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Author Topic: This London cyclist with no front brakes that caused death of a lady perdestrian  (Read 5871 times)

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Something about him that gives me the right hump.

By all accounts he had some special type of sports push iron that don't have any brakes on it ,as it basically can only stop via it's own steam.

Said prick claims that he did not know he was breaking the law which means he must have thought he was never a threat on his push iron while bombing around his neck of woods on London streets with no brakes on it.

The above was his defence in court ffs.hiw the fcuk can you take a bike onto whatever street with no brakes and not think that you are a possible danger to whoever never mind yourself.

After having a crash with a lady who was crossing the road in the wrong place is neither here or there ,as after they crashed and banged heads he got up and was shouting his head off at the injuryed lady.

He even went onto various social media outlets putting all blame onto the lady who died some days after the incedent.

Basically it seems lady stepped out infront of him and he could not stop as he had no brakes and ploughed straight into her.

Every action has a reaction ,and his action to take a bike out that has no brakes lead to reaction of lady's death.

He will only get two years at most I guess and he and his family can carry o with their life,unlike the poor lady's family.

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Think it had rear brakes only but none on the front. He's still a dick like.....

afro goal machine

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I've not seen the full account of what happened but as I understand it he claims that had it had a front break he wouldn't have time to use it, yet apparently had time to shout at the lady to get out of the way twice ???


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  • Posts: 17382
I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the road with no front brake?


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I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the road with no front brake?

I think it's the other way round in Stainy, it's illegal to have brakes and it's also illegal to have lights in the dark 😀


  • Forum Member
  • Posts: 29940
On the beeb news this morning they showed some videos that cyclists had taken themselves.
Groups of them weaving in and out of traffic at speed, not stopping for pedestrian crossings etc.
They were squeezing through tiny gaps between busses and lorries.
When they complain about vehicle drivers they should consider how bad this looks.

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I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the road with no front brake?

The pillock up in the dock for crashing into the lady must be a serious bike person to have such a sporty bike for knocking about on and part of his defence in court was the fact that he did not know it was against the law not to have front brakes on a push iron.

Thta claim is poppycock and his mother warrants a slap with a wet fish across her chops for baking him.


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  • Posts: 12021
I thought it was illegal to ride a bike on the road with no front brake?

Yes but the law against it doesn't take any account of any injuries resulting from breaking that law, which is why he was found guilty under the archaic law that they used. The 'death by dangerous driving' law only covers motor vehicles, not bicycles.


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Ah, thanks Glyn. I get it. The law doesnt take into consideration the consequences of the action, only the action itself.


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Yes, that pretty much sums it up. The only step up from what he was found guilty of where the consequences of actions are taken into consideration is manslaughter and he was cleared of that.


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I do not condone the cyclist in any way,and would like to bet that he was on the road without a bell on his bike as well,which I think is also illegal.
  But,the report i heard on the radio also stated  that the lady was using her phone while crossing the road,its just as bad not concentrating on the traffic.


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That's possibly why he was cleared of manslaughter, but I don't know the details of what was said in court. It certainly doesn't absolve him of his culpability though.

German Rover

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He admitted in court that she wasn't on her phone like he'd said. The lying little bas**rd should have been done for perjury as well.


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  • Posts: 12021
He admitted in court that she wasn't on her phone like he'd said. The lying little bas**rd should have been done for perjury as well.

He can only be done for perjury if he lied about it in court whilst under oath.


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The fact he has shown no remorse speaks loudly of his character, a fact picked up on by the Judge and another reason why he will get a custodial sentence. What should also be highlighted is that it is this type of moron who makes it all the more dangerous for cyclists who do observe the rules of the road. 


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Why is it that the judge has said he is to expect a custodial sentence is he allowed out on bail?

wing commander

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   It's a sad fact of life that these things happen..People make mistakes,misjudge distances,take there eye off the road or get distracted and it's in the hands of fate if you get away with it or not...I have to admit I didn't have a clue it was illegal to ride a bike without brakes...However if that had been me I would be distraught..remorse wouldn't even cover it and to him it comes across as it means nothing,so lock him up for me...
    All we hear on roads is think Bike both for cyclists and my bug bear motorcyclists...Yet everyday I pass cyclists riding 2 abreast causing that bigger avenue of doubt and danger and motorbikes flying around at 100 mph in 60's passing you that quick you could easily miss them in the space it takes to look in your mirrors...


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everyday I pass cyclists riding 2 abreast

Christ, don't say that to a cyclist it's like a red rag to bull.


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It is legal for cyclists to ride side by side but they should go to single file on busy or narrow roads.


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It's the t**ts who ride on the pavement - which is illegal - who are the bigger danger to other people, because they take no account whatsoever of people they can't see coming out of houses/gates etc.


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When I used to cycle to work I was one of those 't**ts' who, for my own safety rode on pavements.  I was constantly on guard for pedestrians and took every care that I should.  Never caused a problem to anyone.


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The bloke this thread is about never caused a problem to anyone either. Until he hit someone.


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Re: This London cyclist with no front brakes that caused death of a lady perdestrian
« Reply #22 on August 25, 2017, 06:57:07 pm by darren61 »
You couldnt pay me enough money to ride a bicycle on any road in the UK.

wilts rover

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If someone is inconsiderate and selfish it's irrelevant the mode of transport they use - at some point they are going to cause danger to someone else. Look at the jogger who pushed the woman under the bus for instance.

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The bloke this thread is about never caused a problem to anyone either. Until he hit someone.

I can't take onboard that he was on his bike around his neck of the woods bombing about.

There is no way he was going on reduced speed at any given time ,but claims that he was not doing anything wrong after he hit the lady crossing the road.

The fact that he was out on the streets with only back brakes will tell any person no matter how thick they are that they are a risk.

He was an adult not a kid.

What would be the stance  be if a car driver went out with faulty braking action > he be deemed a fool and a danger on the road.

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  • Posts: 2741
If someone is inconsiderate and selfish it's irrelevant the mode of transport they use - at some point they are going to cause danger to someone else. Look at the jogger who pushed the woman under the bus for instance.

Did they ever find that pillockk of a jogger


  • VSC Member
  • Posts: 5115
The bloke this thread is about never caused a problem to anyone either. Until he hit someone.

So, what do you think of those t**ts in the highways department who make cycle lanes on the pavements?  are they the subject of your venom too?


  • VSC Member
  • Posts: 12021
The bloke this thread is about never caused a problem to anyone either. Until he hit someone.

So, what do you think of those t**ts in the highways department who make cycle lanes on the pavements?  are they the subject of your venom too?

I've never seen one, but if they put them on pavements in residential or shopping areas, then yes.

Draytonian III

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I use my bike a lot, riding to work, to the bookies etc and 90% of the time I ride on the pavement admittedly there's hardly anyone about walking , but I feel a lot more safer.

Bentley Bullet

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The prospect of a fine is more attractive than a death sentence.


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