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Author Topic: Chanting  (Read 30284 times)

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #120 on November 08, 2015, 06:50:45 pm by Alickismyhero »
This is my take on the likes of Nathan et al.
He is probably a member of DRSG and his objective is to upset the running of the VSC forum.

He is not the only one I am sorry to say but his level of debate is poor and with little depth.

Should he be banned? certainly not!

I have seen posters on the VSC go over to DRSG forum and sometimes coming back under another name. Why do they come back? You only have to look at the DRSG forum, its dead on its feet.

I would suggest that the worst insult you can throw at someone like Nathan is not to enter in to debate with him now that his intention has been nailed.

The VSC forum is, in my opinion,  a great deal more civalised place now the Take Over is dead and buried.

The DRSG/twitter is no longer a threat to the VSC or its forum and what's in a few a few kids chanting anyway?

 By its very nature, youth will be rebellious, we are just lucky we have the likes of Nathan and the DRSG/twitter because they have very little effect at all.

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Harrogate Rover

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #121 on November 08, 2015, 07:47:41 pm by Harrogate Rover »
I think I'll stay in my nice comfy west stand seat and away from the nursery of the South. We have our own banter and whilst a lot is juvenile it's still funny and we all enjoy the crack. I think I speak for quite a few on here with these comments. Harrogaterover snd bentleybullet to name two.

I think I'll stay in my nice comfy west stand seat and away from the nursery of the South. We have our own banter and whilst a lot is juvenile it's still funny and we all enjoy the crack. I think I speak for quite a few on here with these comments. Harrogaterover snd bentleybullet to name two.

Seconded! Now't more to add.



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Re: Chanting
« Reply #122 on November 08, 2015, 08:33:08 pm by Jonathan »
I don't know what the DRSG is if I'm honest.

I know there's the Supporters Club and the VSC. I'll assume the aims of the DRSG are to the same end - to support and further the interests of the fans and the club. So quite why there would need to be any of this childish sniping and posturing is beyond me. Everyone wants the same thing I hope.

Censorship would certainly not be something I'd ordinarily favour but this cretin has nothing of any relevance to say so what's the point in offering him the opportunity to clog up 5 pages of this forum with this kind of drivel? (And yes I know I've added to it three times now and will never get these minutes of my life back!).

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that nobody is stopping him making his point (whatever that is). He still has Twitter or this DRSG forum (?) to go at, but you only take a shit in the toilet not in every room of the house. So there's no point letting it get smeared all over here as well when you don't have to.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #123 on November 08, 2015, 09:24:53 pm by Dagenham Rover »
I think I'll stay in my nice comfy west stand seat and away from the nursery of the South. We have our own banter and whilst a lot is juvenile it's still funny and we all enjoy the crack. I think I speak for quite a few on here with these comments. Harrogaterover snd bentleybullet to name two.

I think I'll stay in my nice comfy west stand seat and away from the nursery of the South. We have our own banter and whilst a lot is juvenile it's still funny and we all enjoy the crack. I think I speak for quite a few on here with these comments. Harrogaterover snd bentleybullet to name two.

Seconded! Now't more to add.


Fourthed ??? Ive given it a try and the atmosphere is much improved but if this stupid pathetic shit carries on I'll be somewhere else and to be truthful I've got much bigger issues in my life at the moment as the odd one or two on here knows


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #124 on November 08, 2015, 09:26:14 pm by ravenrover »
For the sake of sanity can someone tell me how to block this idiot? I had enough of young Mr Ghosh last time!


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #125 on November 08, 2015, 09:33:17 pm by Alickismyhero »
If my memory serves me well the DRSG was formed by a number of individuals who were at odds with the VSC and this forum.

It seemed to centre on the topic of Ryan and the Take Over.

Their objective was to replace the VSC but as we can see it fell flat on its face and they are now stuck trying to make it work.

At the time it appeared to be a serious threat but it has now disappeared.

You only have to look at the level of debate on the DRSG forum to see that it is dead on its feet.

