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Author Topic: Child Abuse In Rotherham  (Read 10005 times)

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Child Abuse In Rotherham
« on August 27, 2014, 11:06:33 am by IC1967 »

My piss is really boiling. At Least 1400 children have been abused with the full knowledge of the left wing Labour council by Muslims. The politically correct lefties let the abuse go on for many years because the perpetrators were Muslims. They did nothing to help these poor children as they put the fear of being branded racists above the welfare of the children. No doubt the leftie Labour councillors didn't want to upset their Labour voting Muslims.

So what has been the response of the Labour council? The leader has resigned. That's it. No doubt he'll get a nice payoff and will still get his large final salary pension as well. The chief executive thinks he should still have a job and says there isn't enough evidence to discipline/prosecute anyone else. Pathetic.

What has been the Rotherham Labour MP's responses? One said "Quite clearly the contents of the report are shocking". The other said "It is absolutely right that the council leader should accept responsibility and and go". Pathetic. They are still scared of upsetting their Muslim voters.

This is what happens when lefties get control of the council. They put political correctness above the well being of children. It is an absolute disgrace that this type of politics has seeped into our political system and all lefties should today hang their heads in shame.

The Muslims should also hang their heads in shame. What kind of religion thinks it's OK to view the girls and women of other faiths with such disdain? Ban the faith now and let's get on with moving towards a totally secular society.

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River Don

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #1 on August 27, 2014, 11:19:33 am by River Don »
This is the council who apparently felt a middle aged foster couple who happened to vote for UKIP were more of a danger to children than a Muslim peadophile ring.

They clearly did put the fear of being branded racists way above the welfare of children.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #2 on August 27, 2014, 12:53:18 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

It is truly appalling, and if the children's services leaders and police have truly put fear of upsetting religious sensitivities above protecting children, then they deserve hell to be visited upon them.

As for the people who perpetrated this, there is little anyone can say to really portray the revulsion and disgust at what they have done. There is a strand of Islam which, like old-style Catholicism, causes perverted sexual cravings to fester by oppressing them. That is a social conservatism that needs to be confronted and brought down wherever it appears. We've seen the consequences in the behaviour of some in the Catholic clergy and some in Mulsim communities. It's a generation-long job to confront it.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #3 on August 27, 2014, 01:33:36 pm by IC1967 »
What do you mean 'if'. There is no 'if' about it. Get a grip man and just admit your leftie friends have been found severely lacking in basic humanity.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #4 on August 27, 2014, 06:08:58 pm by roversdude »
Mick it is a fault with society that people are afraid of upsetting any sort of minority
Was it not the penchant of Tory MPs to like young boys

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #5 on August 27, 2014, 06:19:20 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
It's quite clearly an issue in a few labour councils that's for sure.  Doncaster and Rotherham having issues.  Not good for milliband in his backyard


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #6 on August 27, 2014, 07:59:39 pm by IC1967 »
Mick it is a fault with society that people are afraid of upsetting any sort of minority
Was it not the penchant of Tory MPs to like young boys

Excuse me. Us right wingers don't care who we upset. All we are bothered about is improving society and saying it as it is. It's you leftie lot that are afraid of upsetting any sort of minority. Political correctness stems from your values and has led to this appalling case in Rotherham. No doubt there are many other towns in the country that will have been similarly affected. All you lefties should issue an immediate abject apology.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #7 on August 27, 2014, 08:17:48 pm by roversdude »
I'm far from a leftie and certainly don't condone political correctness
But hate kiddy fiddlers full stop regardless of their race, religious or political views


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #8 on August 27, 2014, 08:29:16 pm by IC1967 »
South Yorkshire police commissioner Shaun Wright has said today "I feel let down by this report." He is refusing to resign.

He was in charge of the children's department from 2005. His fingerprints are all over this scandal. Not only should he resign he should be prosecuted.

I've got news for him. Over 1400 children feel let down by him. What a leftie Labour numptie.

River Don

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #9 on August 27, 2014, 08:51:21 pm by River Don »
Is Shaun Wright elected then?

If we had the right to recall them, as we ought to with MPs then we could throw him out. I bet though as with MPs he's untouchable.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #10 on August 27, 2014, 09:49:32 pm by IC1967 »
He is elected but can only be thrown out at the
next election. He can only lose his job if he does something criminal.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #11 on August 27, 2014, 09:51:17 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Here's an opinion from someone on another forum I frequent, who I admire and respect very much.

"The man was elected. He hasn’t done anything “wrong” whilst in post and hasn’t done anything criminally wrong full stop. There’s simply no mechanism for him to go, other than his own personal feelings on the matter.

"The evidence from the report about the conduct of South Yorkshire Police during his tenure as PCC is fairly positive. I don’t see any particular reason for him to inflict an election costing several million pounds on his electors."


