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Author Topic: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?  (Read 40229 times)

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Red wizard

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #150 on October 14, 2012, 11:25:47 am by Red wizard »
Rovers fans were trying and failing to stop it the whole time, the one bloke who was grabbed by the throat  was being verbally abused by fans at the back of the stand too, knock your teeth out etc.
But he just wouldn't shut up the guy, too pissed.

Just don't think we can blame the stewards on this occasion, even at the end near the toilets there were young lads speaking to the stewards and police like they were some kind of gangster.

The guy who went and stood down near the front was the lad from the back who was pissed,if your saying the steawards were right going in which did make it alot worse maybe they were right but it really only all kicked off when they tried to get one of the lads and get him out and then his mates were trying to stop them doing it.Pherhaps the other lad(wasnt pissed) mentioning no names who eventually grabbed hold of the other lad in the 1st place shouldn't have called him back down from the back.

 Another note on the stewards if people say they were only doing there job is where all the idoit pissed up fans were at the back who about 20 rolled in right on the kick off then wanted the seats behind the goal all deciced to stand with others so there was 3 people stood in front of one seat.
This is my take on at all as well. I was 2 rows behind it all.

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Norfolk N Chance

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #151 on October 14, 2012, 11:37:14 am by Norfolk N Chance »
take alcohol out of it and over reaction from stewards u dont have a problem? Discuss!


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #152 on October 14, 2012, 11:50:52 am by FuzzyDuck »
How exactly do you take alcohol out of it, apart from prohibition.  Alcohol is widely available in grounds and outside.  Any solution that can't be implemented isn't worth discussing.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #153 on October 14, 2012, 04:41:52 pm by Dagenham Rover »

Stone wall gang?  Don't give these people tags or labels (other than brainless Pillocks) give their names over to the police and the club.  They should be banned for embarrassing my club, my home town and my county.

Well said that ermmmmm  Duck  :whistle:


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #154 on October 14, 2012, 05:26:37 pm by CJK »
Well after navigating my way through 6 pages of 'this and that' I'm exhausted. I was there yesterday and sat pretty close to where it all started. I can't add much more to what has already been said, the fact for me is that some of our supporters, if thats what they are, need dropping off the North Bridge.

My Dad an I travelled by train yesterday, we caught the 08.25 from Donny to Darlo. On board with us were a group of 16-19 year olds all on the ale pretending to be the 'big I am'. Not sure if any of this lot were involved, but if they've been drinking since 08.30, by the time 15.00 comes around there's a lot of drinking time that has elapsed.

It was handbags that quickly escalated and the stewards were right to intervene, as for heavy handedness; wouldn't you be heavy handed if the punches started raining in on you?? As soon as the stewards got in, a load more of our 'supporters' took the opportunity to look big to their mates and look as if they were getting involved.

Have to say I'm ashamed to be a Rovers supporter at the moment after shit-gate at Orient and other incidents that have happened this season. These lads need sorting out. Supporting a football club is not about getting w**kered and trying to act up to authority. I dread the Notts County game in a few weeks, potential for a big following, close by and easily accessible by train.

And it definitely wasn't a minor incident.

Barmby Rover

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #155 on October 14, 2012, 05:31:22 pm by Barmby Rover »
How exactly do you take alcohol out of it, apart from prohibition.  Alcohol is widely available in grounds and outside.  Any solution that can't be implemented isn't worth discussing.

Quite simple, clubs have a duty to provide a safe and secure place to come to. Part of this is the control of those who are not able to make rational decisions. If "fans" decide to turn up drunk, they should not be allowed to enter the stadium, whether or not they have bought tickets. That is a decision that people on the gates should make, with the help of stewards.
I am definitely not saying that folks shouldn't have a drink if they want one or two, just don't turn up drunk.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #156 on October 14, 2012, 05:34:15 pm by donnievic »
Rovers fans were trying and failing to stop it the whole time, the one bloke who was grabbed by the throat  was being verbally abused by fans at the back of the stand too, knock your teeth out etc.
But he just wouldn't shut up the guy, too pissed.

Just don't think we can blame the stewards on this occasion, even at the end near the toilets there were young lads speaking to the stewards and police like they were some kind of gangster.

The guy who went and stood down near the front was the lad from the back who was pissed,if your saying the steawards were right going in which did make it alot worse maybe they were right but it really only all kicked off when they tried to get one of the lads and get him out and then his mates were trying to stop them doing it.Pherhaps the other lad(wasnt pissed) mentioning no names who eventually grabbed hold of the other lad in the 1st place shouldn't have called him back down from the back.

 Another note on the stewards if people say they were only doing there job is where all the idoit pissed up fans were at the back who about 20 rolled in right on the kick off then wanted the seats behind the goal all deciced to stand with others so there was 3 people stood in front of one seat.
This is my take on at all as well. I was 2 rows behind it all.

Think i was right infront of you and also saw the 12 year old ish lad wanting to fight the steward lol :boxing:


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #157 on October 14, 2012, 05:39:55 pm by mushRTID »
How exactly do you take alcohol out of it, apart from prohibition.  Alcohol is widely available in grounds and outside.  Any solution that can't be implemented isn't worth discussing.

