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Author Topic: A Very British Coup  (Read 1730 times)

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A Very British Coup
« on July 23, 2020, 02:40:15 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
When democracy finally collapsed, you didn't expect it to be because of tanks in the streets and a demagogue Inna military uniform did you?

THIS is how British democracy falls apart.


This is the day that Parliament goes into recess. They drop this bombshell that all Govt data (health records, tax records, what car you drive, what criminal records you have, what GCHQ knows about you) is now being handed over to Dominic Cummings.

That's Dominic Cummings whose best mates run Big Data companies.

That's Dominic Cummings who boasted about using Cambridge Analytica to profile the vulnerable and bombard them with a cyber storm of lies to get them to get off their arses and vote Leave.

That's Dominic Cummings who was formally found to be in contempt of Parliament when the body tasked with investigating the fairness of our elections called him in to be questioned and he flicked them the rods.

Anybody care anymore?

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #1 on July 23, 2020, 03:03:43 pm by MachoMadness »
As long as it triggers the other side, people will accept just about anything anymore. That much is clear. We, as a country, deserve this.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #2 on July 23, 2020, 03:31:49 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Cummings IS a genius. There's no denying it.

He's realised the unspoken flaw at the centre of British Government. If the PM has the support of his MPs, there is literally nothing he cannot do. There are no checks and balances like the Supreme Court and Constitution in the USA.

A British PM can ONLY be held to account by his or her own MPs outside of an election.

So if your MPs are on your side, there is nothing to stop you doing what the he you want. It can be amoral. It can be dangerous. It can be treasonous. It can be aimed at empowering and enriching yourself and your mates.

And no-one can stop you.

And THAT is Cummings's genius. He's given Johnson the Brexit bullets to shoot all the moderate Tories. There aren't any left who aren't part of the Brexit Death Cult. And they will turn a blind eye to anything else No10 does as long as it delivers them Brexit.

And Cummings is now running to country, with Johnson as front of house buffoon. He's rapidly restructuring our whole system of Govt with no-one checking or watching over him. And he's now got unfettered access to every bit of info the Govt holds on you. So his mates can process it and decide how best to convince you to vote for them next time round.

And no-one seems to give a f**k.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #3 on July 23, 2020, 03:35:12 pm by albie »
Whoever controls the data owns the past, defines the present, and shapes the future.

This is the key point of the Cummings Project, and it allows him to unlock the commercial value and power brokerage in the information.

Folk will still be allowed to vote, to keep up appearances, but the centre of gravity in the western democracies moves into the hands of those who can manipulate the data.

Very little evidence that Labour, as the opposition, have come to terms with the goals of Cummingsism.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #4 on July 23, 2020, 04:28:23 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

In all honesty, it is very hard to know where to start addressing this. Certainly there's no mechanism within Parliament for doing so.

Cummings has realised that if you have the balls, the front and the energy, there is nothing in our political system to stop a coup like this. And it absolutely IS a coup.

Public opinion could stop it. But how many people honestly give a f**k? 10%? 5%? Look at some of the responses you get in here - as long as they keep on serving up enough lefty-baiting to keep folk on side, no-one on the right gives a f**k about this.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #5 on July 23, 2020, 04:30:27 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
And the media is just f**king useless.

On the day a bombshell like this is announced, Kuenssberg doesn't say a word about it. Just three tweets about Labour and Anti-Semitism. Utterly bone-idle journalism.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #6 on July 23, 2020, 04:33:21 pm by Donnywolf »
From 2 posts above (BST)

And Cummings is now running to country, with Johnson as front of house buffoon. He's rapidly restructuring our whole system of Govt with no-one checking or watching over him. And he's now got unfettered access to every bit of info the Govt holds on you. So his mates can process it and decide how best to convince you to vote for them next time round.

And no-one seems to give a f**k.

I think at least 53 % of people will be enraged being the people in the electorate who did not vote for the Tories.Calls for speculation but there could be some who have swapped sides as they hate (or indeed like) what they have seen lately

Twitter is alive with so many eminent people who are enraged. Personally my blood boils when I see Liar Johnson and any of the least talented Ministers and hangers on that I have ever encountered ... but in truth .... though they passionately DO give a f**k they are getting absolutely nowhere

I cannot think what might even make the Tories more unpopular with their 43% - and of course PR will be dead and buried for a generation.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #7 on July 23, 2020, 04:35:27 pm by Donnywolf »
Cant understand "them" wanting to keep Scotland in the Union ? Would have thought they would love them to leave so as to make it even harder for Labour to dislodge them

BST will know lol


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #8 on July 23, 2020, 04:59:08 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Historically, the Tories are the party of Empire. They are officially the Conservative and Unionist party. So holding the Union together is in the blood of the old Tory party.

