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Author Topic: Another referendum?  (Read 14745 times)

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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #120 on March 18, 2017, 06:10:13 pm by hoolahoop »
Just been looking at Scotlands 'Resources ' wind power wow, fishing ........equals Spanish and French pirates plundering their seas and Fishing Quotas.
Unfortunately for us the Jocks are like a chuffing great boil on our neck 64 % of Their trade is with us, without us they are nothing,they need a few home truths telling to them to be Honest!

Don't be daft Sproty they have other markets that would want their goods it's called the EU. It's a simple switch to the other 450,000,000 in the EU

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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #121 on March 18, 2017, 06:31:55 pm by hoolahoop »
If May has a point in saying the Scots should make an informed decision, it also underlines the case for the whole UK to wait and see what deal we get and then hold an informed referendum before deciding to leave the EU. QED.

Exactly this woman walks into her own traps. Frankly she is not upto the job.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #122 on March 18, 2017, 06:46:01 pm by hoolahoop »
Perhaps it's time for a general election,i was in favour of one last summer/autumn as no party had a mandate for which ever way the referendum went.That would be funny,old man Steptoe with his no limits to mass migration and friends of the late Billy Stubbs R.I.P, such as Lord and Lady Kinnock's son saying there has to be controls,and Diane Abbott telling everyone that is racist.Utter carnage ensues.General election please

A General Election doesnt decide whether we should go on with this crazy MAYhem shite does it ? This isn'r about party support ?


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #123 on March 18, 2017, 06:47:37 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
If May has a point in saying the Scots should make an informed decision, it also underlines the case for the whole UK to wait and see what deal we get and then hold an informed referendum before deciding to leave the EU. QED.

Exactly this woman walks into her own traps. Frankly she is not upto the job.

She was mediocre at best as a Home Secretary and I've seen nothing to indicate that she won't be exactly the same as a Prime Minister.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #124 on March 18, 2017, 06:49:11 pm by hoolahoop »
The two scenarios are different though. England voted to leave, and got it's wish. Scotland voted to remain, and didn't get it's wish!

May isn't asking for another vote on Brexit, we're leaving and that's final. She's asking Scotland to consider the deal the UK gets before it votes on the other issue of independence, which she believes will be of significant influence in the outcome of that vote.

How can you have a finalised deal when Scotland could end up leaving the UK. Surely fishing rights , areas etc would change ?


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #125 on March 18, 2017, 06:58:29 pm by hoolahoop »
I notice whiskey exports have risen post referendum,this scum bag tells all about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0xgLajhpLs

No the sarcy questioner was the scumbag, I watched that too. Why is she a scumbag  is it because she doesn't agree with you Yargo ?


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #126 on March 18, 2017, 07:04:40 pm by Sprotyrover »
Just been looking at Scotlands 'Resources ' wind power wow, fishing ........equals Spanish and French pirates plundering their seas and Fishing Quotas.
Unfortunately for us the Jocks are like a chuffing great boil on our neck 64 % of Their trade is with us, without us they are nothing,they need a few home truths telling to them to be Honest!

Don't be daft Sproty they have other markets that would want their goods it's called the EU. It's a simple switch to the other 450,000,000 in the EU

If they were that good (which they are not) they would have already been trading. To a greater extent,we are their main trading partner because we are just down the road, we lent the Irish 3 times their entire annual tax take a few tears back for the same reason,we are their main trading partner!


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #127 on March 18, 2017, 07:59:11 pm by ravenrover »
HOOLA,  I may be showing my ignorance but an Independant Scotland would not be part of the EU they would have to negotiate new contracts based on an "unknown" currency. Which countries do you think would take the risk? Has the Fish woman really thought this through or is it simply who blinks first loses between her anf Alfies mum.?


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #128 on March 18, 2017, 09:20:06 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
HOOLA,  I may be showing my ignorance but an Independant Scotland would not be part of the EU they would have to negotiate new contracts based on an "unknown" currency. Which countries do you think would take the risk? Has the Fish woman really thought this through or is it simply who blinks first loses between her anf Alfies mum.?

