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Author Topic: Tell Me I'm Wrong  (Read 3509 times)

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Alan Southstand

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #30 on February 05, 2023, 08:07:55 pm by Alan Southstand »
Knowing and caring may be two very different things, though!

Excellent opening post and I commend Oggy. However, will anyone do anything about the abject failures? Don’t bother replying.

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #31 on February 05, 2023, 09:03:50 pm by roversdude »
Can’t argue with most of what Oggy put.
The catering is up at the end of the season has as been well documented


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #32 on February 05, 2023, 09:30:39 pm by Lesonthewest »
The stadium looks tired. The wall art up between the ticket office and West Stand looks tired and sun-bleached, just looks poor. Not maintained or looked after.

Notice that the 'fan park' has gone now which is a shame, the little girl used to like that, a bit of music and entertainment and to be honest usually more than you get inside.

Go upstairs into the stadium and decide to get a drink and food, yet again the people behind the tills are like people who are having their first day on the job, one card machine between 4 tills. A special offer that is more expensive than buying the items separately and just a general malaise and unprofessionalism being served up, I expect the same thing is being dished up to the away fans also. The standard of food...again awful. The hot dogs etc just shocking. If you are making such a massive markup on food and drinks, why are they not ready? If you have to throw away 10 cups of coffee which in real terms is a total of about £2 and you are charging £20, what does it matter? You literally haven't done anything in the past 10 years to halt the slide that catering has been on, in fact every change that has been made has clearly been with a view to save money and actually exacerbate the situation. This isn't fan engagement if you simply refuse to hear or act on the information your fans give you.

Gets your goat up straight away when a fan survey is announced for food, you feel like shouting ' just come along at halftime and watch the certain debacle', and sure enough chaos. They haven't got a clue.

Into the stadium we go, still, a half-arsed situation, music blaring, microphone far too quiet, can't hear what the guy is saying unless you stand in the toilets...blocked sinks, leaking urinals. The scoreboard is still not fixed despite endless promises to 'the people in the know', who by the way clearly aren't in the know.

Now for the game. Expecting a reaction after last week's results, surely they come out of the blocks firing against a team who have won once in three months (against us by the way), but no. The tactical highly skilled positive Danny Schofield has managed to get sleeping tablets mixed in with the pre-match drinks. What is this guy doing to motivate (or not) his players? Yet again they come out, with no fire, no commitment, straight on the back foot as Hartlepool stroke the ball around like 2013 Barcelona with zero press or clear tactics from our team. In fact, the only tactic that appears to be in force today is Williams passing it into Anderson who then walks forwards 20 yards and knocks a hopeful diagonal ball into either a) their goalkeeper's hands b)out for a throw-in or goal kick or c) straight down their centre halves head.

Hartlepool miss 2 glorious chances and the game is 0-0 at halftime with zero shots on target from Rovers, lucky. Catering a massive shambles as you'd expect. Long queues, no sense of urgency or awareness that there is a possibility that people will be coming to buy drinks be that hot or cold and to maybe have them prepared a few minutes before half time?

The second half starts and to be fair, much improved we are pressing, we are playing well, we are creating chances. Time for a tactical masterclass. Every single change that DS made yesterday made us worse. Every time we were on top he tinkered and changed it and gave Hartlepool more hope. Not one of the substitutes bar Lakin maybe looked even remotely likely to take the game by the scruff of the neck. I'm afraid to say Mr Schofield hasn't got a clue. 3 at the back versus a team conceding 51 before Saturday (still 51 by the way). 1 win in however many it was at Huddersfield and looking like a massive duff here too. Queue the usual 'signs of positivity', 'we were brave to give it a go', it's Hartlepool Danny, literally the perennial whipping boys of the league. It's not brave, its standard. If he speaks like that to those players its no wonder they come out in games looking like they've just had 3 doses of diazepam each.

Also...read the room Donny FFS. We have just gone 1-0 down (great effort Roshaun by the way) and you decide to announce who the man of the match is. I mean honestly whoever thought he was good must have been on Danny's diazepam. People were literally laughing around me, embarrassing.

The quality of players worries me massively. I don't doubt there was effort yesterday and a lot of huffing and puffing, but there is zero creativity, Tom Anderson isn't the next Andres Iniesta. What is the tactic? Whats the plan? I haven't seen one yet, it's slow, boring, it's negative from the start. We won't score by creating, we will score from defensive errors.