This is absolutely NOT the old Tory party though.

I was watching the BBC documentary series about Thatcher recently. Something hit me. Several of her aides said she was upset by the barrow boy yuppies she unleashed in the 80s. And I think there's something in that. She believed in the free market but also in morality and responsibility. But she created a monster. People who were let off the leash to do as they pleased, but who didn't share her sense of Duty and morality.

Then it hit me. It is that generation who she created that has now devoured the Tory party.

Johnson is the ultimate chancer unleashed. He believes in nothing but Johnson. He will take on or ditch any principle if it helps his career.

With that in mind, I think you might be into something. Why SHOULD Johnson fight to keep the Union? What is in it for him?

wilts rover

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #9 on July 23, 2020, 05:56:38 pm by wilts rover »


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #10 on July 24, 2020, 02:19:51 pm by BigH »
If Corbyn had got elected last December there would have been a huge furore about how a marxist had managed to get hold of power and the levers of government.

There would, by now, be national outrage with every governmental decision viewed through that marxist lense. And rightly so.

But the pendulum swings the other way, we elect an ultra right wing administration - a fanatical cult that 10 years ago would have been regarded as nuts - and everyone goes 'yeah well, so what'.

Maybe only when people see it tested to destruction with an utterly defenestrated public sector, mass unemployment, charges for every use of the NHS and an ever-widening north south divide will the penny finally drop.

Votes matter and this is what you voted for.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #11 on July 24, 2020, 02:27:34 pm by Filo »
If Corbyn had got elected last December there would have been a huge furore about how a marxist had managed to get hold of power and the levers of government.

There would, by now, be national outrage with every governmental decision viewed through that marxist lense. And rightly so.

But the pendulum swings the other way, we elect an ultra right wing administration - a fanatical cult that 10 years ago would have been regarded as nuts - and everyone goes 'yeah well, so what'.

Maybe only when people see it tested to destruction with an utterly defenestrated public sector, mass unemployment, charges for every use of the NHS and an ever-widening north south divide will the penny finally drop.

Votes matter and this is what you voted for.

For some people, some even on here, they will have to admit they were wrong before the penny drops, and for some people admitting they were wrong is impossible even when the facts are smacking them on the nose everyday


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #12 on July 24, 2020, 05:02:40 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Think what people would have said if Corbyn was PM and presided over 4 million on the dole which is what the predictions are for next year.

And before anyone says "yes but there's a global crisis", just think how many Tories came out with that smug, intellectually bone idle comment "Labour always leaves power with unemployment higher than when they came to power" in 2010, ignoring the fact that there had been a massive global crisis.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #13 on July 24, 2020, 06:00:55 pm by redwine »
Where's a grassy knoll when you need one.

The sad thing is I'm not even joking.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #14 on July 24, 2020, 07:51:31 pm by drfchound »
If Corbyn had got elected last December there would have been a huge furore about how a marxist had managed to get hold of power and the levers of government.

There would, by now, be national outrage with every governmental decision viewed through that marxist lense. And rightly so.

But the pendulum swings the other way, we elect an ultra right wing administration - a fanatical cult that 10 years ago would have been regarded as nuts - and everyone goes 'yeah well, so what'.

Maybe only when people see it tested to destruction with an utterly defenestrated public sector, mass unemployment, charges for every use of the NHS and an ever-widening north south divide will the penny finally drop.

Votes matter and this is what you voted for.

BigH, if Labour are in power they get slated by the Tory voters.
If the Torys are in power they get slated by the Labour voters.
It has always been the same, always will be.

And I don’t think that everyone is saying yeah so what.

wilts rover

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #15 on July 24, 2020, 09:01:40 pm by wilts rover »
Houd - according to the opinion polls out today and conducted in the days after the release of this report - almost everyone who voted Tory in December 2019 is saying so what.

What this report shows is that the Cummings/Johnson government is nothing but an extension of the Russian state Foreign Policy (or to be more accurate Vladimir Putin's personal foreign policy as the money that is flowing into Londongrad & the Tory Party is stolen from the Russian state).

What is incredibly concerning is that 40+% of the voting public don't care about this. Not only don't care - they approve of it!


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #16 on July 24, 2020, 09:12:21 pm by drfchound »
Houd - according to the opinion polls out today and conducted in the days after the release of this report - almost everyone who voted Tory in December 2019 is saying so what.

