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Author Topic: Who's already lost faith in Allardice  (Read 2712 times)

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phil old leake

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Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« on August 23, 2016, 09:32:40 pm by phil old leake »
I've been looking at Big Sam as England boss so far.  I feel he's already out of his depth.  I was actually in favour of him but now I'm thinking I was wrong

1 States he's going to ask Jose where he wants him to play Rooney surely as the manager of England he decides who plays and where they play. Not the club

2 He continues the obsession with Joe Hart. He had a shit Euros and has been dropped by his club. By a man far more successful and knowledgeable than Sam. I'm not saying he's a bad keeper far from it but if you're out of form you shouldn't be picked by club name or reputation. I think the Iceland result did Hodgson a favour.  If we had some how scraped through he would have had a difficult decision to make whether to stick with an out of form big name or try someone else who is in my opinion just as good. Forster

3 The door is open for John Terry.  Move on he's history. I was hoping for a clean sweep a new outlook and hopefully some fresh faces selected on merit

Looks like I'm going to be VERY  DISAPOINTED

I await his next moment of genius and forward thinking

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #1 on August 23, 2016, 09:54:32 pm by DonnyOsmond »
1. You want to play him same position for both. That'll get the best out of him.

2. He's one of the best two keepers we have anyway with Forster.

3. What's wrong with having options?


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #2 on August 23, 2016, 10:07:19 pm by Monkcaster_Rover »
Christ alive the blokes not had a chance to manage a game yet.

I wasn't enthralled when he was appointed but I'm willing to give him a bit of time.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #3 on August 24, 2016, 12:31:33 am by Sammy Chung was King »
Joe hart seems to be an arrogant p..ck but most of them probably are. We aren't overloaded with other options and the ones he could have picked over him are injured.
I see players slowly filtering through that will improve things, the question will always be can they perform in a tournament?.
 To add to the last tournaments squad you would like to think when fit butland is number one. Luke shaw comes in at left back, john stones starts at centre back as he should have done in the euros.
Aaron cresswell when fit as an option, drinkwater, townsend. There are quite a few that can come in but will the mentality change?. The manager can get them organised, pick a formation and motivate them then it's down to them how the game goes.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #4 on August 24, 2016, 06:27:10 am by roversdude »
SCWK I agree with Butland as No1 if he proves himself after injury - thought he was immense last season
John Terry could be used to pass on experience
Rooney hmmmm certainly not captain but maybe in the team but not built around him


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #5 on August 24, 2016, 07:45:21 am by Bezza »
lets see what he comes up with before jumping on his back, give him a chance  at least Big Sam will be patriotic and his team will put a shift in ,talking about players doesn`t mean he will play them.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #6 on August 24, 2016, 08:03:50 am by colincramb »
See, what I don't get is why people think "now Sam is manager at least the team will put a shift in".

My question is why? Why do people assume this will automatically be the case? It's essentially going to be the same set of players.

Personally, I don't think anything will change. Players, despite what they say, are only focussed on playing for their clubs, where money talks and they are rewarded with high bonuses.

Unfortunately in this day and age, it appears players lack the motivation to play for England


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #7 on August 24, 2016, 08:16:58 am by DonnyBazR0ver »
Our problems seem to extend beyond the personnel selected. Won't be making any judgements until we see Sam's influence. The qualifying campaign was acceptable but at consecutive competitions our performances have been woeful.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #8 on August 24, 2016, 08:18:47 am by IDM »
Should we not wait until the team has played a handful of competitive fixtures before we (pre) judge????


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #9 on August 24, 2016, 08:24:44 am by jmt »
I disagree, the players will be desperate to win a major competition.

The Red Baron

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #10 on August 24, 2016, 08:44:13 am by The Red Baron »
To take on the points made by the OP.

1. Rooney. Probably best to use him in the same role that he plays regularly for his club. If that is up front it means competing for a place with the likes of Kane and Vardy. Kane was as disappointing as any England player at the Euros and Vardy will only succeed if England are set up to play to his strengths. In that context Rooney up front doesn't seem such a poor option.

