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Author Topic: A Good Article  (Read 59267 times)

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Iberian Red

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #180 on June 03, 2014, 10:42:31 pm by Iberian Red »
In the interests of equality, Wonders if some people need a history lesson on who sold there shares to a certain Ken Richardson in the first place ??

Also in the interests of balance I'll add:

Under pressure from certain sections of our fans

Also in interests of balance I can state the contrary.

The majority of supporters were worried about the club being sold to an owner with a suspended sentence and lifetime ban from the races.

Nice attempt at rewriting history tho.

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #181 on June 03, 2014, 10:48:57 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Nice attempt at rewriting history tho.

If it is an attempt it's a fairly widely accepted attempt:

It turned nasty during the reign of Ken Richardson when he was abused by some misguided fans who had been brainwashed into thinking he was holding the club back by not selling his shares to the self-styled benefactor who was later jailed for conspiring to burn down the main stand.


Iberian Red

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #182 on June 03, 2014, 11:04:21 pm by Iberian Red »
My mistake. It was the pressure of the Shouty Bags, not cutting losses, that resulted in the sale to a man with a suspended sentence and lifetime ban from the races.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #183 on June 03, 2014, 11:07:45 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Shouty Bags

Now there's summat I've not heard in a lot of years...


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #184 on June 03, 2014, 11:13:05 pm by bobjimwilly »
An articles in the DFP certainly doesn't, and shouldn't, mean anything is widely accepted...


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #185 on June 03, 2014, 11:51:00 pm by PDX_Rover »
Yes, the DFP is not known for its insightful fact finding.... More a case of, "here, print this, it'll sell"


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #186 on June 04, 2014, 01:03:39 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Nice attempt at rewriting history tho.

If it is an attempt it's a fairly widely accepted attempt:

It turned nasty during the reign of Ken Richardson when he was abused by some misguided fans who had been brainwashed into thinking he was holding the club back by not selling his shares to the self-styled benefactor who was later jailed for conspiring to burn down the main stand.



You know that what Catt is reporting there is Ryan's own take? I assume you DO realise that?

Ryan has been a master of nursing a grudge on the flimsiest pretext.

He did it over the sale of shares to Richardson, "when he was abused by some misguided fans". How many? 1? 5? 20? Was it a concerted hate campaign, or the odd comment chucked his way after a defeat? Cos I was there most matches back then, and I cannot recall a big effort to throw vitriol his way at matches. And I don't recall press stories of Rovers fans besieging his house. Seems like a bit of over-egging? 

And then, he did it on the issue of buying out the club from Richardson. He's insisted that he had abuse from fans about his motives. I might have missed that, because all I saw was unadulterated love from the overwhelming majority of fans, with a few questions on embryonic internet sites.

He did it over the humble pie issue the year we went up from L1, where he couldn't resist having a pop at his own customers for having doubted his support of O'Driscoll.

He did it when he professed his astonishment last year that anyone could doubt his bona fides, at EXACTLY the same time that he was evading questions and throwing out half-truths about the SC takeover.


Look. I think Ryan has been an amazing chairman of this club. We have achieved things I never thought possible under his guidance. I am in awe of how he drove that through his own personality.

But there's another side. He is an astonishingly sensitive soul for a successful businessman and football club  owner. Why on earth should he still bring up the issue of a few fans chanting at him to sell out to Richardson 20 years ago? And why on earth should he need to spin a story that it was that experience that forced him into doing it?

He seems to need to put up windmills to tilt at. Fair enough, if that gets him up in a morning and if that has driven him to push the club onwards.

But put his  comments into that perspective. He's not a deity. He's not infallible. He does not pronounce ex-cathedra. His comments are no more "facts" than anyone else's
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 01:08:06 am by BillyStubbsTears »

Alan Southstand

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #187 on June 04, 2014, 08:46:38 am by Alan Southstand »
Hells bells Billy, last edit at what time? Sleeping juice not working?

