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Who would you appoint?

Ritchie Wellens
58 (43.9%)
Stephen Robinson
53 (40.2%)
John Eustace
21 (15.9%)

Total Members Voted: 131

Voting closed: May 13, 2021, 09:49:46 pm

Author Topic: If it was your choice?  (Read 4645 times)

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #30 on May 13, 2021, 01:32:56 pm by BobG »
Be funny, woldn't it, if, come the announcement, it is somebody else entirely!



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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #31 on May 13, 2021, 02:23:13 pm by LincsRover »
Be funny, woldn't it, if, come the announcement, it is somebody else entirely!



I’m hoping for a curve Ball, I have to admit as none of the above are especially inspiring. Whoever it is will get my support though.  :rtid:


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #32 on May 13, 2021, 02:40:52 pm by anton123 »
Is today the day they announce with it been press day and all or is there no press day now season is over ?


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #33 on May 13, 2021, 02:42:02 pm by Monkcaster_Rover »
Is today the day they announce with it been press day and all or is there no press day now season is over ?

Either today, tomorrow or Monday!

Fingers crossed it's late on today.

Branton Rover

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #34 on May 13, 2021, 02:55:43 pm by Branton Rover »
I voted Wellens but I was very close to voting for Robinson - I don’t get the anti Wellens feelings from some, I get he may have ruffled feathers way back when but we’re appointing a football manager not a social worker

bedale rover

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #35 on May 13, 2021, 03:10:10 pm by bedale rover »
Wellens will leg it to the north west as soon as he is able to

The WE in wellens is illusory

Bentley Bullet

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #36 on May 13, 2021, 03:19:31 pm by Bentley Bullet »
In that context perhaps we shouldn't trust Robinson near the till or discuss Brexit with Eustace?

Branton Rover

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #37 on May 13, 2021, 03:45:27 pm by Branton Rover »
I know Wellens isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and he might have rubbed people up the wrong way in the past but we’re after a manager not a social worker


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #38 on May 13, 2021, 03:49:44 pm by PDX_Rover »
Wellens always struck me as being arrogant. i hope he has learned to temper that with some humility.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #39 on May 13, 2021, 03:50:49 pm by keyser_soze »
I know Wellens isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and he might have rubbed people up the wrong way in the past but we’re after a manager not a social worker

OK he's a long way from a Steve Evans or a Joey Barton, but I do think the side would benefit from a manager with a bit of an edge. Particularly right now, i can't imagine he would have stood for the absolute capitulation of this season. I'm basing most of my recent opinion of the guy (as a manager at least) on his podcast with Copps but he really did talk a good game on there.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #40 on May 13, 2021, 03:56:07 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I know Wellens isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and he might have rubbed people up the wrong way in the past but we’re after a manager not a social worker

Yes, but when you're managing a group of players you also need to have a range of soft skills. It's not the army and we don't need a sergeant major!

I think he can plan and execute a game plan and pretty much get square pegs in the right holes to win games but the question is whether he can adapt and compromise when the situation needs it.

We need a bit of everything and hopefully, the thorough process will do its job.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #41 on May 13, 2021, 04:44:16 pm by RoversAlias »
I think our fans need to get away from this "X manager will abandon us" worry. It is understandable after what happened with the last two, but it is the nature of the game. If our next manager does well - and we surely all hope he does - then odds are he will attract interest. If we appoint Robinson and he gets us promoted, what if Northern Ireland come calling? Or a top half Championship side? Same for Eustace or anyone, let alone Wellens.