What this report shows is that the Cummings/Johnson government is nothing but an extension of the Russian state Foreign Policy (or to be more accurate Vladimir Putin's personal foreign policy as the money that is flowing into Londongrad & the Tory Party is stolen from the Russian state).

What is incredibly concerning is that 40+% of the voting public don't care about this. Not only don't care - they approve of it!

Almost everyone you say.
BigH said everyone.
Have you got any figures to back up that 40%+ of the voting public don’t care or evidence that they approve of it.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #17 on July 24, 2020, 10:27:16 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

I suspect "everyone" was shorthand for "everyone who supports the Tories."

You can find plenty of polls where 40+% of the electorate say they approve of Johnson (not "prefer him to Starmer". Approve. Full stop.) I shouldn't need to.point you to where because you could easily find them yourself, but here they are.


That's 40+% of the popululation supporting Johnson despite his management of Covid being the worst in Europe.

Despite him having shamefacedly lied about customs checks between the UK and NI.

Despite his well-documented, career-long record of lying at every turn.

Keep an eye on that page. See how the approval ratings go over the next week. I'll guarantee you the Russia Report, which show that he has chosen not to investigate hostile state action in our elections doesn't cause more that a bliplet in those approval rating for him. Because, frankly, Tory voters seem to have decided they don't give a f**k as long as the get their Brexit and their buffoon in charge.

wilts rover

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #18 on July 24, 2020, 11:43:00 pm by wilts rover »
Houd - according to the opinion polls out today and conducted in the days after the release of this report - almost everyone who voted Tory in December 2019 is saying so what.

What this report shows is that the Cummings/Johnson government is nothing but an extension of the Russian state Foreign Policy (or to be more accurate Vladimir Putin's personal foreign policy as the money that is flowing into Londongrad & the Tory Party is stolen from the Russian state).

What is incredibly concerning is that 40+% of the voting public don't care about this. Not only don't care - they approve of it!

Almost everyone you say.
BigH said everyone.
Have you got any figures to back up that 40%+ of the voting public don’t care or evidence that they approve of it.

I have seen three opinion polls out today. All, as I said, conducted in the past two days after the release of that report. All showing over 40% support for the Tories.

I would link them but as you dont bother to read links - there ain't no point.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #19 on July 25, 2020, 08:52:46 am by drfchound »
Houd - according to the opinion polls out today and conducted in the days after the release of this report - almost everyone who voted Tory in December 2019 is saying so what.

What this report shows is that the Cummings/Johnson government is nothing but an extension of the Russian state Foreign Policy (or to be more accurate Vladimir Putin's personal foreign policy as the money that is flowing into Londongrad & the Tory Party is stolen from the Russian state).

What is incredibly concerning is that 40+% of the voting public don't care about this. Not only don't care - they approve of it!

Almost everyone you say.
BigH said everyone.
Have you got any figures to back up that 40%+ of the voting public don’t care or evidence that they approve of it.

I have seen three opinion polls out today. All, as I said, conducted in the past two days after the release of that report. All showing over 40% support for the Tories.

I would link them but as you dont bother to read links - there ain't no point.

I said I don’t read most of them on the political threads.

wilts rover

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #20 on July 25, 2020, 10:48:15 am by wilts rover »
Yes I remember hound.

Here are a few things for you not to read:

Extracts from a new book out next week looking at where exactly the Russian money is going, who is giving it and how the Tory Party are benefiting (including Johnson's personal links with ex KGB officer Lebedev - info thought to be in the witheld appendix)


How the laundering of stolen Russian money in the UK is Johnson doing Putin's job for him:


Londongrad - corrupted by Greed


Latest polling:



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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #21 on July 25, 2020, 11:16:22 am by SydneyRover »
I'd had a few close shaves so I bought the conservative party  :)


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #22 on July 25, 2020, 12:49:59 pm by Muttley »
Nothing is going to change while we have this level of intelligence amongst  the voting public - approx 20% are f**king clueless and about 10% are clearly f**king idiots


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #23 on July 25, 2020, 02:04:28 pm by BigH »
To be fair to Cummings, he's made a career out of exploiting that very point!

wilts rover

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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #24 on July 25, 2020, 06:04:32 pm by wilts rover »
To be fair to Cummings, he's made a career out of exploiting that very point!

Good point, well made.


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Re: A Very British Coup
« Reply #25 on July 26, 2020, 10:49:43 pm by SydneyRover »
Breaking news: Putin to send large security detail to London to look after Johnson  :)


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