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Author Topic: Evina's mind fart  (Read 5696 times)

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Copps is Magic

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Evina's mind fart
« on September 13, 2014, 07:39:04 pm by Copps is Magic »
I've never seen a goal met with stunned surprise from both the home and away ends. I would love to know what (or wasn't) going through Cedric Evina's mind at that moment. Kind of goal that goes down in folklore (for all the wrong reasons).
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 07:43:40 pm by Copps is Magic »

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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #1 on September 13, 2014, 08:08:55 pm by southwestexile »


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #2 on September 14, 2014, 01:17:24 am by Filo »
Just seen it on FL show, what the f**k was he thinking? It was like he'd never seen a football in his life before, truly shocking defending!


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #3 on September 14, 2014, 07:05:51 am by 1879Rovers »
Only excuse you can make for him was he was expecting Steer to dive on it, but you don't take chances on your own goal line. It just summed up the defending all afternoon.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #4 on September 14, 2014, 08:29:36 am by mjg »
I've seen him in 3 home games and he was shocking in all of them


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #5 on September 14, 2014, 01:58:41 pm by RobTheRover »
In the Oldham game Evina couldn't make a pass to save his life.  Aimless first-time punts, one after the other, for the Oldham midfield to gobble up.

I fear we are making bang average sides look like Brazil.  Never mind, draw a line and hammer Crawley Bumlick FC and the mood will change.  I do hope Dickov puts a team on the field to go for the throat on Tuesday and bring some confidence back.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #6 on September 14, 2014, 02:24:17 pm by Superspy »
Just seen it on Player, I've never seen anything like it. Bizarre.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #7 on September 14, 2014, 02:25:57 pm by mugnapper »
I've never seen a goal met with stunned surprise from both the home and away ends. I would love to know what (or wasn't) going through Cedric Evina's mind at that moment. Kind of goal that goes down in folklore (for all the wrong reasons).

I think his thought process went something like this:-
Hmm,slight mistake there but no problem I'll just let the keeper dive on it, but no, wait a moment, that may be classed as a backpass so I better take supreme control and hoof this out of the danger area,now left or right foot and to which side should I hoof it ,  thats a pickle of Branston proportions there, and when I do hoof it should I be hoofing it out or upfield, hoofing out will give Bristol the advantage but from a set piece and I know how good we are at defending those, but if I hoof it upfield they may take back possession straight away,got to take everything into consideration here, the sun's shining and I don't want to blind anybody, so maybe a hoof at about 15 feet will suffice, right I better get a shift on as it's the X Factor tonight and I need to order a Chinky before it starts as it always takes longer to deliver when the best tv shows are on, and no way am I having King Prawn Curry again,I had the right shits the next day, so I'll have something dry like Spare Ribs so there's no danger of follow through if I let an uncontrollable fart on Sunday. Now, Where was I? Oh, yes, hoofing this ball, right, it's decided, right foot, 15 feet high,into the stands. Better start bringing my foot back now otherwise some snail paced t**t will nip in and poke it over the li.... Oh shit. You're useless Keeper!!!


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #8 on September 14, 2014, 02:40:21 pm by Filo »
That just needs putting on a loop and he should be made to watch it until kick off on Tuesday, and everytime the ball goes over the line he should be booted extremley hard in the mouth to demonstrate to him in no uncertain terms thats would he should have done, and hopefully the message gets through and he never does it again!


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #9 on September 14, 2014, 02:44:44 pm by Prez »
All 3 goals were shambolic, it was like watching something from the 1997/98 season.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #10 on September 14, 2014, 05:06:20 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Been away for the weekend and only just seen this.

Sweet f**king baby Jesus and all the angels. That takes the "Philip Senderos Award for Rabbit-in-Headlight Goal-line Cack Attack."

