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Author Topic: Season Ticket Pices  (Read 5454 times)

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Season Ticket Pices
« on February 24, 2011, 10:33:32 am by Beckyface »
Now I can't be the only one who thinks that the season ticket prices for next season are just unreasonable?
I'm going to have to go without a season ticket for the first time in around 5 years simply because the prices are too high and I know I'm not the only one. I know that they are offered at a cheaper rate at the minute...but they have to be bought by March, whilst people are still paying for this season! Now, before anyone points to prices at other clubs to justify it, I don't think people should be paying these prices anywhere! And Rovers are in danger of excluding their hardcore support by just pricing tickets too high and they just don't have the numbers to replace them. They are also discouraging potential supporters from coming along to the odd game and from regular supporters from making the plunge and buying a season ticket. It also feels like cheek that they have raised season ticket prices despite a large number of games this season having reduced gate ticket prices o.O
Now, I'm not just grumbling. I don't want my football club to fall into financial straits just because people aren't coming because it's to expensive. I also want to be able to afford to watch the football club I've supported since I was a little girl.

Please sign my petition.
Let the board know that the rices are just to high and more would come if the prices were at least reasonable.
I am also proposing that tickets should be priced according to income rather than age. ie. There should be a Dependant, Unemployed/Benefits, Student tickets and so on...I think this would show that the club is aware of the economic climate in Doncaster and would bring more fans to the club.

Please sign =] lets not be typical grumbling Rovers fans and actually do something!

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yarmouth rover

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #1 on February 24, 2011, 10:57:17 am by yarmouth rover »
i buy tickets for 6 of us and it is getting to the point now where i will have to cut down, next years i have put on my credit card but never again i will have to start watching only saturday home games no mid week games for me the cost of travelling is getting out of hand and no doubt ticket prices will go up again


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #2 on February 24, 2011, 11:02:20 am by DearneValleyRover »
You can pay in installments. I agree that the cost of watching football is far to high but we are not in a position as a club to offer lower prices at the standard we are at. This could only happen if it was forced on every League club and that could only come about if wage capping was introduced. Hope Sky start to lose revenue as that would be the catalyst.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #3 on February 24, 2011, 11:13:16 am by copps26 »
I've been a season ticket holder since 1992 and I'm not renewing for next season. It's a combination of things though. My wife is pregnant and the prices are just too high and we might not be in the championship next season which will make the prices very expensive for league one.

I'm going to pick and choose games next year and wait for the ticket offers.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #4 on February 24, 2011, 11:37:26 am by benaldo »
Quote from: \"DearneValleyRover\" post=143382
You can pay in installments. I agree that the cost of watching football is far to high but we are not in a position as a club to offer lower prices at the standard we are at. This could only happen if it was forced on every League club and that could only come about if wage capping was introduced. Hope Sky start to lose revenue as that would be the catalyst.

There is too much money in football for wage capping to happen. As with everything, behind the scenes money is the decider of many things. We have huge revenue from the tv stations and, more recently, huge income from rich owners. Which means that wages are artificially high as they are not supported by genuine income (gate receipts, shirt sales etc). We re in a position now where only those clubs with financial clout, usually from rich backers, will succeed (blackpool was a fluke) because only the richest teams will afford the artificial \"going rate\". Sadly, footballers now believe they are all worth this ridiculous level of pay, so even wage capping will not work because the pfa will lead strikes. Money has/is ruining football and clubs like ours, even though we have one of the wealthiest boards in English football - who choose not to/or won't add the required level of top up into the club needed to fund good players - will never get anywhere.

It's very sad that people are paid the kind of money they are for kicking a ball and running after it when so many people are soon to be out of work. Even the reputed £10,000 weekly wage that sharp is supposed to be on is obscene, let alone torres pay and the other premier league chancers! I'd wage cap them all to the national average wage, meaning a good income for all of them, and if they can get sponsorship deals with coca cola etc, then fair play to them, I'm sure they could make do on that!!?? Football right now sums up all that is wrong with England.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #5 on February 24, 2011, 11:40:43 am by DonnyRTID »
You say for the first time in 5 years you are unable to purchase a season ticket due to price increase, a season ticket in the south stand is available for £340, this equates to less than £14 a game and if you can’t take advantage of the early bird price you  do have the option to pay in instalments which would take the full price of your ticket to £350 (£14 a game).
I think that’s pretty reasonable for a football match in the second tier.
As for your suggestion, pricing according to income rather than age, get real it’s not a bloody charity.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #6 on February 24, 2011, 11:45:26 am by Filo »
Get a new season ticket holder to sign up and receive half of what they pay back!