The only weapons the DRSG have now is to make these chants and comments on twitter, pathetic really.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #126 on November 08, 2015, 09:54:10 pm by Jonathan »
As I see it there can never be too many people giving up their own time to help the supporters and the club, so if that's what they do and why they exist then fair play to them. However I fear that if their cause is being championed by that buffoon responsible for this thread then it can only be holding back their capacity to make a positive and cohesive impact. To have one supporters group (forgive the oxymoron) classed as a "threat" to another is a pretty ridiculous state of affairs.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #127 on November 09, 2015, 12:51:42 am by Sammy Chung was King »
It's easy to criticise from a distance, i'm not for or against either group, all i see is people putting in their own time and not being paid for it.
And because these people are more well known among the support, there seems a certain jealousy, but these people are the one's putting themselves out, going to work and in what little spare time they have working on behalf of the fans.
The DRSG group, seem to have more younger members than on here just glancing at it, and for whatever reason felt they needed to start their own forum, so they could have their voices heard.
I know nothing of the politics involved, i am just a Rovers supporter, i just find it really sad, that there are separate groups, when we have a tiny support.

For me there needs to be give and take from both areas, the older supporter has to realise, that these guys are younger than them, will be full of energy and want to be loud about their support, just like the older supporters were at the same age.
Whereas the younger generation have to accept the older supporter might not want them right next to them making that noise, or letting smoke bombs off that effect health when people can't breathe.
It is a football stadium, and noise is needed, but the younger guy needs to realise him and a few of his mates all in a big group could be intimidating to an older fella.

When people use forums the best thing to use is 'Don't say anything you wouldn't say to a persons face'. I find it really disheartening that our support isn't one group, after all things we have been through, it's split into factions.
A forum should always be there for things you want to say, as long as it isn't denegrating somebodies identity, disagreements make forums, but when it gets personal that's when the forum has little future.
It needs to be that both groups come together, and if the younger guys want to be involved, they should be allowed, the club has no future without the next generation.

We have lost some very valued older generation supporters already this season, if we don't have younger people coming in, then our crowds will dwindle to nothing.
I don't know if the 'Closed society' thing is true, like i say i just support, but if it is then it needs to change, because the VSC will cease to exist, every supporter is as valuable as the next, respect needs to be earned and shown both ways!.

wing commander

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #128 on November 09, 2015, 11:31:56 am by wing commander »
    The directors of the vsc work hard to raise funds and create initiatives for various things for the benefit of all Doncaster fans and the club..They give there time freely and without anything in it for themselves personally...Unlike Nathan/Rob whose objective seems to be to have a good time and get drunk as there main priority
    It really does them no favours with this campaign of hate which fans over the age of 18 just cant understand..They claim its over the inception of the black bank which is childish but for those who read the facebook page,it has been going on for months...
    It's a real shame in my eyes as they have improved the atmosphere on matchdays brilliantly but for the vast majority of Rovers fans who have no connection with either groups they will look at this relentless campaign and lose interest in becoming involved....


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #129 on November 09, 2015, 12:56:02 pm by hoolahoop »
    The directors of the vsc work hard to raise funds and create initiatives for various things for the benefit of all Doncaster fans and the club..They give there time freely and without anything in it for themselves personally...Unlike Nathan/Rob whose objective seems to be to have a good time and get drunk as there main priority
    It really does them no favours with this campaign of hate which fans over the age of 18 just cant understand..They claim its over the inception of the black bank which is childish but for those who read the facebook page,it has been going on for months...
    It's a real shame in my eyes as they have improved the atmosphere on matchdays brilliantly but for the vast majority of Rovers fans who have no connection with either groups they will look at this relentless campaign and lose interest in becoming involved....

I agree with much of what you say but the energies of these lads and lasses can and should be channelled positively. On that point there are quite a few within the the Black Bank group who are ALSO giving up their time , money and energies into creating a vibrant Polypipe stand. They make or rather raise the funds for the sort of flags that were evident at the last game.

