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Author Topic: New health update for Newyankee.  (Read 34045 times)

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New health update for Newyankee.
« on June 18, 2016, 11:40:36 pm by newyankee »

 I am sorry Ladies and gents to have to put you through this again, but I need your help.  I had been feeling unwell and not eating so I arranged for my Cat Scan to be brought forward to last Thursday and an appointment with my Oncologist for Friday.  I went this time fearing the worst but expecting and hoping for the opposite.

  As you can guess, the luck has run out.  I start back on Chemo on Tuesday and then he has two things up his sleeve if that fails.  The main one is the new drugs he has bee trialing, but they  lead to possible  bad side effects especially as I have had Crohn's Disease for forty years. 

   I would ask for those of you who do, to add me in your prayers and for others to just think of that solitary Rovers fan in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

   If you have anyone you would like me to add to my prayer list ( I prey for others, not myself), too late to make bargains with the big fella  ( Not Stucky this time).  Please add a name to your response or, better still drop me a PM.

    I do want to see the start of the season and, if possible the promotion celebrations, but I know I get what I am given. You helped me so much before knowing you were there.   Good health to you and yours.

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #1 on June 19, 2016, 12:23:45 am by RoversAlias »
Best of luck to you newyankee, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we are pulling for you and hope you can beat this damn thing again.

You're in my thoughts mate, all Rovers fans together here.

Copps is Magic

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #2 on June 19, 2016, 01:39:12 am by Copps is Magic »
Place your faith in science and medicine my friend. Thousands of years of human history - sweat, tears, mistakes, ingenuity, compassion and cooperation have gone in to those treatments and the tricks your doctor has up their sleeve. It's a beautiful and powerful thing when you think about it.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #3 on June 19, 2016, 03:33:37 am by Sammy Chung was King »
Best of luck newyankee, Inside you is British Fortitude, Spirit, Bloody mindedness, And a Will that when the chips are down, and the big man is making his list of new arrivals, yet again you won't be on it!.
You have built up a core of Determination, Knowledge of what is needed, and a patience to withstand it, taking you out of the game for a while!.
With the much improved medicine, among that using you're own immune system to confuse it. When you are sat with the sun shining on you're face, and the heat warming you're back, when the bloke next to you is too big for his seat, and the bloke behind has swallowed a whole swear box, you will know you have beaten it again, and you are back at the keepmoat, and the victory in the game will be nothing to winning you're Life fight yet again!.
Come on fella, You've got another battle to win, you are at the lakeside end on the pitch, it's a sprint, the winning line is at the town end, get yourself beyond the first eighteen yard box, then you're next target is the halfway line. Once you get there, the second half of the sprint will be easier.

Come on you can do it!!. :clapping: :scarf:


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #4 on June 19, 2016, 04:28:58 am by PDX_Rover »
Derek. Gutted to hear this news my friend. Rest assured you are on our thoughts and we are sending love and good karma from the west coast. We're about to move to San Diego but once we are down there let's catch up on the phone. Stay strong mate. Mark, Lauren and Max


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #5 on June 19, 2016, 07:52:00 am by Alickismyhero »
Its at times like this Derek I never know what to say but chin up and fight the good fight. Bally and me know exactly what you are going through right now. There have been some very good developments with designer drugs coming on the market. Susan has been put on another drug which has improved things and made us more optimistic for the future.

Stay positive Derek......Chemo works.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #6 on June 19, 2016, 08:09:13 am by CottyRover »
I only know you from your posts on here, but good thoughts and best wishes are coming your way from East Yorkshire. You will see that promotion party!


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #7 on June 19, 2016, 08:23:41 am by robchester »
Good luck stay strong and positive
You have done it before and can do it again.

the vicar

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #8 on June 19, 2016, 08:26:47 am by the vicar »
Hi Derek, I know i dont know you but my thoughts are with you at this time and always. YOU WILL  get through this and just think, if you have to go on the drugs, although there are side effects, they are better than the alternative as you will no doubt agree. So, get on with it and lets see you back here at more games loads of love from all.   


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #9 on June 19, 2016, 08:54:49 am by idler »
Hi Derek, I don't think that we have ever met but consider you one of the extended Rovers family. I have contributed a lot to cancer research over the years and reading their updates it's amazing what strides have and are being made in this field. The success rate is phenomenal now and couldn't have even been dreamed of not too long ago.
The human body is a wonderful thing that will try and heal itself. Add your positive thinking and the latest drugs and treatments and you give yourself a good chance. Like watching the Rovers at a tricky or tough away match, it's there to be won. We've all seen enough of them over the years.
You'll be in our thoughts, good luck Derek, Dave and Sue

The Red Baron

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #10 on June 19, 2016, 09:01:09 am by The Red Baron »
Sorry to hear your news. I'll be thinking of you. Keep fighting!

