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Author Topic: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today  (Read 3658 times)

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What a set of w**kers they all are ,I would not piss on any of them if they was on fire.

What gets my goat is that if the country had voted to stay in the EU ,that would have been it as the leavers would have excepted it and moved on.

But not these left wing tossers ,as they can't take NO or the yes vote to leave for a answer .

And this really fcuks me off,the London police asked them not to hold a march in London today after the recent terror attack as it will spread and weaken the police across London .

But these gobshites put them sens first and blank police addvice as they know better.thet can not take on board that their actions today had put the rest of London at more risk from possible terror attack.

Surely they could have held the march in a few weeks time.

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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #1 on March 25, 2017, 05:01:19 pm by Syme »
Couple of days ago you were moaning Muslims weren't taking to the streets to make their objections heard.

Now here's some people doing exactly that and you don't like that either.

It must be very hard being you.


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'Kin 'ell Syme.
It really does look like you're stalking NOF.


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The police said the march could go ahead.  Before the referendum Nigel Farage said if the vote was 52 - 48 in favour of the EU, then it wasn't over. So what's the problem with people demonstrating, it's their democratic right.

Also noted that if these people were on fire you wouldn't piss on them, about the level of humanity the terrorists have too.


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #4 on March 25, 2017, 05:51:52 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
What gets my goat is that if the country had voted to stay in the EU ,that would have been it as the leavers would have excepted it and moved on.

But not these left wing tossers ,as they can't take NO or the yes vote to leave for a answer .

What gets my goat is that you know f*** all about this but still spout about it. Farage make it abundantly clear that he would NOT accept a Remain vote and would continue to press for another referendum if he didn't get the result he wanted.


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Surely they could have held the march in a few weeks time.

It was arranged for today to coincide with the EU 60th year since signing the Treaty of Rome. 
The date of the march was decided months ago as it needed planning and permission, you just can't turn up randomly and hope a couple of thousand join you.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 06:11:17 pm by Hounslowrover »


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #6 on March 25, 2017, 06:37:16 pm by DevilMayCry »
May's words: We will never give in to terror, we will move forward together


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #7 on March 25, 2017, 06:59:12 pm by Donnywolf »

What gets my goat is that if the country had voted to stay in the EU ,that would have been it as the leavers would have excepted it and moved on.

But not these left wing tossers ,as they can't take NO or the yes vote to leave for a answer .

My only comment and you may have seen it many times is this :

I DONT believe for a millisecond that if we had voted to stay that the Leave people would have just accepted it. They have been "at it" since we got in the EU and would have carried on if the vote HAD been Remain

That is why I say it was unfair because they (like the SNP) would have kept (and will keep) going and going till they get the Result they want and then the "losers" will have no chance of a second Ballot and be told to accept it as "its been a Democratic decision"

My last ever point is that Cameron was stupid to have a vote and incompetent for making it a simple majority because it was so close as to be devisive in the extreme !

Thats my lot I wont comment again - never mind Cameron's ok despite royally f*****g up
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 07:01:19 pm by Donnywolf »


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #8 on March 25, 2017, 07:19:02 pm by Lipsy »
What a set of w**kers they all are ,I would not piss on any of them if they was on fire.

What gets my goat is that if the country had voted to stay in the EU ,that would have been it as the leavers would have excepted it and moved on.

But not these left wing tossers ,as they can't take NO or the yes vote to leave for a answer .

And this really fcuks me off,the London police asked them not to hold a march in London today after the recent terror attack as it will spread and weaken the police across London .

But these gobshites put them sens first and blank police addvice as they know better.thet can not take on board that their actions today had put the rest of London at more risk from possible terror attack.

Surely they could have held the march in a few weeks time.

Where do you get your info, not on facebook?

“In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.” Nigel Farage, May 2016.

Not sure that the police did ask for the march to be postponed. I know that the lovely DM and the Sun reported this as being the case, but we know that those two rags are a little economical with the truth. I do know that the organisers of the march discussed it with the police in light of recent events and agreed to re-route it if the area was still being investigated (and even decide not to use a float that might have been seen as insensitive [pictured]). I get the feeling that had the police asked for it to be postponed then it wouldn't have gone ahead, but that's only my interpretation.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 07:24:55 pm by Lipsy »


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #9 on March 25, 2017, 07:55:37 pm by RedJ »
NOF calling anyone who has different opinion to his own a w**ker shocker.


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #10 on March 25, 2017, 07:58:53 pm by swifty50 »
26 tory mps on the March hardly left wing, I have the right to protest, Taking back control, the clocks go forward one hour tonight, the country goes BACK. 60 years on Wednesday


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #11 on March 25, 2017, 08:06:07 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
NOF calling anyone who has different opinion to his own a w**ker shocker.

Ignorance is no barrier to spouting bile.

Bentley Bullet

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26 tory mps on the March hardly left wing, I have the right to protest, Taking back control, the clocks go forward one hour tonight, the country goes BACK. 60 years on Wednesday

What do you mean back to the time when we'd never had it so good?

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'Kin 'ell Syme.
It really does look like you're stalking NOF.

You are not the only one that has pointed that out fella.

I worry when I go to sleep at night that he will turn up sit at my bedside ,so I now take
precautions by sleeping with the bedroom light on.

Have you ever noticed that he hardly ever posts owt about football ,which has been pointed out to by others .