Most international contracts are in US Dollars or Euros, even when they aren't the currency of either of the countries involved.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #129 on March 18, 2017, 09:42:50 pm by ravenrover »
Glyn my O level Economics agrees with that but, again, what will be the currency of an Independent Scotland?
It will not be a UK pound that is for sure so it is an unknown quantity how will it be valued in the exchange market?
For me the Fishwife is testing Alfies Mum out lets see what we can squeeze out of the UK Govt this is all a game of bluff from SNP JMHO


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #130 on March 18, 2017, 10:39:34 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Glyn my O level Economics agrees with that but, again, what will be the currency of an Independent Scotland?
It will not be a UK pound that is for sure so it is an unknown quantity how will it be valued in the exchange market?
For me the Fishwife is testing Alfies Mum out lets see what we can squeeze out of the UK Govt this is all a game of bluff from SNP JMHO

I don't know what their currency might be. You say it can't be the UK pound - why not? The Republic of Ireland had the pound for years after independence. It could very easily be the Euro if the Sots do end up still in the EU. It's only a problem for the Scots, not their potential customers, because it'll be the Scots who have to buy USD or EUR on the market to trade internationally with whatever currency they have internally, so it shouldn't affect exports. If they end up with a weaker currency of course, their exports will become more competitive...


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #131 on March 19, 2017, 01:56:29 am by hoolahoop »
Just been looking at Scotlands 'Resources ' wind power wow, fishing ........equals Spanish and French pirates plundering their seas and Fishing Quotas.
Unfortunately for us the Jocks are like a chuffing great boil on our neck 64 % of Their trade is with us, without us they are nothing,they need a few home truths telling to them to be Honest!

Don't be daft Sproty they have other markets that would want their goods it's called the EU. It's a simple switch to the other 450,000,000 in the EU

If they were that good (which they are not) they would have already been trading. To a greater extent,we are their main trading partner because we are just down the road, we lent the Irish 3 times their entire annual tax take a few tears back for the same reason,we are their main trading partner!

Scotland's exports to the EU £ 28.7 billion
England's  exports to the  EU  £ 220 billion

Relative populations Scotland........5.4
                                      England.........54.8 million

On that basis population Is X10 and therefore you would expect £ 287 billion of exports from England it currently stands at £ 220 billion . *
Do the maths *
Sorry Scotland vastly out performing England in terms of exports per. capita
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 02:15:24 am by hoolahoop »


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #132 on March 19, 2017, 02:12:41 am by hoolahoop »
Glyn my O level Economics agrees with that but, again, what will be the currency of an Independent Scotland?
It will not be a UK pound that is for sure so it is an unknown quantity how will it be valued in the exchange market?
For me the Fishwife is testing Alfies Mum out lets see what we can squeeze out of the UK Govt this is all a game of bluff from SNP JMHO

Seems to me we are once again playing the Billy big bollox argument out again , what relevance is it what name they might give to a currency . How about the Scottish pound ( S £ ) . Is there any difference between that and Al the differing types of dollar denominations there are in the world I. E . NZ $, C $, A $ etc.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #133 on March 19, 2017, 04:56:56 pm by Sprotyrover »
Scots have a 9.5 % budget deficit, guess who is funding that lot!


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #134 on March 19, 2017, 06:36:38 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Scots have a 9.5 % budget deficit, guess who is funding that lot!

Is that an argument for maintaining the Union..?

Draytonian III

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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #135 on March 19, 2017, 10:42:11 pm by Draytonian III »
Why not let the English hold a referendum if they want Scotland to remain in the UK . Bye bye Jimmy Krankie

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #136 on March 20, 2017, 12:51:39 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Why not let the English hold a referendum if they want Scotland to remain in the UK . Bye bye Jimmy Krankie

Because there would be an outrage from the lefties about our blatant racism.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #137 on March 20, 2017, 01:10:08 pm by RedJ »
Can we have a referendum on whether or not to fire Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond into space?

wing commander

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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #138 on March 20, 2017, 01:23:32 pm by wing commander »
   I for one am getting tired of Scotland...I would be quite happy to take the decision for them and let them get on with it...Maybe then we can make our own regulations for England and us...Without having legislation blocked because it doesn't suit them..like they did with the recent Sunday trading laws bill....They get more per head of taxpayers money than we do in this country, while providing a deficit in contributions ...And its never ever good enough....its always more more more.....Let them have there independence and lets see how long they can afford to give free prescriptions then...I'm not entirely convinced the EU would take them on there own..They have enough negative cash drain countries as it is.....


