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Author Topic: Grammar schools  (Read 4088 times)

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Draytonian III

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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #30 on September 14, 2016, 07:55:10 pm by Draytonian III »
I went to a Grammar school and I was only child in the class who's parents were divorced. I was made to feel that was at the wrong school from the day one. Even later in life when I encountered some my old teachers in pubs or sports fields they still had that air of looking down on me .

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Copps is Magic

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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #32 on September 14, 2016, 10:22:17 pm by Copps is Magic »
Call me cynical but it's a tad convenient that Corbyn has suddenly put in a 'good performance' a week or so before the leadership contest.

Some of these MPs are really stuck in a time-warp. They seem to hold PMQ as some sort of puppet show. I've said it before, people want to hear simple questions answered, they want to hear reasoned debate and firm evidence, not a slanging match between two parties that don't hold anyone's respect.


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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #33 on September 15, 2016, 09:09:02 am by idler »
Exactly right Copps. I'd rather not see our MPs acting like an unruly mob or football crowd. What an example to our children, this is how to show respect and debate topics.
Just how many times do we have an uninterrupted serious debate at pmqs?

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #34 on September 18, 2016, 12:48:39 am by Sammy Chung was King »
The only way it works is if equal funding is given to each school. That way each school has the same chance of holding onto they're best teachers and producing hopefully similar results to the others.
What will happen with this if it ever get's passed. Is certain schools will 'cherry pick' the best teachers, and the poorer areas like doncaster, the standard of teaching will decline.
 The south and north divide will be strengthened unless it is run to benefit all.


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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #35 on September 23, 2016, 11:55:48 am by bobjimwilly »
It's not all about funding though; if you were offered the same money to teach at a comp, full of "less bright" kids and a lot of trouble makers, or a grammar school, full of "brighter" kids and, more likely, less trouble makers, where would you want to teach?


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Re: Grammar schools
« Reply #36 on September 23, 2016, 05:33:32 pm by albie »
Just another way of erecting barriers for me, barriers that should be removed.

The appeal of this is to the nostalgia brigade, who believe things were better in the good old days, regardless of evidence. Dog whistle code for the receptive.

One difficulty is not knowing the precise format for selection, and for the curriculum for the withs and withouts. A return to Latin grammar is not likely to boost your job prospects in a world where large numbers of occupations are vulnerable to technological substitution.

Anyway, there is a full fact dossier on Grammar Schools for your consideration;
Grammar schools benefit some pupils but the majority do worse - Full Fact


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