Can't put my finger on him but he is a wrong'ern.


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #14 on March 25, 2017, 08:13:37 pm by Syme »
'Kin 'ell Syme.
It really does look like you're stalking NOF.

Good stuff. I couldn't care less. This guy spouts bigoted bullshit constantly. If I want to call him out on it I will. Regardless of what you, he or his right wing fans might think. If you're happy to sit back and keep quiet then that's your, cowardly, perogative.

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NOF calling anyone who has different opinion to his own a w**ker shocker.

Don't take to heart dear ,it's just the way I express myself instead of tip toeing over egg shells.


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #16 on March 25, 2017, 08:18:47 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Have you ever noticed that he hardly ever posts owt about football

Hmmm...now who else around here does that remind me of...?

Dagenham Rover

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Have you ever noticed that he hardly ever posts owt about football

Hmmm...now who else around here does that remind me of...?

Been thinking that a little while quite similar in a few  respects  ;)
 Not meaning nof
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 08:29:12 pm by Dagenham Rover »

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Have you ever noticed that he hardly ever posts owt about football

Hmmm...now who else around here does that remind me of...?

Glyn wind your neck in and please don't get involved ,your one of the better ones .


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #19 on March 25, 2017, 08:27:47 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
When you post ignorant bile on the VSC forum, everybody who uses it is involved.

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'Kin 'ell Syme.
It really does look like you're stalking NOF.

Good stuff. I couldn't care less. This guy spouts bigoted bullshit constantly. If I want to call him out on it I will. Regardless of what you, he or his right wing fans might think. If you're happy to sit back and keep quiet then that's your, cowardly, perogative.

Fact . . . . Iam not right wing ,never been on a march or listen to RW music .even the police have no records on me about any political left middle or right wing policy's.

Wrong or right I say what I think and I would never try to force what I think or say on others.

I do know some right wing people ,who don't but I allways keep them at arms length .

Never done a right arm salute or Gone fancy dress as hitler in my life.

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When you post ignorant bile on the VSC forum, everybody who uses it is involved.

Yes you have a point Glynn ,as what I post will upset some but variety is the spice of life.

Plaese keep out of this one as it seems syme is making this personal .

It's been brought too my attention by others ,but Iam thick skinned .


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #22 on March 25, 2017, 08:41:10 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
When you post ignorant bile on the VSC forum, everybody who uses it is involved.

Yes you have a point Glynn ,as what I post will upset some but variety is the spice of life.

Plaese keep out of this one as it seems syme is making this personal .

It's been brought too my attention by others ,but Iam thick skinned .

What do you mean 'keep out of this one'? I'll say what I need to say because I have the same right to post what I think as you do.

You give the impression that your whole life is based around having to be in conflict with someone or other all the time - or is that just when you're online?


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #23 on March 25, 2017, 08:42:15 pm by StocktonRover »
'Kin 'ell Syme.
It really does look like you're stalking NOF.

Good stuff. I couldn't care less. This guy spouts bigoted bullshit constantly. If I want to call him out on it I will. Regardless of what you, he or his right wing fans might think. If you're happy to sit back and keep quiet then that's your, cowardly, perogative.
You clearly seem to be on a mission with your opinionated stalking posts - but that's your prerogative.
For what it's worth it was an observation that seems to have resulted in you calling someone you have no idea about "cowardly".
I will assure you I am far from cowardly.
I haven't stated my opinion on this topic so how can you deduce that I'm "happy" to sit back and keep quiet?

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About brexit  > at least the country's fishing fleet will be happy when the U.K. Pulls out.

Think even the fish will be  Evan more happy too from what I overheard them saying


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #25 on March 25, 2017, 08:46:33 pm by Syme »
Perhaps Stockton, it's the fact this is the first peep from you, yet this guy has been posting bigoted nonsense for lord knows how long.

And the most you come up with is to criticise me for responding.

Shame on you.

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When you post ignorant bile on the VSC forum, everybody who uses it is involved.

Yes you have a point Glynn ,as what I post will upset some but variety is the spice of life.

Plaese keep out of this one as it seems syme is making this personal .

It's been brought too my attention by others ,but Iam thick skinned .

What do you mean 'keep out of this one'? I'll say what I need to say because I have the same right to post what I think as you do.

You give the impression that your whole life is based around having to be in conflict with someone or other all the time - or is that just when you're online?

You have valid points there Glynn ,so I stand corrected


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #27 on March 25, 2017, 08:49:03 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
About brexit  > at least the country's fishing fleet will be happy when the U.K. Pulls out.

Think even the fish will be  Evan more happy too from what I overheard them saying

Will they be happy when they lose the right to fish in EU waters?

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Perhaps Stockton, it's the fact this is the first peep from you, yet this guy has been posting bigoted nonsense for lord knows how long.

And the most you come up with is to criticise me for responding.

Shame on you.

Hey you upset me as I don't think it's nonsense .

You got me worried now as it seems I have been going down the wrong roads all my life,sir.


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Re: That brexit march by the left wing fruit cakes in London today
« Reply #29 on March 25, 2017, 08:54:06 pm by Syme »
What i find genuinely sad about you is that you appear to be living in one of the most progressive countries in the world.

And yet everything you say is loaded with hate, disgust or a longing for the days of Christmas past when you could punch your troubles away.

It's a crying shame.


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