Like all youngsters and being 59 I mean younger than me they want /need to get involved. Yes there was a lot of rancour surrounding JRs Crowdfunder fiasco and of course a lot of disappointment that the VSC fought against that and of course the Hedge Fund attempt at a buyout.

They or at least the sensible one's need to be more involved in the Trust's work and want to create a proper Supporters Club. Currently we have a Trust  and basically a travel club. WE ALL need a proper Supporters Club wherein all these energies and money can be channelled . Currently neither the VSC or the existing Supporters Club carry out this role.

As I see it , we have to expand the remit of one of these bodies to promote and channel the activities of a vibrant Supporters Club.

Finally it has to be stated once again that the Viking chat forum is NOT the VSC and as such should NEVER be seen to be used to admonish those that disagree with any actions or statements undertaken by the Trust. It seems that in the absence of a fully functional Supporters Club (not just travel ) that the VSC has undertaken the role of a fully fledged Supporters Club imo that is the problem .

However that is the situation currently and differences need to be resolved by the individuals concerned. We need an action plan going forward and full remit of the body/ bodies that can either co-exist or be integrated into a new body. This body has to reflect the involvement of our younger supporters.

It is important to note here that although the spadework was carried out initially by the VSC ;  the Black Bank is a project that those lads can take credit and pride from  following through. I know from the money raised that there is far more to come and the Keepmoat is and will be a better place for it

wing commander

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #130 on November 09, 2015, 01:41:29 pm by wing commander »
   That's a very worthwhile write up Hoolahoop and I doubt anybody would disagree with that in principle and it would be fantastic if that happened..However it has to be said that the starter  of this thread (who is at the forefront of the black bank/drsg) started it with no other intention than to be inflamatory towards the current situation as can be seen from his posts..If he would have come on and said "look this isn't helping anybody lets try and find some common ground so we can move forward for the benefit of everybody and the club" then that would have been progress in the right direction rather than prodding people with sharp sticks hoping to get a reaction...The youth fans are the future of our club I just wish everybody would take a step back and realise that this current situation isn't good for the VSC,DRSG,BLACK BANK,club or the fans....


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #131 on November 09, 2015, 01:51:43 pm by hoolahoop »
   That's a very worthwhile write up Hoolahoop and I doubt anybody would disagree with that in principle and it would be fantastic if that happened..However it has to be said that the starter  of this thread (who is at the forefront of the black bank/drsg) started it with no other intention than to be inflamatory towards the current situation as can be seen from his posts..If he would have come on and said "look this isn't helping anybody lets try and find some common ground so we can move forward for the benefit of everybody and the club" then that would have been progress in the right direction rather than prodding people with sharp sticks hoping to get a reaction...The youth fans are the future of our club I just wish everybody would take a step back and realise that this current situation isn't good for the VSC,DRSG,BLACK BANK,club or the fans....

It's a start because at least 3 of us have so far wing.co ;) Thanks for the compliment btw.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #132 on November 09, 2015, 01:59:18 pm by PopStander »
The Black Bank has so much vocal power and influence over the young supporters, it will be easy to influence them into being positive.

I believe the songs sung on Saturday have had the reaction they intended to get, everyone saw/heard it killed the atmosphere so I can't see it carrying on.

There are other new songs being started this season in The Black Bank which are great and people are joining in with! People should share any that they come up with, more we have to sing, the less likely to sing something others don't want!

 :bbscarf: :scarf: :bbscarf:


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #133 on November 09, 2015, 02:53:09 pm by andysly »
F**k me it was much easier 30/40 years ago.
You turned up, had a couple of pints, belted out Molly Malone & Zigger Zagger and everybody was on the same side.
Why does everything have to be a battle.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #134 on November 09, 2015, 03:00:53 pm by hoolahoop »
F**k me it was much easier 30/40 years ago.
You turned up, had a couple of pints, belted out Molly Malone & Zigger Zagger and everybody was on the same side.
Why does everything have to be a battle.

