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Author Topic: Complaint to NCFC re stewards  (Read 4688 times)

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Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« on February 23, 2011, 10:32:11 am by Spankster »
This is how I saw it, people should complain as our treatment was disgusting last night.

Norwich City

After a 3 hour drive from Doncaster to Norwich Tuesday evening I was looking forward to enjoying the game in front of us, however the treatment Doncaster Rovers supporters faced from your stewards made sure that it was not an enjoyment watching our team, no atmosphere was allowed to build at all, our fans were treated like football hooligans as a whole & were totally suppressed throughout the game.

Just so I don't tar all your stewards with the same brush (most of them were actually fine) I will point out the 2 main culprits that were. Right from the outset the head steward (wearing orange & white jacket with Head Steward on his back, gaunt thin face) pointed out to the stewards huddled around him at the top of the steps in ear shot of our fans (look at the video) that under any circumstances if anyone stood up during the game they were to be thrown straight out! now I understand the FA policy in all seating grounds, but this guy showed he had no common sense, when people stood as our players approached goal we were suppressed with shouts of 'sit down or you are out' even though this was no different to what the home fans were doing behind goal this guy was a total moron who wanted to flex his muscles, it was even said by the other stewards that he was showing off as he was being watched by his female boss stood at the bottom of the stand!

Now his accomplice was a stocky guy number 295 on his jacket was so hot headed and intent on throwing someone out, at every opportunity this guy was trying to take people from their seats threatening them they were going to get thrown out, at one point even one of his colleagues told him to calm down. Once the Rovers fans were all seated he went to his colleagues at the back whilst laughing & said 'Haa That is how you do it!'

Towards the end of the game things were getting heated between stewards and they started piling into the crowd, grappling with some fans, which in the process an elderly female was elbowed in the face by the said steward during the struggle (not intentional) but they had been stoking this unrest right from the moment the turnstiles opened.

I don't know who these two stewards in particular think they are but to discriminate against away fans like they did was totally un-acceptable.

Thanks for spoiling our experience, if they were only adhering to the policies set out by Norwich City FC then you are a disgrace as a football club for discriminating against the away fans, treating them all like hooligans from the 1980's.

Thank you.

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #1 on February 23, 2011, 10:57:54 am by Filo »


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #2 on February 23, 2011, 11:04:17 am by hoolahoop »
I hope you have e-mailed NCFC and made them aware that this behaviour is not in keeping with the way our fans behave at games. Our folk are neither hooligans nor cattle........actions such as you describe are more likely to encourage rather than discourage bad behaviour. Norwich City never used to be this bad , what policies I wonder have been put in place to make such a long trip not worth making.
Their Chief Exec. needs to have all these remarks brought to his attention as a matter of urgency.
It will cost his club in terms of both revenue and more importantly the way his club is viewed by supporters from other clubs.
This sort of behaviour has got to stop these folk are stewards NOT 1980's bouncers ffs.


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #3 on February 23, 2011, 11:06:22 am by Filo »
PM Silent_Majority, he can help through the FSF!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #4 on February 23, 2011, 12:09:50 pm by Spankster »
PM sent, this was a copy of what I have sent to NCFC and cc to DRFC.


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #5 on February 23, 2011, 12:23:35 pm by benaldo »
If the rules say you can't remain standing during the game, then you shouldn't remain standing for the game. Pretty straight forward I'd say. Having said that though, the way you describe the stewards acting sounds bloody terrible! I hope someone makes a complaint (why don't you do it?) officially to Norwich.

I would have hoped someone had the brains to record some of it on their phone? If they did it could be downloaded and included on an email to the club as evidence, along with a few statements from other fans, their names, addresses etc.

I always wonder about the whole standing debate. Personally, I prefer to sit down, though I can see that some people want to stand up. The thing is, I wouldn't want to have to stand up to see the match just because the people in front are standing. Perhaps a standing area in a corner of a ground, or somewhere where it wouldn't exclude people from seeing the match from a good viewpoint from sitting? Then all the standing fans can stand about creating \"atmosphere\" (not sure how you do that by just standing, but anyway..) and everybody would be happy. The thing is, I suspect the \"standing lobby\" will never be happy until everyone has a drum, a vuvuzela, and is mumbling \"come on you reds\" every time George Friend takes a step.


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #6 on February 23, 2011, 02:09:39 pm by donnyspur »
I was at the back with the singers and i saw the stewards attack the young lads for celebrating our goal. They were bang out of order and very heavy handed. A young lady got hurt in the mayhem caused by the stewards and was in tears. If they need witneeses count me in !!!!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #7 on February 23, 2011, 02:23:18 pm by Spankster »
Send an email to NCFC as I did and cc DRFC in so they get a copy, the more people that do it the more likeley people will listen

streatham dave

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #8 on February 23, 2011, 03:20:19 pm by streatham dave »
I have just now made an official complaint to Norwich as a representative of London supporters group and have contacted Gareth as VSC chairman to let him know.


