now about how unfair it is...I would have left him on,he digs his own grave...

Attention seeker he certainly is , for those of you who still haven't worked it out .

He was the one at the meet the owners night wearing his home made "# Dickov Out" t shirt.

That was probably the best thing he has achieved in football, for once he was right!.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #167 on November 11, 2015, 06:20:38 am by Jonathan »
He achieved his attention seeking aim then...He can boast to his mates now about how unfair it is...I would have left him on,he digs his own grave...

Attention seeker he certainly is , for those of you who still haven't worked it out .

He was the one at the meet the owners night wearing his home made "# Dickov Out" t shirt.

That was probably the best thing he has achieved in football, for once he was right!.

Achieved? He made himself look a tit so he achieved that, although he appears to be capable of doing so with such regularity that it's barely worthy of passing comment.

I don't think the Board made the decision to change the manager because of some no-mark wearing a t shirt.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 06:35:21 am by Jonathan »

no eyed deer

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #168 on November 11, 2015, 07:24:31 pm by no eyed deer »
At what point did he overstep to mark to get himself a banned


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #169 on November 11, 2015, 08:00:39 pm by donnyallday »
Probably due to the fact of being a nuisance. He ought to put more effort into the DRSG  forum seeing as its died of death.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #170 on November 11, 2015, 08:44:48 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
At what point did he overstep to mark to get himself a banned

Making an alias account after having been previously banned. So the moment he started posting using this account, that's at what point.

no eyed deer

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #171 on November 11, 2015, 08:58:50 pm by no eyed deer »
Well that's a better answer than just being a nuisance . Not trying to be an ass, but just read through his posts and couldn't see to much wrong other than winding people up.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #172 on November 11, 2015, 09:12:37 pm by roversdude »
It's about time people stopped having a pop at the VSC and the board for that matter
I for one am happy to support both
Chins up lads and keep up the good work
Amazing really how many posts slagged off individual members yet the thread (rightly) giving kudos to Al for the Halloween event wasn't mentioned
We seem to be missing a few of our regular doom mongers at the moment (thankfully)


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #173 on November 11, 2015, 10:40:50 pm by PDX_Rover »
Ghosh is 22. And if you look at his Twitter and Facebook pages, he's clearly deluded. Ignore him. He glosses over the fact that he was banned as he was previously banned.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #174 on November 12, 2015, 12:25:01 am by hoolahoop »
Rigo  good to see you back again . are you still a reporter and what team do you support these days ?


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