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Author Topic: Safe Standing  (Read 5177 times)

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The L J Monk

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Safe Standing
« on January 19, 2012, 04:28:42 pm by The L J Monk »
Interesting development in the safe standing campaign...

Aston Villa exploring plan to bring in safe standing areas

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Chris Black come back

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #1 on January 19, 2012, 05:44:18 pm by Chris Black come back »
Good on 'em.  Very sensible to give folk the OPTION of sitting if THEY want.

Bristol Red Rover

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #2 on January 19, 2012, 05:46:34 pm by Bristol Red Rover »
I hope we can join in the \"experiment\". Back half of the South Stand or a section in the back half of the North of the West stand.

silent majority

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #3 on January 20, 2012, 12:42:01 am by silent majority »
This is just the start of a campaign that we ( the FSF ) have been waging for quite some time. It will happen, as I've said so many times on this subject.

silent majority

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #4 on January 20, 2012, 12:43:48 am by silent majority »
Quote from: \"Bristol Red Rover\" post=213512
I hope we can join in the \"experiment\". Back half of the South Stand or a section in the back half of the North of the West stand.

Where is the best place for this? Surprisingly for some on this forum I've already discussed this with the club, we just may need more support to push this through!!


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #5 on January 20, 2012, 01:23:35 am by DGilbrideDRFC »
Quote from: \"silent_majority\" post=213648
Quote from: \"Bristol Red Rover\" post=213512
I hope we can join in the \"experiment\". Back half of the South Stand or a section in the back half of the North of the West stand.

Where is the best place for this? Surprisingly for some on this forum I've already discussed this with the club, we just may need more support to push this through!!

West stand, near the away fans, Would be the best location IMO.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #6 on January 20, 2012, 01:26:33 am by VikingJames »
South Stand.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #7 on January 20, 2012, 05:01:20 am by Mr1Croft »
We trialed a Singing Section in the North West stand and it failed, there is already a large number of South Stand Standers and I think it should take place their, but if needs be it should be voted for...


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #8 on January 20, 2012, 09:11:02 am by RobTheRover »
I dont think it did fail.  Well, not totally, anyway.  As an exercise to get those who wanted a sing-song together it clearly worked, as the singing for the first 20 mins or so was good.  Sadly, the team didnt do too much to get the fans exciting from then on.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #9 on January 20, 2012, 09:17:11 am by ditch_drfc »
Best place in my opinion would be the back few rows in the south stand. Obviously it's going to have to be the back of a stand so not to obstruct people sitting.

Best idea is to bang it on the south stand, it's where the most atmosphere is during games. There's no point sticking it in the west stand when there's hardly any atmosphere in there...


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #10 on January 20, 2012, 09:47:03 am by Rios »
Being the cynic that I am and playing devils advocate, if we pulled all the south stand seating out and had terrace only... could we charge the same for seating all round the ground including the north stand, thereby charging away fans the same as the west/east stands, not the cheaper amount for standing in the south?

For me, a home terrace behind the goal would make the place much more homely and hopefully improve the atmosphere.  If done properly the club shouldn't lose out either.  Cheaper tickets for terracing encourages more people to attend in these tough times, whilst you can also get more people in the same space than seats which should offset some of the ticket price reduction.  Offer those people who want to remain seated a \"deal\" to sit in the east/west stand and everyone's a happy bunny... unless only 200 people want to stand and then we're screwed!


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #11 on January 20, 2012, 11:56:03 am by benaldo »
Perhaps the damp performance of the \"Safe standing/singing section\" wasn't a true reflection of the Rovers crowds desires?

I still think that shouting \"All football fans want safe standing\" is not a true reflection on what most fans want, though perhaps allowing a section for those who do want to stand up should be considered. I just don't think it needs to be more than a couple of hundered seats worth of space, seeing as not many people really got into it the other week.

Perhaps the people running the campaign are wanting a return to \"the old days\" in full, bad burgers, getting rained on, crap toilets, turnstiles, good old fashioned tackles, boots that went up past your ankles, leather balls, beer at 4pence ha'penny?

