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Author Topic: VSC MOTM  (Read 7163 times)

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« Reply #30 on March 21, 2010, 10:01:43 pm by BobG »
Y'know what? I'm sitting here wondering just what kind of a person could possibly maintain a vendetta against an individual, any individual, over months and months and months whilst ignoring the evidence before his eyes?  It's certainly true that those eyes must have extreme selective vision isn't it? What makes this bout of pondering even more incredible to me, is the fact that the person principally involved has just about never, in all his 437 posts, ever said anything constructive, appreciative or positive.

Just what sort of person can this be? Really. I'm mystified by the mentality of anyone who can continue to inhabit such a negative, dreary and unpleasant world.



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« Reply #31 on March 21, 2010, 10:29:03 pm by Wellred »
I suggest you get your facts right before you start the pontificating. 18 negative posts about the player in question. Very few of which were started by me.
The trouble with certain individuals on this forum is that they are holier than though and always right.
If anyone has the temerity to say anything negative it gets exagerated. The positives are always forgotten.
Where is the evidence then Bob G? Is it correct because you say so?
I am certainly not the only one who doesn't rate the player in question have all the others read the evidence wrong as well?


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« Reply #32 on March 21, 2010, 10:43:28 pm by TheRev »
Wellred wrote:
I suggest you get your facts right before you start the pontificating. 18 negative posts about the player in question. Very few of which were started by me.
The trouble with certain individuals on this forum is that they are holier than though and always right.
If anyone has the temerity to say anything negative it gets exagerated. The positives are always forgotten.
Where is the evidence then Bob G? Is it correct because you say so?
I am certainly not the only one who doesn't rate the player in question have all the others read the evidence wrong as well?

Cheers for the recognition  ;)


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« Reply #33 on March 21, 2010, 11:12:32 pm by BobG »
Never said you were the only one to dislike Wilson WellRed. The point that gets right up my nose, if you care to read my post none selectively, is your never ending stream of complaints, whinging, moaning and negative vibes.




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« Reply #34 on March 22, 2010, 12:13:10 am by Filo »
BobG wrote:
, if you care to read my post none selectively



Mission imposable!


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« Reply #35 on March 22, 2010, 12:28:40 am by RedRockets »
come on people...why do the selective bunch really dislike Wilson.

He's not a flare player like others, he does his job nice n simple...pass and move, pass and move etc etc.
He's doing a Wellens 'style' role and is filling the spot well


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« Reply #36 on March 22, 2010, 01:06:46 am by VikingJames »
RedRockets wrote:
come on people...why do the selective bunch really dislike Wilson.

He's not a flare player like others, he does his job nice n simple...pass and move, pass and move etc etc.
He's doing a Wellens 'style' role and is filling the spot well

Am I ill, or did I just see Wilson's contribution to the team being compared to that of Richie Wellens?  :blink:

Lets turn it round shall we. What do the selective bunch see from Wilson that suggests to them that he is a Championship standard midfielder?

Barmby Rover

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« Reply #37 on March 22, 2010, 04:45:15 am by Barmby Rover »
He is a CCC standard player because he plays in that league regularly and is picked by a manager who knows a damn sight more than the whinging moaners who are on here every week. That is why SOD is worth several million pounds to the football club and the moaners are worth only £3-400 per year to sit in the stands. I know who's opinion I would rather accept.


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« Reply #38 on March 22, 2010, 07:53:06 am by Wellred »
BobG wrote:
Never said you were the only one to dislike Wilson WellRed. The point that gets right up my nose, if you care to read my post none selectively, is your never ending stream of complaints, whinging, moaning and negative vibes.



And if you were to look at ALL my posts instead of being selective to suit your own argument you would see that I support the club and have as many positive posts as negative posts.
I take it you think that by not being in agreement with certain posters who see absolutely everything through rose tinted spectacles that is being negative.
Maybe nobody should be allowed to voice their opinion if it isn't in a positive manner no matter what is posted.
Do you really want this forum to be one great big love in?