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #9 on February 23, 2011, 03:31:19 pm by benaldo »
I hope you get somewhere with it and aren't fobbed off. Good luck with it. When people don't bring up bad incidents in football, things won't change!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #10 on February 23, 2011, 04:06:56 pm by cubs23 »
I was at the game last night and the stewards were a joke!! The head steward would not give his name I wonder why !! I called the club this morning they gave me a number and a name to contact to complain. It was only the head steward!!! I Emailed my complaint to Norwich City to voice my complaint, what do they do with it send it to the head steward!! Who’s response is I will be looking in to this mater blah blah blah course you will !!!!!! What a joke I have made sure that this complaint has gone passed the head steward!! What would you do with a complaint if it was about you and sent to you !!! Every one that was there last night need to complain !! As the stewards were well out of order!!!!

silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #11 on February 23, 2011, 05:28:42 pm by silent majority »
Rigo, The CEO will just refer you to the Safety Officer who is the sole arbiter of ground rules and regulations inside a stadium. He in turn reports to the SAG (Stadium Advisory Group) which is usually local authority controlled but not always, and they in turn respond to the FLA who license the whole thing.

silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #12 on February 23, 2011, 06:22:38 pm by silent majority »
OK, we are now making progress but I do need names of anybody assaulted, I also need video evidence from any individuals or photos. If they (Stewards)have been throwing punches then that's a criminal offence, unlike standing which isn't!!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #13 on February 23, 2011, 07:10:47 pm by gillinghamrover »
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=143276
 unlike standing which isn't!!

I do not condone the actions of any stewards last night, however,playing devils advocate here,it is a football league ground regulation as quoted below not to stand.

10 Nobody may stand in any seating area whilst play is in progress. Persistent standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the Ground.

Also it is on Norwich`s OS (as no doubt it`ll be on every league clubs OS somwhere).



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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #14 on February 23, 2011, 07:23:33 pm by Spankster »
The difference is their fans were stood behind goal, but they were not treated like hooligans & threatened with eviction


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #15 on February 23, 2011, 08:26:08 pm by roversam »
I would love to have seen how those bullyboy stewards reacted to the Leeds fans last November, there must have been thousands of them all standing as usual. I bet they kept a very low profile, just like bullies do  :angry:


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #16 on February 23, 2011, 09:57:42 pm by cubs23 »
The steward all bullied there way in the 2nd time we had scored !! Had nothing to do with standing!!! They were just waiting on us doing anything to react!! You surly must be able to stand up when you score!!!!!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #17 on February 23, 2011, 10:17:07 pm by roversam »
My mate went last night and he said the stewards were shouting at them for standing up all the game !!!

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #18 on February 23, 2011, 10:17:37 pm by Dagenham Rover »
Quote from: \"gillinghamrover\" post=143288
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=143276
 unlike standing which isn't!!

I do not condone the actions of any stewards last night, however,playing devils advocate here,it is a football league ground regulation as quoted below not to stand.

10 Nobody may stand in any seating area whilst play is in progress. Persistent standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the Ground.

Also it is on Norwich`s OS (as no doubt it`ll be on every league clubs OS somwhere).


So if a goal has been scored, the ball is out of play for a throw in, the ref stops play for a foul.
or perhaps the ref stops play for anything that time is added on for you could stand up as play is not in progress.
Really I suppose you could look at it that any break in play means you can stand untill the ball is kicked off again :blink:
What is also apparent apart from the bullying attitude of the stewards is the double standards that appear to have been applied and the discrimination between home and visiting supporters.

Does my memory serve me right in thinking there was some complaints last time we met< I could be wrong on that one

silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #19 on February 23, 2011, 10:31:08 pm by silent majority »
Quote from: \"gillinghamrover\" post=143288
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=143276
 unlike standing which isn't!!

I do not condone the actions of any stewards last night, however,playing devils advocate here,it is a football league ground regulation as quoted below not to stand.

10 Nobody may stand in any seating area whilst play is in progress. Persistent standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the Ground.

Also it is on Norwich`s OS (as no doubt it`ll be on every league clubs OS somwhere).


You miss my point though Gillingham, throwing punches is a criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted and imprisoned, standing at a football game is against ground regulations and the punishment for that is eviction, nothing else. By the way, you are allowed to stand when the ball is not in play, at times of high excitement, when you wish to go to the toilet etc etc. It doesn't leave a lot of time to be sat really does it?