Just to balance the books and get things into perspective - I (personally) trust neither camp and if anyone thinks TB and party are any different, they are sadly deluded.

No-one on here has a 'cat in hell's chance' of changing anything, so take a chill pill everyone and let's see what transpires. If the outcome is we get back into the Championship at the end of this season, then I'd take that (although I have serious doubts while this manager is at the helm).

Its getting boring, innit?

wing commander

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #188 on June 04, 2014, 09:17:26 am by wing commander »
   That's short sighted Alan......I'm as interested about my clubs future for my boys future as well as me...We go up we go down but the club goes on...One bad owner change and the club could disappear entirely..I can only presume you didn't know what it was like to be on the brink of liquidation ...So while it may be boring to you,to some of us its more important than a promotion campaign and  whichever side of the fence you sit on with regards a takeover..The result is the same for all of us,we will all be winners or Losers...


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #189 on June 04, 2014, 10:51:24 am by Sad-Rovers »

You know that what Catt is reporting there is Ryan's own take? I assume you DO realise that?

Ryan has been a master of nursing a grudge on the flimsiest pretext.

He did it over the sale of shares to Richardson, "when he was abused by some misguided fans". How many? 1? 5? 20? Was it a concerted hate campaign, or the odd comment chucked his way after a defeat? Cos I was there most matches back then, and I cannot recall a big effort to throw vitriol his way at matches. And I don't recall press stories of Rovers fans besieging his house. Seems like a bit of over-egging? 

And then, he did it on the issue of buying out the club from Richardson. He's insisted that he had abuse from fans about his motives. I might have missed that, because all I saw was unadulterated love from the overwhelming majority of fans, with a few questions on embryonic internet sites.

He did it over the humble pie issue the year we went up from L1, where he couldn't resist having a pop at his own customers for having doubted his support of O'Driscoll.

He did it when he professed his astonishment last year that anyone could doubt his bona fides, at EXACTLY the same time that he was evading questions and throwing out half-truths about the SC takeover.


Look. I think Ryan has been an amazing chairman of this club. We have achieved things I never thought possible under his guidance. I am in awe of how he drove that through his own personality.

But there's another side. He is an astonishingly sensitive soul for a successful businessman and football club  owner. Why on earth should he still bring up the issue of a few fans chanting at him to sell out to Richardson 20 years ago? And why on earth should he need to spin a story that it was that experience that forced him into doing it?

He seems to need to put up windmills to tilt at. Fair enough, if that gets him up in a morning and if that has driven him to push the club onwards.

But put his  comments into that perspective. He's not a deity. He's not infallible. He does not pronounce ex-cathedra. His comments are no more "facts" than anyone else's

BST, I'm aware that JR isn't infallible and is a master at self publicity but he HAS got a proven track record with DRFC. He bought in at a time when no business on earth would invest. With your logical head on would YOU have bought into DRFC in 1998? Rundown ground, crowds between 500/1000, no kits, 4-ish players..... Where was the likes of TB then? The only person that'd buy a club in the state we were in then would be a fan and that's the reason I can forgive JR for his mistakes, because he's a FAN. We're HIS team in the same way that DRFC is mine and yours. THAT'S why I trust him implicitly, if he makes a mistake (like the experiment) it's because he's over stretched himself or the club, not because he wants to line his own pockets and is nervously eying the exits.

River Don

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #190 on June 04, 2014, 11:06:45 am by River Don »

"line his own pockets, nervously eyeing the exits", is that another dig at the integrity of the KM2?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #191 on June 04, 2014, 11:08:29 am by Sad-Rovers »
Nope, just at people who invest in football in general.

