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Author Topic: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.  (Read 8464 times)

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #30 on October 05, 2014, 11:46:53 am by hoolahoop »
Jools - read BBs post again - whoosh

Missed it but deleted some of it BB sorry fella but the post stands but not against you OK ?
Thanks Stockton for pointing it out to me , too many beers last night ?
However I hate the use of these bloody things ......they are a menace !

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #31 on October 05, 2014, 01:03:40 pm by IDM »
Get f**king over it they add to the atmosphere.

Do you have any idea how much of a kitson you have made of yourself?

You really come over as a prick, grow up FFS.

As for boomer liking your post, how's about the 2 of you get together in a confined space and let someone fill your air with noxious gases eh?

You two are in a very small minority.

Sheepskin Stu

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #32 on October 05, 2014, 01:07:22 pm by Sheepskin Stu »


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #33 on October 05, 2014, 02:02:18 pm by Filo »
Chelsea v Arsenal kick off delayed because Arsenal fans need searching for flares


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #34 on October 06, 2014, 07:41:11 am by RJHeader »
Supporters are like Lemmings,one team starts bringing flares,so another team copies,and another and on and on,think something up for yourselves instead of following the crowd.

A bit like when one team starts a chant to a certain tune, then another team copies?


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #35 on October 06, 2014, 08:00:35 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Supporters are like Lemmings,one team starts bringing flares,so another team copies,and another and on and on,think something up for yourselves instead of following the crowd.

A bit like when one team starts a chant to a certain tune, then another team copies?
No. A bit like when one d**khead acts like a t**t and lots of other d**kheads start acting like t**ts.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 08:27:05 am by BillyStubbsTears »


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #36 on October 06, 2014, 08:16:18 am by Donnywolf »
Couldn't somebody invent one that only chokes bell ends?
Couldn't somebody invent one that only chokes bell ends?

When some of them grow up, they themselves might get a lung condition such as asthma or COPD, I wonder if they'll think it's cool then, and I wonder if they'll expect sympathy from the younger generation?

Would be great - but as with lots of other situations "they" think it will never happen to "them"


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #37 on October 06, 2014, 09:20:55 am by Boomstick »
Bit of an over reaction on here, sounds like your all daily mail readers!  :lol:

personally I think they add to the atmosphere and add to the occasion. So don't mind them at away games  :byebye:


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #38 on October 06, 2014, 09:23:41 am by BillyStubbsTears »
There speaks Boomstick the libertarian. Which equates to "I'll do what the f*** I want and if someone else gets the shitty end of the deal, I couldn't care less."

Go and read the OP.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2014, 01:51:33 pm by Forum Admin »


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #39 on October 06, 2014, 09:24:54 am by bobjimwilly »
Bit of an over reaction on here, sounds like your all daily mail readers!  :lol:

personally I think they add to the atmosphere and add to the occasion. So don't mind them at away games  :byebye:

so you don't care that they can badly affect older people, people with breathing difficulties, asthmatics etc because they "add to the occasion"? Says more about you than us "daily mail readers" I'm afraid...


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #40 on October 06, 2014, 10:28:33 am by IDM »
Bit of an over reaction on here, sounds like your all daily mail readers!  :lol:

personally I think they add to the atmosphere and add to the occasion. So don't mind them at away games  :byebye:

You stupid kitson!

Would you still say the same if it was your mum/gran/kid brother etc suffering the after effects.  Scunthorpe has a low roof and the whole stadium is enclosed.  There is nowhere for the gases to go.

There is a reason why these things are banned at football, and it is not the men in grey suits trying to disrupt atmosphere.

As for atmosphere, despite any health issues, these things cause folks to watch the smoke and not the game!

Grow up.

Colin C No.3

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #41 on October 06, 2014, 03:45:28 pm by Colin C No.3 »
Does anyone recall the Wales international match where a flare of some description was set off. It shot across the pitch & hit a bloke in the chest & killed him. He was at the game with his Grandson as I recall. Nuff said??


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #42 on October 06, 2014, 03:47:51 pm by Filo »
Does anyone recall the Wales international match where a flare of some description was set off. It shot across the pitch & hit a bloke in the chest & killed him. He was at the game with his Grandson as I recall. Nuff said??

Did it add to the atmosphere though?

Colin C No.3

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #43 on October 06, 2014, 03:51:03 pm by Colin C No.3 »
Does anyone recall the Wales international match where a flare of some description was set off. It shot across the pitch & hit a bloke in the chest & killed him. He was at the game with his Grandson as I recall. Nuff said??

Did it add to the atmosphere though?


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #44 on October 06, 2014, 04:04:35 pm by IDM »
Colin I think Filo's question was aimed at Boomstick and his opinion about "atmosphere"..


