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Author Topic: Green Party  (Read 15316 times)

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wilts rover

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #60 on March 09, 2015, 10:47:56 pm by wilts rover »
Shall I repeat my post again, you appear to have misread it.

I cant be bothered to read all the way through Mick, can you help me and point to Bob's post where he says TTIP has been introduced please? That's been introduced, not being introduced btw.

It's quite simple, where has Bob used those words. Not where has Bob used words similar to them, or where you think he means something else, where has he used the words you said he used.

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #61 on March 09, 2015, 10:59:53 pm by IC1967 »
Shall I repeat my post again, you appear to have misread it.

I cant be bothered to read all the way through Mick, can you help me and point to Bob's post where he says TTIP has been introduced please? That's been introduced, not being introduced btw.

It's quite simple, where has Bob used those words. Not where has Bob used words similar to them, or where you think he means something else, where has he used the words you said he used.

It's a good job I've got a sense of humour and the patience of a saint. Have you not read my previous posts tonight where I have comprehensively answered your question? Why on earth are you asking me again? What is it you don't understand about what I've posted?

Whichever way you look at it he is wrong. It most definitely is not being introduced by the Tories in this country. How can it be when there is nothing yet to introduce? Please answer this question because I can't for the life of me understand how something that isn't yet there can be introduced.

Now if you fail to answer this question I expect an immediate abject apology. Now get on with it man.

Capital Steez

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #62 on March 09, 2015, 11:12:46 pm by Capital Steez »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

wilts rover

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #63 on March 09, 2015, 11:19:11 pm by wilts rover »
My question was - where have the exact words that you accused Bob of using been used. That is been, not being, or will be. Despite several paragraphs of waffle and diversion over what Bob meant, you have been unable to show me where he used those exact form of words. What does that make you Mick? I will give you a clue, it's not a saint.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #64 on March 09, 2015, 11:23:45 pm by IC1967 »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

Hahaha! You lefties don't know the meaning of abject apology. You'll try every trick in the book not to offer one.

'Been,' 'being' has been comprehensively dealt with in a previous post. What you lefties have not dealt with is how something that has not yet and may never be agreed is being introduced in this country by the Tories. You can't deal with it because it is impossible to do so.

Now get on with that abject apology. You'll feel so much better for it.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #65 on March 09, 2015, 11:24:52 pm by BobG »
Like I said, we have the measure of the man. And it's not a good one is it?

If you are interested, I suggest you all go read my post on Mick's betting thread. I reckon he's got the biggest inferiority complex I have ever come across. I've discussed it - with examples.

Mick: you lose. You just proved it.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #66 on March 09, 2015, 11:26:27 pm by IC1967 »
My question was - where have the exact words that you accused Bob of using been used. That is been, not being, or will be. Despite several paragraphs of waffle and diversion over what Bob meant, you have been unable to show me where he used those exact form of words. What does that make you Mick? I will give you a clue, it's not a saint.

I suggest you look up the meaning of the word pedant. You have taken pedantry to the highest level possible.

Now get an abject apology sorted and I'll try to forgive you. It won't be easy though because you have sinned consistently.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #67 on March 09, 2015, 11:33:29 pm by BobG »
You are damned Mick. Damned out of your own mouth. Your performance since my post this afternoon looks like a worm wriggling on a hook. The pedantry is yours. You are the one trying to split hairs to escape the consequences of your own incompetance. You are the one wlfully refusing to look a simple and easily verifiable fact in the face. You are the one making you an even bigger fool than we all thought you were. And you could have done so damn much, so damn easily, since my post above to seriously improve your credibility around here. Like I said. We now have your measure. You've given it on a plate. And it's pathetic to be honest.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #68 on March 09, 2015, 11:46:24 pm by IC1967 »
You are damned Mick. Damned out of your own mouth. Your performance since my post this afternoon looks like a worm wriggling on a hook. The pedantry is yours. You are the one trying to split hairs to escape the consequences of your own incompetance. You are the one wlfully refusing to look a simple and easily verifiable fact in the face. You are the one making you an even bigger fool than we all thought you were. And you could have done so damn much, so damn easily, since my post above to seriously improve your credibility around here. Like I said. We now have your measure. You've given it on a plate. And it's pathetic to be honest.


