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Author Topic: Racist chanting  (Read 6576 times)

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johnny rovers

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Racist chanting
« on March 13, 2017, 12:11:06 am by johnny rovers »
Now before I get started, I do not condone what I believe racist chanting to be, which is  when abusing someone for there skin colour, it's totally unacceptable!

But tomorrow's headlines are going to be all about the Millwall fans chanting something about DVD's and 3 for a fiver!

Just how on earth can that be deemed racist. Does terrace banter no longer exist!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 12:13:07 am by johnny rovers »

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not on facebook

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #1 on March 13, 2017, 12:51:40 am by not on facebook »
There has been writes ups in the papers about it and if you read the comments page not many people seem to understand what the DVD three for a fiver is all about.

It's not even explained in the write ups just headlines that millwall fans been racist with no explanation .

The chant comes from the fact that untold street sellers from the Far East can be seen walking the streets of south London selling three  DVDs for a fiver

And that's what they shout '3 DVDs for a fiver' to help earn a living on the fake black market .

It seems the songs were directed towards the Spurs player son who I saw from that neck of the world .

Just shows how soft society is today thanks to all the sloppy left wing
fruit cakes who get on their high horse about fcuk all at times .bet the BBC are all over this one.

I find it more offensive that the 3 DVDs for a fiver sellers are not getting pulled up by the lefties for selling fake DVDs and not paying any tax on what they earn.

Society today has leaned far too far over to the left side ,just look at the mess Sweden find its self in today due to its left wing policy's since the 1970s.

Ffs the Swedish left wing society back then was even against the band abba as they saw it been bad for the country before abba won the Eurovision back in 1974 .

Now in certain parts of Sweden the police can't patrol some estates due to immigrant over spill ,and if the fire service or ambulance is called to such areas they only go in with police escort.

Swedish women dare not walk the streets at night and it's getting risky in the day time now too as there is untold jobless immigrant men
and boys milling about.

Sweden is fcuked as the powers that be even will not report many rape incidents if the predator is a immigrant.if a European is convicted of rape in Sweden he is then deported back to his country of origin.

But if your a  rapist with conviction and a immigrant from a dangerous
country ,Sweden will not deport you back home and just let you back out into Swedish fcuked up society.

What message will the above send out to any immigrant from a dangerous country that has no respect for his own country's females never mind a Swedish female.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 12:54:11 am by not on facebook »

johnny rovers

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #2 on March 13, 2017, 01:04:30 am by johnny rovers »
There has been writes ups in the papers about it and if you read the comments page not many people seem to understand what the DVD three for a fiver is all about.

It's not even explained in the write ups just headlines that millwall fans been racist with no explanation .

The chant comes from the fact that untold street sellers from the Far East can be seen walking the streets of south London selling three  DVDs for a fiver

And that's what they shout '3 DVDs for a fiver' to help earn a living on the fake black market .

It seems the songs were directed towards the Spurs player son who I saw from that neck of the world .

Just shows how soft society is today thanks to all the sloppy left wing
fruit cakes who get on their high horse about fcuk all at times .bet the BBC are all over this one.

I find it more offensive that the 3 DVDs for a fiver sellers are not getting pulled up by the lefties for selling fake DVDs and not paying any tax on what they earn.

Society today has leaned far too far over to the left side ,just look at the mess Sweden find its self in today due to its left wing policy's since the 1970s.

Ffs the Swedish left wing society back then was even against the band abba as they saw it been bad for the country before abba won the Eurovision back in 1974 .

Now in certain parts of Sweden the police can't patrol some estates due to immigrant over spill ,and if the fire service or ambulance is called to such areas they only go in with police escort.

Swedish women dare not walk the streets at night and it's getting risky in the day time now too as there is untold jobless immigrant men
and boys milling about.

Sweden is fcuked as the powers that be even will not report many rape incidents if the predator is a immigrant.if a European is convicted of rape in Sweden he is then deported back to his country of origin.

But if your a  rapist with conviction and a immigrant from a dangerous
country ,Sweden will not deport you back home and just let you back out into Swedish fcuked up society.

What message will the above send out to any immigrant from a dangerous country that has no respect for his own country's females never mind a Swedish female.

Some good points there not on facebook, the way I see it, the millwall fans were just stereotyping and not being racist!

