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Author Topic: I hate it when \"txt speak\" is used online  (Read 3857 times)

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I hate it when \"txt speak\" is used online
« on October 01, 2010, 03:22:05 pm by bobjimwilly »
Read a reply to a facebook status today. Status read:

\"Superheros night is cancelled due 2 2 many back outs - gunna rearrange 4 another night\"

Ok, I'll let the \"to\",\"too\" and \"for\" be substituted for numbers. Fine.

This was one of the replies:

\"Never or i wo lkin 4wrd 2 dat bbes. Wel at least itz stil guna apen bbes. Op ur ok. I cn spend mi dosh na. Txt me bout me hair huni. X x\"

FFS, if you have a full qwerty keyboard in front of you, use it!

I mean, how lazy is it to miss the \"a\" out of \"babes\", and when did \"hope\" become \"Op\"???
\"Happen\" becomes \"apen\"? \"now\" becomes \"na\"? And, ffs, why leave the \"a\" out of \"can\"?

Txt speak came about before mobiles had word prediction - now most mobiles have full qwerty keyboards, there is simply need for it, especially online!

Does my ****** head in, bloody Illiterate chimps...  :angry:

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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #1 on October 01, 2010, 03:30:42 pm by pkt_drfc »
bobjimwilly wrote:
Read a reply to a facebook status today. Status read:

\"Superheros night is cancelled due 2 2 many back outs - gunna rearrange 4 another night\"

Ok, I'll let the \"to\",\"too\" and \"for\" be substituted for numbers. Fine.

This was one of the replies:

\"Never or i wo lkin 4wrd 2 dat bbes. Wel at least itz stil guna apen bbes. Op ur ok. I cn spend mi dosh na. Txt me bout me hair huni. X x\"

FFS, if you have a full qwerty keyboard in front of you, use it!

I mean, how lazy is it to miss the \"a\" out of \"babes\", and when did \"hope\" become \"Op\"???
\"Happen\" becomes \"apen\"? \"now\" becomes \"na\"? And, ffs, why leave the \"a\" out of \"can\"?

Txt speak came about before mobiles had word prediction - now most mobiles have full qwerty keyboards, there is simply need for it, especially online!

Does my ****** head in, bloody Illiterate chimps...  :angry:

Though you was p**sed then Rob :laugh:


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #2 on October 01, 2010, 03:43:33 pm by jucyberry »
I just hate the syrup in the word hunni  it's so...bleugh..

I guess it's unfortunately the way kids communicate these days, what gets me tho is when I get a text from my friend Joyce that reads more or less like that.. She is fifty two ffs!

Mind you, there is one boy on my facebook who regularly has us in hysterics with his status updates..I often wonder if people realise just how stupid some of the things they put on their updates make them really look..


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #3 on October 01, 2010, 03:48:21 pm by pkt_drfc »
jucyberry wrote:
I just hate the syrup in the word hunni  it's so...bleugh..

I guess it's unfortunately the way kids communicate these days, what gets me tho is when I get a text from my friend Joyce that reads more or less like that.. She is fifty two ffs!

Mind you, there is one boy on my facebook who regularly has us in hysterics with his status updates..I often wonder if people realise just how stupid some of the things they put on their updates make them really look..

I hope thats not me i tend to put silly things sometimes but it's not text speak


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #4 on October 01, 2010, 04:39:56 pm by Superspy »
its not text speak on the whole i have a problem with, its the words that require more effort to type in \"text\" than they do normally, such as \"its\" vs \"itz\"....its much more natural on a keyboard to hit s than z, same as \"mi\" instead of me or my.....fail.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #5 on October 01, 2010, 05:36:14 pm by jucyberry »
pkt_drfc wrote:
jucyberry wrote:
I just hate the syrup in the word hunni  it's so...bleugh..

I guess it's unfortunately the way kids communicate these days, what gets me tho is when I get a text from my friend Joyce that reads more or less like that.. She is fifty two ffs!