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #45 on October 06, 2014, 05:01:05 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Will those who think they add to the atmosphere feel the same if the club gets fined and have to use loan/transfer money to pay it. God forbid it ends in someone's death. Oh I believe we are now officially on a watch list which will probably result in longer queues to get in with searches that will take place and probably a more aggressive form of stewarding but as long as it looks good and adds to the atmosphere it's ok isn't it!

silent majority

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #46 on October 06, 2014, 07:16:51 pm by silent majority »
I think we can confirm the above DVR, plus a fine from the FL appears to be on the cards.


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #47 on October 06, 2014, 07:53:56 pm by bobjimwilly »
great news :aok:



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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #48 on October 06, 2014, 07:58:53 pm by glosterred »
I think we should name and shame the idiot(s) that let it off and see if they would like to contribute to the fine?


Dagenham Rover

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #49 on October 06, 2014, 09:12:46 pm by Dagenham Rover »
I think we should name and shame the idiot(s) that let it off and see if they would like to contribute to the fine?


Don't be silly the idiots that let them off don't care about the club being fined because it adds to the atmosphere


Bentley Bullet

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #50 on October 06, 2014, 09:32:56 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Why should the club be fined for the behaviour of its supporters followers? Airlines aren't fined for being hijacked.

silent majority

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #51 on October 06, 2014, 09:52:49 pm by silent majority »
This is REDactions viewpoint;

A couple of things about the flare incident yesterday.

First, taking flares, smoke bombs or any kind of pyro into a football ground in the UK is illegal.

Lots of things are ‘not allowed’ at football, like persistent standing, or drinking in view of the pitch. Most of those things are not allowed because they are against ground regulations (i.e. they are a disagreement between you and the club whose ground you are in). Pyro is different – it is ILLEGAL (i.e. you have broken the law and the police will get involved). Anybody caught with pyro risks arrest, prosecution and a criminal record, as well as the usual banning orders etc. Given the number of high profile incidents lately, the police are VERY interested in pyro - so arrest and prosecution is more likely than not at the moment. Look at the FSF’s website if you don’t believe us.

Aside from the legal issues, setting off a flare/smoke bomb in a very confined space with a densely packed crowd of people, is a pretty idiotic thing to do. It delayed kickoff of the game, it caused some fellow Arsenal fans to choke and have trouble breathing, and it caused many fellow Arsenal fans to miss up to 20mins of the game as they were held outside. We’d like to think it is possible to support our team, creating a ton of noise and a great atmosphere, without that.

Finally, an answer to a question we’ve had on the subject: a couple of years ago, we approached Arsenal to discuss the possibility of having flares under controlled conditions – i.e. for night games, on the pitchside track, run by professionals. They liked the idea, but the law makes it simply impossible – it is very clear that any kind of flare use within football stadiums is illegal.

All in all, we think that a couple of minutes of red smoke is not worth a stadium ban plus fine plus criminal record. Please leave the pyro at home.

Victory Through Harmony



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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #52 on October 06, 2014, 10:24:49 pm by sheriff2971 »
Were Barnsley fined after close to a dozen were set off at the KMS last season?


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #53 on October 06, 2014, 11:01:45 pm by bobjimwilly »
Were Barnsley fined after close to a dozen were set off at the KMS last season?

Afraid that's irrelevant. If we were to get fined, we can't point fingers and say "but nowt happened to them"; we'd have to pay if, end of.

I don't think it's that hard, personally. Just don't bring them to a football game?


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #54 on October 06, 2014, 11:10:59 pm by dknward2 »
Maybe find the person that did it lock them in a unventilated room and let one off then after 5 mins see how they feel

Iberian Red

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #55 on October 06, 2014, 11:25:13 pm by Iberian Red »
Maybe find the person that did it lock them in a unventilated room and let one off then after 5 mins see how they feel

Would you drink lots of bitter and eat lots of sprouts beforehand?


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #56 on October 07, 2014, 12:16:37 am by bobjimwilly »
Maybe find the person that did it lock them in a unventilated room and let one off then after 5 mins see how they feel

Would you drink lots of bitter and eat lots of sprouts beforehand?

Colin C No.3

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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #57 on October 07, 2014, 10:07:50 am by Colin C No.3 »
Bring back the old wooden football rattle Sammy! I made more noise with mine than a gattling gun!

P.S. I now suffer from tennis elbow as a result of 'all that action' at the age of 10........nothing to do with 'another action' at 15 I hasten to add.


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #58 on October 07, 2014, 10:39:42 am by IDM »
What about taking a newspaper in to roll up so you can take a piss without leaving your position on the terraces?  I seem to recall one of our away games at York in the early 80's with rivers of piss cascading down the steps...


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Re: Smoke flares. Enough is enough.
« Reply #59 on October 07, 2014, 10:44:47 am by GazLaz »
They should sell red and white gas masks in the club shop to make a few quid.


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