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Author Topic: Free Rail travel  (Read 3689 times)

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Free Rail travel
« on June 24, 2017, 08:05:02 am by Donnywolf »
Managed to travel Thorne South to Mexborough with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Mexborough to Doncaster with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Doncaster to Thorne South with no Ticket collector coming for my fare

Amazing that they mope about lack of money and how lack of money prevents improvements

Amazingly they introduced a Peak Period to try to take in more money

Amazingly they knocked off free Travel for the Bus Pass holders as they could not afford to keep it there for them

And yet 3 journeys (again) where 3 Ticket Collectors did not collect any Fares. Sometimes they just cant collect the Fares as there are too many Passengers but here in my random sample none of the 3 even came out of their Pods at the back other than to open the doors !

Loads of people got on at Donny (at least 40 I would say) - so all that money that they crave was lost forever

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #1 on June 24, 2017, 08:46:29 am by DonnyOsmond »
Why not get a ticket at the station. ;)


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #2 on June 24, 2017, 10:24:19 am by nightporter »
I haven't been on a train for 30 years so know nowt about it but isn't there someway to pay for your travel without someone having to chase you up?

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #3 on June 24, 2017, 10:46:24 am by not on facebook »
Out here there are two types of train carriage to choose from.

Carriage one > is where you will have a ticket guard who will ask for your ticket and if you don't have one you can buy one ,but it will cost you so more than a ticket machine .its about 25% more than if you got a ticket from the machine on the stations.

carriage two > this is where you have to have a  valid ticket to be in it.a guard will pass throu the carriage but never ask you if you want to buy a ticket of check if you have one or not.

A ticket from where I live to oslo will cost about £5 ,but if you don't get a ticket and sit in the 2nd carriage without a ticket you will save yourself £5 .

BUt if the controll get on and they do and there is allways about 6 to 8 of them and you have not got a valid ticket in the 2nd carriage type you will get a on the spot fine of £100 ,that you will have to pay there and then.

If you can't provide any ID a Visa card which has your personal number on it which said number follows you from birth in norway or once you have gained residence ,they will call the police to deal with you.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #4 on June 24, 2017, 11:05:10 am by glosterred »
So you're admitting to theft then DW

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #5 on June 24, 2017, 11:38:56 am by not on facebook »
So you're admitting to theft then DW

He is making a point that no ticket collector came down the train giving him the option to buy a ticket,
from what I understand.

I guess the set up is that you take your seat on the train and the chap that looks like a bus conductor comes down and sells you a valid ticket.

Thorne to mexborough must take best part of 50mins on the train .

His problem would have been when he got off the train at the other end and there was a ticket controll as you leave the platform .

Susan Abbott

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #6 on June 24, 2017, 11:47:00 am by Susan Abbott »
Managed to travel Thorne South to Mexborough with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Mexborough to Doncaster with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Doncaster to Thorne South with no Ticket collector coming for my fare

Amazing that they mope about lack of money and how lack of money prevents improvements

Amazingly they introduced a Peak Period to try to take in more money

Amazingly they knocked off free Travel for the Bus Pass holders as they could not afford to keep it there for them

And yet 3 journeys (again) where 3 Ticket Collectors did not collect any Fares. Sometimes they just cant collect the Fares as there are too many Passengers but here in my random sample none of the 3 even came out of their Pods at the back other than to open the doors !

Loads of people got on at Donny (at least 40 I would say) - so all that money that they crave was lost forever

All that's required now is that you sign your confession for stealing by failing to purchase a ticket to travel  and hand to the Transport Police . Very clever of you to post it on line . Doh !!

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #7 on June 24, 2017, 12:04:33 pm by not on facebook »
If he was on a east coast mainline train to London kingsX a train guard would ask you for a valid ticket all day long.

Is it a different set up on local trains or something.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #8 on June 24, 2017, 12:30:22 pm by roversdude »
Not always the case Oslo

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #9 on June 24, 2017, 01:13:14 pm by not on facebook »
Not always the case Oslo

Can you board a east coast main line train without no valid ticket with option of buying a ticket on the train?


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #10 on June 24, 2017, 01:46:22 pm by RedJ »
Not always the case Oslo

Can you board a east coast main line train without no valid ticket with option of buying a ticket on the train?

Yes. Also, and I'm not advocating this, but once the train guard switches over on some sections of ECML they just ask for all tickets from a certain point, so you could easily just lie. How you'd get out of a barriered station however is another matter, unless you went on to use a branch line to a nearby station I suppose.

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #11 on June 24, 2017, 02:25:27 pm by not on facebook »
Often wondered about the train guard going down the train asking for tickets only from Sheffield after train had left that station when it came from Manchester airport stopping at Manchester and Stockport.

