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Author Topic: Come on lads lets make so some noise..  (Read 8575 times)

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #30 on October 23, 2010, 10:16:12 pm by BobG »
Passion? Belle Vue? Are you barking? All we ever read on here, and Nigel's old site, is how rubbish the atmosphere was at BV and how much better it would be at the KM once it opened what with it's roof an' all.

You might not like the atmosphere at the KM. So what? if it bothers you that much, do something about it. Perpetual whining simply reinforces the mental imgae you have already created.


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Goldthorpe Rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #31 on October 23, 2010, 10:19:26 pm by Goldthorpe Rover »
Bob i often look forward to your views but your miles off on this one pal


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #32 on October 23, 2010, 10:20:48 pm by MrFrost »
BobG wrote:
Passion? Belle Vue? Are you barking? All we ever read on here, and Nigel's old site, is how rubbish the atmosphere was at BV and how much better it would be at the KM once it opened what with it's roof an' all.

You might not like the atmosphere at the KM. So what? if it bothers you that much, do something about it. Perpetual whining simply reinforces the mental imgae you have already created.


Listen Bob, it's not just me saying it is it? I'll put you in touch with some of my pals who will tell you that is the number one reason they don't go any more.
IMO the atmosphere at BV pissed on the silence at the KMS.
It was a right laugh on the Pop Side with your mates having banter with the away fans etc.

All the old chants have disappeared. Does that tell you anything? Maybe that we've lost those fans?

I agree something needs to be done but once fans feel alienated it's a long road for them to come back.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #33 on October 23, 2010, 10:21:43 pm by BobG »
I agree Goldthorpe! Just following the old mans footsteps: thesis, antithesis, synthesis!




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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #34 on October 23, 2010, 10:23:22 pm by hoolahoop »
Good post Bob, I couldn't have put it more succinctly myself.

Goldthorpe Rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #35 on October 23, 2010, 10:33:47 pm by Goldthorpe Rover »
If that makes you feel superior bob im glad to be of assistance to your reply. By the way isnt it past your bedtime old man  ;)

Barmby Rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #36 on October 23, 2010, 10:35:03 pm by Barmby Rover »
Atmosphere at the old Belle Vue? Hell there were times there when you could hear a pin drop, I used to sit in the main stand and very often I couldn't hear anything from the pop stand. This mythical atmosphere was no better than it is now, The KM was brilliant on the night of the Crewe game, it was great when we played Scunny in our first encounter there, the best one was the Southend match. It depends on the match, the people who are there and the importance of the game, and whether we are playing well or not. It will never be like the old Anfield, but then again neither is the new Anfield. Personally I would kill to be going to the KM regularly again, sometimes you just can't do things. :(


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #37 on October 23, 2010, 10:46:23 pm by Boomstick »
I can think of alot of people that dont go because the experience is simply put, boring. Its not worth paying 20+ quid to be bored. I dont just go for the football, which lest be honest at times is shit. I went to the football for the beer,banter, songs and a general day on the lash.
I simply HATE the keepmoat, IT IS fcukING wonk. Its like a doctors waiting room.

Barmby Rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #38 on October 23, 2010, 10:52:08 pm by Barmby Rover »
Whatever was the point in going to a football match if you didn't have a great deal of interest in the football? You can go and get drink and a \"general day on the lash\" by stopping at home and drinking your cheap booze from the supermarket. I have always gone to watch football surprisingly enough.

Herman Hessian

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #39 on October 23, 2010, 10:59:55 pm by Herman Hessian »
Atmosphere at the old Belle Vue? Hell there were times there when you could hear a pin drop, I used to sit in the main stand and very often I couldn't hear anything from the pop stand. This mythical atmosphere was no better than it is now,

obviously there were quiet games at BV (particularly with less than 1000 people there against Leigh RMI or Forest Green Rovers !) but a yorkshire derby in front of more than 9000 people - the old place would have been going mental, not like the the morgue there for all to see this afternoon

my particular bĂȘte noir - the fact that unreserved seating has never been tried (at the KM). if you MUST be forced to sit down which in itself lessens the atmosphere, you should at least have some kind of choice over who you're stuck next to for two hours. there's never been a coherent argument that's convinced me that there's any merit in telling people precisely where to sit, particularly in a half-empty stand, and as for making sure that you and your mates collude during the summer when buying ST's, or have to make sure you all go through the pay on the day gates one after the other to end up being sat with them, that's just pathetic

i'm sure the poor sods stuck next to me during the first couple of seasons at the KM can confirm that there's some veracity what i'm saying  ;)


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #40 on October 23, 2010, 11:28:04 pm by JonWallsend »
I attended well over 500 games at Belle Vue, the vast majority of them standing on the Pop side, when it was large and covered ( well 2/3 were covered), small and uncovered and in its final days of small but with a roof, and I cant recall more than a handful of times that it was really rocking.