I can imagine Keith Curle this week sat down with his team asking who it is on the Donny team they need to keep quiet, and who is it that they need to keep off the ball? The answer is...nobody. Keep working hard and press and wait for them to make a mistake and we will capitalize. We have fallen so far from the Stock, Wellens jesus.......... even Martin Woods days. Its awful.

And how in gods name is Roshaun Williams getting a game? How can any of the players on the bench be a worse player than this guy? He can't run, can't head, and doesn't want to tackle, and that goal yesterday... MAKE HIM DO SOMETHING.He's simply not arsed. He just ran past him like he wasn't there. 40-yard run with no pressure at all. Then the whistle goes and down the tunnel, he goes. Get him out of our club. Faulkner on loan, while this fraud plays every game, is baffling. The thing is you'd forgive Faulkner if he did that because of his age but I can cast iron guarantee that Faulkner would have got the ball or him. Would have been 0-0.

Recruitment for as long as I can remember is embarrassing. Coppinger I am afraid is also clueless, yes a legend but all of this 'We want our own players' rubbish then the inevitable unproven 18-year-olds come in on loan, and we have had a great window', is absolute rubbish. Stop lieing, we have eyes, we can see what's going on. Also, another embarrassing thing is these young unproven's look better than what we've got. nelson looks like a player but of course, will hear in the next few days he will be out for a few weeks with a hamstring or whatever it is he did yesterday.

I have nothing but praise for Bramall etc and what he has done for this club historically but it's time to go. He has to go. It's failing on and off the pitch, it's ok having a chairman and owner with money but you know what, honestly I would rather have someone in that position with less money but who actually cares or has interest on the operations and playing side of my football club. Put it up for sale and go, just go. The disinterest from all within the elevated positions in the club is staring us all in the face, they simply don't care. Now the usual suspects can come on here and say Club Doncaster this and engagement this but its just utter rubbish. Everything is done on an ever-dwindling budget. If you need to rely on your attendance to maintain that budget then you're screwed. An ever-increasing death spiral of lower attendance, less budget, and less quality and we are gone.

What a massive fall from grace this club is experiencing. People may laugh but unless something changes I can 100% see us being involved in some sort of relegation battle next season and the following year disappearing out of the football league. Year upon year the football gets worse, our best players leave the club also saying what the majority of us are saying and that they hope for better for us and they are replaced with reserves from Burton and 3rd choice keepers at bottom dwellers. I'm sick of it. Top to bottom..appalling.

At least we have a profitable car boot though, thats about the only positive.

Take a bow sir, definitely post of the year.

Canadian Rover

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #33 on February 05, 2023, 11:12:27 pm by Canadian Rover »
The stadium looks tired. The wall art up between the ticket office and West Stand looks tired and sun-bleached, just looks poor. Not maintained or looked after.

Notice that the 'fan park' has gone now which is a shame, the little girl used to like that, a bit of music and entertainment and to be honest usually more than you get inside.

Go upstairs into the stadium and decide to get a drink and food, yet again the people behind the tills are like people who are having their first day on the job, one card machine between 4 tills. A special offer that is more expensive than buying the items separately and just a general malaise and unprofessionalism being served up, I expect the same thing is being dished up to the away fans also. The standard of food...again awful. The hot dogs etc just shocking. If you are making such a massive markup on food and drinks, why are they not ready? If you have to throw away 10 cups of coffee which in real terms is a total of about £2 and you are charging £20, what does it matter? You literally haven't done anything in the past 10 years to halt the slide that catering has been on, in fact every change that has been made has clearly been with a view to save money and actually exacerbate the situation. This isn't fan engagement if you simply refuse to hear or act on the information your fans give you.

Gets your goat up straight away when a fan survey is announced for food, you feel like shouting ' just come along at halftime and watch the certain debacle', and sure enough chaos. They haven't got a clue.

Into the stadium we go, still, a half-arsed situation, music blaring, microphone far too quiet, can't hear what the guy is saying unless you stand in the toilets...blocked sinks, leaking urinals. The scoreboard is still not fixed despite endless promises to 'the people in the know', who by the way clearly aren't in the know.

