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Author Topic: 2nd Amendment  (Read 4785 times)

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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #30 on December 21, 2012, 01:34:17 pm by Filo »
I too don`t want Sandy to think we`re picking on Americans, my post was to highlight how the Americans are perceived from a non American perspective

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The L J Monk

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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #31 on December 21, 2012, 04:44:20 pm by The L J Monk »
Terrific response from the NRA today.

How do we stop shootings in schools? By making sure there are guns in every school!



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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #32 on December 21, 2012, 04:48:33 pm by jucyberry »
The problem is I think that it is human nature to judge on what is seen and heard, sadly reasonable, ordinary people like Sandy are invisible even tho they are I would think in the majority.

When the minority are so very vocal it is so hard not to let their attitudes stand as the example.

We are afterall two nations divided by a common language.  :(

Sandy Lane

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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #33 on December 21, 2012, 11:53:07 pm by Sandy Lane »
Thank you all for the responses, I appreciate it as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed.  And certainly no hard feelings, as I do enjoy you lot!   :)


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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #34 on December 23, 2012, 07:59:26 am by auckleyflyer »
I stand by what i said, its not personal sandy, and every country has its problems! but when ambulances pass people dying on the street, criminals are on death row and assult rifles are next to TV's in wall-mart, then You have a way to go as a nation.
Hope Barrack makes a difference or least starts a change. He does seam to be the most socially aware leader youve ever had, with his reform process.
For all its problems there's not a place in the world id rather be and count myself lucky to be born in this country!
Life is so random and we no better than any other man yet so many are born to a certain life the minute the pop out, we are blessed.


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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #35 on December 23, 2012, 11:44:21 pm by BobG »
Sandy - did Clinton try to do something about the mass availability of guns? I have a vague memory he did. And got shot down for his pains. Or did I imagine that?



PS I do remember once wandering around a Woolworth's in downtown DC and and then staring in awe at the vast, vast array of rifles, semi automatic cannons (well, they looked like cannons to me!) and simply huge great death machines. As for the pistols and revolvers, well....! It reminded me that although no matter where I am in Europe, eastern or western, (excluding what was Yugoslavia!) I am amongst people with basically shared values and culture. When I am in the US, I am in a totally alien world. Funny how two countries, with a semi shared language, can be so bloody different. But then, I suppose I'd think India or Pakistan was pretty alien too. Never been there so I don't know though.

Sandy Lane

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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #36 on December 24, 2012, 03:32:00 pm by Sandy Lane »

Bob, here is a link to Bill Clinton's efforts, fyi. Please talk among yourselves on this matter tho, I've exhausted my efforts!  :-)

I will say tho that my America is very different from your visions of it. If any of you have spent any time here you will find that most of America is extremely peaceful, with small towns and villages that are very quiet and safe.  We go to baseball games or sporting events and sit next to the opposition, who are not segregated in an away end, and drink beer in our seats and socialize with them during the game, and have no problems.  True, the atmosphere is less vibrant because we are mixed together, but if someone does sing, hold up signs or cheer for the opposition, we just grin and bear it.  We do work very hard, try to help other people, recognize that there are greater and lesser people than ourselves, and take individual responsibility for our actions.  Most of us are not in a mini-militia ready to fight at a moments notice, but help our friends and neighbors.  Unfortunately, these events are not splashed all over the papers, but just the bad things that happen.  And they do happen and they diminish us all, and at times I am very ashamed, but overall also very happy here. I really enjoy meeting people from other places, particularly you lot, as I tend to understand you because y'all have characteristics similar to my mother's side of the family, so I 'get' you lot.  Your collective personalities and humor are brilliant!

Anyway a group hug for the holidays, and also a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon for everyone!

Sorry it won't let me cut and paste, but Peace and Happiness to everyone over the pond, and best wishes for 2013!



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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #37 on December 24, 2012, 04:46:00 pm by MrFrost »
Anyone seen the Piers Morgan interview?



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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #38 on December 24, 2012, 06:27:38 pm by StocktonRover »
and another atrocity - fire fighters shot dead while fighting a fire - what on earth is going on over there?


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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #39 on December 26, 2012, 12:54:30 am by BobG »
I agree with you Sandy. I've been to the US quite a lot. All over it. And even though I've walked the streets of LA at  midnight, kipped in a down and outs shelter in DC, wandered around Montgomery looking for the ghost of George Wallace so I could kick it in the b*llocks and even twice got in cars belonging to total strangers, I've never, ever had any bother at all. In fact I got taken out gambling in Reno on someone elses' money the first time I got in a car, and, I got a tour of the wrong side of the tracks in Savannah from some big black guy the second time. Bit scary actually that was, but it turned out ok.

So I don't ever mean to imply that the US is populated by mad, trigger happy berserkers. It's not. But you do have the weirdest and most insane gun laws on the planet and you do have an awful lot of mentally deficient politicians and interest groups. And, given the size of the overall population, you do end up having quite a lot of madmen who take advantage of those gun laws and those politicians. I mean, just who, in their right mind, could fail to laugh their heads off at those nutters from the NRA?! They're plain crazy.


« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 12:58:05 am by BobG »


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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #40 on December 26, 2012, 11:56:23 am by Donnywolf »
Me too ....

24 States gone since 1980 and most of them full of ideal small town America places

.... only once in any sort of trouble when at 3 am in Miami Beach a bloke cam screeching up with a Car did a handbrake turn and then jumped out with a f****** Machete (that was 1980 too). I have often thought if he had "gone for us" he could have killed the three of us.

That apart I have seen no trouble and not a single gun or firearm except where you would expect to see them so I agree with Sandy Lane too. I would not be averse to living somewhere like Upper New York State (Lake Placid perhaps) during the summer and the Florida Keys during the winter

Sandy Lane

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Re: 2nd Amendment
« Reply #41 on December 26, 2012, 10:48:14 pm by Sandy Lane »
Glad you both enjoyed your visits and no big problems for you.  DW, Lake Placid is very nice and lovely in the summer, and if you ski, nice in the winter as well.

It does seem scary lately that more crazies are about tho (in addition to NRA members), it's like a permanent full moon!


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