Thanks for the insight on Sweden, with nationalism on the rise in Europe right now then there might well be a upsurge in Sweden sometime. I'll keep eye out for that!!!


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #3 on March 13, 2017, 01:06:53 am by RedJ »
Go on then. I'll bite, what's the difference between stereotyping and racism?

johnny rovers

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #4 on March 13, 2017, 01:12:59 am by johnny rovers »
The "lets kick out stereotyping campaign" doesn't have a good ring to it for a start!!!

johnny rovers

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #5 on March 13, 2017, 01:15:40 am by johnny rovers »
Go on then. I'll bite, what's the difference between stereotyping and racism?

Does that make all football fans who have chanted "who ate all the pies" are racist?!?!?

Come on pal, have a word!

not on facebook

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #6 on March 13, 2017, 01:18:48 am by not on facebook »
It's just millwall fans having a laugh in my book ,but I bet my last $$$
I will get shot down on here after the bed wetters have woke up.

As for Sweden ,this is my prediction for the first western country for its society to fall apart .this will take a good 10 or more years unless the tide starts to turn shortly.

The problem with Sweden is that it will take something really big or a
massive disaster in the country for the left side of society to wake up and smell the coffee.

That fact about Swedish society been against abba back in the early 1970s says it all .abba was a far different style of music as to what they all was normally brought up on.

They abba dressed  sounded and looked was deemed wrong for their way of thinking and life.

I have spoke to no end of Swedish in oslo as they are biggest number or non Norwegian work force out here followed by Poland.
But the Swedish all spew out just about the same left wing views .

Herbert Anchovy

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #7 on March 13, 2017, 07:00:49 am by Herbert Anchovy »
Some interesting points passionately made there NOF. However, based on the last century, I don't think that right wing politics can claim to be the shining light for good community relations can it? Anyway, both right wing and left wing governments have screwed us over the barrel. The only difference is the right wingers blame the poor/immigrants and the left wingers blame the rich.

Anyway, this isn't a political debating society so back to the post. Banter is a fundamental part of the footballing experience in my view. I've heard some absolutely belting comments/chants over the years that have had me chuckeling into my bovril. Last Saturday when the Black Bank were singing to the 2 Cheltenham subs who were warming up "you're not playing cos your shit." was a good one. And, to be fair to the Subs they were both laughing and one even looked up to the singers and clapped them!


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #8 on March 13, 2017, 07:46:38 am by Syme »
I'll have a nibble on this as well.

Talk me through how an alleged distaste for Abba nearly 50 years ago inevitably leads to the collapse of one of the most progressive countries in the world.

And if I could add a small caveat, could you do it using what I like to call "facts".

Not Now Kato

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #9 on March 13, 2017, 07:56:07 am by Not Now Kato »
There has been writes ups in the papers about it and if you read the comments page not many people seem to understand what the DVD three for a fiver is all about.

It's not even explained in the write ups just headlines that millwall fans been racist with no explanation .

The chant comes from the fact that untold street sellers from the Far East can be seen walking the streets of south London selling three  DVDs for a fiver

And that's what they shout '3 DVDs for a fiver' to help earn a living on the fake black market .

It seems the songs were directed towards the Spurs player son who I saw from that neck of the world .

Just shows how soft society is today thanks to all the sloppy left wing
fruit cakes who get on their high horse about fcuk all at times .bet the BBC are all over this one.

I find it more offensive that the 3 DVDs for a fiver sellers are not getting pulled up by the lefties for selling fake DVDs and not paying any tax on what they earn.

Society today has leaned far too far over to the left side ,just look at the mess Sweden find its self in today due to its left wing policy's since the 1970s.

Ffs the Swedish left wing society back then was even against the band abba as they saw it been bad for the country before abba won the Eurovision back in 1974 .

Now in certain parts of Sweden the police can't patrol some estates due to immigrant over spill ,and if the fire service or ambulance is called to such areas they only go in with police escort.

Swedish women dare not walk the streets at night and it's getting risky in the day time now too as there is untold jobless immigrant men
and boys milling about.

Sweden is fcuked as the powers that be even will not report many rape incidents if the predator is a immigrant.if a European is convicted of rape in Sweden he is then deported back to his country of origin.

But if your a  rapist with conviction and a immigrant from a dangerous
country ,Sweden will not deport you back home and just let you back out into Swedish fcuked up society.

What message will the above send out to any immigrant from a dangerous country that has no respect for his own country's females never mind a Swedish female.

