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Author Topic: A Good Article  (Read 59381 times)

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #60 on June 01, 2014, 02:20:49 pm by Sad-Rovers »

1) You can misrepresent very easily whilst quoting as you know full well. I could write a complete thesis on how good for humanity the Nazi party was. And all done with quotes too.
2) Yes. They do. As a member of a collective body you are included in the views of the overall group as identified by whatever means the body chooses. The Govt represent me. The fact I can't abide the buggers is irrelevant. My choice was over ridden by the choice of the majority so they do speak in my name until such time as either they are chucked out or enough other folk adopt the same views as me and force a change upon them. That's how almost all collective groups work. You can always stand for election you know.


One small point Bob (and I can't abide them either) but the majority did not vote for this government.

59.1% voted either Tory or LibDem. Presumably they were happy to see their party in power.

Ridiculous post.
59% didn't vote for a coalition.

Careful, Bob doesn't deal in logic...

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #61 on June 01, 2014, 04:02:07 pm by Wellred »

1) You can misrepresent very easily whilst quoting as you know full well. I could write a complete thesis on how good for humanity the Nazi party was. And all done with quotes too.
2) Yes. They do. As a member of a collective body you are included in the views of the overall group as identified by whatever means the body chooses. The Govt represent me. The fact I can't abide the buggers is irrelevant. My choice was over ridden by the choice of the majority so they do speak in my name until such time as either they are chucked out or enough other folk adopt the same views as me and force a change upon them. That's how almost all collective groups work. You can always stand for election you know.


One small point Bob (and I can't abide them either) but the majority did not vote for this government.

59.1% voted either Tory or LibDem. Presumably they were happy to see their party in power.

Ridiculous post.
59% didn't vote for a coalition.

Careful, Bob doesn't deal in logic...

To be fair my reply wasn't aimed at Bob. It was a reply to Mr VSC.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #62 on June 01, 2014, 05:55:11 pm by JayBaker »
I'm familiar with the Kerrang editor, and obviously, he can string a sentence together.

Obviously every opinion must be started with the caveat that John Ryan did indeed save Doncaster Rovers from extinction, and for that I'm sure we are all eternally grateful.

My dear old Dad, a season ticket holder like myself, has been supporting the Rovers since 1947, and has seen many faces and names come and go, and told me many stories of his own. His was one of the lone voices of reason in the stands as people joined together to chant against Terry Bramall and Dick Watson, and haul their banners about, and then go on the radio to claim that the regime at the club had them removed from the stadium and their banner taken from them.

Of course, at the Meet the Owners event, none of these voices were present, or at least as a result of the event itself, the voices were silenced, maybe out of embarrassment, as Terry Bramall conducted himself with professionalism, and a calm head, and a view that they'd listen to all offers, but do what's best for the club, the fans, and the town, because God knows, he doesn't need the money - and it's a good job, because the Yorkshire philanthropist has gifted a fair bit to the club over the years.

But that's not exciting, is it? I know I found it exciting to hear about potential investors and £20m, or £40m, being pumped into the club to take us to the unprecedented heights of the Premiership. What supporter wouldn't love that? But then you ask, "What's in it for them?" Terry Bramall has spoken to the press and the people; Sequentia Capital remained a quiet anonymous entity who wouldn't address that query, as understandable as it was after the dark days of Ken Richardson. But - aided by PR - their allies instead put out stories in the press of the club being threatened with imminent administration battles, and yet the Meet the Owners event put all that to bed, too. There were people using propaganda and scaremongering to push through their agenda, without telling one of us what their agenda was.

So now, we have John Ryan, again, now with Louis Tomlinson, who's probably also feeling the excitement of a takeover - again, who wouldn't? But John Ryan said "Let Terry Bramall have a turn," and he's done alright, and yet now JR is back again, and why? Given he rubbed shoulders with those unsavoury types and showed public disdain for a supporters cooperative that opposed the old regimes and supported his for so long, it's understandable people are unsure what JR's motives are and if he is just hellbent on selling to Sequentia Capital interests, whatever they are, because we've never been told. How about holding a little Meet The Consortium event, eh? Being the saviour of Doncaster Rovers, for which we are all forever grateful, does not absolve you of scrutiny.

And for the rest of us who complain about a supporters cooperative - actually set up to act wholly and solely in the interests of the best of our beloved Doncaster Rovers Football Club - having too few numbers, how about becoming a member then? You're on the forum, you're happy to use that. Maybe think about backing something you already know is in the interests of the fans, instead of something you don't know at all, like, say, a mystery consortium getting you excited about a carrot without knowing who's dangling it or why.