Hahaha! Unbelievable. Still sticking to the line that the TTIP is being introduced in this country by the Tories. You sir have been caught bang to rights. The TTIP is not being introduced in this country. It may be in the future but it certainly is not a fait accompli as you would have everyone believe. In the future (if it ever gets agreed) it may well be introduced by Labour (they do support it's general objectives as do the Tories you know).

So whichever way you look at it the TTIP is not being introduced by the Tories. It can't be. There is nothing yet to introduce. The Tories might not be in power when the opportunity to introduce it arises.

Now get an abject apology sorted and let's put this unnecessary scaremongering by you behind us. Get on with it man. You know you should.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #69 on March 10, 2015, 12:00:36 am by BobG »
See? There you go again. You can't bear to not have the last word can you? Any other person on this planet would have retired with a whisky and a pen and paper to have a long and careful think after seeing the fool they had made of themselves on this thread. But you? No. That complex just won't let you will it? Go see a doc Mick. Really. You need to.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #70 on March 10, 2015, 01:34:13 pm by BobG »
Oh Mick. We're all still waiting for an anwer to Wilts question. He's asked it twice you know. Can't you find it? A bit embarrassed now are we? It's that big inferiority complex of yours again Mick. I should get it seen to pdq if I were you. You're proper sick.



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #71 on March 10, 2015, 05:02:58 pm by IC1967 »
Oh Mick. We're all still waiting for an anwer to Wilts question. He's asked it twice you know. Can't you find it? A bit embarrassed now are we? It's that big inferiority complex of yours again Mick. I should get it seen to pdq if I were you. You're proper sick.


Hahaha! You're hilarious. I've already given a very comprehensive answer to this question. Just check back a few posts and you'll find it. I always answer every question thrown at me. You should know this by now.

Now. What about some answers to my questions? I'll make it easy for you. I'll just ask the following.

How can it be that the TTIP is being introduced in this country by the Tories when the EU and US haven't even agreed what's going to be in it yet?

Why are you so certain that the Tories will be introducing it when it may well be agreed during the next parliament?

How do you know the Tories are going to win?

How do you know it is going to be agreed?

Do you discount the possibility that it may never be introduced?

Do you realise that Labour support the objectives of the TTIP?

Given your past track record I won't hold my breath waiting for any answers. I'll even let your leftie mates help out if it is too much for you.

Now get on with it. (By the way you've attacked me yet again).



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Re: Green Party
« Reply #72 on March 10, 2015, 05:10:50 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

Ahhh. The joy of having him on Ignore and letting some other bugger deal with the Micktionary!


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #73 on March 10, 2015, 05:20:03 pm by IC1967 »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

Ahhh. The joy of having him on Ignore and letting some other bugger deal with the Micktionary!

Come back Billy! They badly need you. I've been having a field day with the lot of them. It's getting so easy I may decide to take a break until a worthy challenger emerges from the pack.


wilts rover

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Re: Green Party
« Reply #74 on March 10, 2015, 05:33:51 pm by wilts rover »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

Ahhh. The joy of having him on Ignore and letting some other bugger deal with the Micktionary!

It stopped being fun months ago, there is no need to make a fool of him as he continually does it himself.


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Re: Green Party
« Reply #75 on March 10, 2015, 05:50:44 pm by IC1967 »
So you are saying it's not being introduced? Despite the fact the Tories openly admit it is part of their long term economic plan
Have a read lad

Tory MEPs have played a key role in driving forward negotiations on the so-called Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which they believe can be worth billions to Britain's economy.

You quite clearly do not know the difference between been and being. It's stupidity of the highest order from you.

Ahhh. The joy of having him on Ignore and letting some other bugger deal with the Micktionary!

It stopped being fun months ago, there is no need to make a fool of him as he continually does it himself.

You'd do better trying to answer the questions I've thrown at BobG. He needs all the help he can get.


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