Some of the Friday home games in the 81 promotion season, Dover, when we won 5-4, in the Conference (final half hour), the last minute of the play off semi v Chester and bits of the QPR cup game- but even then it was isolated moments of delerium, rather than 90 minutes of wall to wall sound and they are always connected to results in my mind.

This idea of a matchday experience and banter with away fans, not from the Pop side, as it was rare to ever venture up into that corner.

People tend to reflect on a time when they went with their mates, were able to stand up, launched a few sporadic chants and were probably young and daft as being a golden era of vocal backing. \"We were crap but we had fun and got behind the team.\" NO, we were just crap.

I know I look back and compare it to now I often feel that is how it was, when the reality is far from that.

We have never been overly vocal at home but that is not just us, it is across football.

I would love to hear more sustained chanting at the keepmoat, but it aint going to happen and I don't honestly believe it's a valid excuse for staying away, although if people feel so strongly, that they wont attend due to the atmosphere, then we do need to look at it what can be done.

I have been to 3 home games so far this season and its Swansea next up for me and the lad. The television and cost, as it did with the Leeds game, ensured I stayed in the North East this evening and I would imagine these were the overiding factors for the majority of stay aways.

Still, A decent performance and a good 3 points.

Herman Hessian

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #41 on October 24, 2010, 12:20:32 am by Herman Hessian »
pop side - that was for gays, wasn't it ?  ;)

obviously, all recollections are courtesy of distinctly rose tinted spectacles, and equally obviously BV was a decrepit hovel that i tipped up to out of a perverse sense of duty rather than any higher, more noble, motive, but the fact remains that 9000 plus and a yorkshire derby at the old place would definitely had produced a better atmosphere than the same recipe at the keepmoat

fact is, the sad thing is that i don't think it matters to anyone who counts nowadays, 9000 compliant mute automatons generate the same gate receipts and additional income on matchday as do 9000 rabid lunatics, so why should any self-respecting business spend additional funds doing anything extra to pander to the inconsequential \"needs\" of a few old t**ts with fond memories of the good old days ?

the only people that any of this does matter to, therefore, are the fans themselves, and if they can't be arsed to do anything about it, no-one else should feel obliged to do so. for every old timer who's called it a day in the last decade, there are - what - three, four maybe five nu-fans who are clearly delighted to sign up to the holistic, antiseptic happy-clappy world of today's club, and if that's what the modern incarnation of DRFC perceives as a \"sustainable business model\", no amount of reminiscence is going to make the slightest difference

get over it, move on, nothing to see here any more.....


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #42 on October 24, 2010, 12:31:58 am by Savvy »
Herman Hessian wrote:
pop side - that was for gays, wasn't it ?  ;)

obviously, all recollections are courtesy of distinctly rose tinted spectacles, and equally obviously BV was a decrepit hovel that i tipped up to out of a perverse sense of duty rather than any higher, more noble, motive, but the fact remains that 9000 plus and a yorkshire derby at the old place would definitely had produced a better atmosphere than the same recipe at the keepmoat

fact is, the sad thing is that i don't think it matters to anyone who counts nowadays, 9000 compliant mute automatons generate the same gate receipts and additional income on matchday as do 9000 rabid lunatics, so why should any self-respecting business spend additional funds doing anything extra to pander to the inconsequential \"needs\" of a few old t**ts with fond memories of the good old days ?

the only people that any of this does matter to, therefore, are the fans themselves, and if they can't be arsed to do anything about it, no-one else should feel obliged to do so. for every old timer who's called it a day in the last decade, there are - what - three, four maybe five nu-fans who are clearly delighted to sign up to the holistic, antiseptic happy-clappy world of today's club, and if that's what the modern incarnation of DRFC perceives as a \"sustainable business model\", no amount of reminiscence is going to make the slightest difference

get over it, move on, nothing to see here any more.....

Great post Herman!