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #7 on February 24, 2011, 11:47:38 am by DearneValleyRover »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=143403
Quote from: \"DearneValleyRover\" post=143382
You can pay in installments. I agree that the cost of watching football is far to high but we are not in a position as a club to offer lower prices at the standard we are at. This could only happen if it was forced on every League club and that could only come about if wage capping was introduced. Hope Sky start to lose revenue as that would be the catalyst.

There is too much money in football for wage capping to happen. As with everything, behind the scenes money is the decider of many things. We have huge revenue from the tv stations and, more recently, huge income from rich owners. Which means that wages are artificially high as they are not supported by genuine income (gate receipts, shirt sales etc). We re in a position now where only those clubs with financial clout, usually from rich backers, will succeed (blackpool was a fluke) because only the richest teams will afford the artificial \"going rate\". Sadly, footballers now believe they are all worth this ridiculous level of pay, so even wage capping will not work because the pfa will lead strikes. Money has/is ruining football and clubs like ours, even though we have one of the wealthiest boards in English football - who choose not to/or won't add the required level of top up into the club needed to fund good players - will never get anywhere.

It's very sad that people are paid the kind of money they are for kicking a ball and running after it when so many people are soon to be out of work. Even the reputed £10,000 weekly wage that sharp is supposed to be on is obscene, let alone torres pay and the other premier league chancers! I'd wage cap them all to the national average wage, meaning a good income for all of them, and if they can get sponsorship deals with coca cola etc, then fair play to them, I'm sure they could make do on that!!?? Football right now sums up all that is wrong with England.

I agree with you, I mentioned Sky as they over inflate the Prem teams pockets which have a knock on effect for teams 'chasing the dream'. If people in this country can start to watch sport on Nova etc, this will reduce Sky's profits which in turn will reduce the amount they can bid to screen live Football, less money and possibly less exposure if the amount of games televised reduces will have an effect but it will be well into the future. They only other wake up call would be for a big club to be wound up, I wouldn't wish it on any clubs fans but can't help feeling Portsmouth going out of business would have had a positive impact.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #8 on February 24, 2011, 11:54:45 am by Beckyface »
I am a full time student in Hull. Any money that I have (which I don't it's mainly overdraft) goes on rent/bills/food/travel home. £340 is more than reasonable BUT it is impossible for me and others to pay that now...if it was May like it usually is taht would be a different story.

How would pricing tickets according to income rather than age be charity?? It's hardly like giving them away for free. Itr's just acknowledging that peoples circumstances are different and making it more accessible to watch rovers...for example there are single 19 year olds who have full time jobs who will be able to buy a season ticket for £260 (at dearest) whilst full time students aged 21 or mature students or people who are unemployed or people with families are asked to pay £500 at dearest for the same seats. Extreme example I know but there it is.

When I say ut should be cheaper...I don't mean charging rediculosly cheap prices, but a price that is reasonable affordable. We don't need to charge silly prices to stay up in this league, it puts more people off and Rovers actually end up with less money than if it was a little cheaper, if you see what I mean.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #9 on February 24, 2011, 11:58:22 am by DonnyRTID »
\"£340 is more than reasonable BUT it is impossible for me and others to pay that now...if it was May like it usually is taht would be a different story.\"

Like i say, if you pay in instalments you get until June to pay for your ticket.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #10 on February 24, 2011, 12:08:52 pm by Beckyface »
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #11 on February 24, 2011, 12:11:28 pm by Filo »
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143413
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...

Get a new season ticket holder to sign up and get half of what they pay back!

Borrow the money off someone and pay them it back in may, when you haven`t got a problem finding the money!

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #12 on February 24, 2011, 12:18:53 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
You just making trouble simple as!

The prices are very reasonable compared to other clubs.

I am NOT saying times are not hard for alot of people and there will be alot of people not renewing and I have my thoughts with them.

BUT its a football thing cos the amount of wages involved to be competive at this level!

Instead of moaning why dont you look at other ways people can save to buy a season ticket ?

I will be usually the direct debit facility this year as extra £10 you can pay it over few months - EXCELLENT IDEA!

YOu suggesting the club should spread the cost of a £40 season ticket?

Think you need to get into the real world and things are NOT given to you!


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #13 on February 24, 2011, 12:37:57 pm by ctay »
Someone I know has just signed up to a deal at Newcastle United. I forget how much but its a 10% increase on this years cost, but then it is the same price for the next ten years. Paid by direct debit each month.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #14 on February 24, 2011, 12:47:08 pm by Beckyface »
How am I going to get someone new to buy a season ticket at those prices?

And of course I'm moaning. I've sold lottery tickets, walked to barnsley, ran away coaches, travelled the country for my club and now they're making it so I can't go anymore.