Chris Black come back

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #11 on June 19, 2016, 09:07:02 am by Chris Black come back »
Imagine how dark it looked when Trotta ran towards the ball...and how different it all was only 30 seconds later when Copps put the ball in the net.

Just imagine you are a slightly portly Billy Paynter just puffing your way to the half way line. Any minute Copps is going to appear on your left.

It might look bleak now but soon the flares are going to go off in the away end....

Keep guin!

wilts rover

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #12 on June 19, 2016, 09:13:12 am by wilts rover »
Very sorry to hear the news yankee but keep fighting again my friend, we know you can do it as you have before. After our recent travails Rovers will return in better health and so will you.

tommy toes

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #13 on June 19, 2016, 09:29:19 am by tommy toes »
Best wishes from me too NY.
I had a brush with cancer a few years ago so can empathise to a point.
My thoughts are with you.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #14 on June 19, 2016, 12:22:49 pm by roversdude »
All the best my friend you can beat this
Side effects are manageable- my wife has had crohns for a few years but manages to live a normalish life
Keep your chin up mate we will all send positive thoughts for you


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #15 on June 19, 2016, 01:41:53 pm by newyankee »
 Thank you one and all for your thoughts and messages of hope.  It's great to get them as it makes me feel part of a bigger family.   Yes, I will make it but just need the extra support. The one good thing is that I am in the Us and not Britain.  The health service here is unbelievable  as long as you have insurance, if not, Britain looks fantastic.

 I have been lucky to have insurance all through and the medical staff I have looking after me are an incredible addition to my family over here.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #16 on June 19, 2016, 03:11:29 pm by ZiggerZagger »
Thoughts n prayers Yankee mate thoughts n prayers.
Just keep fighting and we'll keep praying and hopefully we'll get to have another chat over a few pints again.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #17 on June 19, 2016, 03:34:31 pm by Monkcaster_Rover »
Best of luck to you fella. Keep going.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #18 on June 19, 2016, 03:51:48 pm by Lesonthewest »
Thoughts are with you, all the very best.

Dutch Uncle

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #19 on June 19, 2016, 04:10:15 pm by Dutch Uncle »
All the very best from me too Derek, keep fighting.

Lincoln Rover

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #20 on June 19, 2016, 04:11:51 pm by Lincoln Rover »
Thoughts and prayers from one Derek to another my friend.


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #21 on June 19, 2016, 04:15:50 pm by Scooter »
Good luck and best wishes. If you can cope with the challenges and emotions of being a rovers fan - chemo will be a breeze!


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #22 on June 19, 2016, 04:26:24 pm by newyankee »
Thanks Dutch and Lincoln.  I have breezed through two Chemos already Scooter it will hopefully be the same. I am going nowhere, but as we all know we are not in charge.    Have a great  Summer everyone.

R.T.I.D.     ( But hopefully not soon )

Bentley Bullet

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #23 on June 19, 2016, 05:33:35 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Hi Derek. Just got back from a weekend away and read this. So sorry about the news, but your track record has convinced me that it is only a set back.

God bless mate, and keep your chin up. I'll have a personal word with him upstairs.



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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #24 on June 19, 2016, 06:31:43 pm by niteowler »
I know its not good news yanks and cannot imagine how you must feel, but try to keep your chin up and hopefully you not only see the mighty reds promoted this coming season but that you see them progress for many years to come.

scaley back rover

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #25 on June 19, 2016, 07:04:59 pm by scaley back rover »
Good luck pal, hope you smash it once and for all


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #26 on June 20, 2016, 06:10:04 pm by newyankee »
 Many thanks Dave, Niteowler and Scaley for your good wishes.  I am not being defeatist but  I feel worse this time than any of the others. I just hope the Chemo tomorrow bucks me up. 

 I know some on here will think, not again, but I can assure you all that I really appreciate being able to say things on here that I am dubious telling my wife and family.

Take care one and all



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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #27 on June 20, 2016, 07:46:47 pm by Orlandokarla »
I'm so sorry to hear your news. As you can see, there are loads of people on here willing to offer support and listen when you need to share.
You have the thoughts and prayers of my family over here, plus thousands (literally, I kid you not) back in England.

All the best mate.

afro goal machine

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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #28 on June 20, 2016, 07:49:06 pm by afro goal machine »
Fingers crossed best of luck


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Re: New health update for Newyankee.
« Reply #29 on June 20, 2016, 08:05:44 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Good luck NY.


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