I've nothing but respect for the KM2.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #192 on June 04, 2014, 11:10:28 am by DonnyOsmond »
Why would a guy who spent the last 15 years spending money and building the club he loves into what it is today want to ruin it? He obviously doesn't and some of you need to realise the guys not the devil, he just wants to see the club progress as far as it can without harming it. He obviously knows more about this deal and the Sequentia deal then anyone on here so he's the best judge.
At the end of the day none of us fans can change what will happen so just go with and enjoy the ride. Whoever owns the club I'll still be supporting my team.

Terry and Dick have been brilliant for us and they've have some good ideas too such as Club Doncaster and wanting to improve profits to make us self sustainable, I'm all for then but it's clear they're also happy to sell the club if the right offer for them comes in. These guys are wanting to put or have put millions in to this football club and I'm thankful for that.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #193 on June 04, 2014, 11:19:12 am by Alickismyhero »

I do understand the position you take with Ryan but although I would have shared that position supporting him about 5 years ago I do not now go along with it. I too can forgive but I cannot forget what he has done in recent times.

The show goes on Bramall and Watsons decision is the important one now the King is dead!

I don't for a minute believe that Ryan wants to destroy the club he loves but recent history would suggest he is now making big big mistakes which puts in to question the long term survival of the club and I can't go along with that.

Alan Southstand

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #194 on June 04, 2014, 11:28:57 am by Alan Southstand »
Wing Commander - I've been there and bought the T shirt, video and whatever else. At a heady 61 years of age and having been a supporter for longer than I care to remember, I can honestly say that this is all getting a tad tiresome. You may well be right about wrong owners, but what difference can you, or I, make to the process? Don't bother sending a postcard.

The constant sniping and points scoring on here is laughable, quite honestly and none of it will change the outcome. It will be what the money-men will decide its going to be. Do you think it will be any different?

There is just no point in getting wound up about it as you can't affect the outcome.

The only thing we've got is 'opinions' and that's it.

River Don

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #195 on June 04, 2014, 11:31:13 am by River Don »

I don't think there are any Rovers fans who sees JR as the devil! There are those who maybe think he is just too reckless to be trusted with running the club again but I think everyone recognises what a passionate supporter of the club he is.

wing commander

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #196 on June 04, 2014, 11:38:28 am by wing commander »
       Opinions are what this forum is and should be all about Alan as is debate...And your right we have very limited effect on any outcome but I personally believe we do have some effect..The sequential deal last time been a point in question..There was a big divide on that and it definetley made a difference in the outcome in my opinion anyway...
        We all have our own gut feelings given the limited information we have and I have no problem with anybody taking a different view to mine,personally I find this more important than who we sign etc etc and is certainly up for debate on here.........

River Don

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #197 on June 04, 2014, 11:49:00 am by River Don »
Last year there were clear concerns about what was being proposed and I think some of the deep concerns many supporters expressed might well have influenced the decision. Who knows?

This time around from what we know I am a lot more relaxed about the proposal but that doesn't mean there aren't some big question marks. I think TB made the right call last time and having seen his conduct then I feel sure he'll make this decision based on what is best for the club this time.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #198 on June 04, 2014, 11:55:02 am by Alickismyhero »

My theory on the relevance of posting ones views on the forum is that it becomes a poll indicating the view of the majority. You probably recall Ryans press leakage campaign during the SC TO effort, why did he do it? to get support and win the debate. Did it work? no because it was poorly handled.

My take on that is that if its badly handled its a waste of time.

Has Ryan learnt from that? yes. This time he is allowing the leaks to be handled by someone else and he remains distant and not available for comment.

As RD says I too am relaxed, to a degree, about the outcome of this proposed TO because Bramall and Watson will make the final decision in the best interests of the club.

So can expressing your view on VSC be effective? yes and it can and in my opinion effect the outcome.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #199 on June 04, 2014, 12:08:06 pm by BigColSutherland »
i would be very disappointed if JR said "I'm not speaking to the VSC unless so and so is/isn't a director".
The trust is independent of the club, has always been and and should always remain so, regardless of if any club directors do/don't "get on with" individual vsc directors.

