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Author Topic: Green Party  (Read 15318 times)

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Green Party
« on February 24, 2015, 12:39:37 pm by IC1967 »
It would seem to me that the natural home for you hard core lefties is no longer Labour but the Green party. Have a listen to this radio interview and cop yourselves on and switch to UKIP. It is hilarious.

Natalie Bennett, their leader is useless and hasn't got a clue about economics (much like you hard core lefties).


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Dutch Uncle

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #1 on February 24, 2015, 03:56:37 pm by Dutch Uncle »
Funnily enough for completely different reasons I had been thinking about voting Green. Here in Northern Ireland all parties have to officially declare their stance on Unionist or Republican status. As a very recent resident here I feel that I do not yet have the right to vote along these lines (maybe in a few years' time) and only two parties have declared themselves neutral on this issue - the Greens and the Alliance Party. After first their stance on defence and now this, despite having many pro green issue feelings, I see no way of voting for this Green Party.  Time to look at what the Alliance Party has to offer.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #2 on February 24, 2015, 04:02:18 pm by GazLaz »
That's horrific.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #3 on February 24, 2015, 04:30:29 pm by IC1967 »
She has merely confirmed her ineptitude. She is totally out of her depth as a party leader. The interview with Andrew Neil on the Sunday Politics a few weeks ago was just as bad. Anyone that sees that interview and listens to her latest radio interview and still votes Green needs their heads looking at.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #4 on February 24, 2015, 05:56:44 pm by knockers »
She's not very good is she. Think her husband needs to tell her to get back in the kitchen!


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #5 on February 25, 2015, 01:06:56 am by RobTheRover »
Funnily enough for completely different reasons I had been thinking about voting Green. Here in Northern Ireland all parties have to officially declare their stance on Unionist or Republican status. As a very recent resident here I feel that I do not yet have the right to vote along these lines (maybe in a few years' time) and only two parties have declared themselves neutral on this issue - the Greens and the Alliance Party. After first their stance on defence and now this, despite having many pro green issue feelings, I see no way of voting for this Green Party.  Time to look at what the Alliance Party has to offer.

I'd vote Alliance if I were you, Dutch.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #6 on February 28, 2015, 09:43:02 am by Sprotyrover »
Well I have just had the best 30 minutes entertainment in months,if I saw this lady wandering in my street I would be getting her detained under the Mental health Act.
Their policies are shear lunacy,I'll conceived drivel.
We would soon be overrun with economic refugees from every corner of the planet,and with no armed forces Britain would be part of the New Islamic state within 5 years.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #7 on February 28, 2015, 02:35:40 pm by coventryrover »
Well I like her and the green party..so there..   Time is passing for the old regimes, all the best for it.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #8 on March 01, 2015, 02:37:04 am by IC1967 »
Well I like her and the green party..so there..   Time is passing for the old regimes, all the best for it.

Shows just how daft you are then. Anyone that can vote for that bunch of loonies is beyond hope.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #9 on March 01, 2015, 03:18:12 am by BobG »
And there speaks the voice of democracy, toleration and reason.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #10 on March 01, 2015, 01:35:07 pm by IC1967 »
And there speaks the voice of democracy, toleration and reason.


At last. Something we can both agree on.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #11 on March 01, 2015, 02:01:02 pm by BobG »
There we go. Point proven.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #12 on March 01, 2015, 03:51:35 pm by coventryrover »
Well I like her and the green party..so there..   Time is passing for the old regimes, all the best for it.

Shows just how daft you are then. Anyone that can vote for that bunch of loonies is beyond hope.

I dont vote for personalities, but I'd trust the greens far more than the tories.

Old politics is dying, the establishment are worried:)

Capital Steez

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #13 on March 02, 2015, 12:18:35 am by Capital Steez »
Well I like her and the green party..so there..   Time is passing for the old regimes, all the best for it.

Shows just how daft you are then. Anyone that can vote for that bunch of loonies is beyond hope.

And this is coming from a UKIP supporter?
That interview obviously doesn't reflect the greens in the best light but they are better than that. They represent a change to current capitalist society which benfits a few but damages so many. The Greens are more than just a single issue party these days and I'm sure you will say the same for UKIP. But UKIP will never get anywhere in this country as they are just a protest vote for people who believe immigration is damaging this country  :headbang:
The UK has around 10% of its land built on. So when people say we are full I really don't understand that point. Immigration brings more to this country than it takes out and is what helps make Britain great today.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #14 on March 02, 2015, 11:44:35 am by BobG »
I can never stop laughing when I hear these politicos and their hangers on bleating about keeping Britain for the British. I find it almost impossible to believe they have never considered what a 'British' person is actually made up of. I split my sides when i hear the likes of Michael Portillo and Michael Howerd still ontificate about 'preserving England' like it is something fixed, never to be changed and inviolable. Err... Where did those two lunatics actually come from I wonder...?

It's all pandering to the lowest common denominator in the search for cheap votes. And it's why, despite his vast idiocy, Mick, along with Billy, are right about one thing: democracy is being destroyed - but, Mick, it's being destroyed from within by toe rags like you and your ilk who are too dim to see the damage they cause.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #15 on March 02, 2015, 11:46:12 am by IC1967 »
Let's get one thing straight. It's not that interview. It's 'those' interviews. There are more than the two I've posted. She reflects the Greens in an appalling way.

I'm afraid you've got your next statement completely wrong. It is capitalism that benefits the many and socialism that benefits the few. Have you looked at what's happening in Russia? France? Greece? I could go on. China is only emerging from the burden of socialism after embracing capitalism. It is an irrefutable fact that capitalism is by far and away a better system than socialism.