Ultimately, we're all Doncaster Rovers supporters here, so we all hope for the best for our club. And we do that, by getting involved, and looking out for those interests again, because we all came so close to losing the club altogether and can't ever let anything threaten it like that again.

So let's take everything with a pinch of salt and keep doing what everyone does when they're acting in the interests of something: asking questions.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #63 on June 01, 2014, 06:42:21 pm by Wellred »
An interesting read but...................I would like someone to answer for me and not just a guess or an I think.
But has the Yorkshire philanthropist "Gifted" or "loaned" millions to DRFC?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #64 on June 01, 2014, 07:12:32 pm by hoolahoop »
Just one quick point. The guy who wrote this doesn't claim to be the voice of us all/VSC. He is expressing his personal feelings. I agree with him, others won't. I've talked to James at a couple of Rovers games. The only difference between James and any other fan is that he clearly has contacts in the media and writes for a living. It stretches credibility for me to assume this piece is some sort of plant, although I could be wrong. Most of us on here will have no sway in the takeover. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't be concerned. Maybe however, we could see what unfolds and chill a bit. People (in general) seem to be getting a bit tetchy with each other. Will be glad when it's all sorted and we can start to look at photos of trialists again.  :rtid:

Exactly SD, again we have this 'should we shan' t we' nonsense again without any discernible facts. I' m getting pissed off with all this in fighting ; it's making supporting the Rovers into a fecking chore.......


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #65 on June 01, 2014, 07:33:47 pm by pib »
Bob G is hilarious. Is his account a parody of someone?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #66 on June 01, 2014, 07:39:55 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Bob G is hilarious. Is his account a parody of someone?

I hope so, the alternative is too horrible to contemplate. 


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #67 on June 01, 2014, 07:56:14 pm by Wellred »
I'm familiar with the Kerrang editor, and obviously, he can string a sentence together.

Obviously every opinion must be started with the caveat that John Ryan did indeed save Doncaster Rovers from extinction, and for that I'm sure we are all eternally grateful.

My dear old Dad, a season ticket holder like myself, has been supporting the Rovers since 1947, and has seen many faces and names come and go, and told me many stories of his own. His was one of the lone voices of reason in the stands as people joined together to chant against Terry Bramall and Dick Watson, and haul their banners about, and then go on the radio to claim that the regime at the club had them removed from the stadium and their banner taken from them.

Of course, at the Meet the Owners event, none of these voices were present, or at least as a result of the event itself, the voices were silenced, maybe out of embarrassment, as Terry Bramall conducted himself with professionalism, and a calm head, and a view that they'd listen to all offers, but do what's best for the club, the fans, and the town, because God knows, he doesn't need the money - and it's a good job, because the Yorkshire philanthropist has gifted a fair bit to the club over the years.

But that's not exciting, is it? I know I found it exciting to hear about potential investors and £20m, or £40m, being pumped into the club to take us to the unprecedented heights of the Premiership. What supporter wouldn't love that? But then you ask, "What's in it for them?" Terry Bramall has spoken to the press and the people; Sequentia Capital remained a quiet anonymous entity who wouldn't address that query, as understandable as it was after the dark days of Ken Richardson. But - aided by PR - their allies instead put out stories in the press of the club being threatened with imminent administration battles, and yet the Meet the Owners event put all that to bed, too. There were people using propaganda and scaremongering to push through their agenda, without telling one of us what their agenda was.

So now, we have John Ryan, again, now with Louis Tomlinson, who's probably also feeling the excitement of a takeover - again, who wouldn't? But John Ryan said "Let Terry Bramall have a turn," and he's done alright, and yet now JR is back again, and why? Given he rubbed shoulders with those unsavoury types and showed public disdain for a supporters cooperative that opposed the old regimes and supported his for so long, it's understandable people are unsure what JR's motives are and if he is just hellbent on selling to Sequentia Capital interests, whatever they are, because we've never been told. How about holding a little Meet The Consortium event, eh? Being the saviour of Doncaster Rovers, for which we are all forever grateful, does not absolve you of scrutiny.

And for the rest of us who complain about a supporters cooperative - actually set up to act wholly and solely in the interests of the best of our beloved Doncaster Rovers Football Club - having too few numbers, how about becoming a member then? You're on the forum, you're happy to use that. Maybe think about backing something you already know is in the interests of the fans, instead of something you don't know at all, like, say, a mystery consortium getting you excited about a carrot without knowing who's dangling it or why.

Ultimately, we're all Doncaster Rovers supporters here, so we all hope for the best for our club. And we do that, by getting involved, and looking out for those interests again, because we all came so close to losing the club altogether and can't ever let anything threaten it like that again.

So let's take everything with a pinch of salt and keep doing what everyone does when they're acting in the interests of something: asking questions.