You are Donald  Trump and I claim my £5.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #10 on March 13, 2017, 09:48:12 am by ballysbackin »
Show me a Swede that dislikes ABBA and I will knock seven shades out of them. 


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #11 on March 13, 2017, 09:53:45 am by Mike_F »
In the age of Kodi, Netflix etc. the days of the three DVDs for a fiver merchants must be numbered.

Geoff Blakesley

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #12 on March 13, 2017, 10:03:55 am by Geoff Blakesley »
You can get more than 3 swedes for a fiver.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #13 on March 13, 2017, 10:17:48 am by RoversAlias »
"It's just banter" is surely no different than Trump calling sexual assault on women "locker room talk". Come on.

Herbert Anchovy

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #14 on March 13, 2017, 10:29:40 am by Herbert Anchovy »
"It's just banter" is surely no different than Trump calling sexual assault on women "locker room talk". Come on.

They're very different. Banter is what I heard on Saturday aimed at the Cheltenham subs from the Black Bank. Your example is something I'd class as, at best, very offensive and at worst criminal.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #15 on March 13, 2017, 10:57:08 am by GazLaz »
United fans sang about Park eating dogs and Scousers eating rats. Is that racist? Racism for me is if there is discrimination or hatred involved RedJ not just a bit of craic.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #16 on March 13, 2017, 11:01:43 am by foxbat »
And here is me thinking this was a football forum site,

if (for some reason ) we have to talk about Sweden , I am sure that anyone that has ever been to Sweden , rather than
just reading stuff on fake websites that are sponsored by american white supremacist organisations , would realise that making a comparison with Doncaster , Sweden looks like Paradise and Doncaster looks like a sh1thole.

The Swedes are very solid and generally not easily influenced by the likes of Farage and Johnson , nor is their media controlled by right wing billionaires , who keep their money off-shore , pay no tax and let us suckers pay for all the infra-structure which they live in. the idea of the country 'collapsing' is ridiculous.
Trump started all this anti Sweden sh1te ,to try and distract people from his rediculous comments about a terrorist attack
that never happened. People copying and pasting this crap all over the Internet doesn't change the facts , there was NO terrorist attack.

As for anyone who points out the obvious lies and fabrications of the current right wing tendencies , calling them names, like 'Leftie' ( a typical Trump approach ) does not counter their argument.

On the subject of Liberals and leftism , anyone who knows Doncaster understands that the town , hasn't , and never will,
recover from the Thatcher goverment's right wing policies of the 1980's.

So , it saddens me that , having been to game on saturday , when I come onto the forum to see what people thought and trying to enjoy Rovers at the top of the table ,the first thing I find is someone using a vague football connection as an opportunity to post some thinly disguised right wing racist sh1te on here.

So how about anyone who feels the (mis-guided ) need to write this stuff , posting it somewhere else , like the Klu Klux Klan site maybe  and maybe leaving the Forum to talk about the football


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #17 on March 13, 2017, 11:01:55 am by Glyn_Wigley »
I find it more offensive that the 3 DVDs for a fiver sellers are not getting pulled up by the lefties for selling fake DVDs and not paying any tax on what they earn.

Which 'lefties' are these and what are you expecting them to do about it seeing as we've had a Tory government for seven years which has slashed the money funding the Police, HMRC and Trading Standards?

PS For you to say it's all about f*ck all, you aren't half on a bloody high horse yourself.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 11:05:02 am by Glyn_Wigley »

the vicar

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #18 on March 13, 2017, 11:02:38 am by the vicar »
You can get more than 3 swedes for a fiver.
£1 each at Asda


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #19 on March 13, 2017, 11:17:52 am by Jimmydee »
Well put Foxbat. I don't believe that NOF has been posting on here for very long ( feel free to correct me)   I agree that political comments shouldn't be posted on this forum.   However, I can't wait for my team  to beat the team that represents the town that had a population of Thatcherites during the 80s. I posted on another heading that we should be champions when we play Mansfield at home on my birthday, and just by coincidence Margaret Thatcher also died on my birthday back in 2013.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #20 on March 13, 2017, 11:26:49 am by Syme »
I see no issue with political comments on here, we're all grown ups and should be able to discuss differences of opinions and perspectives in a reasoned manner.