Now for the game. Expecting a reaction after last week's results, surely they come out of the blocks firing against a team who have won once in three months (against us by the way), but no. The tactical highly skilled positive Danny Schofield has managed to get sleeping tablets mixed in with the pre-match drinks. What is this guy doing to motivate (or not) his players? Yet again they come out, with no fire, no commitment, straight on the back foot as Hartlepool stroke the ball around like 2013 Barcelona with zero press or clear tactics from our team. In fact, the only tactic that appears to be in force today is Williams passing it into Anderson who then walks forwards 20 yards and knocks a hopeful diagonal ball into either a) their goalkeeper's hands b)out for a throw-in or goal kick or c) straight down their centre halves head.

Hartlepool miss 2 glorious chances and the game is 0-0 at halftime with zero shots on target from Rovers, lucky. Catering a massive shambles as you'd expect. Long queues, no sense of urgency or awareness that there is a possibility that people will be coming to buy drinks be that hot or cold and to maybe have them prepared a few minutes before half time?

The second half starts and to be fair, much improved we are pressing, we are playing well, we are creating chances. Time for a tactical masterclass. Every single change that DS made yesterday made us worse. Every time we were on top he tinkered and changed it and gave Hartlepool more hope. Not one of the substitutes bar Lakin maybe looked even remotely likely to take the game by the scruff of the neck. I'm afraid to say Mr Schofield hasn't got a clue. 3 at the back versus a team conceding 51 before Saturday (still 51 by the way). 1 win in however many it was at Huddersfield and looking like a massive duff here too. Queue the usual 'signs of positivity', 'we were brave to give it a go', it's Hartlepool Danny, literally the perennial whipping boys of the league. It's not brave, its standard. If he speaks like that to those players its no wonder they come out in games looking like they've just had 3 doses of diazepam each.

Also...read the room Donny FFS. We have just gone 1-0 down (great effort Roshaun by the way) and you decide to announce who the man of the match is. I mean honestly whoever thought he was good must have been on Danny's diazepam. People were literally laughing around me, embarrassing.

The quality of players worries me massively. I don't doubt there was effort yesterday and a lot of huffing and puffing, but there is zero creativity, Tom Anderson isn't the next Andres Iniesta. What is the tactic? Whats the plan? I haven't seen one yet, it's slow, boring, it's negative from the start. We won't score by creating, we will score from defensive errors.

I can imagine Keith Curle this week sat down with his team asking who it is on the Donny team they need to keep quiet, and who is it that they need to keep off the ball? The answer is...nobody. Keep working hard and press and wait for them to make a mistake and we will capitalize. We have fallen so far from the Stock, Wellens jesus.......... even Martin Woods days. Its awful.

And how in gods name is Roshaun Williams getting a game? How can any of the players on the bench be a worse player than this guy? He can't run, can't head, and doesn't want to tackle, and that goal yesterday... MAKE HIM DO SOMETHING.He's simply not arsed. He just ran past him like he wasn't there. 40-yard run with no pressure at all. Then the whistle goes and down the tunnel, he goes. Get him out of our club. Faulkner on loan, while this fraud plays every game, is baffling. The thing is you'd forgive Faulkner if he did that because of his age but I can cast iron guarantee that Faulkner would have got the ball or him. Would have been 0-0.

Recruitment for as long as I can remember is embarrassing. Coppinger I am afraid is also clueless, yes a legend but all of this 'We want our own players' rubbish then the inevitable unproven 18-year-olds come in on loan, and we have had a great window', is absolute rubbish. Stop lieing, we have eyes, we can see what's going on. Also, another embarrassing thing is these young unproven's look better than what we've got. nelson looks like a player but of course, will hear in the next few days he will be out for a few weeks with a hamstring or whatever it is he did yesterday.

I have nothing but praise for Bramall etc and what he has done for this club historically but it's time to go. He has to go. It's failing on and off the pitch, it's ok having a chairman and owner with money but you know what, honestly I would rather have someone in that position with less money but who actually cares or has interest on the operations and playing side of my football club. Put it up for sale and go, just go. The disinterest from all within the elevated positions in the club is staring us all in the face, they simply don't care. Now the usual suspects can come on here and say Club Doncaster this and engagement this but its just utter rubbish. Everything is done on an ever-dwindling budget. If you need to rely on your attendance to maintain that budget then you're screwed. An ever-increasing death spiral of lower attendance, less budget, and less quality and we are gone.