Post of the year if you ask me. Spot on. Unfortunately, and someone needs to say this, JR has become a joke, frankly. He's a laughing stock. Hardly the sharpest tool in the box, surrounded himself with yes men. A barrow boy, in old money.

Nobody is surprised at your reaction. We all know your feelings about JR. You have slated him at every opportunity.
Why can't you wait and see what if anything develops?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #68 on June 01, 2014, 08:00:42 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Hardly the sharpest tool in the box, surrounded himself with yes men. A barrow boy, in old money.

How's your multiple million pound turnover business doing these days PDX? Bought your childhood football club recently?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #69 on June 01, 2014, 08:02:01 pm by drfc1951 »
Why cant everybody wait and see what happens instead of all this bitching.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #70 on June 01, 2014, 08:34:15 pm by PDX_Rover »
You folks crack me up. Sad Rovers, aptly named. Why get personal? Have I said anything personal about you?

Listen. John Ryan deserves credit. I admire him for that. I don't dislike him as a person, having talked to him about Rovers on several occasions. He also knows my parents. But personally he's been duplicitous too often.

Some of the stunts he has pulled are embarrassing. Humble pie... Sequentia being the deal of the century (yes, for who?)...
It's all out there in the public domain.

He has to win back trust IMO. He really messed up last time. He's had the chance to come back on board, so why now does he seemingly want to oust the current owners? Why not act in partnership with them.

Sadly I think John want the kudos and adulation, but can't afford it. So he's trying to leverage other people's cash.

And FYI S-R, my business is doing ok. Appreciate your concern.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #71 on June 01, 2014, 08:44:52 pm by Sad-Rovers »
The only person getting personal here is you PDX. I'm sure you're aware that JR reads this forum, do you think he appreciates having his intellect questioned and called a joke by you?

I am glad you're business is doing well though, perhaps you could launch your own TO?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #72 on June 01, 2014, 09:11:05 pm by PDX_Rover »
It's a forum. For opinions. I have my opinion, based on what I know. You have yours. I couldn't give a damn if John reads this forum.

He has yet to give any reasonable explanation as to why the SC fiasco was such a killer deal for the club.

And now this.

Of course. TB has said they will review any offers on their merit and decide whether it's in the best interests of the long term security of DRFC.

My point is that John blotted his copybook with the SC b*llocks, and I can only assume that this new deal is just the same shite dressed up differently.

All he has to do is come out and state what the long term vision is. Presumably if it's a serious proposition then there will be a business plan, projections etc. to sell the idea to those that make the decisions. SC were invited to do that and the silence was deafening.... Ok so maybe I was a bit harsh on John, but this subject brings out passions, when you've loved a club for 40 years through good and mostly bad.

I don't like or agree with he way john handled himself. That doesn't detract from what he's done for Rovers. Christ I bought a new shirt off the man in the bar at stoke and shared a pint with him.

But he's not infallible and should not be beyond reproach. None of us are.

Map out your agenda John. I am sure if it is good for the security of the club then I am sure most will be supportive....

My stepdad was one of the coffin bearers and my mum was featured a lot in the channel 5 documentary. They were at the heart of what was going on in 1998, along with many others who share the love for Rovers. That memory still lingers and we do not want to go back there....

If this is for the right reasons... Great. But I suspect it's not. Sadly.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #73 on June 01, 2014, 09:18:39 pm by Sad-Rovers »
My stepdad was one of the coffin bearers and my mum was featured a lot in the channel 5 documentary. They were at the heart of what was going on in 1998, along with many others who share the love for Rovers. That memory still lingers and we do not want to go back there....

And the ghost of Ken Richardson rears his ugly head again.

THAT'S what's wrong with the fans of this club, we had it so bad under the Richardson regime that when someone who OBVIOUSLY has our best interests at heart we instantly assume the worst.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #74 on June 01, 2014, 09:22:29 pm by bobjimwilly »
Great post Jay :thumbsup:

And Sad-Rovers, you've already stated you don't think it's just JR and LT behind this latest takeover deal - do you think this mystery 3rd party has the best interest of the club at heart? And if so, how could you possible know?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #75 on June 01, 2014, 09:23:43 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Great post Jay :thumbsup:

And Sad-Rovers, you've already stated you don't think it's just JR and LT behind this latest takeover deal - do you think this mystery 3rd party has the best interest of the club at heart? And if so, how could you possible know?

Because I trust JR's judgement, just as I did when he brought TB and DW onboard.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #76 on June 01, 2014, 09:27:38 pm by bobjimwilly »
There's little point in trying to argue your points further then, is there? No matter what people say, no matter what mistakes may or may not have been made in the past, you will always trust JR's judgement, end of matter?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #77 on June 01, 2014, 09:32:34 pm by Sad-Rovers »
There's little point in trying to argue your points further then, is there? No matter what people say, no matter what mistakes may or may not have been made in the past, you will always trust JR's judgement, end of matter?