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« Reply #39 on March 22, 2010, 08:18:31 am by Wellred »
Filo wrote:
BobG wrote:
, if you care to read my post none selectively



Mission imposable!

wow is that the best you can come up with after spitting your dummy out yesterday when you couldn't get your own way?

Surely you can come up with something better than that. Two words and one of them spelt wrong!!! tut tut

wing commander

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« Reply #40 on March 22, 2010, 09:42:15 am by wing commander »
Well at halftime my vote would have gone to either Wilson or Oster,i thought they played well together.However as good as both were in the first half they were as bad in the second.How any of our midfield could be in for mom is beyond me.As soon as the ref blew for the second half to start they dropped back 15 yards and never moved from that line and in my huble opinion probabley cost us the win..
  So for me it was between JOC and Martis,not a lot to choose as they were both excellent but ill go for JOC as Martis missed a sitter... :lol:


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« Reply #41 on March 22, 2010, 10:50:37 am by Filo »
Wellred wrote:

wow is that the best you can come up with after spitting your dummy out yesterday when you couldn't get your own way?

Surely you can come up with something better than that. Two words and one of them spelt wrong!!! tut tut

Wellred from the John Oster thread

Wellred also from the John Oster thread
If it makes you happy.

Me spitting the dummy out?

They were pretty well thought out answers by you eh?
When it was pointed out that it was actually you who changed the subject to another player to suit your argument

It`s easier to ignore that fact than admit your were wrong isn`t it?


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« Reply #42 on March 22, 2010, 11:02:46 am by Wellred »
If you actually look back to the start of the post Rob the Rover made a comment about John Oster being his MOTM. I then replied to his post agreeing that I thought so too.
If you are going to use that flimsy argument to say I changed the subject then frankly you are clutching at straws.


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« Reply #43 on March 22, 2010, 11:19:50 am by Filo »
Wellred wrote:
If you actually look back to the start of the post Rob the Rover made a comment about John Oster being his MOTM. I then replied to his post agreeing that I thought so too.
If you are going to use that flimsy argument to say I changed the subject then frankly you are clutching at straws.

And if you read the entire thread, you`ll also see that I agreed Oster was class but also expressed an opinion that he has flaws to his game, (as do most players at this level, thats why they are not playing premier league football).

Then further down the thread you brought stock into the argument
I saw one yesterday but if we are going down that road how many sloppy balls does Stocky give away in dangerous positions? and that isn't a criticism of Stock as he is for me probably our most influential player when fit.

To which i replied
I didn`t ask you about Stock, the debate is about Oster, you only choose to see the posative things about oster, likewise it`s the opposite with Wilson, you only see the negative things

And then you accuse me of changing the debate from Oster to Wilson to suit my purpose
So now you are changing the debate from Oster to Wilson to suit your purpose

I then pointed out that you had actually already changed the debate from one player to another to suit your purpose
Just like you changed the debate from Oster to Stock to suit your purpose

To which you came out with the well thought out comments
If it makes you happy

Remind me again who spat the dummy out!  ;)


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« Reply #44 on March 22, 2010, 11:32:59 am by Wellred »
Remind me again who was the baby crying in the photo ;-)


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« Reply #45 on March 22, 2010, 11:34:42 am by Filo »
Wellred wrote:
Remind me again who was the baby crying in the photo ;-)


I did notice the point was lost on you


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« Reply #46 on March 22, 2010, 11:41:05 am by Wellred »
Oh I thought the reason you had taken so long to reply was you was having the photo taken


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« Reply #47 on March 22, 2010, 01:14:18 pm by CusworthRovers »
Eeeeh dear. People whinge on about posters bickering on here.........I say leave em to it, it's what makes this place great. I loves reading a good argument between posters. Some top quality arguing, backtracking, pictures, failure to agree, stubborness etc etc


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« Reply #48 on March 22, 2010, 01:16:14 pm by Filo »
Wellred wrote:
Oh I thought the reason you had taken so long to reply was you was having the photo taken

No I had to wait for your mummy to change your nappy  :)


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