Tell me about it :) Now it'd bollox politics . Who said this, who got the plaudits for that...etc etc. ???

no eyed deer

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #135 on November 09, 2015, 05:17:52 pm by no eyed deer »
Everyone has an opinion now, and everyone thinks theirs counts more. Some on here who think their IQ is far superior to most, especially.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #136 on November 09, 2015, 05:57:39 pm by bpoolrover »
While I can't see the point in the anti vsc chants,some of the younger posters that came on here with a opinion were IMO ridiculed by some of the older posters on here,people have different views on things and times have changed maybe some posters need to have a bit more patience with things they don't agree with

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #137 on November 09, 2015, 06:15:12 pm by Bentley Bullet »
The problem is that too many people think they know everything. They should S.T.F. up and listen to those of us that actually do.

Rovers Return

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #138 on November 09, 2015, 06:59:33 pm by Rovers Return »
Just A Thought!

The 'Black Bank' is seen as a younger fan initiative and the VSC as an older fan organisation and I can understand that. However, my two boys and lots of their mates have no intention of going on the 'Black Bank' despite enjoying a good sing at away games. I must admit to a feeling of disappointment with this as I loved a good sing song and a jump about on the terraces as a young lad and I wanted them to experience it. I still do If I'm honest and I'm often telling them about the 'olden days' and the atmosphere at certain games. I was secretly hoping for 'safe standing' on that end and a big draw one night and I would be joining for one night, but under the present atmosphere I'll be staying put should that happen. By the way 'Black Bank' intimidating? Long way to go yet but keep it up. On further investigation with the lads thoughts, they and their mates are members of, or read the facebook page and thoroughly dislike the abuse and insults dished out to fellow fans and those that do it are considered with disdain. The chanting just makes it worse in their eyes.
It seems to me that the 'young' lads don't really understand the role of the VSC but those of us who are a bit longer in the tooth realize that without the VSC help we may not have a club to support today. It's an ever present danger that will probably rear it's ugly head again if we are not careful.Two different organisations, two completely different roles.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #139 on November 09, 2015, 07:37:49 pm by Alickismyhero »
Rovers Return,

You should be very proud of your boys clearly they have made up their own minds and not followed the crowd, so to speak.

I think it would be very interesting to hear their views on the actions of their peers!


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #140 on November 09, 2015, 07:53:28 pm by ctay »
I find Donny Osmonds comments about retard etc offensive. Can I have him banned too!


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #141 on November 09, 2015, 08:17:51 pm by MachoMadness »
None of those kids who were chanting had a f**king clue about the VSC/DRSG beef or Rob Ghosh's bizarre desire to shitpost on here until he gets banned so he can be some sort of e-martyr, which I can only assume is fuelled by a series of personality disorders. They saw Big Robbie Ghosh chanting and swearing and joined in. That's the long and short of it.

Think how much better that atmosphere would be if we could support THE TEAM for 90 minutes instead of getting a bunch of pre-teens involved in your personal vendetta with the VSC, which nobody still cares about apart from Rob Ghosh and like the 5 other people who all got banned from this forum.

Just give it a rest, mate. You talk like you're the Malcolm X of League One football, years ahead of his time and kept down by THE MAN cos he's just TOO REAL. You're not. You're just killing the atmosphere in one of the best initiatives to happen at the club in recent years. The Black Bank can lead to the next generation of Rovers fans having a voice, I'd like it if they used their voice to support the team rather than chanting about f**king a group of fellow supporters.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #142 on November 09, 2015, 08:40:21 pm by DonnyOsmond »
I find Donny Osmonds comments about retard etc offensive. Can I have him banned too!


big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #143 on November 09, 2015, 09:04:37 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Just A Thought!