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #12 on August 27, 2014, 09:54:33 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
The same poster says.

"If you read between the slightly coded lines of the report you’ll see the underlying difficulty. The talk of “issues with addiction”, “risk taking behaviour”, “they don’t see themselves as victims”, “treated like criminals” etc.

"What it often means is that you have a 14 year old girl with a drink and drugs problem, a string of criminal offences against their name who lies about her age and seeks out the company of adult men who can supply drugs, alcohol, money and somewhere to stay when you’re on the run from the children’s home. None of that makes it any less reprehensible and criminal for a man in his 20s to exploit that vulnerability, but it’s not what juries (and judges and barristers) like to see in front of them in the crown court.

"Of course there are harder cases. Girls of 11. Girls who were forcibly assaulted, threatened, injured or intimidated. But those are the ones that, if you read the report itself and not just the summaries and headlines, did actually trigger proper criminal investigations and in some cases successful prosecutions."

It sounds like lefty drivel. In fact, the writer is a senior copper involved in child protection. And a lifelong member of the Tory party. He's actually read the report today and those are his conclusions. The rest of us, I suspect, have only what us filtered down through the papers and the telly.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #13 on August 27, 2014, 11:01:21 pm by IC1967 »
No wonder you respect this man. He is a fool. To defend him just because his resignation would trigger an election is pathetic.

His defence of the police is equally pathetic. He is totally missing the big picture as are you ( what a surprise).

The girls were allowed to be abused because the lefties in charge put the fear of being branded as racists above the protection of these children. The previous disgraced Labour MP has admitted as much tonight.

wilts rover

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #14 on August 27, 2014, 11:14:51 pm by wilts rover »
With Jimmy Saville being a close friend of Margaret Thatcher, he spent Christmas with her and Deniis for 10 years - its probably not wise for the forums favourite Tory to link child abuse and politics. Or should that be forums favourite Irish Catholic Tory?


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #15 on August 27, 2014, 11:47:25 pm by IC1967 »
Pathetic. You lefties are really making my piss boil. You'd do better to condemn what has gone on in Rotherham than to try and come up with spurious drivel about Jimmy Saville and me being a Tory. For your information I am actually a supporter of UKIP.

River Don

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #16 on August 28, 2014, 07:06:09 am by River Don »
This might be the way they go.

Labour MP John Mann has written a letter to the Home Secretary Theresa May calling for multiple misconduct charges to be brought against those responsible.

He said: "Having looked at the misconduct law it clearly can apply in situations like this and the severity of the issue makes a misconduct in public office charge appropriate for those who sat on reports in the council and in the South Yorkshire police. Multiple charges need to be considered.

The Red Baron

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #17 on August 28, 2014, 09:15:09 am by The Red Baron »
Call me a "lefty" if you like, but I don't think Wright should resign unless he is proved to have committed serious misconduct. His current job is not directly connected to Rotherham Social Services and, most importantly, he's answerable to the local electorate, not the Home Secretary or the local Labour party. Let them decide if he's fit to do the job.

I think the idea of Recall is a good one, but if it had been applied to PCCs it would also end up being applied to MPs- which is why it won't get introduced!

I agree with John Mann though- if reports have been suppressed then there is a case for a criminal investigation at the very least.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #18 on August 28, 2014, 10:14:56 am by IC1967 »
Wright should at the very least resign because he was in charge of Children's Services from 2005 and as the head of the department should accept responsibility for what happened on his watch. Nothing to do with his current job.

Anyway it is all academic. He'll be gone soon. He will have the worst of all worlds though because he has dug his feet in and is now a much higher profile figure than he would have been. What a numptie.

River Don

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #19 on August 28, 2014, 10:18:30 am by River Don »
It raises a couple of points. What can be done, if anything about PCCs who have committed serious misconduct? Maybe it would have been better not to politicise the police.?

Beyond that if Wright is shown to have committed serious misconduct in a previous role involved in the protection of children, which looks likely does it really matter how far back on his CV that is? He's still in a role that involves the protection of children, it still casts doubt on his ability to do that job properly. Had any previous serious failings had been known he'd never have been elected to the position.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #20 on August 28, 2014, 10:48:55 am by IC1967 »
What an excellent post. Totally agree.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #21 on August 28, 2014, 11:37:23 am by BillyStubbsTears »

Your post pretty well sums up the situation. Personally, I've no idea what Wright did or didn't do rightly or wrongly. If there is evidence that he was involved in, or knowingly accepted the practice of ignoring turning a blind eye to abuse on this scale, then that would seem to be grounds for a criminal negligence case. But without reading the report from cover to cover, I have no idea what Wright's responsibilities and failings were.