As for the Forrester red card, the penalty of a card was brought in to stop players wasting time. How many times have you seen a player boot a ball away to deliberately waste time when his side is winning, with the ref doing f**k all? Ten times a season? Twenty? Giving a card to Forrester in the circumstances was ridiculous. He committed no offence che wasn't trying to gain an advantage. It's officious dick-headed mess from the ref.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #11 on September 14, 2014, 05:47:06 pm by roversdude »
Billy you can't defend stupidity like that


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #12 on September 14, 2014, 05:56:34 pm by Donnybax »
Kicking the ball away is a yellow card offence everyone knows it. He is an absolute idiot and I hope he's been fined accordingly


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #13 on September 14, 2014, 06:10:42 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
It was stupid, but the punishment is ridiculously disproportionate to the crime. I'm not defending Forrester. I'm saying the ref is not applying any degree of common sense.

Now, if the ref wants to apply the letter of the law rather than the spirit, we will see players getting a card every single time they stand in front of a free kick, tap the ball away after giving away a free kick, or have a shot after "not hearing" the whistle. When players do that while defending a one goal lead, they are ALWAYS cheating. And you see one in 20 of them booked. What Forrestet did yesterday was stupid but it was not cheating.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #14 on September 14, 2014, 06:25:11 pm by Donnyrovers »
It was stupid, but the punishment is ridiculously disproportionate to the crime. I'm not defending Forrester. I'm saying the ref is not applying any degree of common sense.

Now, if the ref wants to apply the letter of the law rather than the spirit, we will see players getting a card every single time they stand in front of a free kick, tap the ball away after giving away a free kick, or have a shot after "not hearing" the whistle. When players do that while defending a one goal lead, they are ALWAYS cheating. And you see one in 20 of them booked. What Forrestet did yesterday was stupid but it was not cheating.

The ref has to though its the dicks who overlook it all thats too blame because if the ref doesn't send Forrester off he will get punished. Like you say Forrester is in the wrong but something in the game needs looking at because players reacting like that aren't cheating its just because their emotions are high and are frustrated.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #15 on September 14, 2014, 06:43:38 pm by Rich_The_Conisbrough_Rover »
Just seen the highlights due to work bit what the hell was he doing? He had all the time in the world to clear it but decided to stand there and watch, reminds anyone of the senderos moment at BV?


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #16 on September 14, 2014, 07:06:46 pm by LincsRover »
I think the OP's description of "Mind fart" is appropriate though I'd describe it more of a 'Mind Shart'. f*ck me! I'd have kicked my son from a*seh*le to breakfast time if he'd defended like that in the Lincolnshire under 10's Sunday league! Wtf was he thinking?!

Hopefully he will have learned his lesson as, let's face it, we're not exactly overflowing with brilliant defenders and he's going to be playing again Tuesday and/or Saturday.



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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #17 on September 14, 2014, 07:46:49 pm by GazLaz »
He left if for the keeper. Massive mistake.

The Red Baron

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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #18 on September 14, 2014, 09:59:08 pm by The Red Baron »
Been away for the weekend and only just seen this.

Sweet f***ing baby Jesus and all the angels. That takes the "Philip Senderos Award for Rabbit-in-Headlight Goal-line Cack Attack."

As for the Forrester red card, the penalty of a card was brought in to stop players wasting time. How many times have you seen a player boot a ball away to deliberately waste time when his side is winning, with the ref doing f*** all? Ten times a season? Twenty? Giving a card to Forrester in the circumstances was ridiculous. He committed no offence che wasn't trying to gain an advantage. It's officious dick-headed mess from the ref.

The way I saw it he wasn't kicking the ball away to either waste time (pointless at 0-2 down) or to stop Bristol City taking a quick free kick. It looked more like frustration that a free kick had been given and hence dissent. I'm afraid the referee would get marked down if he hadn't taken action.

A top-flight ref once told me that verbal dissent was very much dealt with at the referee's discretion- i.e. if someone mouths off at you it is up to you whether you warn the player or give him a card. But dissent by action is almost inevitably a card because everyone in the stadium can see it for themselves- including the assessor, of course!