Mind you, there is one boy on my facebook who regularly has us in hysterics with his status updates..I often wonder if people realise just how stupid some of the things they put on their updates make them really look..

I hope thats not me i tend to put silly things sometimes but it's not text speak

Nope Pete, promise it's not you..:)


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #6 on October 01, 2010, 07:00:25 pm by bobjimwilly »
Superspy wrote:
its not text speak on the whole i have a problem with, its the words that require more effort to type in \"text\" than they do normally, such as \"its\" vs \"itz\"....its much more natural on a keyboard to hit s than z, same as \"mi\" instead of me or my.....fail.

I'm with you on that mate. Does my nut in.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #7 on October 01, 2010, 10:19:53 pm by RobTheRover »
Its got to the point they are talking like that now too.

I was sat in Marlenes the other week for a haircut and these two chavs were talking like they were txtng each other.  Could have sworn I was in Brixton.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #8 on October 01, 2010, 10:34:39 pm by Nudga »
And i f**kin hate it when people update by declaring,
So and so \"Is tired\".........Well f**k off to bed then.
So and so \"Is bored\".........Well get off the f**kin PC and tidy up or something.
So and so \"Happy birthday my beautiful little girl, 2 today, mummy and daddy loves ya\"..,,i didn't know a two year would be able to read her Facebook status.
So and so \"f**kin hates liars\"....\"why wots up hun?\".......Well I hate f**kin moaning bints.
So and so \"Has just put the kettle on\"......Whoopdy f**kin wooo, you finally worked the kettle out eh?
So and so \"Has had a bad day at work\".......Big deal, we all have em.
So and so \"Wonders if there's any point to it all\".......Do me a favour and f**kin sit in the car with a hose pipe from the exhaust to your f**kin gob shite mouth.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #9 on October 01, 2010, 10:36:11 pm by RobTheRover »

Amen to that, brother.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #10 on October 01, 2010, 11:26:35 pm by hoolahoop »
Nudga wrote:
And i fcukin hate it when people update by declaring,
So and so \"Is tired\".........Well fcuk off to bed then.
So and so \"Is bored\".........Well get off the fcukin PC and tidy up or something.
So and so \"Happy birthday my beautiful little girl, 2 today, mummy and daddy loves ya\"..,,i didn't know a two year would be able to read her Facebook status.
So and so \"fcukin hates liars\"....\"why wots up hun?\".......Well I hate fcukin moaning bints.
So and so \"Has just put the kettle on\"......Whoopdy fcukin wooo, you finally worked the kettle out eh?
So and so \"Has had a bad day at work\".......Big deal, we all have em.
So and so \"Wonders if there's any point to it all\".......Do me a favour and fcukin sit in the car with a hose pipe from the exhaust to your fcukin gob shite mouth.

Fny as fk tht Kris.  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #11 on October 01, 2010, 11:31:51 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
RobTheRover wrote:
Its got to the point they are talking like that now too.

I was sat in Marlenes the other week for a haircut and these two chavs were talking like they were txtng each other.  Could have sworn I was in Brixton.

That's easy enough to fix Roberto. Join the ranks of the sartorially elegant shaven headed.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #12 on October 01, 2010, 11:37:51 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Nudga wrote:
And i fcukin hate it when people update by declaring,
So and so \"Is tired\".........Well fcuk off to bed then.
So and so \"Is bored\".........Well get off the fcukin PC and tidy up or something.
So and so \"Happy birthday my beautiful little girl, 2 today, mummy and daddy loves ya\"..,,i didn't know a two year would be able to read her Facebook status.
So and so \"fcukin hates liars\"....\"why wots up hun?\".......Well I hate fcukin moaning bints.
So and so \"Has just put the kettle on\"......Whoopdy fcukin wooo, you finally worked the kettle out eh?
So and so \"Has had a bad day at work\".......Big deal, we all have em.
So and so \"Wonders if there's any point to it all\".......Do me a favour and fcukin sit in the car with a hose pipe from the exhaust to your fcukin gob shite mouth.

