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Author Topic: Fed Up  (Read 2272 times)

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Fed Up
« on November 11, 2013, 11:26:35 pm by Belle_Vue »
I'm sure I'm not alone.

I'm reading and hearing comments made by other fans calling for peoples head, moaning at everyone, everyone has their own opinions on who is to blame.
I have read comments today arguing because "my friend told me...", "I've heard..." "bulls**t rumour so he's a c unit..."

I haven't,  but I imagine if you go onto other teams forums they are laughing at us right now,  it's embarrassing

Social media now allows anyone to broadcast their personal views to the masses. Which is fair, however, does anyone know the truth?! Does anyone know what has actually happend, or what is actually happening? ? Because unless myself and every doncaster rovers fan I have talked to have missed something, nothing has really been officially announced. Today we heard TBs interview and this has caused more controversy, ryan has had his say. But we are yet to here an official announcement, yes we have heard sides of the story, but it hasn't cleared an awful lot up.
But I suppose that is politics and business.

What I do find sad is people's reaction to all this, fighting with each other, this isn't rovers.  Things have changed over the years and will continue to change, there will be ups and downs but people should be ashamed of themselves for the way they are acting.
People are getting angry about their opinions based on rumours and other opinions,  wait until we have the full story!

For me I would like thank John Ryan for saving my club and all the hard work, enthusiasm and dedication over the years, it is a fact we wouldn't be in the second tier today without you!
As for TB, why are people calling for his head?! Does anyone know what/if he has done wrong? This is a guy that has put 7 million of his own money into the club. He is a business man, he might bot have the same passion as JR put I don't think anyone else does. This guy has made a big investment in rovers and has certainly helped. It sounds like he is ready to cash in and good for him.

We all need to stop this pathetic behaviour of late, and wait for answers, I know it's hard abd frustrating but ride it out, it might work out for the better.

I have read comments about how people are angry we bought the dons, why?! 100k can't get you much in this level of football and I'm sure it has helped the dons out, who may or may not of been in a bad position financially (I don't know) and this could lead to good things for the rovers too!

But the main reason of this post is to tell people to look in a mirror, give yourself a kick up the arse. Were all rovers! It might be tuff at the moment but alot of us are adults and alot of us can remember worser times.
Wait for the answers before you start wishing things. Lets see what happens and stop fighting!


Apologies if this post is a mess, writing on a phone with this worlds smallest text box and filled with disappointment and trying to make sense. But I hope some understand me, even if it is late at night.

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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #1 on November 11, 2013, 11:32:16 pm by Belle_Vue »
Recently we have made great leaps forward such as owning the stadium. And for us fans we have a voice through in rovers we trust. We have dedicated slos to answer questions and do other things. We have interviews and highlights on our own youtube.

There is still some improvements to be made but it is progression.

This was probably off topic.

I do wonder why the vsc and facebook moderators arnt being harder, everyone should be entitled to an opinion but some people are morons from what they say


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #2 on November 11, 2013, 11:34:15 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Very well put sir.


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #3 on November 11, 2013, 11:47:40 pm by Belle_Vue »
Thank you, not sure if it was well put, but the idea was there ha. Everything came out my brain in a random order and my English skills must be asleep

tommy toes

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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #4 on November 11, 2013, 11:49:24 pm by tommy toes »
Yes indeed. I've been reading all the threads today and despaired at all this pointless infighting.
None of us can have any influence on the outcome, so sit back, relax and wait and see what we have.
We support The Rovers, whatever happens.


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #5 on November 12, 2013, 08:44:32 am by keyser_soze »
Yeah it's pretty pathetic for a group of people who presumably all agree that they just want the best for this club. Particularly the snipes at the VSC who on the whole are just playing devils advocate and asking the uncomfortable questions that should be asked.

This isn't going to be resolved overnight, we're just going to have to sit back and see how this plays out. Unfortunately, a lot of people here feel the VSC are just around to share knowing nods and winks about future developments, and sometimes it's overall cause is blurred by over zealous moderation, but these are the times that these guys really have to stick their head above the parapet and work for their club to ensure it's future is secured.


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #6 on November 12, 2013, 05:38:23 pm by Belle_Vue »
All the fans want the best for the club. It's not just a select few.
But there are certain things we can't control and certain things best left unsaid. Especially on social media and public forums for anyone to read. Everyone has a right to their own say and opinion but it's hard to form an honest opinion without knowing the full story,  which we as fans don't right now. We know very little which is annoying, but people are acting on their opinions based on rumours and tiny bits of the story. Which is stupid.


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #7 on November 12, 2013, 07:58:30 pm by bobbymax »
Recently we have made great leaps forward such as owning the stadium. And for us fans we have a voice through in rovers we trust. We have dedicated slos to answer questions and do other things. We have interviews and highlights on our own youtube.

There is still some improvements to be made but it is progression.

This was probably off topic.

I do wonder why the vsc and facebook moderators arnt being harder, everyone should be entitled to an opinion but some people are morons from what they say
Free speech and all that.
The very fact that the personal abuse being directed towards certain individuals is being allowed to continue on this forum is testament to the tolerance of the moderators. If it had been up to me, I'd have told more than a few of the idiots on here to sling their hooks a long time ago.
There again, it just shows how a few of the more gullible can inflame the masses if they shout loudly enough.


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Re: Fed Up
« Reply #8 on November 12, 2013, 10:28:17 pm by Belle_Vue »
I think your last sentence hits the nail on the head bobbymax


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