As ever, this is turning into a media witchunt for a scapegoat. Maybe he IS culpable. Maybe he isn't. If he is, then let criminal investigations commence.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #22 on August 28, 2014, 11:52:35 am by BillyStubbsTears »
By the way, it's easy enough for anyone to download Jay's report and have a look at it themselves.

On the theme of whether there was pressure to ignore child abuse because of the ethnic origin of the perpetrators, the word "racism" appears just once in this context:
“[A report stated] in 2006 that young people in Rotherham believed at that time that the Police dared not act against Asian youths for fear of allegations of racism. This perception was echoed at the present time by some young people we met during the Inquiry, but was not supported by specific examples.” Unsubstantiated allegations of the "they get everything in their favour, them Pakis" type, such as you will hear on every street corner in the country from groups of disaffected white kids.

The word "racist" appears several times in this context, all of which are repetitions of the following general theme:
"Frontline staff did not report personal experience of attempts to influence their practice or decision making because of ethnic issues. Those who had involvement in CSE were acutely aware of these issues and recalled a general nervousness in the earlier years about discussing them, for fear of being thought racist."

Now, two thoughts come to mind here.

1) Has anyone heard this statement in full in the media? No? I thought not. What we have all heard is "Council workers were worried about reporting sexual abuse by Pakistani men for fear of being branded 'racist'". But not ONE case was brought forward of anyone being pressurised to change their practice or decision making because of ethnic issues. Not one.

2) This is a professionalism issue in the presentation of the report. Prof Jay ought to have known that this issue was going to be swooped on by the media. It is dynamite. In that context, she had a duty to quantify the problem. How many staff "were worried about reporting sexual abuse by Pakistani men for fear of being branded 'racist'"? If it was one or two anecdotal, throwaway comments out of hundreds of staff interviewed, you can effectively ignore it as the complaints of the awkward squad. If it was many, many staff who raised the same issue, then clearly there was a horrific systemic problem. But the report doesn't give ANY indication of the scale. None at all There is no attempt at all to quantify the numbers of comments. Not even wooly statements about it being "a few" or "many" statements.. That is unforgivable and professionally very, very poor, given the tinderbox of the subject matter. The media and public debate adore a vacuum like that in cases like this, and we all rush to fill it with our pre-conceived ideas.

Now, for the record, I have absolutely no idea whether there was a very serious and institutional problem with "fear of being branded racist" issues at Rotherham Council. And neither does anyone else who has read the report. If there was, that is utterly deplorable and unacceptable and must be eradicated.   
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 11:55:06 am by BillyStubbsTears »


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #23 on August 28, 2014, 03:34:14 pm by IC1967 »
What a load of old cock. It is incontrovertible fact that there was a culture of downplaying the race issue at Rotherham council and SY Police at the expense of these young children.

Have you ever heard the saying 'can't see the wood for the trees'? Once again you demonstrate your uncanny knack of proving this saying true.

Ask yourself this question. If the report's author thought it was being badly represented in the media do you think;

a) She would keep quiet about it.

b) She would make a statement saying the media had got it wrong.

The answer is b) in case you can't work it out. So far there has been a deafening silence from her on this issue.

Have you read what the former disgraced MP has to say? No I didn't think so.

Get a grip man and come into the real world and stop trying to defend the indefensible.

not on facebook

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #24 on August 28, 2014, 10:15:19 pm by not on facebook »
There has Been reports Of Dads who have turned up at a house
Where Their daughters was and were in company Of many Pakistan

The Dads knew what was going on so made Their own way into house after Police would not Help them .

At This point police  then show up and arrest the Dads and dont say a Word to the dirty Pakistan men.

Also one Pakistan man was in bed with an half undressed white girl who was under age for sex When Police saw them.

They take the girl  away and dont Charge the Pakistan fcuker

All because Police are shit scared to be seen as Been racist and dont want
The stress.all you left Wing tits take nite as Your way Of thinking as Whats
Partly allowed This mess to grow and grow and grow

It will be happening all over the  country, as a within the Pakistan community Word would have Been round that you can go a rape a white
Young girl and Police will not act

What a fcuking mess the whole situation is

IC1967 is bang on the money with everything he has posted on This subject


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #25 on August 28, 2014, 11:20:48 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Your suggestion that the police treat Asians more lightly because of some pinko PC fear is, frankly, b*llocks.

The Office for National Statistics has figures on police stop-and-search, arrests and prosecutions.

in 2011/12 (the last year that I have seen numbers for), in South Yorkshire, Asians were about 60% more likely to be stopped and searched than white British. Blacks were 150% more likely to be stopped and searched. It's a similar story all over the country. In the whole of England and Wales, blacks were 5times more likely to be stopped and searched than whites and Asians about 50% more likely. In some places, the figures were extraordinary.