It's as if you can dodge the first check after getting on at Manchester you will or could get allway to cleggy without a ticket .

What if you buy a ticket from Manchester airport to Stockport get your ticket checked by the guard ,but stay on all way to cleggy .you would save a fortune


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #12 on June 24, 2017, 04:06:18 pm by RedJ »
Some people try the old 'falling asleep' on the train trick and make out they've missed their stop if they get questioned.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #13 on June 24, 2017, 05:47:51 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
If he was on a east coast mainline train to London kingsX a train guard would ask you for a valid ticket all day long.

Is it a different set up on local trains or something.

I regularly travel to London and regularly it's never checked.

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #14 on June 24, 2017, 06:30:06 pm by not on facebook »
Some people try the old 'falling asleep' on the train trick and make out they've missed their stop if they get questioned.

I have seen them do that here ,but it don't work with the controll as they would say that you was fully awake when you got onto the carriage where you know guard never checks tickets and you must have a valid ticket to sit in said carriage.

You can tell the jibbers from a mile off .
They are allways last to get on a train as they walk down platform checking if controll are all ready on the train.the controll where a uniform which I think is a mistake .

On the oslo underground system they don't wear a uniform and pull out IDs American police style when they announce themselves to the whole carriage.

It's quite pafetic when a jibber try his best to avoid the controll on the underground as they move out of their seat and make forvthr door .there is allways about about 9 in a controll squad and all with on the spot payment machines.

About 3 of them will allways stand back and watch the rest of the carriage ,and anyone that try's to leave without been checked will get surrounded and type of kettles into the corner as the ticket controll take full controll.

The pricks that try to doge the fare then at times start to scream " don't touch me ,Iam pregnant ,I have to get off  " etc etc .

I got up one day and told this screaming swearing prick to shut the fcuk up as there was a full school of kinder garden kids on the train and they did not need to see or hear his vile mouth.

If it had not been for the controll I would have knocked him out


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #15 on June 24, 2017, 07:46:12 pm by Donnywolf »
So you're admitting to theft then DW

He is making a point that no ticket collector came down the train giving him the option to buy a ticket,
from what I understand.

I guess the set up is that you take your seat on the train and the chap that looks like a bus conductor comes down and sells you a valid ticket.

Thorne to mexborough must take best part of 50mins on the train .

His problem would have been when he got off the train at the other end and there was a ticket controll as you leave the platform .

I have read only the posts above this and not the ones below yet but - yes EXACTLY correct.

It is a criminal offence to board a Train without a valid ticket IF and thats a big if there is a way of buying a Ticket before you board

However Thorne South has no such facility and as yet nobody has come up with pre paying via a Voucher / Oyster Card system. So I rely on buying a Ticket on the Train but the f*****s dont come out to sell one.

Mexborough is open to sell Tickets until 6 pm at a guess so there again it becomes "pay on the Train" and yet again nobody bothered

Then I had to scoot at Donny from one Platform to another Train to Thorne and here is where I did break the law because it was incumbent on me to get a valid Ticket cos there are a) people selling them and b) there are Machines selling them.

Nobody ever buys them because the Collectors dont enforce the "edict" and the punters always say - sorry I had to run for the Train. What they mean is I know there will be a 50 50 chance of travelling for free so I am taking it

I will read the rest now (bring in Oyster Cards or similar NOW)


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #16 on June 24, 2017, 07:56:14 pm by Donnywolf »
Managed to travel Thorne South to Mexborough with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Mexborough to Doncaster with no Ticket collector coming for my fare
Managed to travel Doncaster to Thorne South with no Ticket collector coming for my fare

Amazing that they mope about lack of money and how lack of money prevents improvements

Amazingly they introduced a Peak Period to try to take in more money

Amazingly they knocked off free Travel for the Bus Pass holders as they could not afford to keep it there for them

And yet 3 journeys (again) where 3 Ticket Collectors did not collect any Fares. Sometimes they just cant collect the Fares as there are too many Passengers but here in my random sample none of the 3 even came out of their Pods at the back other than to open the doors !

Loads of people got on at Donny (at least 40 I would say) - so all that money that they crave was lost forever

All that's required now is that you sign your confession for stealing by failing to purchase a ticket to travel  and hand to the Transport Police . Very clever of you to post it on line . Doh !!


If I join a Train at Thorne South or Stainforth or Kirk Sandall (just to give 3 examples) there are no Ticket Offices. There are no Ticket Machines and there is no current way of pre Paying

We laugh at some Countries abroad but for Public transport there you have to pre-pay (which I think is an admirable way to go). Then you have to Validate your Ticket by punching it as you get on the Bus Tram or Train Everybody pays and the fares stay reasonable  . Then Ticket Collectors board randomly and if you have not "punched" your Ticket (which will do them out of about 10p) you get fined about £60.