The 'Black Bank' is seen as a younger fan initiative and the VSC as an older fan organisation and I can understand that. However, my two boys and lots of their mates have no intention of going on the 'Black Bank' despite enjoying a good sing at away games. I must admit to a feeling of disappointment with this as I loved a good sing song and a jump about on the terraces as a young lad and I wanted them to experience it. I still do If I'm honest and I'm often telling them about the 'olden days' and the atmosphere at certain games. I was secretly hoping for 'safe standing' on that end and a big draw one night and I would be joining for one night, but under the present atmosphere I'll be staying put should that happen. By the way 'Black Bank' intimidating? Long way to go yet but keep it up. On further investigation with the lads thoughts, they and their mates are members of, or read the facebook page and thoroughly dislike the abuse and insults dished out to fellow fans and those that do it are considered with disdain. The chanting just makes it worse in their eyes.
It seems to me that the 'young' lads don't really understand the role of the VSC but those of us who are a bit longer in the tooth realize that without the VSC help we may not have a club to support today. It's an ever present danger that will probably rear it's ugly head again if we are not careful.Two different organisations, two completely different roles.

And it's not true either.  I've been involved with this forum and trust for years. I hope I'm not old.

It's all irrelevant.  Saturday afternoons are about football and supporting our team.  Anyone who brings other things in to that needs to have a look at themselves really.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #144 on November 09, 2015, 09:45:58 pm by ctay »
I find Donny Osmonds comments about retard etc offensive. Can I have him banned too!

yes, I find it offensive....the ban no not really but a lot of people find that word unacceptable


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #145 on November 09, 2015, 10:02:40 pm by Jonathan »
I find Donny Osmonds comments about retard etc offensive. Can I have him banned too!

yes, I find it offensive....the ban no not really but a lot of people find that word unacceptable

Just to clarify (as it may have been me that brought up the prospect of banning) I found nothing about Nathan West offensive, just utterly irrelevant and out of place.

When someone is so desperate for a reaction it's all pretty sad. I'm assuming he's got bored or been banned, either way it's not exactly a loss to be without that kind of self indulgent drivel. Twitter or Facebook can probably give him what he wants without it having to spill everywhere. This whole thing was clearly an intended wind up but really it's just boring.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 10:07:49 pm by Jonathan »


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #146 on November 09, 2015, 10:04:25 pm by DonnyOsmond »
I find Donny Osmonds comments about retard etc offensive. Can I have him banned too!

yes, I find it offensive....the ban no not really but a lot of people find that word unacceptable

I'm in my mid 20's and I've grown up associating that word with something thats stupid, hence the context it was used in (driving people away from BB by singing those chants is stupid), if you read the post you will have worked that out. I obviously didn't use it as referring to people with down syndrome, I don't really associate the two apart from when someone makes an issue out of its use.

Fair enough though. Each to their own.


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #147 on November 10, 2015, 01:01:08 am by eastender »
Didn't you once put on Facebook that you wanted to or would enjoy burying a VSC member under your patio?
That's not exactly grown up is it?
I've been at every AGM so far and don't know you from Adam but you have never voiced concerns or disgust at any of these. You should have the courage of your convictions, not just sniping and trying to raise discontent.

Idler you must remember him from last year's AGM.
He was the one that turned up about 20mins late suffering from small man syndrome and tried to sneaked in unnoticed.  :welcome:
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 02:10:07 am by eastender »


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Re: Chanting
« Reply #148 on November 10, 2015, 01:10:06 am by hoolahoop »
Everyone has an opinion now, and everyone thinks theirs counts more. Some on here who think their IQ is far superior to most, especially.

Spit it out man , you talk in fecking riddles. This is a footy forum would you be far happier if we were all talking textspeak and lacked the ability to use basic English grammar ?  You are taking inverted snobbery far to far .

Everyone has a voice on here , they always have until they either become abusive and/or irritating/repetitive f##kwits.

See yhere you go even your drivel amongst an important debate was felt worthy of a response :)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 01:13:53 am by hoolahoop »

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: Chanting
« Reply #149 on November 10, 2015, 01:14:58 am by Sammy Chung was King »
We are all Rovers supporters, we are stronger if we are together, rather than in two groups.


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