Now THAT is a post that deserves homage-paying visits from across the togger forum-o-sphere.

Me, I once tried that Facebook jive, but none of my mates would sign up as Friends. One of them told me that it wasn't the done thing to include on your status the rate at which you were building up your right bicep whilst slavering over a video of a Czech blonde and the Dukla Prague reserve team. And the groundsman. And that the mention of what I was simultaneously doing with the electric toothbrush was the final straw.

Sandy Lane

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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #13 on October 02, 2010, 12:00:35 am by Sandy Lane »
Nudga wrote:
And i fcukin hate it when people update by declaring,
So and so \"Is tired\".........Well fcuk off to bed then.
So and so \"Is bored\".........Well get off the fcukin PC and tidy up or something.
So and so \"Happy birthday my beautiful little girl, 2 today, mummy and daddy loves ya\"..,,i didn't know a two year would be able to read her Facebook status.
So and so \"fcukin hates liars\"....\"why wots up hun?\".......Well I hate fcukin moaning bints.
So and so \"Has just put the kettle on\"......Whoopdy fcukin wooo, you finally worked the kettle out eh?
So and so \"Has had a bad day at work\".......Big deal, we all have em.
So and so \"Wonders if there's any point to it all\".......Do me a favour and fcukin sit in the car with a hose pipe from the exhaust to your fcukin gob shite mouth.

Hi Chris, lol -- so this is what facebook is like??

Ya know I just don't get Facebook. Never did.  Never had a profile and just went on a few years ago when Carlos the Jackal invited me, which I thought was very nice. Saw pics of him and his wife and it was fun to see his vacation photos and his Rovers stuff. I stopped going on because I started getting emails from people I didn't know.   But for people I work with or ones that live locally, I just don't care.  I can see when someone is away or living abroad, etc. and perhaps it's because I'm more of a private person, but I still can't for the life of me think why anyone would want to know what I'm doin' anyway.  Or why I would want to take the time to tell people things I do.  Who cares, I ask thee??  :-)  

Also I always wanted to ask Viva Rovers about Twitter.  (I don't do that either -- surprise, surprise  :-)  ), and it seems like such a great thing for him to have, but how in the world does he tweet while watching football?  Seems to me he would miss something important while typing and describing the previous play, etc.  Just a thought.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #14 on October 02, 2010, 08:25:55 am by jucyberry »
Now, twitter I don't get at all.. never have..Probably because it seems so pretentious...
As for facebook, well, I have a few friends who's updates are just  brilliant, they seem to make an effort to be funny..More often tho I have to say they are a load of horlics.

I don't need to know that Leah loves her beautiful Lacie Jane ten times a day.. And who really cares if it's time for a cuppa?

Someone who always has a good update is BLIR, he is so naughty...lol

More than anything tho I do like to see what people are thinking.(about anything other than cups of tea.)

As for me, it's very rare I do a status update, I only post if I have an agenda, i.e I'm coming up to Yorkshire, or If I want to say something I will know will get back to my ex hubby if he has pissed me off...lol (rare as he is an insignificant bug)


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #15 on October 02, 2010, 01:45:50 pm by Superspy »
i tend to use facebook quite often, although i dont do masses of status updates, most of the ones i've done lately have been an effort to wind up leeds fans, haha.

seriously though, i have no problem with people saying whatever they want on there, but the one that REALLY, REALLY winds me up, is when people post something to grab attention but then arent willing to tell the story...to use one of the examples from above.

A: \"i f**king HATE liars!!!!!!!\"£$(*&^\"\"!!\"
B: \"Wotz up hun?!\"
A: oh nvm its a loooooooong story.......

i see it all the time, and it really boils my bollox :D

Sandy Lane

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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #16 on October 02, 2010, 02:27:33 pm by Sandy Lane »
jucyberry wrote:
Now, twitter I don't get at all.. never have..Probably because it seems so pretentious...
As for facebook, well, I have a few friends who's updates are just  brilliant, they seem to make an effort to be funny..More often tho I have to say they are a load of horlics.