2. Hart. Like Kane a huge let down in France, but still one of only 3-4 international class English keepers. The others are Butland (still injured), Forster and (at a pinch) Ben Foster. So no, I wouldn't throw Hart under the bus (it would probably go under him!). But Allardyce is right to warn that he needs to be playing regularly.

3. John Terry. Should have been asked to come out of retirement for the Euros. Past his best but still the sort of leader and organiser every team needs. England at the Euros reminded me a lot of Rovers last season- lacking someone on the pitch who could shake up the players when needed. (Rooney's captaincy style is not dissimilar to Coppinger's). Allardyce is right to at least keep that door open.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #11 on August 24, 2016, 09:54:27 am by DearneValleyRover »
Anyone who takes on the role of England Manager is on a hiding to nothing, given that we are talking about the same players again leads me to conclude that the FA pick the squad from which the Manager can pick the team, nothing will change until this interference stops.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #12 on August 24, 2016, 10:18:12 am by CGJ »
If you read his Autobiography "Big Sam" you may find there is a lot more to the man than his public profile may have appeared to have shown previously.
 A lot of deep thought, commitment and progressive thinking are also part of his make-up.
Give him chance!


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #13 on August 24, 2016, 10:22:24 am by NickDRFC »
I'm not his biggest fan but thought that once they'd decided they wanted an English boss he was the best available candidate. It's ludicrous to write him off before a squad has been picked, let alone a match has been played!


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #14 on August 24, 2016, 11:35:45 am by steve@dcfd »
Going back to the Euros and now

The formation Roy chose was wrong

Rooney should have played behind a striker either
Kane or Vardy. That what he should do now.

Hart should have been dropped for Forrester
Now when Butlands fit he should play
Hart a squad player if he finds first team football

John Terry should have played in the Euros and if he is still in Chelsea's first team should be in the England team


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #15 on August 24, 2016, 12:17:56 pm by Jonathan »
All the fuss over the captaincy mystifies me. Just pick a team, then allocate the captaincy and send them out.

Naming the England captain outside of the match day arena makes it more and more difficult to make a selection based on form. It builds up an expectation, mainly driven by the press, and from that basis we've historically started shoe horning players around it. With no disrespect to Rooney at all, if I was Allardyce I'd dismiss all the questions over the captaincy and tell the media to just wait until I pick each team. It needs a culture shift away from this supposedly ambassadorial and untouchable long term role. Unless, as I've sometimes suspected, sponsors make some demands regarding England captaincy.

I'd add that I don't see anything wrong with Rooney the captain. He's grown up a lot, takes responsibility and does display some leadership qualities. But why saddle yourself with almost having to pick him or creating all this furore around dropping 'the captain' if you see fit? It's nonsense. 

phil old leake

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #16 on August 24, 2016, 12:29:34 pm by phil old leake »
With regard to a big Sam team. I agree who says they will be more patriotic and put a shift in. There's no evidence of that

With regard to JT it wasn't that long ago he got an arse on with Robbie Savage criticising him saying how could any one who hasn't played at the level he had and won what he had tell him how to play

On that basis he would have major issues with Sam. That alone indicates his attitude and possible issues that he could cause

God forbid someone advising him about football.

The Red Baron

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #17 on August 24, 2016, 12:54:55 pm by The Red Baron »
With regard to a big Sam team. I agree who says they will be more patriotic and put a shift in. There's no evidence of that

With regard to JT it wasn't that long ago he got an arse on with Robbie Savage criticising him saying how could any one who hasn't played at the level he had and won what he had tell him how to play

On that basis he would have major issues with Sam. That alone indicates his attitude and possible issues that he could cause

God forbid someone advising him about football.