You've got UKIP wrong as well. Their main policy is to leave the EU. They hardly spoke about immigration until 2004 when Labour opened the floodgates. It's a good job they did as the other parties were quite happy to brush it under the carpet. The Greens policy. Let as many in as want to come no matter what! Ridiculous.

Whether the country is full or not does not relate to how much land is built on. The Greens policy - build 500,000 new homes. Not very green when you consider the damage to the environment that would be caused. Have you tried getting a doctor's appointment recently? Have you seen how a lot of schools are bursting at the seams? Have you tried going on a long journey on our motorways? Have you tried driving round our towns and city centres? We are full. FACT. I'd have thought the Greens would have wanted to stop damaging the environment and encourage a reduction in population not a massive increase. Completely ridiculous.

I agree immigration does benefit the country but only if it is controlled. When far more are let in than we can cope with it is very damaging.

It's a shame the Greens are so ridiculous. Nothing would make me happier than to see all you hardcore lefties leaving Labour to join them. We'd be guaranteed a Tory government at the next election. I just hope you hardcore lefties are still totally deluded and will still stick with them.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #16 on March 02, 2015, 11:56:51 am by IC1967 »
I can never stop laughing when I hear these politicos and their hangers on bleating about keeping Britain for the British. I find it almost impossible to believe they have never considered what a 'British' person is actually made up of. I split my sides when i hear the likes of Michael Portillo and Michael Howerd still ontificate about 'preserving England' like it is something fixed, never to be changed and inviolable. Err... Where did those two lunatics actually come from I wonder...?

It's all pandering to the lowest common denominator in the search for cheap votes. And it's why, despite his vast idiocy, Mick, along with Billy, are right about one thing: democracy is being destroyed - but, Mick, it's being destroyed from within by toe rags like you and your ilk who are too dim to see the damage they cause.


Let's get one thing straight. I am not anti immigration. Immigration is very good for our economy. We need immigrants to help us pay for our ageing population. They create businesses. They work hard. They pay their rent on time. I could go on.

I am not a little Englander. Far from it.

My problem (and UKIP's) is that we have totally lost control of how many are coming in every year. It is lunacy of the highest order to let so many come in and have no idea how many are going to come in the future. There is no way we can cope with a situation like that.

It's time you lefties woke up and smelt the coffee and stopped branding people racists when they have views such as mine. You put political correctness above everything else and reason goes totally out of the window. Have you already forgotten where political correctness got the young girls of Rotherham?

It's time you lefties got a grip.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #17 on March 02, 2015, 12:16:18 pm by bobjimwilly »


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #18 on March 02, 2015, 12:20:08 pm by IC1967 »
You're right, UKIP aren't a racist party at all, especially not Party Leader Nigel Farage.

At last. Something we can agree on.

Question to you lefties. Do you think I'm racist? If you think I am then you must also give a reason. Saying I am because I support UKIP is not a valid answer.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 12:35:11 pm by IC1967 »

Capital Steez

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #19 on March 02, 2015, 12:26:02 pm by Capital Steez »
You're right, UKIP aren't a racist party at all, especially not Party Leader Nigel Farage.

At last. Something we can agree on.

Question to you lefties. Do you think I'm racist?

Not Racist. Just misinformed.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #20 on March 02, 2015, 12:56:04 pm by BobG »



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #21 on March 02, 2015, 01:18:42 pm by bobjimwilly »
Saying I am because I support UKIP is not a valid answer.

If you support their racist policies and attitudes, then you, sir, are a racist too.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #22 on March 02, 2015, 01:28:43 pm by Filo »
You're right, UKIP aren't a racist party at all, especially not Party Leader Nigel Farage.

At last. Something we can agree on.

Question to you lefties. Do you think I'm racist? If you think I am then you must also give a reason. Saying I am because I support UKIP is not a valid answer.

I don't think you actually believe the things you spout, you're just playing a game with everyone, the sooner everyone see's this and just ignores your posts the better!


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #23 on March 02, 2015, 04:00:22 pm by BobG »
I did suggest we send the daft sod to Coventry.....



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #24 on March 02, 2015, 05:23:53 pm by IC1967 »
I did suggest we send the daft sod to Coventry.....


Look. I thought you believed in democracy. I instigated a poll to see if I should stay or go. The overwhelming view was that I should stay. I'd appreciate it if you could abide by the result.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #25 on March 02, 2015, 08:41:02 pm by coventryrover »
dont send him here

River Don

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #26 on March 02, 2015, 11:18:49 pm by River Don »
The Greens are the only party I know of that openly aim to make us all poorer.

That is a very brave stance to take.

River Don

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #27 on March 02, 2015, 11:25:24 pm by River Don »
Saying I am because I support UKIP is not a valid answer.

If you support their racist policies and attitudes, then you, sir, are a racist too.

Can you give one example of a racist UKIP policy?


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #28 on March 02, 2015, 11:34:41 pm by coventryrover »
The Greens are the only party I know of that openly aim to make us all poorer.

That is a very brave stance to take.

For the greater good?

River Don

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #29 on March 02, 2015, 11:43:26 pm by River Don »
The Greens are the only party I know of that openly aim to make us all poorer.

That is a very brave stance to take.

For the greater good?

I'm not against the idea of making sacrifices but I'm a sort of middleclass bloke who can afford to do a bit of that. Many in a similar position wouldn't consider it for a minute though.

The real problem is, I believe as always it will hit the poorest the most.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:55:15 pm by River Don »


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