Personally, I think to attract people today to football games you need to give them at least a seat for their £27......... Still I totally and without question support the idea that there should be some small section at football grounds for those who wish to stand up for two hours while watching the game. It's only fair.

Chris Black come back

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #12 on January 20, 2012, 12:05:12 pm by Chris Black come back »
I am afraid Benny-boy that opinion polling consistently shows high level of support amongst football supporters for having the OPTION of standing. Nobody is saying that EVERYONE has to stand, but rather it not being beyond the wit of man to provide the option for those customers who wish to do so. There is zero - literally zero - chance of any crowd injury in a small safe standing area of a few hundred people. Absolutely no reason whatsoever to reject this idea other than bureaucratic inertia and lack of political will to make the case in a reasoned and calm manner.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #13 on January 20, 2012, 12:05:26 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
it wouldent be the same standing in a modern stadium though, however i think if people belive so strongly then there should be at least a small area for it. i could just see people standing there for a couple of games and then it would be empty after that.

silent majority

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #14 on January 20, 2012, 12:30:42 pm by silent majority »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=213710

I still think that shouting \"All football fans want safe standing\" is not a true reflection on what most fans want

Perhaps the people running the campaign are wanting a return to \"the old days\" in full, bad burgers, getting rained on, crap toilets, turnstiles, good old fashioned tackles, boots that went up past your ankles, leather balls, beer at 4pence ha'penny?

I'm not convinced that even you believe most of the rubbish you post on here Benny! Again, let me remind you, you should do your research before offering the world your or so inaccurate opinions on world football and the politics of football. You stick to discussing the transfer policy of DRFC, but if you do wish to discuss this I'll quite happily demolish any argument you wish to make.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #15 on January 20, 2012, 12:55:33 pm by benaldo »
Hooray :clapping:  it's Silent Majoritys \"Arrogance hour\".

OK, so shall we play the game? I've got some questions about safe standing, then I'll make an argument....which you'll \"demolish\" :facepalm: .

1) What are the stats for ALL football fans in regards to them wanting standing?
2) Who comissioned the poll?
3) What are the benefits of standing at football games?
4) Considering the evidence from the Notts C game, how many Rovers fans do you believe will stand up for 90 minutes?

Now, here are the reasons I think standing in any large majority of a stadium is not good.
1 - It's boring.
2 - People now expect to sit down at sporting events in this country, name one other where standing is the norm (ps Horseracing isn't sport, it's no better than those rigged games at the seaside)?
3 - Modern stadiums use their space to generate income (at least all but the KM do) and rely on the seating to accommodate punters at concerts.
4 - £20 is a lot of money, so is £27. Imagine being asked to pay £20 to stand up for two hours. How long before the standing brigade ask for cheaper rates? What do you think the seated fans will say when standing fans get a discount? And how much discount is enough? £4? £6? £10?
5 - Since violence at football games has dropped, co-incidentally at the same time as seating was introduced, do you think seating has had no part to play in this? I think it's playe a part. Statistics say when seating was introduced violence fell.
6 - I think the way to make football attractive to people is to fill the day with modernity, show them that it's not the old experience of being jostled by a hundered men while standing up for two hours. Let it be comfortable, encourage women, children, the old, disabled and make it accessable to them too. Standing is a throwback to a byegone age.

Don't think I don't want a small section of standing at football stadiums, I do, but keep it small because most people don't want it and I don't think it encourages people to come to football matches - as the other week proved right in your own back yard!

Thank you for you patronising response though....... I'm sure you know so much more than the rest of us, what with you being the president of the FA, FIFA, or whatever it is?

wilts rover

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #16 on January 20, 2012, 01:28:39 pm by wilts rover »
Can you two not use that Private Messaging facility on the left there - you have done this before and it was boring then.

Trial safe standing areas;, whole of the SS (which is a heck of a lot of seats to take up if it doesn't work), either or both, SW + SE corners, or a few rows, half at the front of the SS, walkway behind for safety and so front row of seats will look over back row standing heads.