As long as we sort out better contracts with the manager, I'd say we will have done all we can on that front. You either appoint someone who might leave because they do well, or appoint someone who won't leave because they aren't good enough. There is little else between those two options in my opinion.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #42 on May 13, 2021, 05:09:30 pm by ravenrover »
It seems the majority of fans want someone who will show a certain loyalty to the club and not walk at the first opportunity. Unfortunately, Rovers will probably always be seen as a stepping stone, it goes with the territory I’m afraid and in fairness it’s something most clubs have to deal with, including the big ones. As a Bolton fan I’m sticking my nose in here and whilst I actually thought Parky would have been a good fit for you, of the three you seem to have whittled it down to, I’d go for Steve Robinson, who seems to have done a really good job at Motherwell both on and off the field, working on a tight budget. I’d always worry about Wellens, I think he’s very much out for himself first. Eustace is a bit of a gamble but whoever it is I wish you good luck, apart from the 6 points we’ll take off you next year!! ;-))
But that neans playing us twice, you didn't manage it once last time round


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #43 on May 13, 2021, 05:17:46 pm by PDX_Rover »
It seems the majority of fans want someone who will show a certain loyalty to the club and not walk at the first opportunity. Unfortunately, Rovers will probably always be seen as a stepping stone, it goes with the territory I’m afraid and in fairness it’s something most clubs have to deal with, including the big ones. As a Bolton fan I’m sticking my nose in here and whilst I actually thought Parky would have been a good fit for you, of the three you seem to have whittled it down to, I’d go for Steve Robinson, who seems to have done a really good job at Motherwell both on and off the field, working on a tight budget. I’d always worry about Wellens, I think he’s very much out for himself first. Eustace is a bit of a gamble but whoever it is I wish you good luck, apart from the 6 points we’ll take off you next year!! ;-))
But that neans playing us twice, you didn't manage it once last time round


silent majority

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #44 on May 13, 2021, 06:04:35 pm by silent majority »
I think our fans need to get away from this "X manager will abandon us" worry. It is understandable after what happened with the last two, but it is the nature of the game. If our next manager does well - and we surely all hope he does - then odds are he will attract interest. If we appoint Robinson and he gets us promoted, what if Northern Ireland come calling? Or a top half Championship side? Same for Eustace or anyone, let alone Wellens.

As long as we sort out better contracts with the manager, I'd say we will have done all we can on that front. You either appoint someone who might leave because they do well, or appoint someone who won't leave because they aren't good enough. There is little else between those two options in my opinion.

It depends where we sit in the pyramid.

If we're doing well in LG1 we'll attract attention, i.e. McCann to Hull, Moore to SWFC and Saunders to Wolves. But if we're in the Championship ourselves then Ii doubt an EPL club would need an English manager, most go for foreign managers.

Frankie Rennie

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #45 on May 13, 2021, 06:16:23 pm by Frankie Rennie »
It seems the majority of fans want someone who will show a certain loyalty to the club and not walk at the first opportunity. Unfortunately, Rovers will probably always be seen as a stepping stone, it goes with the territory I’m afraid and in fairness it’s something most clubs have to deal with, including the big ones. As a Bolton fan I’m sticking my nose in here and whilst I actually thought Parky would have been a good fit for you, of the three you seem to have whittled it down to, I’d go for Steve Robinson, who seems to have done a really good job at Motherwell both on and off the field, working on a tight budget. I’d always worry about Wellens, I think he’s very much out for himself first. Eustace is a bit of a gamble but whoever it is I wish you good luck, apart from the 6 points we’ll take off you next year!! ;-))

We like football, how would Parkinson have been a good fit?

Ha, excellent response Donny, you’re not wrong on that one but to be fair, the guy does know L1 and could get you promoted. The problem is, he couldn’t keep you up and as you say, the hoof ball would be tortuous.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #46 on May 13, 2021, 06:34:08 pm by RoversAlias »
I think our fans need to get away from this "X manager will abandon us" worry. It is understandable after what happened with the last two, but it is the nature of the game. If our next manager does well - and we surely all hope he does - then odds are he will attract interest. If we appoint Robinson and he gets us promoted, what if Northern Ireland come calling? Or a top half Championship side? Same for Eustace or anyone, let alone Wellens.

As long as we sort out better contracts with the manager, I'd say we will have done all we can on that front. You either appoint someone who might leave because they do well, or appoint someone who won't leave because they aren't good enough. There is little else between those two options in my opinion.

It depends where we sit in the pyramid.

If we're doing well in LG1 we'll attract attention, i.e. McCann to Hull, Moore to SWFC and Saunders to Wolves. But if we're in the Championship ourselves then Ii doubt an EPL club would need an English manager, most go for foreign managers.