Norfolk N Chance

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #43 on October 24, 2010, 09:18:21 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Thought is was the best of the season by a mile!!
2 hours extra in the pub were the reason i think :laugh:


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #44 on October 24, 2010, 10:43:08 pm by RobTheRover »
So, not just me then that thought it was better than normal weekend?

What makes me laugh is that loads come on here and moan about the atmosphere, yet dont seem pissed off enough to do something about it on matchdays.  If its that bad, get your songsheet out and start a few yourself.  Dont expect someone else to do it for you.

As I see it, there are singing groups near the centre of the South Stand, the South West corner and the North West corner.  If you want atmosphere, try sitting there and join in.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #45 on October 25, 2010, 08:30:15 am by CusworthRovers »
Some good points on this. Although not in the mixer, I thought the South Stand was better and I could also hear the NW section.

OBV was not constantly rocking every game. Sorry Frosty, if your mates say it was cos they had a sing and a bit of banter with the fans, then fine for them, but that  may not have been the case for the 1000-4000 Donny fans around them.

As Bob says what is your matchday experience?

At home mine is to get there as late as I can, no food/drink. I will have a natter with  some friends or people around me. I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I may join in with the singing if the atmosphere/singing reaches me. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

At away games I will get there a bit early I may get something to eat, I may have a beer (although I do not see this fixation on beer/food at Footy....I generally eat before I set off, and I'll have a beer when I get home, no probs with those that do, mind). Then as per home game.... ie I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I will join in with the singing as the atmosphere/singing is all around me, thus making it infectious. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

My first thoughts are to the game, not the crowd. It's like a game of chess to me and I'm engrossed. That's my kick in DRFC football

The only clue in all this is the atmosphere.....create the atmosphere and more of the chess players will join in


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #46 on October 25, 2010, 09:46:46 am by jucyberry »
CusworthRovers wrote:
Some good points on this. Although not in the mixer, I thought the South Stand was better and I could also hear the NW section.

OBV was not constantly rocking every game. Sorry Frosty, if your mates say it was cos they had a sing and a bit of banter with the fans, then fine for them, but that  may not have been the case for the 1000-4000 Donny fans around them.

As Bob says what is your matchday experience?

At home mine is to get there as late as I can, no food/drink. I will have a natter with  some friends or people around me. I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I may join in with the singing if the atmosphere/singing reaches me. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

At away games I will get there a bit early I may get something to eat, I may have a beer (although I do not see this fixation on beer/food at Footy....I generally eat before I set off, and I'll have a beer when I get home, no probs with those that do, mind). Then as per home game.... ie I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I will join in with the singing as the atmosphere/singing is all around me, thus making it infectious. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

My first thoughts are to the game, not the crowd. It's like a game of chess to me and I'm engrossed. That's my kick in DRFC football

The only clue in all this is the atmosphere.....create the atmosphere and more of the chess players will join in

Ah Cussy and his ongoing obsession with titties...  :laugh:  :laugh:

The thing is not everyone watches in the same way you all know that..In nearly four years I think I can probably count on one finger the number of times I have heard the fella sing...does that mean he supports or that his support means any less than those who do sing?  NO. He concentrates on the game. All his focus is geared to  the play on the field..Being quiet doesn't make him or others like him less valued as a supporter. He can clap louder and longer than anyone around him mind you..

(he hates the term matchday experience too.. it makes him cringe.lol.)

Different people have different ways of enjoying the game thats all.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #47 on October 25, 2010, 11:16:51 am by Mike_F »
I never come away form any match, home or away without a seriously hoarse voice. Singing, shouting and generally letting out all of my working week's frustrations at the footy is a huge part of my enjoyment of the game. But that's not for everyone. A lot of people subscribe to Cussy's view and join in with songs as and when they take off and that's fine. The only issue is that so many people are waiting for the atmosphere to take off before joining in that it never takes off because they are waiting for each other to sing. It's a catch 22 situation and a couple of pre-match jars certainly help to lubricate the vocal chords and drop the inhibitions.

The thing that really does get my goat though is listening to people moaning about the lack of atmosphere when they aren't prepared to make an effort to join in. Thge amount of people who sit in the South Stand to enjoy the atmosphere but expect others to provide it for them is a major bugbear of mine. I could understand the newer fans not knowing the words or tunes (such as they are) to our songs but we've been at the KMS for a few years now and it shouldn't take that long for people to learn a bloody footballl chant! I find it baffling that quite a lot of people will clap along with the drummer but won't shout \"Sean O'Driscoll's Barmy Army\". Surely the shouting bit's where all the fun comes from!