Much better system - so I am sorry if you misunderstood my post. I was not celebrating at evading Fares. I was criticising the Train Companies and Central Govt here for failing to deploy an adequate system to collect DOH they are entitled to whilst claiming they are short of money for vital infrastructure  improvements

That will need more DOUGH and they have only to find people willing to collect it or get it upfront
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 07:59:44 pm by Donnywolf »

tommy toes

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #17 on June 24, 2017, 08:20:37 pm by tommy toes »
You shouldn't have to pay to go to Mexborough John, they should pay you.

I used to work in Donny with a bloke who travelled from and back to York every day by train. He never paid.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #18 on June 24, 2017, 08:26:12 pm by Donnywolf »
Also I cant stand the fact that those from Kirk Sandall (sorry for the honest ones) get on the front of the Train on their way to work

There is little chance that the Collector / Guard will make it as far as them = and so they travel for nowt when the rest of us understand the need for us ALL to pay

Then on the way home the KS passengers are LEGALLY required to purchase a Ticket prior to Boarding nut do they ? Most of them will not because ahain they will hop on the Train right at the very front knowing that 95% of the time the Guard wont get to them. Result ? Free Travel again

If they are "challenged" by the Guard they will say "sorry I was rushing to get my Train so I missed getting a Ticket " but I dont mind paying now - but in reality live in KS travel for free. Dont worry non payers the rest of us will keep the system afloat and viable 

andy didcott

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #19 on June 24, 2017, 08:29:37 pm by andy didcott »
Same Bentley to Donny, no facilities to buy a ticket at Bentley and you very rarely see a guard. Return journey never see a guard but their are opportunities to buy a ticket at Donny and it is illegal to board a train when you have the chance to buy one, fare dodgers, absolutely tons of em on this train.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #20 on June 24, 2017, 08:58:04 pm by Donnywolf »
Same Bentley to Donny, no facilities to buy a ticket at Bentley and you very rarely see a guard. Return journey never see a guard but their are opportunities to buy a ticket at Donny and it is illegal to board a train when you have the chance to buy one, fare dodgers, absolutely tons of em on this train.

Correct - The point (missed by some on here) that my OP was trying to convey

Personally it would be good if the local Train system went t**s up

Then all the fare dodgers would be moaning for sure but failing to realise that they (by not paying their money had caused the Train to go bust)

Better still when they then caught the Bus to Donny every morning the Driver would be waiting to get them as they got on ! Magic - pay up you gits


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #21 on June 24, 2017, 09:00:19 pm by Donnywolf »
So you're admitting to theft then DW



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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #22 on June 24, 2017, 10:20:33 pm by balbyrover »
If i can get away without paying I will do.  Its a bonus for me.
I got back from Brentford without a ticket and regularly travel to Meadowhall for nothing 

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #23 on June 24, 2017, 10:37:12 pm by not on facebook »
Well after donnywolfs explanation glosterred and Susan Abbott may I suggest you use the green cross type of code before you answer a post

Said code > think once think twice think trice ,before you post because I won't be there when you post or you will look like egg fried rice.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #24 on June 25, 2017, 09:54:49 am by glosterred »
Well after donnywolfs explanation glosterred and Susan Abbott may I suggest you use the green cross type of code before you answer a post

Said code > think once think twice think trice ,before you post because I won't be there when you post or you will look like egg fried rice.

May I suggest you use the code as well

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #25 on June 25, 2017, 11:50:42 am by not on facebook »
gloster that humble pie never taste good does it


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #26 on June 25, 2017, 05:15:43 pm by glosterred »
gloster that humble pie never taste good does it

Don't know not eating it, are you

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #27 on June 25, 2017, 05:53:51 pm by not on facebook »
gloster that humble pie never taste good does it

Don't know not eating it, are you

Had more than enough servings of humble pie on here due to my slackness I guess fella.

Admitting it is part of the healing process ,as it's hard for folk to accept when they have been wrong.

But it's all character building at its best.


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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #28 on June 25, 2017, 05:57:36 pm by glosterred »
gloster that humble pie never taste good does it

Don't know not eating it, are you

Had more than enough servings of humble pie on here due to my slackness I guess fella.

Admitting it is part of the healing process ,as it's hard for folk to accept when they have been wrong.

But it's all character building at its best.

You make me laugh

not on facebook

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Re: Free Rail travel
« Reply #29 on June 25, 2017, 06:05:27 pm by not on facebook »
I shake my head saying tut tut bloody tut when Iam been force feed lashing  and lashings of humble pie .


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