My concern is with those comments that go beyond what is reasonable and could be seen as racist, discriminatory or inciting hatred, whether out of malice or just pure ignorance. Obviously it's a subjective business deciding which comments fall into this category, but there are a couple of posters who I'd say have crossed this line several times.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #21 on March 13, 2017, 11:28:55 am by RoversAlias »
"It's just banter" is surely no different than Trump calling sexual assault on women "locker room talk". Come on.

They're very different. Banter is what I heard on Saturday aimed at the Cheltenham subs from the Black Bank. Your example is something I'd class as, at best, very offensive and at worst criminal.

I'm not sure if you misunderstood my post or not, so I'll clarify.

NOF saying that these racist chants aimed at Son is "banter" is akin to Trump's "locker room talk" comment. What I mean by that is, both are ludicrous statements because what Trump said amounts to condoning sexual assault on a woman, and what the Millwall fans chanted is clearly racial stereotyping that has no place in our society nevermind our football grounds.

The Red Baron

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #22 on March 13, 2017, 11:34:24 am by The Red Baron »
Well put Foxbat. I don't believe that NOF has been posting on here for very long ( feel free to correct me)   I agree that political comments shouldn't be posted on this forum.   However, I can't wait for my team  to beat the team that represents the town that had a population of Thatcherites during the 80s. I posted on another heading that we should be champions when we play Mansfield at home on my birthday, and just by coincidence Margaret Thatcher also died on my birthday back in 2013.

"Population of Thatcherites" Mansfield? LMAO.

Herbert Anchovy

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #23 on March 13, 2017, 12:03:37 pm by Herbert Anchovy »
"It's just banter" is surely no different than Trump calling sexual assault on women "locker room talk". Come on.

They're very different. Banter is what I heard on Saturday aimed at the Cheltenham subs from the Black Bank. Your example is something I'd class as, at best, very offensive and at worst criminal.

I'm not sure if you misunderstood my post or not, so I'll clarify.

NOF saying that these racist chants aimed at Son is "banter" is akin to Trump's "locker room talk" comment. What I mean by that is, both are ludicrous statements because what Trump said amounts to condoning sexual assault on a woman, and what the Millwall fans chanted is clearly racial stereotyping that has no place in our society nevermind our football grounds.

Yes, I did misunderstand. Thanks for clarifying mate.


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #24 on March 13, 2017, 12:40:27 pm by RedJ »
Go on then. I'll bite, what's the difference between stereotyping and racism?

Does that make all football fans who have chanted "who ate all the pies" are racist?!?!?

Come on pal, have a word!
There's a difference between stereotyping based on physical characteristics and doing so based on their race.

"Come on pal, have a word!"


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #25 on March 13, 2017, 01:22:51 pm by VivaRovers »
What message will the above send out to any immigrant from a dangerous country that has no respect for his own country's females never mind a Swedish female.

To be fair NOF, given you yourself are an immigrant in a Scandinavian country, who's shown on this forum to be far from the most respectful of females, you could quite easily fit this profiling yourself.

johnny rovers

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #26 on March 13, 2017, 01:23:41 pm by johnny rovers »
Go on then. I'll bite, what's the difference between stereotyping and racism?

Does that make all football fans who have chanted "who ate all the pies" are racist?!?!?

Come on pal, have a word!
There's a difference between stereotyping based on physical characteristics and doing so based on their race.

"Come on pal, have a word!"

There shouldn't be a difference, what your saying is it's alright for some being called a fat b#####d  and it's not aright to stereotype against a select group from the same background who sell doggy DVDs!! You can't have it one way and not the other. Either there both forms of harmless banter or there both forms of hateful discrimination!


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #27 on March 13, 2017, 01:45:44 pm by Syme »
it's not aright to stereotype against a select group from the same background who sell doggy DVDs!!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dd4idrnQ8s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Dd4idrnQ8s</a>


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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #28 on March 13, 2017, 01:49:24 pm by selby »
Well you was right about them lefties being at it after breakfast time.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Racist chanting
« Reply #29 on March 13, 2017, 01:54:11 pm by Bentley Bullet »
What message will the above send out to any immigrant from a dangerous country that has no respect for his own country's females never mind a Swedish female.

To be fair NOF, given you yourself are an immigrant in a Scandinavian country, who's shown on this forum to be far from the most respectful of females, you could quite easily fit this profiling yourself.

I never realised NOF was female!


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