And what are you on about spreading the cost of a £40 season ticket? My ticket, as a full time student who will be working part time next year at best will be £420/40.

And no I'm not asking for season tickets to be giving to me, I'm asking for them to be reasonably priced so I can afford one. I would then be going to every game next season, rather than just buying a magic 8 ticket, which I'm having to do.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #15 on February 24, 2011, 12:52:13 pm by bobjimwilly »
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143413
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...

Afraid you're wrong there Becky. Just rang the Ticket Office to confirm - you can get the early bird price using the spread payment option (+£10 admin charge).

As others have mentioned, I think £340/£350 for a Championship season ticket in South Stand is quite good value.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #16 on February 24, 2011, 12:56:22 pm by colfromdonny »
I'm with you on this 'beckyface' but all you get on here is ''sign someone up and get the bonus''. What if you cannot sign somebody up?. It is too early to ask for the money and we may yet be playing league one football. The prices should have been pegged and other free options given for some sort of instalment plan.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #17 on February 24, 2011, 01:02:32 pm by steve@dcfd »
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143413
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...


It is available on March discount prices only, after that it is not avaiable.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #18 on February 24, 2011, 01:05:59 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Quote from: \"colfromdonny\" post=143419
I'm with you on this 'beckyface' but all you get on here is ''sign someone up and get the bonus''. What if you cannot sign somebody up?. It is too early to ask for the money and we may yet be playing league one football. The prices should have been pegged and other free options given for some sort of instalment plan.

If you have suggestions then pass them on, the Club is doing what it can with the information it has. The VSC is helping to promote offers and if you talk to DeeBee he is trying to find people to pair up. There are plenty on here who are trying to help where they can, if there are other solutions out there then please pass them on or try to find some rather than sitting back and waiting for others to do it for you.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #19 on February 24, 2011, 01:11:19 pm by pkt_drfc »
Quote from: \"bobjimwilly\" post=143418
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143413
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...

Afraid you're wrong there Becky. Just rang the Ticket Office to confirm - you can get the early bird price using the spread payment option (+£10 admin charge).

As others have mentioned, I think £340/£350 for a Championship season ticket in South Stand is quite good value.

Yep i agree Rob i was suprised when the prices was announced i expected it to be much more then £340 i can not find anybody to sign up but that does not bother me granted i am having to borrow the money to buy my season ticket due out of work. I was added to the group on FB without my say so just removed myself from the group as i find the prices reasonable and as for the £10 charge for the spread payment option still works out cheaper then paying every match day. We could argue about this till we a blue in the face so to speak people have diff opinions it will be discussed again in some form or other on this forum the fact of the matter prices will not change.

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #20 on February 24, 2011, 01:17:01 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
Move to the South stand and it cheaper by £80 but you would rather moan.

Think the direct debit idea the best for you - extra £10 nothing - to pay it over on the tick!

By the way I am feeling the hardship but sometimes you have to look outside the box!

REMEMBER its football problem not ROVERS ....why dont you get a little bar job?

Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143417
How am I going to get someone new to buy a season ticket at those prices?

And of course I'm moaning. I've sold lottery tickets, walked to barnsley, ran away coaches, travelled the country for my club and now they're making it so I can't go anymore.

And what are you on about spreading the cost of a £40 season ticket? My ticket, as a full time student who will be working part time next year at best will be £420/40.

And no I'm not asking for season tickets to be giving to me, I'm asking for them to be reasonably priced so I can afford one. I would then be going to every game next season, rather than just buying a magic 8 ticket, which I'm having to do.

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #21 on February 24, 2011, 01:24:05 pm by Sheepskin Stu »
There's a few on here that would pay well for some sexual shenanigans.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #22 on February 24, 2011, 01:27:58 pm by DN5Rover »
I have a great idea! I will go to Morrisons and buy my weekly shop then offer them a sum of money that I can afford as I am a low earner. Sorry this is the real world we all live. I agree watching football is not the cheapest entertainment around, I would love to have a new car but I can't afford one so I don't own one.
 I have to cut my cloth accordingly in these hard times thanks to the governments cuts.I am sure DRFC would love make all tickets cheaper but high wages and costs within football dictate that this is impossible.
I do not feel anyone at the club is rubbing their hands in anticipation of screwing as much money as possible out of their loyal supporters \"young or old employed or unemployed.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #23 on February 24, 2011, 01:32:44 pm by SkellowRover »
Quote from: \"Beckyface\" post=143413
The installment thing is only available at the full price not the March discount and theres an added £10 charge...

Erm wrong.