Berkshire Rover

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #17 on January 20, 2012, 01:34:39 pm by Berkshire Rover »
Quote from: \"RobTheRover\" post=213678
I dont think it did fail.  Well, not totally, anyway.  As an exercise to get those who wanted a sing-song together it clearly worked, as the singing for the first 20 mins or so was good.  Sadly, the team didnt do too much to get the fans exciting from then on.

Spot on, some people expect miracles to happen overnight, it demonstrated o me that there is a demand  for singers to be ogre ther and likewise or non-singers.

The issue is where, my preference would be for the two main blocks in the South stand, but the issue wherever it is placed will be existing STH's who don't want to move, but don't want to be in the singing section.



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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #18 on January 20, 2012, 01:41:55 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
thats the problem at other clubs they wouldnet give a f*uk if people dident want to sing they would sing anyway. you dont need permission from people around you to sing its not like someone is not throwing a chainsaw about

Rovers Return

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #19 on January 20, 2012, 02:15:00 pm by Rovers Return »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=213726
Hooray :clapping:  it's Silent Majoritys \"Arrogance hour\".

OK, so shall we play the game? I've got some questions about safe standing, then I'll make an argument....which you'll \"demolish\" :facepalm: .

1) What are the stats for ALL football fans in regards to them wanting standing?
2) Who comissioned the poll?
3) What are the benefits of standing at football games?
4) Considering the evidence from the Notts C game, how many Rovers fans do you believe will stand up for 90 minutes?

Now, here are the reasons I think standing in any large majority of a stadium is not good.
1 - It's boring.
2 - People now expect to sit down at sporting events in this country, name one other where standing is the norm (ps Horseracing isn't sport, it's no better than those rigged games at the seaside)?
3 - Modern stadiums use their space to generate income (at least all but the KM do) and rely on the seating to accommodate punters at concerts.
4 - £20 is a lot of money, so is £27. Imagine being asked to pay £20 to stand up for two hours. How long before the standing brigade ask for cheaper rates? What do you think the seated fans will say when standing fans get a discount? And how much discount is enough? £4? £6? £10?
5 - Since violence at football games has dropped, co-incidentally at the same time as seating was introduced, do you think seating has had no part to play in this? I think it's playe a part. Statistics say when seating was introduced violence fell.
6 - I think the way to make football attractive to people is to fill the day with modernity, show them that it's not the old experience of being jostled by a hundered men while standing up for two hours. Let it be comfortable, encourage women, children, the old, disabled and make it accessable to them too. Standing is a throwback to a byegone age.

Don't think I don't want a small section of standing at football stadiums, I do, but keep it small because most people don't want it and I don't think it encourages people to come to football matches - as the other week proved right in your own back yard!

Thank you for you patronising response though....... I'm sure you know so much more than the rest of us, what with you being the president of the FA, FIFA, or whatever it is?

Jeez...not again. You should read your own posts for arrogance. Pot calling kettle! You are so rude!!!!


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #20 on January 20, 2012, 02:20:29 pm by Mr1Croft »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=213726
Hooray :clapping:  it's Silent Majoritys \"Arrogance hour\".

OK, so shall we play the game? I've got some questions about safe standing, then I'll make an argument....which you'll \"demolish\" :facepalm: .

1) What are the stats for ALL football fans in regards to them wanting standing?
2) Who comissioned the poll?
3) What are the benefits of standing at football games?
4) Considering the evidence from the Notts C game, how many Rovers fans do you believe will stand up for 90 minutes?

Now, here are the reasons I think standing in any large majority of a stadium is not good.
1 - It's boring.
2 - People now expect to sit down at sporting events in this country, name one other where standing is the norm (ps Horseracing isn't sport, it's no better than those rigged games at the seaside)?
3 - Modern stadiums use their space to generate income (at least all but the KM do) and rely on the seating to accommodate punters at concerts.
4 - £20 is a lot of money, so is £27. Imagine being asked to pay £20 to stand up for two hours. How long before the standing brigade ask for cheaper rates? What do you think the seated fans will say when standing fans get a discount? And how much discount is enough? £4? £6? £10?
5 - Since violence at football games has dropped, co-incidentally at the same time as seating was introduced, do you think seating has had no part to play in this? I think it's playe a part. Statistics say when seating was introduced violence fell.
6 - I think the way to make football attractive to people is to fill the day with modernity, show them that it's not the old experience of being jostled by a hundered men while standing up for two hours. Let it be comfortable, encourage women, children, the old, disabled and make it accessable to them too. Standing is a throwback to a byegone age.