Do you think the mistakes JR has made (the experiment, conducting last summers TO in public) warrant the dogs abuse and belittling he gets from some quarters on this forum?

River Don

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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #78 on June 01, 2014, 09:37:04 pm by River Don »
My stepdad was one of the coffin bearers and my mum was featured a lot in the channel 5 documentary. They were at the heart of what was going on in 1998, along with many others who share the love for Rovers. That memory still lingers and we do not want to go back there....

And the ghost of Ken Richardson rears his ugly head again.

THAT'S what's wrong with the fans of this club, we had it so bad under the Richardson regime that when someone who OBVIOUSLY has our best interests at heart we instantly assume the worst.

Quite right, once bitten twice shy.

Perhaps it is why the Facebook group is more favourable towards these deals, I suspect they are more youthful than the VIking Chat forum users who are probably longer in the tooth and want to guard against any repeat of the mistakes of the past.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #79 on June 01, 2014, 09:38:01 pm by RedJ »
There's little point in trying to argue your points further then, is there? No matter what people say, no matter what mistakes may or may not have been made in the past, you will always trust JR's judgement, end of matter?

Do you think the mistakes JR has made (the experiment, conducting last summers TO in public) warrant the dogs abuse and belittling he gets from some quarters on this forum?

No, it doesn't warrant outright personal attacks.

But on the same note I don't believe it warrants blind faith in him in the way that some people seem to think he's infallible.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #80 on June 01, 2014, 09:44:44 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Of course this is all an utterly mute point, the deal will either be done or not but the decision rests entirely with TB / JR / DW, no amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth by us plebs on this forum or social media will make the slightest difference to the actions of these millionaires.....


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #81 on June 01, 2014, 09:48:30 pm by Lipsy »
"Of course this is all an utterly mute point" - sadly, it's not all that silent.  :lol:


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Re: (No subject)
« Reply #82 on June 01, 2014, 09:57:06 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Hardly abuse is it. I'm sure he's heard worse.  JRs thick skinned enough, wise enough to take it and to dish it out. All's fair in love and business. He won't be bothered with exchanges between nobodies like us.


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Re: (No subject)
« Reply #83 on June 01, 2014, 10:02:22 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Hardly abuse is it. I'm sure he's heard worse.  JRs thick skinned enough, wise enough to take it and to dish it out. All's fair in love and business. He won't be bothered with exchanges between nobodies like us.

Yet if those comments were made about a forum member there would be bleatings of bullying and bannings handed out...


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #84 on June 01, 2014, 10:05:24 pm by bobjimwilly »
Hardly abuse is it. I'm sure he's heard worse.  JRs thick skinned enough, wise enough to take it and to dish it out. All's fair in love and business. He won't be bothered with exchanges between nobodies like us.

Yet if those comments were made about a forum member there would be bleatings of bullying and bannings handed out...

You mean like those hundreds of bans that have been handed out? I keep hearing that loads of people have been banned, but I only know of a handful over the past 4 or 5 years. 1 ban/year is quite tame in my book for an internet forum?


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #85 on June 01, 2014, 10:09:58 pm by Sad-Rovers »
Seems some don't even make it through your vetting process...



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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #86 on June 01, 2014, 10:54:55 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Seems some don't even make it through your vetting process...


I suspect he was weeded out at the vetting stage due to his inability to spell.

Broken window approach I say. Zero tolerance.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #87 on June 01, 2014, 11:13:51 pm by Sad-Rovers »
All have the right to express an opinion, William. Even the orthographically challenged.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #88 on June 01, 2014, 11:39:08 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Perhaps it is why the Facebook group is more favourable towards these deals, I suspect they are more youthful than the VIking Chat forum users who are probably longer in the tooth and want to guard against any repeat of the mistakes of the past.

I suspect that, in all the froth and bile, this comment is probably the shiniest nugget of truth.

Which is not to say that either side is necessarily right or wrong because of it. But if a few on either side of the pre-post Richardson divide pondered on this, there'd probably be a less vitriolic debate.

Although I still think the bairns are callow youths who know f**k all about owt.


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Re: A Good Article
« Reply #89 on June 01, 2014, 11:41:17 pm by bobjimwilly »
All have the right to express an opinion, William. Even the orthographically challenged.

In your opinion, maybe. It is the opinion of 99% of internet forums however some people need banning for various reasons.

You yourself were banned once of-course, and have since re-registered under a different, if slightly conspicuous, username, and have been allowed to stay. Seems like a nice gesture from the mods to me?


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