I've only seen the penalty/ simulation once and couldn't decide from the brief clip I saw which it was. Maybe it was one of those that was neither. However, once Forrester was on a yellow he should have known he'd have to tread carefully.

The ref was hardly card-happy as Forrester was the only player to receive a card.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #19 on September 14, 2014, 11:32:51 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Aye, fair enough TRB. I wasn't counting on the ref's considerations about his pride in his public persona. He can ignore it when some wild-eyed maniac runs up to him calling him a fornicating illegitimate vagina one inch from his face, but if a frustrated player hoys the ball 40 yards when he's losing 2-nowt, it's a stuck on card. Fair-dos. I guess that's what you get in a world that values image over rational content.

Eeh well. Back to young Cedric. I had a nervous shudder when I first watched his public humiliation. Just remembered what it was. Thirty years ago, almost to the week, I was playing my first ever game in the South Riding Cricket League for Denaby & Cadeby. Mesters' team - proper, decent quality cricketers and 50-100 spectators. I told myself I was in the team because I was a moderate batsman, but it was really because they had a vacancy at No9 and I was the best fielder of the available choices.

So I'm fielding in the covers. 10 overs in, and our opponents are running along at 45-0. Opener drives one towards extra cover and sets off for a single. I dive full length and stop the f**ker - straight in the palm. Scramble to my feet and see that the batsman is six yards out of his ground and panicking because he never expected my to stop it. I pull my arm back to throw the ball in to the keeper for the inevitable run-out. And my arm never comes forward. I froze. Like a golfer with the putting "yips". Couldn't make myself throw the f**king thing. And by the time I did, the batsman had scrambled home.

He scored 70-odd.
They posted a score of 250-odd and we were all out for 95 or summat like that. With me getting a first-baller.

So Cedric, I feel for you son. Mind, you're getting paid to make a f**king cock of yourself like that, while I was paying subs for the privilege. So f**k you.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #20 on September 15, 2014, 01:32:11 am by swintonrover »
Seem to remember Phillipe Senderos doing the same at Belle Vue and Greeny scoring...


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #21 on September 15, 2014, 09:52:59 am by One_Matty_Lucas »
Its a mistake, get over it. At our level these happen unfortunately.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #22 on September 15, 2014, 10:17:37 am by Dagenham Rover »
Seem to remember Phillipe Senderos doing the same at Belle Vue and Greeny scoring...

I'm sure you are right although  I can't remember the opposition player involved, that was also met with silence and then laughter

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #23 on September 15, 2014, 02:42:32 pm by Dagenham Rover »
I saw that yesterday and nearly spat me tea all over the dog


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #24 on September 15, 2014, 03:15:28 pm by vaya »
I saw that yesterday and nearly spat me tea all over the dog

Nice euphemism.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #25 on September 15, 2014, 05:13:13 pm by Dagenham Rover »
I saw that yesterday and nearly spat me tea all over the dog

Nice euphemism.



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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #26 on September 15, 2014, 05:27:31 pm by Beerseller »
Looks like an advert for a lady's razor.


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« Reply #27 on September 15, 2014, 05:57:08 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I scored a couple of silly own goals in my time and occasionally cleared a ball when it was easier for keeper to pick the ball up but never, have I resisted an "Ave it!" moment. That needed to be over the stand! Basic instinct.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #28 on September 15, 2014, 06:22:05 pm by bobbymax »
Many moons ago, I played in a Sunday League Cup Final.
We kicked off and our centre-forward passed the ball back to our full-back for some reason - he'd never dome it before. Our FB was so surprised he fell over. I slid in and managed to get to the ball before their on-rushing forward and succeeded in lobbing our keeper from 30 yards. One down in 10 seconds without the opposition touching the ball - we eventually won in extra time but that tackle still haunts me.


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Re: Evina's mind fart
« Reply #29 on September 15, 2014, 10:21:57 pm by BobG »
Now that's cracking BM!! Laughing my socks off here. Wish I'd seen it....



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