That is perhaps true, but at the same time we wouldn't be able to compete with the financial package and potential of around half the Championship's clubs even if we were in the division, therefore I'd say we would still be at risk of losing the manager to another club if we're doing well.

Unless you're one of the precious few huge clubs at the top of the Premier League, that's the case right through the domestic league system.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #47 on May 13, 2021, 06:42:40 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I'm less concerned about Wellens being headhunted, as that would mean we have achieved some form of success. 

What I am concerned about is his durability and level headedness when the pressure is on. If he takes responsibility and is ready to make mistakes without blaming others, show signs of tolerance and understanding when required, then it could very well be he has used his experience to date wisely.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #48 on May 13, 2021, 07:15:09 pm by hamiltonrover »
Living near Motherwell and having a lot of their fans as friends, Robinson doesn’t float my boat.
He got a lift out of the squad he inherited at Motherwell, however as he started to add more of his signings to the squad they went backwards.
In our current situ, we need a rebuild, I’m not convinced he’s the right man for that based on what I’ve seen.
I would compare him to Dickov, nice guy, but not much more than that.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #49 on May 13, 2021, 09:25:19 pm by ScillyRover »
None of the candidates in the poll hopefully !


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #50 on May 13, 2021, 09:28:21 pm by redandwhitearmy »
None of the candidates in the poll hopefully !

You're going to be very disappointed then.

Looking at the poll though, just how close it is... 58-53, if it's either Robinson or Wellens the board shouldn't be criticised, because that's just way too close to call between the fans which shows what a tough decision it will be.

You'll never please everybody.

Campsall rover

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #51 on May 13, 2021, 09:35:03 pm by Campsall rover »
Me too, desperate for it to be Wellens and I will be disappointed if it isn't him initially, but I think In time after a few days when the dust settles I will be happy If its Robinson.

Not too convinced that Eustace would be good or bad to be honest so I'd rather we stayed away.

I think following SM comments, it's nailed on not to be Wellens.
Why is he down to the last 3 if it’s nailed on he will not get the job?  Doesn’t quite add up.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #52 on May 13, 2021, 09:36:36 pm by redandwhitearmy »
Me too, desperate for it to be Wellens and I will be disappointed if it isn't him initially, but I think In time after a few days when the dust settles I will be happy If its Robinson.

Not too convinced that Eustace would be good or bad to be honest so I'd rather we stayed away.

I think following SM comments, it's nailed on not to be Wellens.
Why is he down to the last 3 if it’s nailed on he will not get the job?  Doesn’t quite add up.

It seems he might well be in pole position if you believe the bookies.

I was simply relaying what my gut feeling was following SM strong opinion of him, SM did stress afterwards though that it was his opinion.

Campsall rover

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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #53 on May 13, 2021, 09:43:53 pm by Campsall rover »
I cant pick my favourite because I have never met any of them.

Quite happy for the board to make the decision as they have done the interviews.
Will stand by their decision who ever it is.

Who knows it might not be one of those 3 as someone suggested.
The bookies are not always right. More often than not but not always. ;)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2021, 09:48:09 pm by Campsall rover »


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #54 on May 13, 2021, 09:44:28 pm by ScillyRover »
Be funny, woldn't it, if, come the announcement, it is somebody else entirely!


That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #55 on May 14, 2021, 07:12:20 am by grayx »
Looking at it from a business point of view, which of the 3 which appear to be in the running would help sell season tickets?
Despite his supposed arrogance & previous “happenings” at the club, I reckon the announcement of Wellens would stimulate more excitement amongst the fans.


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Re: If it was your choice?
« Reply #56 on May 14, 2021, 07:51:55 am by redandwhitearmy »
Looking at it from a business point of view, which of the 3 which appear to be in the running would help sell season tickets?
Despite his supposed arrogance & previous “happenings” at the club, I reckon the announcement of Wellens would stimulate more excitement amongst the fans.

Without a doubt, for those on twitter, search "wellensball" and you only have to see how Swindon fans were waxing lyrical about him and his style of play.


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