Different matter between a gobby pundit and someone who has paid his dues as a manager.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #18 on August 24, 2016, 01:21:06 pm by DonnyOsmond »
Plus Mourinho didn't do much with a playing career.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #19 on August 24, 2016, 05:55:29 pm by idler »
Bertie Mee was only the physio at Arsenal before taking them to the double.
Different days I know but some managers handle players and get more out of them than others.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #20 on August 25, 2016, 12:51:55 am by Sammy Chung was King »
Allardyce has wrongly been given a reputation as a 'long ball', restricted thinking manager, he is much more than that!. He is one of the most 'forward thinking' of managers, he was using prozone way before any of the top managers over here.
At bolton he started off playing long ball, but as he got better players he slightly altered how they went about things. You don't sign okocha, hierro, campo and ask them to play long ball.
Wenger was one of the main instigators of him getting that reputation, because of his whining when they got outbattled and outplayed by a 'smaller' team!.

I see allardyce as a manager who plays the best way to suit what he has. He gives them the information on the opposition, he get's his teams organised and hard to beat. The thing people are wondering, how will he cope against all these tactical geniuses?.
 A lot of it is a myth, alex ferguson was a fantastic manager but it wasn't his genius that won most of the trophies, it was having the best players.
He cocked up big time against bayern in the treble season, but got away with it because of the options he had on the bench. Portugal were not the most talented team at the euro's. They had one big star and other very good players willing to 'adapt' they're game, to get the best from ronaldo.

The england side has enough talent it just didn't have a plan on how they were going to win the thing. He will give them the organisation, they will know they're jobs, unlike under hodgson.
 People complicate football too much, if the players have the belief they can beat anybody, have no fear about facing any team, then that alone can take you a long way. Add the talent we have and we should always have a chance.
He can only do things his way and see how it goes. I see no reason why we could get any worse, i see us improving but it will take time.
His teams have never feared playing anybody!.

 Fear stunted the talent we had at the euro's, they froze and iceland needed to do only the basics to beat us. It was shameful, no fight any skills the players possessed gone, i don't see that happening again we will lose games but there will be fight in the team. They will show pride in the shirt.
Allardyce is one of the last of the 'old school' managers, who treat players like men, i think he will do well for us.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #21 on August 25, 2016, 08:56:13 am by DonnyOsmond »
Fergie didn't have the best players. He coached decision making and managed to win the league with players like O'Shea, Wes Brown, etc. He could get extra out of average players.


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #22 on August 25, 2016, 08:58:12 am by Glyn_Wigley »
What? An England manager exploring all his possibilities? Disgraceful, I tells you!


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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #23 on August 25, 2016, 08:57:28 pm by idler »
Fergie didn't have the best players. He coached decision making and managed to win the league with players like O'Shea, Wes Brown, etc. He could get extra out of average players.
You can win things with one or two below par players though if the rest of the team are very good and know the system inside out.
It also helps if the refs are too scared to challenge the manager or club. 😉

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Who's already lost faith in Allardice
« Reply #24 on August 26, 2016, 01:58:42 am by Sammy Chung was King »
Fergie didn't have the best players. He coached decision making and managed to win the league with players like O'Shea, Wes Brown, etc. He could get extra out of average players.

I'm not devaluing how good a manager he was, he proved that in his last season. How he got that squad to win the title was unbelievable, and by such a number of points.
I see allardyce as somebody who get's the best from players, not in the same league as fergie granted. He very rarely seems to waste money, when he signs players they tend to perform.
 And he seems to have a way of keeping players happy even if they aren't playing. Can anybody remember some of the players on the bench regularly at bolton?, and i never heard any problems in the papers, players moaning or anything like that.

What i like about him is he has always badly wanted the job. He has probably been working out who he would pick for years. He should have got it when Maclaren did but i think his man utd links swung it for him. Plus he did well at middlesbrough for a time.
Hodgson was highly qualified to be the manager if anything england got him ten years too late. He was in the end seen as a 'safe' choice, when if they had been a touch braver, that last tournament was wide open.
 A competent manager could maybe have got us a bit further. Despite my feelings that we could win it, in hindsight that was never on the cards.


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