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Author Topic: EU Referendum Result - predictions  (Read 22794 times)

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #120 on June 24, 2016, 03:18:13 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Once again. It is thoroughly well demonstrated that migrants pay MORE in tax than they take out in services.

If you have a problem with getting NHS access, the reason is NOT migrants. It's Govt decisions on spending.

Do you think the next Govt with Johnson, IDS and Gove in charge and Farsge snapping at their b*llocks will spend more on public services?

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #121 on June 24, 2016, 03:50:10 pm by Sad-Rovers »
I'm still sticking to 54-46 Remain.

^ The moment the civilised world knew leave would win.


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #122 on June 24, 2016, 04:40:54 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
I'm still sticking to 54-46 Remain.

^ The moment the civilised world knew leave would win.

Aye. I did it to convince the bookies to change the odds...


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #123 on June 24, 2016, 08:10:52 pm by Donnywolf »
They DID and fartarse (me) fell for it as usual

I have but £25 left in my "pot" and sorry England but its all going on us beating Iceland ! Just got to decide whether we can do them in 90 mins for 1/3 or "qualify" anyhow at for 1/5.

Copps is Magic

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #124 on June 24, 2016, 08:58:48 pm by Copps is Magic »
Also thinking openly here about the decision not to allow 16/17 year olds the right to vote in this referendum. I am trying to do some ghetto maths to see if it would have made a difference to the outcome. I'm getting the result it would have made it much much closer but not actually changed the outcome. Anyone know better?

On that subject, and at the risk of talking to myself, I caught a news article earlier - a street interviewer was getting the voice of 'ordinary' people in Barnsley. They interviewed Shelia (let's just call her that). Shelia was wearing a shellsuit you see. Pink and green it was, all kind of pastel colours. She was also wearing big bulky white sunglasses as well. Shelia voted out of course, and couldn't really explain why. They also interviewed this young women who worked in the market selling gold who had eyebrows that would pass as runways if she was stood close to an airport. She said something to the tune of 'Britain for British'.

The last interview was with this old couple. 'Which way did you vote?' said the inquisitive reporter. 'Out', came the reply. 'Why?'. 'One word, immigration'. Of she trotted into the sunset while her husband followed about 5 yards behind with his Sainsburys bags in hand adamantly trying to keep up and, although it looked like he desperately wanted to engage in a critical debate, he just simply turned to the camera and chortled.

Now, be wrong to make generalisations, but the few 16/17 year olds I know, in my family and what not, generally tend to be quite lucid, enthusiastic, energetic, sometimes critical, sometimes naive people. I mean, I reckon they might just well be able give the older folk of Barnsley a run for their money. These are subversive thoughts really and I should probably let the custodians of democracy in Barnsley and elsewhere carry on.


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #125 on June 24, 2016, 09:08:29 pm by RedJ »
Wonder if they can even spell referendum in Barnsley...

Copps is Magic

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #126 on June 24, 2016, 09:19:05 pm by Copps is Magic »
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone for being poorly educated. Education can mean a broad number of things and shouldn't just be measured by formal schooling. I mean, it seems indiscriminate to me to exclude young people based solely on the criteria of age when (I would guess) in nearly all instances it isn't the most important factor determining someone's capability (and suitability) to vote.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 09:27:17 pm by Copps is Magic »


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #127 on June 24, 2016, 09:20:10 pm by RedJ »
I wasn't knocking the education of leave voters, for the record.

Copps is Magic

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #128 on June 24, 2016, 09:25:07 pm by Copps is Magic »
Just the education of dingles?


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #129 on June 24, 2016, 09:26:30 pm by BillyStubbsTears »


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #130 on June 24, 2016, 09:32:30 pm by darren61 »
You would have been quite justified in doing so though, RedJ

You really are a nasty piece of work, you make me sick. Just because someone doesnt agree with you they must be stupid?


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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #131 on June 24, 2016, 09:37:19 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Not at all. I'm not saying that at all.

The facts are there though. There was a clear correlation between educational achievement and the vote choice yesterday.

Now, as it happens, I know people with degrees who are as thick as pig shit when it comes to making joined up decisions. And the most politically insightful person I've ever met was my grandad who left school at 13 to go down the pit.

So no, I'm not calling people thick for disagreeing with me. But facts are facts. People with lower educational levels disproportionately voted Out yesterday. And vice versa.

I actually think that BOTH sides of that equation are worrying for the future cohesion of our country.

Ignoring those facts or saying that someone who raises them is a "nasty piece of work" who "makes you sick" is not going to change the existence of that divide. What really worries me at the moment is how we start to address it.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 09:41:28 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: EU Referendum Result - predictions
« Reply #132 on June 25, 2016, 12:20:03 am by Sammy Chung was King »
Cameron said back when they were voted in, that he wouldn't serve the full term as prime minister. The eu out vote has just quickened his exit!.
I think long term leaving is going to be a good decision for our country, for many reasons i have mentioned before. Us leaving won't suddenly fix all the problems. Our country is much the same as many others, in that the money still isn't flowing quick enough.
I expected a drop in the value of the pound, it's the unknown for other countries, once things are being run as normal the value of the pound might even rise above what it was before we decided to leave.

I found both sides a little disgusting, the way they played on peoples fears, it just took me back to when the tories somehow were elected.
I really think the time is coming near, where there will be a reorganisation of how politics will go on into the future. The main parties saying pretty similar things, and the other alternatives, greens that want everybody on a bike, and everything to be solar powered!.
Or you have racist parties desperate to get they're claws into our great country, then you have the sneakier versions like farage, who play to the publics fears, and try to get in power by the backdoor.
 Whatever happens him, and those of his ilk must not get to rule, otherwise the leave decision will be regretted. Did anybody see the heavies stood around him celebrating, did they look like the normal politician type to you?. That was a worrying scene for me, after the countries people had decided our fate.

The time is coming where people will show they're lack of belief in how things are. Some of this i suspect along with worrying about our country, was also a protest vote, people showing they have had enough of how things are being run!.
I don't think it was an easy decision to vote leave or remain, i suspect the characters involved on each side aren't really a factor. This vote is seen as a start in the right direction towards, the country being run for the people.
I don't see this decision being a major problem, because i see other countries following our lead, and leaving, starting the dismantling of the eu system.

I see our country having a bright future, after a small period when uncertainty reigns. We will still trade with other european countries, but we will also expand our market to sell to further afield.
 And also we will be trading around the world, this will bring the cost of living down in the long term. Other countries leaders won't admit it, but a lot will admire our balls, to be the first to decide to leave. Those who voted leave still have the fears of what if it goes wrong, but i honestly don't think it will.
The main thing is, that whichever way you voted, we all want the best for our country, there will be multiple problems to be ironed out over the coming months. Then i see it calming down, deals being done and our country getting stronger!.


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