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Author Topic: GPS Running Watches  (Read 3110 times)

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GPS Running Watches
« on April 24, 2012, 10:31:13 am by 5minstogo »
Can anyone recommend any or tell me any to avoid?

I want a fairly cheap one (not that it appears such a thing exists)

Or if anyone has one knocking around no longer needed, that they would sell, let me know.


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #1 on April 24, 2012, 12:07:17 pm by CusworthRovers »
I've got the Garmin Forerunner 110. It depends what you're after. Are you just using it for gym and for your heart or are you out and about bike/walk/run. Mine is simply to monitor pace, distance, time and heart rate (I've obviously got the HR monitor too) and for outdoor use really.

Some tips:

There are some that look like you've got Big Ben on your wrist. The one I have is like a watch in size
You can do much of the stuff on the old iphone as many will point out if you download the apps. I would say having used my iphone as a test, they lose satellites far to easily for navigation purposes and hence you lose the distance, mapping.

With the garmins (or any i suppose) you can plug it into your computer and it gives you also sorts of shit that you save and see how you're getting on.

Finally, my Garmin was about £135 and about 30-40 for the HR monitor (about 2-3yrs ago). You can pick them up cheaper if you look round the internet.


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #2 on April 24, 2012, 12:51:16 pm by 5minstogo »
Cheers for that, I've been considering the Garmin 110 and the 405.

I want it for outdoor running, I started  about a year ago now and started as it was cheap to get into. Now I'm getting more into it I've decided to get some proper running shoes and one of these watches so I can monitor my pace while I'm on the move.  I've entered a few races too (just for fun) but I'm better knowing I'm at the right pace etc.  All in all it isn't a cheap fitness option!

I haven't got a GPS enabled phone, plus I want to be able to easily glance at it while I'm running so a watch will be a better option. I'll shop around and see if the Missus wants to treat me .


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #3 on April 25, 2012, 12:43:17 am by DaveDRFC »
I've got a 405CX and while it behaves itself most of the time, it can be a bit of a pain in the arse, sometimes just dying for hours at a time with no warning. As good as it is while it's working, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

A lot of people at my running club have the 110 and don't think they've had any problems, I reckon if you shop around you'll probably pick one up for about 80 quid as well. In my opinion a GPS watch is the best bit of kit you can get for running (other than decent shoes obviously), I can't do without it now, need to know my pace!

My mate managed to pick a Decathlon own brand GPS up off ebay for about 25 quid I reckon, and while I don't know if it's any good, might be worth having a look on there to see if there are any bargains.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #4 on April 25, 2012, 10:14:58 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
I'm also after getting one of these so if anyone sees any good deals about let me know.  It's much more difficult running solo than it was when I used to compete when I was a schoolkid, harder to be motivated I find.


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #5 on April 25, 2012, 10:39:30 am by 5minstogo »
Thanks, I think I'm settled on the 110, went into Sweatshop at Xscape yesterday to get some new shoes (turns out the ones I've been running in are ok too though)

Girl in there has a 110 and she says it's all you could need.  Second hand ones on ebay don't got for much less than new ones so I think I'll wait around for a special offer.

Now looking forward to the Donny 10k and Sheffield half next month.  Can anyone recommend any other decent races?


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #6 on April 25, 2012, 12:34:52 pm by RobTheRover »
The Monaco Grand Prix?



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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #7 on April 25, 2012, 02:12:39 pm by CusworthRovers »
I had a Sweat Shop Voucher or pamphlet for doing the Worksop Half, and the 110 was in there for about £80. Not sure if that offer is still available.

The 110 has done everything for me and never failed. One you get it hooked up to Garmin Connect you'll be motivated to go back out, if not for the stats, then for the pretty picture it draws of your run/bike.

As for races, I'm also in the inaugural Donny 10k on the 13th May. I'm doing the Coast to Coast on the bike and I'm also in the Humber Half (June 25 ish) which go's over the bridge twice and around those parts (something different I suppose).
The Worksop Half is nice as it takes in a lot of Clumber Park (October)
Sandal Beat 10k is flat and all in the woods (I think May/June)
Dalby Dash 10k is another good one in the woods and a climb for the first 3-4km (Autumn)

We are looking at the Hell Up North race in Cheshire on the 4th Nov (Google it, it's Man v Elements and looks a bas**rd)

Finally, I would highly strongly upmostly recommend one of the Lakeland Trail Races. Google it as they are spread over the year and in various parts of that area. We did the Derwent Water Trail Race (about 15k) in Keswick and the mountains. It pissed it down and when I was running through the side of the hills I was knee deep in peat/bogs/mud. It was impossible to run in places. At the top of the climbs I was running above the clouds .....weird feeling.
Be careful with the trails races though, as they are mostly uneven, on slate, rocks etc etc and you will need some Trail Running Trainers......that's the next thing, who would have thought you need different trainers for different terrains.



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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #8 on April 25, 2012, 02:34:26 pm by 5minstogo »
Yes, trail shoes also on the agenda as I've outgrown my Adidas Kanadia's.  Sadly I didn't think to get any for the Rosso Gallop and after being knee deep in river water my normal runners have never recovered.