Quite simple, clubs have a duty to provide a safe and secure place to come to. Part of this is the control of those who are not able to make rational decisions. If "fans" decide to turn up drunk, they should not be allowed to enter the stadium, whether or not they have bought tickets. That is a decision that people on the gates should make, with the help of stewards.
I am definitely not saying that folks shouldn't have a drink if they want one or two, just don't turn up drunk.

This is b*llocks. Iv been to many a game during an all day drinking session and will be in Nottingham in 2 weeks.

Just because you have had a few drinks shouldn't stop you watching the game which is part of your day out.

For the record, of the games iv turned up drunk and enjoyed, iv been in 0 incidents.

See, not everyone out to enjoy themselves causes bother.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #158 on October 14, 2012, 05:42:42 pm by FuzzyDuck »
So you are proposing a sobriety test at the gate?  And people on the gate capable of evaluating the result of the sobriety test?   Think about it.  It's not gonna work is it?


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #159 on October 14, 2012, 06:27:30 pm by Alan_Rovers »
If a number of people got turned away at the gate for being intoxicated, where would they go then? It would just lead to more problems and we've already got enough as it is.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #160 on October 14, 2012, 06:46:41 pm by i_ateallthepies »
I'm not sure, it all boils down to what you class as a trouble causer. For example growing up through the conference years and lower leagues I like to stand and sing at games, I even enjoy the banter with opposition fans. A much tenser and hostile atmosphere makes for a really good game. But in todays world does that make someone a trouble causer in the eyes of the police? That is my worry with such a scenario.

This could save the coaching staff and players endless hours wasted on the training ground.... more tension and hostility = 'a really good game'     :woot:

The L J Monk

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #161 on October 14, 2012, 07:14:30 pm by The L J Monk »
Interests include: LFC Football Boxing Hooliganism DRFC UFC Comedy Football



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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #162 on October 14, 2012, 07:26:12 pm by MachoMadness »
Wow, what a shining example of human intellect. Hopefully he decides to piss off and go watch Liverpool in future.

Also worth noting his mate who he mentions was also arrested is a Leeds fan. They both look like kids who can't handle a couple of shandies, as to be expected with Tweets like #policearew**kers.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #163 on October 14, 2012, 08:44:50 pm by Dagenham Rover »
Well there you go height of intellect shove it all over twitter with his name

Club/Police get him sorted!!!!


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #164 on October 14, 2012, 09:07:15 pm by 1879Rovers »
I am not going to get involved in what should and shouldn't happen and who is in the right and wrong.

The one thing I am going to say is, I please hope the club sort this out internally and don't go public.  The incident at Orient was downright disgusting and when the Official website put out a statement, for everyone to see - my question was why? Why give ourselves bad press? There are enough people who will quite happily stick the boot in without letting it be known that these incidents are happening at Doncaster Rovers games.

There is enough inteliegence at football nowadays to sort this out without putting out for all to see.

The things that will happen though if things keep happening at Rovers away games are:

We will probably get smaller allocations

There will be a bigger Police/stewards presence that could stop general fans from enjoying the game they have gone to watch.

At the end of the day, I go to enjoy a game of football, have a few beers if need be and a good day out with friends and fellow supporters of the club.

There is enough bad going on in the world at the moment without things like this spoiling the one thing I look forward to all week.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #165 on October 14, 2012, 09:08:21 pm by Jimmydee »
I had recognised a couple of the young lads that were being dragged out after the skirmish, we were having a pre-match pint and we listened-in to their travel stories to get them to the game, the big lad in the Stone Island get up was boasting that they were thrown off the train for throwing bottles and they got to Hartlepool by other modes of transport including a £12 taxi ride, I thought that they were students on a day out as an extension to freshers week.

I wasn't surprised to see them being dragged out. I hadn't seen that group at any home/away match before. 


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #166 on October 14, 2012, 09:14:06 pm by StocktonRover »
Well there you go height of intellect shove it all over twitter with his name

Club/Police get him sorted!!!!

Im in no way defending this bloke but unless I'm missing something, he has said he just got back after spending 9 and a half hours in a cell - he hasn't said he was charged or that he commited any offence.

I know many will say that if he was arrested in the first place he deserved what he gets but lets wait for the police to do whats necessary.
If they have proof they will charge him and give him a banning order, maybe, just maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time - I was there and I couldnt say if his arrest was right and proper or not.

Let the authorities act with the benefit of the full facts.

The L J Monk

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #167 on October 14, 2012, 09:22:44 pm by The L J Monk »
Im in no way defending this bloke but unless I'm missing something, he has said he just got back after spending 9 and a half hours in a cell - he hasn't said he was charged or that he commited any offence.

Yes, you are missing something:



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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #168 on October 14, 2012, 09:29:23 pm by ravenrover »
How exactly do you take alcohol out of it, apart from prohibition.  Alcohol is widely available in grounds and outside.  Any solution that can't be implemented isn't worth discussing.