Don't think I don't want a small section of standing at football stadiums, I do, but keep it small because most people don't want it and I don't think it encourages people to come to football matches - as the other week proved right in your own back yard!

Thank you for you patronising response though....... I'm sure you know so much more than the rest of us, what with you being the president of the FA, FIFA, or whatever it is?

I do think you underestimate him Benaldo, or like a challenge, either one is fine, as it is always a good show, like the two elites battling it out.

But S_M sits on the National Council for the Football Supporters Federation, I think his speciality is stewarding and a little bit about club charters. But the FSF have had a campaign of \"Safe Standing\" for absolutley yonks, it's petition for safe standing can be found here.

I'm pretty sure S_M dealing with stewarding obviously knows the safey issue inside out so I do beleive he'll know the figures.

I don't think the FSF woke up one day and thought \"You know what, I don't like seats lets start lobbying\". I think there has been a need for standing in football and they have delivered. That is why S_M is possibly pretty sure he can 'demolish' your argument (although I grant you maybe a little too confident) because the points you raise will have definatley been raised before, I'm guessing there are people high up who don't want standing and like you they look for the flaws.

I however do have a question. What happens in the Premiership, doesn't UEFA rules state you must have an all seater to play in the Champions League and Europa League? The only way round it is to adapt the german model of interchangable seating to standing areas, but who pays for this, the club?


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #21 on January 20, 2012, 02:22:21 pm by bobjimwilly »
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=213710
Perhaps the damp performance of the \"Safe standing/singing section\" wasn't a true reflection of the Rovers crowds desires?

I still think that shouting \"All football fans want safe standing\" is not a true reflection on what most fans want, though perhaps allowing a section for those who do want to stand up should be considered. I just don't think it needs to be more than a couple of hundered seats worth of space, seeing as not many people really got into it the other week.

Perhaps the people running the campaign are wanting a return to \"the old days\" in full, bad burgers, getting rained on, crap toilets, turnstiles, good old fashioned tackles, boots that went up past your ankles, leather balls, beer at 4pence ha'penny?

Personally, I think to attract people today to football games you need to give them at least a seat for their £27......... Still I totally and without question support the idea that there should be some small section at football grounds for those who wish to stand up for two hours while watching the game. It's only fair.


Do you realise you've actually agreed with what the safe standing campaign is all about in this post?  :thumbsup:


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #22 on January 20, 2012, 02:23:06 pm by ZeppelinRover »
When i first started going to watch Rovers way back in 89, it wasn't the footy we were playing at that time that made me really want to keep going to obv every game, it was the crowd.

As a wee 9 year old lad the atmosphere and banter were amazing to me, and to be able to stand in the middle of it and be part of it was brilliant. Im sure even kids today would love to hear that at Rovers and be begging their parents to take them.

So after having not attended the Keepmoat until recently, due to business commitments i was really shocked at the lack of atmosphere, because before hand my mates who sit in the SW corner at the back had told me that we do still sing and celebrate the goals. WOW, it was like a library in there and it was an equally big shock to me to see people looking at me like i was a nutter on day release when i started singing and shouting encouragement, a look that said i should stop shouting for the team and sit down quietly with my shiney spongebob balloon.

It certainly seems to me that a safe standing area for the fans that want to stand and sing is something this club and others really need, we are in a fight for our survival in this league and the players need to hear our support big time, but most of the time they wouldn't even know we were there.

It doesn't matter whether you want to stand or not the choice for safe standing should be available.

Rovers Return

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #23 on January 20, 2012, 02:31:32 pm by Rovers Return »
Quote from: \"ZeppelinRover\" post=213756
When i first started going to watch Rovers way back in 89, it wasn't the footy we were playing at that time that made me really want to keep going to obv every game, it was the crowd.

As a wee 9 year old lad the atmosphere and banter were amazing to me, and to be able to stand in the middle of it and be part of it was brilliant. Im sure even kids today would love to hear that at Rovers and be begging their parents to take them.