And the police have got tougher on minorities. Between 2007-08 and 2011-12, the number of whites stopped and searched fell by half. The number of blacks went up by 75% and the number of Asians doubled. Similar story with arrests after stop and search. Whites fell by 68%, blacks went up by 30%, Asians went up by 43%.

The whole story about the police going easy on ethnic minorities is demonstrable bullshit. There MAY have been problems in Rotherham. Again, we only have anecdotal evidence in a poorly written report to go on. But to draw from that a conclusion that we live in a country (well you don't, obviously) where the police take it easy on ethnic minorities because they are terrified of lefties calling them names is bullshit. I don't know why you're so keen to peddle that story.


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #26 on August 28, 2014, 11:32:57 pm by IC1967 »
Dan Hannan has conclusively hit the nail on the head in his latest blog. The situation in Rotherham has totally been caused by the leftie outlook of the council. They put the political correctness of not being seen to be racist above everything else, even the protection of vulnerable children. They are a total disgrace as is anyone else that supports their  outlook on life.


not on facebook

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #27 on August 29, 2014, 07:27:25 am by not on facebook »

Your suggestion that the police treat Asians more lightly because of some pinko PC fear is, frankly, b*llocks.

The Office for National Statistics has figures on police stop-and-search, arrests and prosecutions.

in 2011/12 (the last year that I have seen numbers for), in South Yorkshire, Asians were about 60% more likely to be stopped and searched than white British. Blacks were 150% more likely to be stopped and searched. It's a similar story all over the country. In the whole of England and Wales, blacks were 5times more likely to be stopped and searched than whites and Asians about 50% more likely. In some places, the figures were extraordinary.

And the police have got tougher on minorities. Between 2007-08 and 2011-12, the number of whites stopped and searched fell by half. The number of blacks went up by 75% and the number of Asians doubled. Similar story with arrests after stop and search. Whites fell by 68%, blacks went up by 30%, Asians went up by 43%.

The whole story about the police going easy on ethnic minorities is demonstrable bullshit. There MAY have been problems in Rotherham. Again, we only have anecdotal evidence in a poorly written report to go on. But to draw from that a conclusion that we live in a country (well you don't, obviously) where the police take it easy on ethnic minorities because they are terrified of lefties calling them names is bullshit. I don't know why you're so keen to peddle that story.

So how can it be explained that When a white dad Goes into a house that
Has numbers Of Pakistan men in waiting to rape his daughter ,is taken away by the Police and Nicked while non Of the Pakistan men are taken down to Police station and at least had Their IDs and records checked
For under aged sex with teenage girls

The Police deep down inside must have had a hunch Of what was happening in said house and are Police not meant to go by Their gutt fealings at least.

There must have Been an order from the top for the Police not
To Charge any Of the Pakistan men

Why are we reading about so many Pakistan men grooming white under aged girls to rape in towns like roachdale,oldham,Rotherham ,Liverpool etc etc ...

...because Word has got round the  Pakistan community that Police will do
Fcuk all if you groom a under aged white girl .

This had taken years Of Police neglect and social service neglect to Get
Where we are today.

Its Been reported that SYP played down any Charges Whenever white girl
Went to them claiming rape from Pakistan men

It Goes against all what the Police did stand for to protect and serve

I bet my last dollar that if a house was full Of white men with intent
Of raping a young under aged girl white,Black or Brown the Police would have had a field day and give eachother high fives as the charged got prison time.

Police would come out to media saying they have smashed a grooming ring,but not if they was all men from Pakistan

River Don

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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #28 on August 29, 2014, 10:38:29 am by River Don »

The whole story about the police going easy on ethnic minorities is demonstrable bullshit. There MAY have been problems in Rotherham. Again, we only have anecdotal evidence in a poorly written report to go on.

We have a bit more than the report. Over the past couple of days there have been some harrowing testimonies from some of the abused girls in the media. They are claiming the Police have ignored them and have been protecting the perpetrators. It may not be as comprehensively investigated in the report as you would like but I find the accounts from the girls and their families to be utterly sincere.

When we have these kinds of testimonies and an official report which supports them, it's difficult to imagine this isn't the reality of what's been happening in Rotherham.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 11:14:21 am by River Don »


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Re: Child Abuse In Rotherham
« Reply #29 on August 29, 2014, 12:32:11 pm by Boomstick »
My piss is boiling, have there been any demonstrations planned against the labour council in Rotherham?
Can you imagine if it was a gang of white men targeting Asian girls over a decade? The Asian community would be burning down the town hall.
But instead everyone is just sat on their hands and scared of being labeled a racist.
This could be the start of the death of the Labour Party (at least in South Yorkshire)


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