I don't need to know that Leah loves her beautiful Lacie Jane ten times a day.. And who really cares if it's time for a cuppa?

Someone who always has a good update is BLIR, he is so naughty...lol

More than anything tho I do like to see what people are thinking.(about anything other than cups of tea.)

As for me, it's very rare I do a status update, I only post if I have an agenda, i.e I'm coming up to Yorkshire, or If I want to say something I will know will get back to my ex hubby if he has pissed me off...lol (rare as he is an insignificant bug)

You make me laugh too Jucy.  :-)

And maybe this forum is like MY facebook as I do enjoy hearing everyone's stories -- whether it be about politics, Leeds, the history of the miners,  Oslo's descriptions of Norway, or even, yes, your traffic moans, 'cause they're different from mine, yet still the same in many ways.  So if people are at all interested, I'll share some stories that I can. Personal stuff is well, personal and at work we have to sign yearly ethics and compliance agreements basically r/t conflict of interest, etc. but the last few years included in that was language specifically relating to posting on forums anything related to our jobs!  That must have resulted from that guy on Facebook(!!) a few years back who posted about his work or boss or something, and then the boss read it and he was fired!  Oops. Of course he deserved it for being an idiot.   :)


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #17 on October 02, 2010, 08:54:26 pm by Nudga »
This is the kind of weird stuff I like to put on there.

Chris Needham Now then me old saxophone, we'll be seeing you's lot in the old tea pot with all our lovely friends and coconuts. Then we'll share a pint of fridge magnets in the Public margerine. See you's tomorrow garden shears


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #18 on October 02, 2010, 08:59:59 pm by jucyberry »
You been overdosing on Randoms tonight Christopher?  :huh:


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #19 on October 02, 2010, 09:01:14 pm by Nudga »
My sister in laws kids have apparently.


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #20 on October 02, 2010, 09:18:07 pm by jucyberry »
On a bit of a side step, my shop has just delisted Werthers Originals in favour of Randoms...As one of my collegues commented, cant see many grannies chewing on a random can you.....lol

My latest update is a subtle dig at my Ex and his lovely wife who have decided to get Ty nothing but clothes for xmas..As they are usually buy him 4 years too big and from poundland, obviously I'm not impressed..

Can never understand how he lets her buy her grandson Wii's and the like and his grandson poundland tat. :angry:

Ergo, Tyler says he doesn't want Father christmas to bring him clothes as they aren't his favorite.. Not a lie he did actually say that...


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #21 on October 04, 2010, 01:43:41 am by donnyjay »
What I hate about chatting online is how you spend weeks and weeks getting to know someone then when you finally agree to meet up it's an undercover policewoman who doesn't even look fourteen.

Sheepskin Stu

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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #22 on October 04, 2010, 07:58:07 am by Sheepskin Stu »
donnyjay wrote:
What I hate about chatting online is how you spend weeks and weeks getting to know someone then when you finally agree to meet up it's an undercover policewoman who doesn't even look fourteen.

Some people have no sense of fun do they?  :laugh:

For me there's nothing worse than when couples (normally with young children) commuicate via facebook.

Dad - \"My lovely little boy is three next week.\"

Mum - \"I know love I can't wait. By the way your tea is ready. xxxx\"



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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #23 on October 04, 2010, 10:28:21 am by jucyberry »
The one that tickles me is the kid who comes on, gives it large with his mates and smoochies mooches with his latest 'babes'.....Then three posts down his mum will come on ant tell him to do something. Always makes me snigger that..  :laugh:


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Re:I hate it when
« Reply #24 on October 06, 2010, 08:07:18 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
RobTheRover wrote:
Its got to the point they are talking like that now too.

I was sat in Marlenes the other week for a haircut and these two chavs were talking like they were txtng each other.  Could have sworn I was in Brixton.

I can't help wondering whether they'll still be talking 'street' crap like that when they're middle aged, beer bellied and balding. And looking even more like stupid ignorant t**ts.


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