What a massive fall from grace this club is experiencing. People may laugh but unless something changes I can 100% see us being involved in some sort of relegation battle next season and the following year disappearing out of the football league. Year upon year the football gets worse, our best players leave the club also saying what the majority of us are saying and that they hope for better for us and they are replaced with reserves from Burton and 3rd choice keepers at bottom dwellers. I'm sick of it. Top to bottom..appalling.

At least we have a profitable car boot though, thats about the only positive.

Take a bow sir, definitely post of the year.

Pin this post in the board room , changing room, CEO office. Forget the catering company...cancel them!

Post it in the manager's office too..

Don't bother posting in the changing room. The players aren't able to read a long ball never mind a sentence or paragraph!


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #34 on February 06, 2023, 07:37:38 am by ctay »
Excellent post. Sums up how most of us feel.

I feel for DS, he is under pressure and he has little help. Why they continue to avoid employing someone within the set up with experience is baffling to me. Does TB and co see the growing frustrations within the supporter base? Surely they must. Someone who worked for TB in the past once told me that if he gets stick he will be off, if thats the case lets hope we have a knight in shining armour.

Upton Rover

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #35 on February 06, 2023, 07:54:54 am by Upton Rover »
I hope that everyone connected to the club reads this outstanding accurate post today, and has a long think what they are doing to the club, and some need to put their hands up and admit that there’s many things in the club that simply aren’t good enough and changes need to be made, and BIG changes at that, people need to resign from their posts and soon, this is the only way that we will move forward, if there’s not big changes then the only way is for the ship to carry on sinking, beyond recovery.


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #36 on February 06, 2023, 09:17:09 am by rich1471 »
Excellent post. Sums up how most of us feel.

I feel for DS, he is under pressure and he has little help. Why they continue to avoid employing someone within the set up with experience is baffling to me. Does TB and co see the growing frustrations within the supporter base? Surely they must. Someone who worked for TB in the past once told me that if he gets stick he will be off, if thats the case lets hope we have a knight in shining armour.
this is very true Southend are losing 2 million a year ,some staff have note been paid for 2 month and are in real danger of going under,something needs to change but not at the cost of the club going out of business


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #37 on February 06, 2023, 09:27:30 am by donnybez »
I hope that everyone connected to the club reads this outstanding accurate post today, and has a long think what they are doing to the club, and some need to put their hands up and admit that there’s many things in the club that simply aren’t good enough and changes need to be made, and BIG changes at that, people need to resign from their posts and soon, this is the only way that we will move forward, if there’s not big changes then the only way is for the ship to carry on sinking, beyond recovery.

I would love it if the OG post was brought up at MTO to see if they had. I think it shows how far we have fallen.

Pre COVID we had IRWT which was a great fan inclusion project. We understand the board, they understood us. Since COVID, that communication seems to have fallen off a cliff. Yes we have rep's, but the average fan doesn't have that link anymore.

On your point about resigning... I think this is where the fan took over. To a lot of the relevant staff this is a job; this is their income. Why would they resign? If you were failing at work would you resign? This is why you need responsible management to look at performance which lets be honest, while people are comfortable, slicing the budget to be as cheap as possible, this isn't going to happen.

I've been a season ticket holder for some years now. McCannball feels like an age ago, especially after the past 2 years of dross and misery. I used to talk openly about how great the owners were, how well run the club was. I leave games nowadays feeling genuine anger at how things are now.

Yes I want a club to support - but I want a team that's organised, that shows effort, fight, and that most importantly actually competes. That balance is well off.


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #38 on February 06, 2023, 10:44:39 am by oggycompton »
As a heads up Liam Holden has reached out to me for a conversation. I’ll feedback what is said.

Alan Southstand

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #39 on February 06, 2023, 11:26:59 am by Alan Southstand »
If you’re going to the stadium, Oggy, get your post printed off and tape it to the main entrance doors.


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #40 on February 06, 2023, 11:54:56 am by Filo »
As a heads up Liam Holden has reached out to me for a conversation. I’ll feedback what is said.

