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Author Topic: Uber > yes or no  (Read 6953 times)

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #30 on September 24, 2017, 02:29:05 pm by MrFrost »


Proof I was in his taxi? How would you get that, exactly?

The name of the taxi company, the name the booking was made under, pick up and drop off point, days and times?

A couple of those will do, the system is easily checkable

I'll just consult my diary from about three years ago.

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #31 on September 24, 2017, 02:58:34 pm by Filo »


Proof I was in his taxi? How would you get that, exactly?

The name of the taxi company, the name the booking was made under, pick up and drop off point, days and times?

A couple of those will do, the system is easily checkable

I'll just consult my diary from about three years ago.

Your full of shit


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #32 on September 24, 2017, 02:59:00 pm by MrFrost »


Proof I was in his taxi? How would you get that, exactly?

The name of the taxi company, the name the booking was made under, pick up and drop off point, days and times?

A couple of those will do, the system is easily checkable

I'll just consult my diary from about three years ago.

Your full of shit



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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #33 on September 24, 2017, 03:59:30 pm by Glyn_Wigley »


Proof I was in his taxi? How would you get that, exactly?

The name of the taxi company, the name the booking was made under, pick up and drop off point, days and times?

A couple of those will do, the system is easily checkable

I'll just consult my diary from about three years ago.

You don't need to consult a diary to tell us the name of the taxi company you're so insistent that you know so well.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #34 on September 24, 2017, 04:00:14 pm by Glyn_Wigley »


Proof I was in his taxi? How would you get that, exactly?

The name of the taxi company, the name the booking was made under, pick up and drop off point, days and times?

A couple of those will do, the system is easily checkable

I'll just consult my diary from about three years ago.

Your full of shit


Way to go to change the subject.

Mystic Glyn strikes again.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #35 on September 24, 2017, 09:28:03 pm by Filo »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up



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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #36 on September 24, 2017, 10:27:43 pm by MrFrost »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up


Carry on digging through the archives Filo. There's plenty more you're not sharing


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #37 on September 24, 2017, 10:35:58 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up


Carry on digging through the archives Filo. There's plenty more you're not sharing

Pot. Kettle. Grimy arse.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #38 on September 24, 2017, 10:42:45 pm by MrFrost »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up


Carry on digging through the archives Filo. There's plenty more you're not sharing

Pot. Kettle. Grimy arse.

I think you need your POF fix.

not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #39 on September 24, 2017, 11:00:54 pm by not on facebook »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up


There is only one thing that gets my goat on the internett and that is when a person try their best
to dig out another's ID  and personal details .

Mr filo choose the username filo to help him keep his ID and whatever personall data from whoever he felt the need .

Mr frost I have allways had you as one of the better apples ,but I can't get my head round that you have twice tried to dig out personal facts on mr filo .

I find it very  very disturbing to claim to know someone via what seems incorrect info or mind games or grasping at straws ,it's just not cricket or queensbury rules.

Mr frost let it go and give your head a slight wobble .

Only way I would be happy if some buggers true ID and personal details was splashed across the net is if they was a child toucher ,sex case or terrorist ,to which I like to think non of them are on here.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #40 on September 24, 2017, 11:04:04 pm by Bentley Bullet »
I'm confused here. Is Filo and Glyn Wigerly the same person? Failing that I'm quite sure Filo is quite capable of dealing with his own argument.

Billy, sort your party out, will you!


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #41 on September 24, 2017, 11:46:29 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
This is the last time a certain person claimed I'd picked them up


Carry on digging through the archives Filo. There's plenty more you're not sharing

Pot. Kettle. Grimy arse.

I think you need your POF fix.

You must go on there looking for men a lot then as I haven't been on there since I met my wife on it and that was well over three years ago.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 11:51:07 pm by Glyn_Wigley »


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #42 on September 24, 2017, 11:49:33 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
I'm confused here. Is Filo and Glyn Wigerly the same person? Failing that I'm quite sure Filo is quite capable of dealing with his own argument.

Billy, sort your party out, will you!

I couldn't give a flying one about fighting for Filo. I want Frosty to either spill the beans or shut the feck up about it because it just looks like he's all piss and wind as usual.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #43 on September 25, 2017, 12:17:23 am by albie »
Back to Uber, Ladeez and Gennelmen!