I'll have a look at those other races, was planning on the Clumber Park Halloween one but want some more during the summer. Strangely addictive this running malarky.

Appears the best price for a new 110 is at start fitness


Use code RW10 for a further 10% off if anyone else is wanting one. Doesn't come with a Heart Rate Monitor but i think I'd rather not know!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #9 on April 25, 2012, 03:18:41 pm by CusworthRovers »
You need a HR monitor mate. It makes the watch more value in what it can do.

Plus it's there in front of you so you can adjust your pace accordingly to bring your heart rate up or down.

For me I mix and match between:

Cardio/fitness shit where I'm at on average 145-160. This is just a normal jog pace for me round our way with the gradients, flat bits and climbs and try and keep it there.

I'll also do fat burn days where I try and stay around 130 and for me that's a slight jog or a steady bike ride.

When I'm climbing Cussy Hill, Boat Lane Sprotboro, or up the side of Cadeby Viaduct I'm usually up in the 180's.

For me and if it's owt like you, I'm just a plodder and all though I'm talking all this spiel, I'm simply a steady eddy plodder. My fault is I can't do the food and drink side of it!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #10 on April 25, 2012, 05:22:50 pm by Jenny »
I also have the 110 (ladies version), I do like it but it does frustrate me due to the following reasons:

- sometimes it does just go blank (never whilst I've been out walking/running) - no loss of data and resets itself quite easily (with the help of google!).

- Slow to pick up satelittes in shite weather

- The pace is average pace over a lap, a lap is defaulted to a mile - if you want to know current pace you have to shorten your lap to something along the lines of say 0.25m but that annoys me as I wanna know my mile marker times....

Either way, it is a great starter watch and I would be lost without mine now, I find it really focusses me on what I want to achieve and being the stats geek that I am, having something where I can track how far I have gone, in what time, how many calories I have burnt etc is like geek heaven!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #11 on April 25, 2012, 05:30:35 pm by 5minstogo »
Oh stuff it, I've ordered the 110 with HRM  from Amazon as that seems to be the cheapest at the minute.


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #12 on April 26, 2012, 02:45:09 pm by CusworthRovers »
Good skills. Never had the problems Jenny has had. I've used it in heavy canopy wooded areas, rain, sleet, fog, underground, overground wombling free and it's never lost signal or turned off

Get tuned into Garmin Connect.


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #13 on April 26, 2012, 03:17:17 pm by Jenny »
Mine doesn't lose signal once it has picked up and my routes are always very accurate on Garmin Connect, it just sometimes takes a little longer than I want it to to pick up the first signal... The going blank normally happens when I attach to laptop but that may be because work provide us with god awful laptops!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #14 on April 29, 2012, 06:21:38 pm by 5minstogo »
Just back from my first run with this awesome piece of kit.  Really good and helped me to a personal best on a route I've been running for months.

Bit worried that my heart may have actually exploded at times, when the number kept going higher and higher but I'm still here to tell the tale.

If anyone was unsure about getting one, do it!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #15 on April 29, 2012, 07:16:39 pm by RobTheRover »
Whilst we are on the fitness kick, expect something interesting coming soon from the VSC.

Cant say more just yet.  Yes, I'm in the know and rubbing your noses in it, before someone says it!

(joke - its not ready to launch yet is all it is!)


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #16 on April 30, 2012, 12:03:53 pm by CusworthRovers »
Hopefully the club and your good selves have come up with some plan for use of the Keepmoat gym!



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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #17 on April 30, 2012, 12:12:50 pm by RobTheRover »
Oooh, close!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #18 on July 09, 2012, 03:30:30 pm by Jenny »
My 110 is driving me mad, picking up the satellites is getting worse & worse - I was at least half a mile into a run over the weekend before it decided to pick up. Contemplating sending it back but also don't wanna be without it. Fed up of standing around waiting for it to pick up!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #19 on July 10, 2012, 08:15:33 am by 5minstogo »
Must be faulty, mine takes 30 seconds max (which seems longer than it is) to lock in and only had a problem once where it lost signal again ( I was wearing it on the underside of my wrist) If I wear it in the normal watch position it's fine.

The only thing I don't understand is how the current pace is calculated, is it calculated over the last mile (my preset lap distance) or the last say 400 yards?

I get confused easily  :blink:


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #20 on July 10, 2012, 12:30:44 pm by Jenny »
Its got better over the last day or so, maybe cos I hadn't used it for a while (I've been lazy!!)

Current pace on the 110 is the preset lap distance - its frustrating cos I wanna know what my pace is at any given time, pace is something I really struggle with and the watch doesn't help. The only way you can change it is to change your preset lap distance to a shorter distance to give more accurate real time pace. But then who wants their lap splits every 0.1m?!

By the time Brighton Marathon rocks around I will have probably upgraded to a watch that gives current actual pace otherwise I might just die!


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Re: GPS Running Watches
« Reply #21 on July 10, 2012, 12:41:39 pm by 5minstogo »
Hmm yeah it's a bit annoying, still better than nothing at all I guess.

I'm planning to do a marathon next year and looks like Brighton is a sell-out.  Think I might go for Edinburgh or Manchester.


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