Quite simple, clubs have a duty to provide a safe and secure place to come to. Part of this is the control of those who are not able to make rational decisions. If "fans" decide to turn up drunk, they should not be allowed to enter the stadium, whether or not they have bought tickets. That is a decision that people on the gates should make, with the help of stewards.
I am definitely not saying that folks shouldn't have a drink if they want one or two, just don't turn up drunk.

This is b*llocks. Iv been to many a game during an all day drinking session and will be in Nottingham in 2 weeks.

Just because you have had a few drinks shouldn't stop you watching the game which is part of your day out.

For the record, of the games iv turned up drunk and enjoyed, iv been in 0 incidents.

See, not everyone out to enjoy themselves causes bother.
Want to explain the significance of this comment?


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #169 on October 14, 2012, 09:33:34 pm by mushRTID »
Significance been why should people like myself not be allowed in for been drunk if we can behave ourselves?


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #170 on October 14, 2012, 09:38:02 pm by StocktonRover »
Im in no way defending this bloke but unless I'm missing something, he has said he just got back after spending 9 and a half hours in a cell - he hasn't said he was charged or that he commited any offence.

Yes, you are missing something:

OK, not being a twitter user, I just followed the original link and that detail wasnt shown -
If charged with Affray, it does change the perspective a bit, however the old adage of innocent until PROVEN guilty is a core value of this countries criminal justice system.

I'm guessing that he has been bailed and it may or may not be a condition of his bail that he doesnt attend football grounds - thats for the police to decide and communicate as appropriate.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #171 on October 14, 2012, 09:38:21 pm by dickos1 »
He was one of the ones who entered game behind me, paralytic.
And who had to have 4 or 5 coppers drag him out as he was shouting n balling at them.

The L J Monk

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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #172 on October 14, 2012, 09:43:59 pm by The L J Monk »
If charged with Affray, it does change the perspective a bit, however the old adage of innocent until PROVEN guilty is a core value of this countries criminal justice system.

I couldn't AGREE more.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #173 on October 15, 2012, 12:04:34 am by hoolahoop »
If charged with Affray, it does change the perspective a bit, however the old adage of innocent until PROVEN guilty is a core value of this countries criminal justice system.

I couldn't AGREE more.

True the lad sounds like a saint to me too ;)


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #174 on October 15, 2012, 12:09:28 am by Wello »
any claret????


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #175 on October 15, 2012, 12:19:13 am by Filo »
Maximum sentence for Affray is 3 years, if found guilty in a Crown Court

6 Months if found guilty in a Magistrates Court
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 12:23:03 am by Filo »


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #176 on October 15, 2012, 01:13:17 am by RobTheRover »
I'm sure the club are aware who those involved are, just like they know who the Phantom Shit Wiper of old Orient Town is.  Things will be dealt with.

And I'm sure the police are wetting themselves at that Scott lad's twitter "hobbies" list.  "Erm, hello your Honour.  Whats that?  Is hooliganism really my hobby?".  Maybe he can use #bangedup before they take his phone off him?


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #177 on October 15, 2012, 01:40:43 am by RoversAlias »
Well after navigating my way through 6 pages of 'this and that' I'm exhausted. I was there yesterday and sat pretty close to where it all started. I can't add much more to what has already been said, the fact for me is that some of our supporters, if thats what they are, need dropping off the North Bridge.

My Dad an I travelled by train yesterday, we caught the 08.25 from Donny to Darlo. On board with us were a group of 16-19 year olds all on the ale pretending to be the 'big I am'. Not sure if any of this lot were involved, but if they've been drinking since 08.30, by the time 15.00 comes around there's a lot of drinking time that has elapsed.

It was handbags that quickly escalated and the stewards were right to intervene, as for heavy handedness; wouldn't you be heavy handed if the punches started raining in on you?? As soon as the stewards got in, a load more of our 'supporters' took the opportunity to look big to their mates and look as if they were getting involved.

Have to say I'm ashamed to be a Rovers supporter at the moment after shit-gate at Orient and other incidents that have happened this season. These lads need sorting out. Supporting a football club is not about getting w**kered and trying to act up to authority. I dread the Notts County game in a few weeks, potential for a big following, close by and easily accessible by train.

And it definitely wasn't a minor incident.

I agree, got my tickets to Notts County now and if the roads into the city weren't such a nightmare then I may have insisted on going in the car. Not looking forward to potentially being next to the pissheads on the train there and back. Sick of having to put up with them when they're in such a state.


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #178 on October 15, 2012, 06:17:07 am by Donnywolf »
Do as I do

Phoenix Park and Ride is brilliant. 2 minutes off the M1 (J26 at a guess) then sit back and relax till you reach the City Centre or Railway Station.


« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 06:19:23 am by DONNYWOLF »


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Re: Who Got Thrown out At Hartlepool?
« Reply #179 on October 15, 2012, 08:46:47 am by Standanista »
If a number of people got turned away at the gate for being intoxicated, where would they go then? It would just lead to more problems and we've already got enough as it is.
North of the border the law means you're arrested, but not in England & Wales.


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