Interesting reasons given for turning down Uber, and the business model was not really an issue for TfL.
Uber can still revise their stance on the points raised while their appeal is in play.

The idea of setting up a city wide scheme might have some backers;
Now's the time for an employee-owned Uber | WIRED UK

not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #44 on September 25, 2017, 12:28:06 am by not on facebook »
There is no way in 51.8 years that Glynn is filo or filo is Glynn BB,where did that assumption come from.

While iam at it what is POF ? is this some gibbleydoook internet twang that I have not got a grasp for  > that's a 10/4 rubber duck,do you copy>

not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #45 on September 25, 2017, 12:49:32 am by not on facebook »
Back to Uber, Ladeez and Gennelmen!

Interesting reasons given for turning down Uber, and the business model was not really an issue for TfL.
Uber can still revise their stance on the points raised while their appeal is in play.

The idea of setting up a city wide scheme might have some backers;
Now's the time for an employee-owned Uber | WIRED UK

Uber was not reporting or logging  whatever crimes that was committed by their drivers in a correct fashion according to what the police say.

This is why uber are going to be blocked from operations it seems.there are numerous country's or city's across Europe that have all ready put a block on uber from operating in their regions.

So with the above I will not lose any sleep if uber go to the wall when you take into account how high up rape cases have happened by uber drivers picking off lone drunk women drivers.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #46 on September 25, 2017, 09:44:48 am by hoolahoop »


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #47 on September 25, 2017, 10:32:27 am by NickDRFC »
If this thread was a film, Mr Frost and Glyn Wigley /Filo would definitely start kissing after such a tense and dramatic build up 😘😂

not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #48 on September 25, 2017, 10:42:39 am by not on facebook »
Saying that about uber if they are happy to put their house in order from what the police have issues with ,I can't see why they can't carry on running its opperation

not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #49 on September 25, 2017, 10:45:38 am by not on facebook »
If this thread was a film, Mr Frost and Glyn Wigley /Filo would definitely start kissing after such a tense and dramatic build up 😘😂

Them three swapping spit will put me off me tea > I take it that you mean full on gob openers and not pecks


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #50 on September 25, 2017, 06:33:35 pm by hoolahoop »
Those of you who use Uber. I assume you understand their business model?

1) Play the "we're the friend of the punter who wants a cab - in fact we'll make prices so low that we won't make a profit for 5 years," card.

2) Drive as many taxi firm competitors out of business as they can.

3) In the meantime, invest shit loads in driverless car technology.

4) Be a monopoly business by 2030 when no drivers are needed.

5) Charge what the f**k you want...

This is a MASSIVE class war. What Uber plans is to put about 50 million drivers out of work across the world, and reap the profits for its investors. The cheap cab fares approach is just the initial skirmishes of that war.

Those of you who use Uber are the equivalent of those who used to blindly agree with what the Soviet Union said. You are blindly lapping up the product without thinking about the strategic position that powerful men are planning. We used to call the old Soviet lackeys "useful idiots". That's what Uber users are. Useful idiots who lap up cheap fares today, and don't give a moment's thoughtvas to what the implications will be in 10 years' time. 


Very similar to the Brexitears then Billy in that they are getting those that will suffer the most to blindly put their thumbs up to their cynical ploys to erode workers rights and grabbing power all for themselves.

Just like the Über business model it relies on those that it will affect the most to blithely make the rope and build the scaffolds that will later serve for their own  executions.

silent majority

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #51 on September 25, 2017, 06:48:26 pm by silent majority »
A very interesting article about Uber here, whether for or against;


not on facebook

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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #52 on September 25, 2017, 07:56:49 pm by not on facebook »
Well if owt it's about time that London black cabs woke up and smelt the coffee ,as they are by far more exspenive and have major issues of many drivers taking the piss by going on the longer route.


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Re: Uber > yes or no
« Reply #53 on September 25, 2017, 08:05:11 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
London traffic is ridiculous. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of cabbies use their local knowledge and will go a way that's longer in milage but is quicker in time taken because it avoids the black spots for snarl-ups.


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