From my understanding it's one director in particular JR doesn't want to deal with. If that was the case, then I would hope the director in question would step back - whether he felt it right or wrong - for the good of the Trust.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #200 on June 04, 2014, 12:13:40 pm by Sad-Rovers »
That'd depend entirely on said directors ego.

I don't hold out much hope.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #201 on June 04, 2014, 12:35:12 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I would definitely hope it doesn't come to a choice for one or the other. The VSC Directors have acted extremely responsibly in all this and there is no reason for any of them to consider their positions. If JR has a grudge then he will have to address it in his own way. Whether that will be the right way, much will depend on the impending decision. 

Not Now Kato

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #202 on June 04, 2014, 12:36:10 pm by Not Now Kato »

The directors of the VSC are elected by us, the members of the VSC, not John Ryan.  JR should not in any way attempt to influence who we chose as directors by refusing to talk to any one or all of them.

And no director should feel the need to step down because of what JR says and feels.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #203 on June 04, 2014, 12:36:24 pm by bobjimwilly »
What if JR had a problem with all directors? Should they all go, "for the good of the trust"? It's a shame you don't understand the idea of a supporters trust, and how it has to be 100% independent from the club, something which JR fiercely agreed with when the VSC was formed.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #204 on June 04, 2014, 12:55:25 pm by Filo »
i would be very disappointed if JR said "I'm not speaking to the VSC unless so and so is/isn't a director".
The trust is independent of the club, has always been and and should always remain so, regardless of if any club directors do/don't "get on with" individual vsc directors.

From my understanding it's one director in particular JR doesn't want to deal with. If that was the case, then I would hope the director in question would step back - whether he felt it right or wrong - for the good of the Trust.

Maybe JR could join the VSC and have a say on who we as members elect as our directors. If that's his attitude then maybe he's not the correct person to take us forward together


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #205 on June 04, 2014, 01:03:03 pm by Sad-Rovers »
What if JR had a problem with all directors? Should they all go, "for the good of the trust"? It's a shame you don't understand the idea of a supporters trust, and how it has to be 100% independent from the club, something which JR fiercely agreed with when the VSC was formed.

Wouldn't it be difficult for the trust to operate if it was shut out completely by the club? Something to think about, perhaps. 


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #206 on June 04, 2014, 01:08:09 pm by BigColSutherland »
What if JR had a problem with all directors? Should they all go, "for the good of the trust"? It's a shame you don't understand the idea of a supporters trust, and how it has to be 100% independent from the club, something which JR fiercely agreed with when the VSC was formed.
It's more of a shame that you can't read something properly without this standard knee-jerk reaction.

Step-back, not stand down.

Regardless, what purpose does a trust serve if the club won't speak to it and its shareholding is minimal?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #207 on June 04, 2014, 01:10:44 pm by Sad-Rovers »
We never got to the bottom of the joining veto, did we?

Could a director confirm if JR would be welcome to join the VSC, I'd hate for it to be seen as a closed shop.



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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #208 on June 04, 2014, 01:12:09 pm by Wellred »
I find it amazing some of the drivel some posters on here actually believe.
Do any of you really think the opinions of a tiny minority of Rovers fans stopped TB accepting SC's bid last time?
The bid wasn't accepted because TB didn't like how it was to be financed. Nothing to do with what Wing Commander, River Don or anyone else thought.
 :facepalm: :facepalm:


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #209 on June 04, 2014, 01:14:03 pm by Wellred »
What if JR had a problem with all directors? Should they all go, "for the good of the trust"? It's a shame you don't understand the idea of a supporters trust, and how it has to be 100% independent from the club, something which JR fiercely agreed with when the VSC was formed.
It's more of a shame that you can't read something properly without this standard knee-jerk reaction.

Step-back, not stand down.

Regardless, what purpose does a trust serve if the club won't speak to it and its shareholding is minimal?

But the problem is when you have two people both with massive ego's who simply don't like each other.


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