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #139 on March 20, 2017, 06:10:56 pm by Sprotyrover »
Yes but they have got Oil,not much of it mind and way too expensive to produce.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #140 on March 20, 2017, 06:13:29 pm by Sprotyrover »
I'm half expecting Mrs Krankie to be taking us to the court of European tosspots to make us pay back the Revenue on the 40 billion barrels of Oil we nicked 😜


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #141 on March 23, 2017, 07:02:47 am by roversdude »
Don't give wee Jimmy ideas Sproty


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #142 on March 24, 2017, 08:58:43 am by hoolahoop »
I'm half expecting Mrs Krankie to be taking us to the court of European tosspots to make us pay back the Revenue on the 40 billion barrels of Oil we nicked 😜

Scotland's West coast alone sat on $ 1 TRILLION of oil and gas then there is of course the remaining amount oil off both the North and East coasts . The West and North  still remain relatively untouched .


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #143 on March 24, 2017, 09:19:17 am by Syme »
I'm half expecting Mrs Krankie to be taking us to the court of European tosspots to make us pay back the Revenue on the 40 billion barrels of Oil we nicked 😜

Scotland's West coast alone sat on $ 1 TRILLION of oil and gas then there is of course the remaining amount oil off both the North and East coasts . The West and North  still remain relatively untouched .

Fact or speculation?



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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #144 on March 24, 2017, 09:25:03 am by hoolahoop »
The " wee Jimmy Krankie " thing is becoming as tiresome as " the Maybot " etc.
It's disingenuous and frankly wrong to be so dismissive of a nation that many want to be unhooked from the rest of the UK . Fact is those oil revenue profits have been fed to the Exchequer year after year and the ' Barnet Formula ' in some way gives the Scots something back .

Most of the big projects are in England and benefit the people of Scotland,  Wales and Northern Ireland very little . 
How do these areas benefit from a " Londoncentric  " vision that our leaders still have . It's not just the devolved nations that miss out so do Yorkshire , the South West , North East, the Midlands  etc. It's no accident that it was largely these areas of the uk that carried the Brexit vote . Ironically areas most helped by EU grants voted to stop those grants. You couldn't make this up  ......That's why folk were misinformed and lied to . Why else would you want to give the Tory Party and their donors effective ownership of the country to carry on doing what they have always done I. E. Widening the North/ South and have/have nots divides even further than ever before . Turkeys voting for Christmas doesn't even half explain the crass stupidity of what happened last year.
Worse than just being not informed was the way that the electorate as a whole has been swallowing lie after lie . Lie after lie that one by one is being exposed .


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #145 on March 24, 2017, 09:31:10 am by hoolahoop »
I'm half expecting Mrs Krankie to be taking us to the court of European tosspots to make us pay back the Revenue on the 40 billion barrels of Oil we nicked 😜

Scotland's West coast alone sat on $ 1 TRILLION of oil and gas then there is of course the remaining amount oil off both the North and East coasts . The West and North  still remain relatively untouched .

Fact or speculation?



Whilst I realise that it says "could " , I would hope that you would find this areticle at least relatively unbiased.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 09:34:44 am by hoolahoop »


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #146 on March 24, 2017, 09:41:08 am by Syme »
A report about oil deposits commissioned by the jobs board for oil and gas workers is unlikely to be without bias.

Which you might have understood if you'd taken the time to read the link I put up.


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #148 on March 24, 2017, 09:53:00 am by hoolahoop »
A report about oil deposits commissioned by the jobs board for oil and gas workers is unlikely to be without bias.

Which you might have understood if you'd taken the time to read the link I put up.

I DID take the time to read your link hence the use of the word " COULD " in my post which you clearly missed in my post . Still I have posted a BBC  report about oil revenues which frankly if accurate makes the " Barnet formula" argument against the Scots look frankly ridiculous. Mind the BBC is probably Remain/ Brexit these days so can't be trusted byou either camp can it ?


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Re: Another referendum?
« Reply #149 on March 24, 2017, 10:05:00 am by hoolahoop »
Scots have a 9.5 % budget deficit, guess who is funding that lot!

Looks like the UK Budget deficit is running at a similar %


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