Pay £95 by the 25th of march then £85 in may, june and july and you have your season ticket in the south stand.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #24 on February 24, 2011, 01:54:57 pm by godlike1 »
It had bloody better be as that is the only way it's been advertised in my eyes and the only way I can justify buying a ticket as it will be £30 cheaper than last year


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #25 on February 24, 2011, 01:56:45 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Quote from: \"godlike1\" post=143436
It had bloody better be as that is the only way it's been advertised in my eyes and the only way I can justify buying a ticket as it will be £30 cheaper than last year

It is.


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #26 on February 24, 2011, 02:41:19 pm by benaldo »
Quote from: \"Norfolk N Chance\" post=143415
You just making trouble simple as!

The prices are very reasonable compared to other clubs.

I am NOT saying times are not hard for alot of people and there will be alot of people not renewing and I have my thoughts with them.

BUT its a football thing cos the amount of wages involved to be competive at this level!

Instead of moaning why dont you look at other ways people can save to buy a season ticket ?

I will be usually the direct debit facility this year as extra £10 you can pay it over few months - EXCELLENT IDEA!

YOu suggesting the club should spread the cost of a £40 season ticket?

Think you need to get into the real world and things are NOT given to you!

Welcome to Norfolk N chances world............where no-one else matters, we should all give our last ounce of spittle to a group of men who kick a ball around, where only he matters, and where financial harship is overcome by \"Getting in the real world\"!

I don't care, as many others don't, how the Rovers prices compare to other clubs, the point is that ALL championship football is expensive, Rovers included. Dismissing it as \"well thats just because we have to pay the footballers wages\" is ridiculous. No-one above has been specifically \"moaning\" about rovers prices compared to other clubs, they are worried that the price of football will mean they can't go. I think that's a real shame.
Lots of supporters are finding things hard going at the moment, having a go at supporters because they are finding getting the money needed for yet another increased price activity just shows a lack of empathy with people who may have fallen on hard times. I don't know what the job front is like in norfolk, but up here it's crap and getting worse by the week! Have a little respect for fellow fans who may have fallen on hard times and are frustrated they can't afford to buy a season ticket. Whatever they are, they AREN'T troublemakers!


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #27 on February 24, 2011, 04:38:15 pm by jucyberry »
It's a play on words, he doesn't live here... you know... No fooking chance.... Get it? ;)

And wages are piss poor down here too..

I wouldn't say she is making touble either, she is simply asking a question, she isn't the first, and wont be the last poster to ask where the cost of a season ticket is going to come from after all.

And Stu.... You pervert....... :ohmy:  ;)


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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #28 on February 24, 2011, 04:42:16 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Well said benaldo but you have to remember that Norfolk is a nob by his own admission

Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Season Ticket Pices
« Reply #29 on February 24, 2011, 06:37:04 pm by Norfolk N Chance »
This has to be the most pointless post of all time!

If this is your point of view dont get a season ticket as the club can do no more can they?

What price is reasonable in your eyes? Really what price?
See my first post and see if I dont care - So stop putting your own spin on it and come out with constructive solutions rather than the same old tired agruments that my old man was using twenty years ago \"Footballers get paid too much money you know\"!!!

Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=143452
Quote from: \"Norfolk N Chance\" post=143415
You just making trouble simple as!

The prices are very reasonable compared to other clubs.

I am NOT saying times are not hard for alot of people and there will be alot of people not renewing and I have my thoughts with them.

BUT its a football thing cos the amount of wages involved to be competive at this level!

Instead of moaning why dont you look at other ways people can save to buy a season ticket ?

I will be usually the direct debit facility this year as extra £10 you can pay it over few months - EXCELLENT IDEA!

YOu suggesting the club should spread the cost of a £40 season ticket?

Think you need to get into the real world and things are NOT given to you!

Welcome to Norfolk N chances world............where no-one else matters, we should all give our last ounce of spittle to a group of men who kick a ball around, where only he matters, and where financial harship is overcome by \"Getting in the real world\"!

I don't care, as many others don't, how the Rovers prices compare to other clubs, the point is that ALL championship football is expensive, Rovers included. Dismissing it as \"well thats just because we have to pay the footballers wages\" is ridiculous. No-one above has been specifically \"moaning\" about rovers prices compared to other clubs, they are worried that the price of football will mean they can't go. I think that's a real shame.
Lots of supporters are finding things hard going at the moment, having a go at supporters because they are finding getting the money needed for yet another increased price activity just shows a lack of empathy with people who may have fallen on hard times. I don't know what the job front is like in norfolk, but up here it's crap and getting worse by the week! Have a little respect for fellow fans who may have fallen on hard times and are frustrated they can't afford to buy a season ticket. Whatever they are, they AREN'T troublemakers!


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