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #20 on February 23, 2011, 10:35:03 pm by Dagenham Rover »
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=143340
Quote from: \"gillinghamrover\" post=143288
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=143276
  By the way, you are allowed to stand when the ball is not in play, at times of high excitement, when you wish to go to the toilet etc etc. It doesn't leave a lot of time to be sat really does it?

Thats what I was trying to say but not so eloquently :cheer:


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #21 on February 23, 2011, 10:39:54 pm by BobG »
That is an incredibly revealing point SM. Thank you! I hadn't appreciated that one is allowed to stand \"at times of high excitement\". If you could provide me with the paragraph/clause/regulation I can quote it, verbatim, to every jumped up little Hitler I come across. Splendid!!



silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #22 on February 23, 2011, 10:51:49 pm by silent majority »
Quote from: \"BobG\" post=143343
That is an incredibly revealing point SM. Thank you! I hadn't appreciated that one is allowed to stand \"at times of high excitement\". If you could provide me with the paragraph/clause/regulation I can quote it, verbatim, to every jumped up little Hitler I come across. Splendid!!



I've got it somewhere Bob, I'll look it up in the morning for you, its been a long day today!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #23 on February 23, 2011, 10:53:18 pm by BobG »
I bet!

Thank you. Top man.


silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #24 on February 24, 2011, 11:02:28 am by silent majority »
Quote from: \"BobG\" post=143346
I bet!

Thank you. Top man.


Here you go Bob. This is taken from the 'Green Guide' which is the official document supplied from the Government body (Department of Culture, Media and Sport) which advises all sports authorities on a whole range of issues, from ground design to policing etc etc. Here's one small section;

d. Stewarding
Stewards should be familiar with the layout of all areas of seated accommodation,
the location of specific rows and seats, and the location of exits, emergency exits and
If reserved seats are sold, stewards should be trained and briefed to ensure that
spectators sit in their designated seats. If unreserved seats are sold, they should be
able to encourage spectators to sit in concentrated groups, so as to make it easier to
direct latecomers to unoccupied seats.
While allowing for the natural tendency of spectators to stand up at key moments
during an event,
stewards should also be trained and briefed to deal effectively with
spectators who persistently stand up (see also Section 12.20.e).

I have the whole guide if you want a copy!


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #25 on February 24, 2011, 11:12:03 am by Mike_F »
SM, has this docment replaced the FLA guidelines which included allowance for standing at \"times of high excitement\"?

I used to carry that document around with me just in case! It was nice and subjective so I could always say that I was finding the game very exciting.

I can never quite understand how they make a ruling that standing is unsafe but acceptable before the game, during half time, after the match and during exciting passages of play when the potential for movement, some of it vigorous is greatly escalated. Surely this wold be much less safe that simply standing in one spot during general play?!

silent majority

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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #26 on February 24, 2011, 11:23:18 am by silent majority »
Quote from: \"Mike_F\" post=143386
SM, has this docment replaced the FLA guidelines which included allowance for standing at \"times of high excitement\"?

I used to carry that document around with me just in case! It was nice and subjective so I could always say that I was finding the game very exciting.

I can never quite understand how they make a ruling that standing is unsafe but acceptable before the game, during half time, after the match and during exciting passages of play when the potential for movement, some of it vigorous is greatly escalated. Surely this wold be much less safe that simply standing in one spot during general play?!

Not really, but the FLA take their guidelines from this document. I know exactly what you mean and that has been our argument all along, seating seems to cause more problmes than standing used to and to me its just illogical. By the way there are several quotes that you can find on the FLA website which supports the same view, for example;

'Both the Taylor Report and the model ground regulations implicitly distinguish short term standing when spectators are entering or leaving and during moments of excitement from persistent standing during the match. Such short term standing may constitute a hazard. Spectators may slip, fall and injure themselves. Realistically, these risks cannot be wholly eliminated. Nevertheless, the ground management should take whatever physical or crowd management measures it reasonably can to reduce them to an acceptable level.'

But even the above quote is now out of date and the FSF have challenged their statistics on safety in seated areas and standing areas. They now accept that the statistics do not support their argument on safety. So, if people don't want to sit and the safety argument is now out of the window what other reason is there to supply seating on a compulsory basis??


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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #27 on February 24, 2011, 10:06:01 pm by BobG »
Superb SM! Thank you ever so much. I am going to type that up, print it out and carry it round with me.

I reckon there's quite a few should do the same....




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Re: Complaint to NCFC re stewards
« Reply #28 on February 25, 2011, 06:27:06 am by donnybez »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=143224
I hope you get somewhere with it and aren't fobbed off. Good luck with it. When people don't bring up bad incidents in football, things won't change!

Its all good and well complaining to NCFC, but why not point this out to the Free Press? See if you can gather witness via making it a big story at the back page? I'm sure that could not only gather witnesses but garner publicity speeding up NCFC to actually fully investigate


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