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #48 on October 25, 2010, 12:17:09 pm by ctay »
I sit in the South East corner and I thought Saturday was the best its been for a while. However, that is not saying much.

People have selective memories about BV. We were doing well and attendances were good but it rarely rocked. The noise from the Pop, didnt come across the Main Stand, so we thought.

Maybe we are just a group of fans that dont sing much at home.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #49 on October 25, 2010, 12:55:04 pm by CusworthRovers »
Been done to death, but like I say if you put all the singers together, then the others will join in like me. It's so blatantly obvious that we need all the singers, boys, men, women together. Compare:

home: you feel a tool joining in on your own, nobody withing 50yds of you and impossible to sustain. Yes there will be one hardy sole who will continue regardless of what everyone thinks of them, and good luck to them.

away: opposite, you feel a tool for not joining in, as you are surrounded by 1000-3000 like minded soles who want to raise the roof.

We have to have that away support and all the yooooof together in a certain part of the ground at KM to make it work. If we have that then it will re-verberate round the stadium and also catch on, as you feel more sillier for not doing it.

Look at B'Pool away as a prime example. 3 sided ground, similar club to us. They had a proper kop where everyone sang in there, but/and also their songs, clapping went all round the ground and I mean everyone seemed to be up for it. Admittedly, they were going for the play-offs and have a manager that likes to gee them all up......but it can be done, we just need to get together.

Snods Shinpad 2

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #50 on October 25, 2010, 01:03:23 pm by Snods Shinpad 2 »
CusworthRovers wrote:
Been done to death, but like I say if you put all the singers together, then the others will join in like me. It's so blatantly obvious that we need all the singers, boys, men, women together........

Spot on Cussy. It really is as simple as that.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #51 on October 25, 2010, 02:07:25 pm by Mike_F »
CusworthRovers wrote:Yes there will be one hardy sole who will continue regardless of what everyone thinks of them, and good luck to them.[/quote]

That sounds familiar!    :huh:  :blink:  :huh:  :huh:  :S :woohoo:  :dry:  :dry:  :dry:


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #52 on October 25, 2010, 02:28:49 pm by jucyberry »
If you have to have a drive to get people singing then I don't see how it will work.

I mean it isn't as if the KM is populated with 9000+ footy virgins who don't know it's permissable to sing is it?

When you think of the bod in the seat next to you, how long, if they aren't friends of yours have you been sat next to each other? and how many times do you hear them sing..if you can say hardlly ever then I cannot see them changing now.

Also, if the answer is to move the singers into a seperate part of the stadium..It's all well and good IF the non singers want to move away from their chosen seats.

Perhaps instead of the usual twittling shouty on the mike comes out with pre match it needs a come on lads and lasses lets have a practice run type thing. (not that that would work either.)

It's like the issue of getting bums on seats..Those who do, or want to are there already those who don't aren't.

belton rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #53 on October 25, 2010, 02:52:19 pm by belton rover »
CusworthRovers wrote:
At home mine is to get there as late as I can, no food/drink. I will have a natter with  some friends or people around me. I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I may join in with the singing if the atmosphere/singing reaches me. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

At away games I will get there a bit early I may get something to eat, I may have a beer (although I do not see this fixation on beer/food at Footy....I generally eat before I set off, and I'll have a beer when I get home, no probs with those that do, mind). Then as per home game.... ie I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I will join in with the singing as the atmosphere/singing is all around me, thus making it infectious. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

My first thoughts are to the game, not the crowd. It's like a game of chess to me and I'm engrossed. That's my kick in DRFC football

The only clue in all this is the atmosphere.....create the atmosphere and more of the chess players will join in

Cussie, I think we may have been separated at birth. Are you extremely good looking too?


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #54 on October 25, 2010, 02:58:16 pm by Filo »
belton rover wrote:
CusworthRovers wrote:
At home mine is to get there as late as I can, no food/drink. I will have a natter with  some friends or people around me. I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I may join in with the singing if the atmosphere/singing reaches me. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

At away games I will get there a bit early I may get something to eat, I may have a beer (although I do not see this fixation on beer/food at Footy....I generally eat before I set off, and I'll have a beer when I get home, no probs with those that do, mind). Then as per home game.... ie I will engross myself soley in the game. I will encourage, I will moan, I will clap, I will join in with the singing as the atmosphere/singing is all around me, thus making it infectious. That's me and that is what I am happy with. If that doesn't suit some of you, then tough titty, as you aint changing that.