Lets hope its not a PR exercise just paying lip service

Canadian Rover

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #41 on February 06, 2023, 11:59:07 am by Canadian Rover »
As a heads up Liam Holden has reached out to me for a conversation. I’ll feedback what is said.

This should have been Blunt reaching out not the media manager. What power does he have?


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #42 on February 06, 2023, 12:32:36 pm by roversdude »
I think the fact the club have reached out in any form shows an element of progress. It will be interesting to see how this goes
Never thought I’d say this but well done Oggy - the difference you’ve done is offer perspective rather than just slag the board off as others do

The Beast

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #43 on February 06, 2023, 12:48:40 pm by The Beast »
It never even crosses my mind to buy anything in a football ground, the exception was pie and peas at Rochdale many moons ago, its just generic uninteresting shit at a premium price. The only time I've ever really treat my sen is when the Dons briefly played at Stainy Dog track the food was bob on!


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #44 on February 06, 2023, 12:59:00 pm by pib »
Find it ridiculous how upset people get about the food as though those you can't go 2-3 hours without eating

Although I very very infrequently eat food from football grounds myself, it's not really the point, is it? If you're going to provide catering at an event, "why can't people go 3 hours without eating?" isn't an excuse for it to be overpriced and shite.

I'd also put forward the case that away fans who've made a long journey, or the many folk on here who don't live in or near Donny will have many fewer options for food on match days, especially midweek. It's OK to take the above point of view if you're a home fan who lives in the borough and has all the time in the world to feed yourself before kick-off on a Saturday, but for a significant number of people that won't be the case.

Bessie Red

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #45 on February 06, 2023, 03:06:29 pm by Bessie Red »
It never even crosses my mind to buy anything in a football ground, the exception was pie and peas at Rochdale many moons ago, its just generic uninteresting shit at a premium price. The only time I've ever really treat my sen is when the Dons briefly played at Stainy Dog track the food was bob on!
Tbf the cooking of the Pukka Steak pies has improved this season. Last season the bottom of the pies was like concrete and burnt. Only problem now is they never have sachets of brown sauce available!!


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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #46 on February 06, 2023, 03:07:25 pm by oggycompton »
I think the fact the club have reached out in any form shows an element of progress. It will be interesting to see how this goes
Never thought I’d say this but well done Oggy - the difference you’ve done is offer perspective rather than just slag the board off as others do

Still haven't actually heard anything mind you.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #47 on February 07, 2023, 09:13:24 am by Sammy Chung was King »
All these little things contribute to the downturn of the club. The food should be in house. It should be local food made by local people. It should reflect Doncaster and its many talented chefs. Local produce and experienced people to cook the meals. It should be a pleasure to eat at the stadium. There is a lot of money to be made from good food sold at a reasonable price. The club is missing a trick on extra revenue tendering it out.

The whole club needs a good clean down and freshening up. I’m sure there are many local firms who would do work for free advertising around the ground or in the programme.
It would be great to be one of those football clubs that away supporters and ours look forward to eating at and watching great football.

Alan Southstand

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #48 on February 07, 2023, 11:01:34 am by Alan Southstand »
I don’t know if there’s any truth in it, or not, but someone told me today that Copps only works 2 days per week?

Reg of the Rovers

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Re: Tell Me I'm Wrong
« Reply #49 on February 07, 2023, 11:06:40 am by Reg of the Rovers »
All these little things contribute to the downturn of the club. The food should be in house. It should be local food made by local people. It should reflect Doncaster and its many talented chefs. Local produce and experienced people to cook the meals. It should be a pleasure to eat at the stadium. There is a lot of money to be made from good food sold at a reasonable price. The club is missing a trick on extra revenue tendering it out.

The whole club needs a good clean down and freshening up. I’m sure there are many local firms who would do work for free advertising around the ground or in the programme.
It would be great to be one of those football clubs that away supporters and ours look forward to eating at and watching great football.
We follow a twitter feed that rates the grub at various grounds, and there's some cracking stuff out there, proper pie and peas and things. We should lean in to the Yorkshire thing and do filled Yorkshire puddings and some proper meat and tatey pies! If the club could franchise each booth separately that would help small local business come in and do this kind of thing - when I was young enough to go round town I always ended up in that pie place on Silver Street - something like that would be fab!


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