So after having not attended the Keepmoat until recently, due to business commitments i was really shocked at the lack of atmosphere, because before hand my mates who sit in the SW corner at the back had told me that we do still sing and celebrate the goals. WOW, it was like a library in there and it was an equally big shock to me to see people looking at me like i was a nutter on day release when i started singing and shouting encouragement, a look that said i should stop shouting for the team and sit down quietly with my shiney spongebob balloon.

It certainly seems to me that a safe standing area for the fans that want to stand and sing is something this club and others really need, we are in a fight for our survival in this league and the players need to hear our support big time, but most of the time they wouldn't even know we were there.

It doesn't matter whether you want to stand or not the choice for safe standing should be available.



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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #24 on January 20, 2012, 02:38:35 pm by DearneValleyRover »
In this age of equal rights stadia should provide both seating and standing areas and then each fan has the right to choose which area they wish to be in, no discrimination can then be applied.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #25 on January 20, 2012, 03:14:57 pm by benaldo »
Quote from: \"bobjimwilly\" post=213754
Quote from: \"benaldo\" post=213710
Perhaps the damp performance of the \"Safe standing/singing section\" wasn't a true reflection of the Rovers crowds desires?

I still think that shouting \"All football fans want safe standing\" is not a true reflection on what most fans want, though perhaps allowing a section for those who do want to stand up should be considered. I just don't think it needs to be more than a couple of hundered seats worth of space, seeing as not many people really got into it the other week.

Perhaps the people running the campaign are wanting a return to \"the old days\" in full, bad burgers, getting rained on, crap toilets, turnstiles, good old fashioned tackles, boots that went up past your ankles, leather balls, beer at 4pence ha'penny?

Personally, I think to attract people today to football games you need to give them at least a seat for their £27......... Still I totally and without question support the idea that there should be some small section at football grounds for those who wish to stand up for two hours while watching the game. It's only fair.


Do you realise you've actually agreed with what the safe standing campaign is all about in this post?  :thumbsup:

I know I have...I do agree with it. I just like a good rise out of the sanctimonius one on your \"board\". It's kind of a fair thing isn't it, you say something, someone disagree's with you, you then put points across. Him, on the other hand......if I told him the sky was blue, he'd say it was red. Being on some fans group does not make anyone an expert on anything as far as I'm concerned and therefore my views are about as rubbish as his...and as valid. Simple as that really. To be honest, but don't tell anyone, I don't really give a shit about people standing at football as long as it doesn't block my view, but I suspect that's what most people think too.......except SM..... :facepalm:

Bristol Red Rover

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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #26 on January 20, 2012, 03:21:47 pm by Bristol Red Rover »
First, good point if two members wish to slog it out on a point - use the IM facility :suicide:

I seriously don't think the uefa rules will concern us, optimistic as I may be!

I like the idea of the South Stand, two blocks down to half way, being for the standing section as it will add some character to the ground, create a vibrant home end. THAT is part of what this is about IMO. Its to benefit the whole stadium, not just a few hundred \"dinosaurs\".

Pricing should definitely be less, in the realm of 20-25% less.

Make it happen for next season!


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #27 on January 20, 2012, 04:16:28 pm by ZeppelinRover »
Absolutely bang on BRR, if we did have a designated area just like that i for one would buy a season ticket and i would even pay for my brother to go as well. So maybe plenty more people would attend more often as well.

Its not as if we are trying to set up a hooligan section as some people seem to view a group of passionate supporters standing as, it wouldn't even require any more stewards or police to control it either.

I miss the popside drone as well, when we completely ruined some opposition players games, like Chris Shuker etc Shuuuuuker shuuuuuuker hahaha watching him lose his rag and get subbed.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #28 on January 20, 2012, 04:48:22 pm by Superspy »
Back to the original point of where do we think would be a good place in our ground...

I think it would be ideal as I have highlight, but in the South Stand of course.


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Re: Safe Standing
« Reply #29 on January 20, 2012, 04:50:51 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
who are we playing there its empty more so than normal even :cold:


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