My first thoughts are to the game, not the crowd. It's like a game of chess to me and I'm engrossed. That's my kick in DRFC football

The only clue in all this is the atmosphere.....create the atmosphere and more of the chess players will join in

Cussie, I think we may have been separated at birth. Are you extremely good looking too?

It`s possible, Belton is not that for from Thorne and inter-breeding is a common practice over in them parts, even to this day!  :laugh:


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #55 on October 25, 2010, 03:22:12 pm by Superspy »
well seeing as we're on the track of \"what's your matchday\" here's mine.

at home games i like to get there about 45 minutes early if possible, usually me and the missus will grab a burger or a hotdog and go and watch the players warm up. i like to stand when i can but i can appreciate that people behind me may not want to, so i tend to be aware of whats going off behind me, which is why im glad we managed to move to 3 rows from the back this year. when i first started coming to the keepmoat i suppose i was a little embarrassed at joining in with the chanting etc, but the more matches i came to the more my inhibitions dropped and now i give it my all at every game. i'm close enough to the middle of the stand now that i dont feel like i'm on my own, and i don't have the luxury of alcohol to loosen me up as i don't drink. my voice is normally dead and buried within about 5 minutes of the match starting....it breaks easily....and my better half finds it hilarious that i normally end up going all high pitched and squeaky at certain parts of the chanting....i dont care, i shrug my shoulders and carry on for the lads. i fully respect that some people don't want to chant and jump around, but this is more reason why all the singers should be making an effort to get together, i honestly believe that if we managed to get everybody from the south, SW and NW areas together our atmosphere could be really good, but its not something that can happen overnight :)


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #56 on October 25, 2010, 03:54:50 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
The only clue in all this is the atmosphere.....create the atmosphere and more of the chess players will join in

Great line. I too am so engrossed in the game however, I do notice when it goes quiet. But that's natural depending on the ebb and low of a game.

What gets right on my nelly is that ongoing droning chants that some fans get going. Now a few repeats of \"Sean O'Driscoll's read and white army\" is ok but some of these type chants go on and on and on. It's like the night of the zombies !

Anyway, whatever your bag is, I think it would help if all of these issues were discussed with the club when (and if) representatives of the supporters club get together to discuss next season's pricing policy and marketing plan.

Yes, that old chestnut. I needs to be done and the club should by now have realised they can't do it on their own.

There are many factors that contribute to enhancing match day experience however we have got to get people there first.

The issues I'd like to see addressed in order of priority are:-

1. ST prices - Reduce, simplify and reward people for renewing.
2. Match day prices - As above and make sure kids prices are as cheap as chips (although chips at the KM are not that cheap)Plus make sure we get back to old fashioned values where the cheap seats are behind the goal.
3. Unreserved seating area(s)- In conjunction with the above, do everything we can to facilitate a 'kop' type atmosphere.
4. Safe standing - In conjunction with the above. Liase with Police, Safety Stewards, SMC etc. This may be more difficult to achieve a happy medium however, should you wish to populate the South Stand Kop then, you may have to be prepared to stand now and again. If you wish to sit all game, you may be better off elsewhere in the stadium.
5. Marketing - Needs a clear plan of action and open communication to achieve all the above. Involve as many mediums and supporters groups to 'own' the plan and make it happen.

It seems the club are committed to this season's pricing policy and the offers we currently have may be as good as it's going to get, so it's vital that the above is discussed and communicated as soon as to prepare for next season, in the hope we don't lose any more valuable supporters.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #57 on October 25, 2010, 04:33:02 pm by CusworthRovers »
belton rover wrote:
Cussie, I think we may have been separated at birth. Are you extremely good looking too?

I'm gorgeous, I'm a Thorne lad. I have a big tail and a tongue like an electric eel. Chicks love me.

By the way, you're not trying to bum me are you?

Tut tut Filo, you goat feeler.


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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #58 on October 25, 2010, 04:43:48 pm by swain_drfc »
I also think it was the best atmosphere we have had for a very long time.

I thought the Sheff U fans however were piss poor for an away support

belton rover

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Re:Come on lads lets make so some noise..
« Reply #59 on October 25, 2010, 05:24:38 pm by belton rover »
CusworthRovers wrote:
By the way, you're not trying to bum me are you?

Well I wasn't but hey, a hole's a hole.


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