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Author Topic: McCall  (Read 26860 times)

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Re: McCall
« Reply #90 on June 26, 2018, 10:07:58 am by Glyn_Wigley »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

Best laugh I've had all week!

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Re: McCall
« Reply #91 on June 26, 2018, 10:24:44 am by Boomstick »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

Best laugh I've had all week!
He's right though. You know it


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Re: McCall
« Reply #92 on June 26, 2018, 10:30:38 am by Glyn_Wigley »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

Best laugh I've had all week!
He's right though. You know it

Second best laugh I've had all week!


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Re: McCall
« Reply #93 on June 26, 2018, 11:32:49 am by Boomstick »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

There's no doubt in my mind you are right, the shills on here try to disprove it, but have zero argument.
Luckily most fans do realise the truth.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #94 on June 26, 2018, 11:44:12 am by RedJ »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

There's no doubt in my mind you are right, the shills on here try to disprove it, but have zero argument.
Luckily most fans do realise the truth.

So what exactly is there to back up this "truth" that the same old people keep pushing as absolute fact despite there being evidence that Ferguson has been backed financially by the board?

Of course there's no doubt in your mind, you've always used every opportunity you could to bash the club and in particular the board.

Cantley Rover

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Re: McCall
« Reply #95 on June 26, 2018, 11:57:46 am by Cantley Rover »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

There's no doubt in my mind you are right, the shills on here try to disprove it, but have zero argument.
Luckily most fans do realise the truth.

So what exactly is there to back up this "truth" that the same old people keep pushing as absolute fact despite there being evidence that Ferguson has been backed financially by the board?

Of course there's no doubt in your mind, you've always used every opportunity you could to bash the club and in particular the board.

Equally balanced by your obsession that the board or club can do no wrong and anyone who argues against you is wrong.

Michael Shaw

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Re: McCall
« Reply #96 on June 26, 2018, 11:58:14 am by Michael Shaw »

As Paul says we get told nothing so why do we even have this site if we can't speculate:-

"No one really knows the answers to the aforementioned questions because no one knows what the top table is thinking. It’s a total contrast to the reign of an outspoken John Ryan.

The club’s actions over the next month or so, in terms of who comes in, should speak volumes about their intentions.

But being more open about the direction the club is going in, and also the timescales involved, would potentially align people’s expectations and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.

In light of recent events, the fans need more information in black and white."

But I am sure plenty are happy knowing nothing.

Michael Shaw

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Re: McCall
« Reply #97 on June 26, 2018, 12:05:33 pm by Michael Shaw »
I could have just said that there was probably an issue over the budget like some would, but I did justify my comments by referring to articles where Ferguson had to back down from wanting 2 players in every position, down to versatile players, down to cheaper players. It came as no surprise tome when he resigned. The writing was on the wall.

Unfortunately all some members can say is "what a load of b*llocks". Clearly they don't have a grammar school education or had any respect for anyone else in a debating group.  Sums up the general negative public perception of football fans that we all get tarred with.

Michael Shaw

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Re: McCall
« Reply #98 on June 26, 2018, 12:11:29 pm by Michael Shaw »
Thanks Cantley Rover, there is a lack of balance. Any suggestion of negativity is just jumped on. If the budget is or is not an issue it's just a statement and is what it is. We can still follow the team next season whoever we get for a manager or new players but we don;t have to agree with everything said and done.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #99 on June 26, 2018, 12:20:46 pm by DearneValleyRover »
Thanks Cantley Rover, there is a lack of balance. Any suggestion of negativity is just jumped on. If the budget is or is not an issue it's just a statement and is what it is. We can still follow the team next season whoever we get for a manager or new players but we don;t have to agree with everything said and done.

It's not the negative comments, we are all entitled to an opinion, it's the stating that yours are based on fact that you can justify your comments on evidence which appears to be third hand in the local rag hardly evidence.
Here is something for you to digest given your Grammar school education I'm surprised  you need it pointing out.

The board have made zero statement about Ferguson's departure and I mean zero, he wasn't even thanked for his services or wished well in his future, given that he resigned don't you feel that is odd if all was well?
Not everything is black and white and because only one party see's fit to air their dissatisfaction in a local paper doesn't mean it's the whole truth. Now obviously I'm going to be vilified as a board lover rather than someone with an opposing view on why Ferguson resigned.   


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Re: McCall
« Reply #100 on June 26, 2018, 12:37:06 pm by GazLaz »
Seems like I was put away when I was told it was McCall. McCann announcement 3pm.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #101 on June 26, 2018, 12:41:49 pm by NickDRFC »
Seems like I was put away when I was told it was McCall. McCann announcement 3pm.

Hahaha or maybe it will be somebody else. Throw enough shit and eventually some will stick.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #102 on June 26, 2018, 12:46:12 pm by GazLaz »
Seems like I was put away when I was told it was McCall. McCann announcement 3pm.

Hahaha or maybe it will be somebody else. Throw enough shit and eventually some will stick.

3 o’clock!


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Re: McCall
« Reply #103 on June 26, 2018, 12:54:10 pm by Retdon1 »
Seems like I was put away when I was told it was McCall. McCann announcement 3pm.

Hahaha or maybe it will be somebody else. Throw enough shit and eventually some will stick.

3 o’clock!

Just admit you know as little as everyone else.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #104 on June 26, 2018, 12:56:10 pm by RedJ »
I don't doubt for one second that what I have said is close to the truth and more astute fans who have read every article will know it is true. It is the most logical explanation for Ferguson leaving.
I don't care what anyone thinks if the truth hurts. The same old posters just keep on saying everyone else is wrong. It gets boring. This forum should be open to everyone to have an opinion. Even you have the right to be wrong. At least I try to justify my comments.

There's no doubt in my mind you are right, the shills on here try to disprove it, but have zero argument.
Luckily most fans do realise the truth.

So what exactly is there to back up this "truth" that the same old people keep pushing as absolute fact despite there being evidence that Ferguson has been backed financially by the board?

Of course there's no doubt in your mind, you've always used every opportunity you could to bash the club and in particular the board.

Equally balanced by your obsession that the board or club can do no wrong and anyone who argues against you is wrong.

But that isn't how I feel or think, is it. That's just what you've decided.

I don't think the club can do no wrong, I just don't assume the worst because I've decided that's the truth based on nothing more than very little hearsay and conjecture.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #105 on June 26, 2018, 01:06:50 pm by rover-n-out »
Well said DVR, common sense usually prevails, and no doubting your comments on the boards lack of any sort of statement regarding DF's departure are FACT, as we are all aware of that.
There are 2 sides to this issue, and up to now we have only heard what DF chose to tell the DFP.

Will the board ever tell us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
My personal feeling is no, I don't think they will.
If they feel that whatever happened in the board room that precipitated DF's resignation is for their ears only, then that is their prerogative.

Why are so many people intent on knowing every detail  about what happens in the boardroom? and please don't anyone give me that "I spend part of me hard earned wages on Rovers, so I have a right to bloody well know" crap. They are selling a product, and we as ardent followers decide whether or not we choose to buy it.

A rather minor analogy is, if I spend 50p on a Snickers bar, do I have the right to know which person made the recipe for it, and who put the nuts and chocolate on it in the factory? No, so then why do I have the right to know what goes on in the board room just because I choose to spend £17 quid on a Rovers ticket?


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Re: McCall
« Reply #106 on June 26, 2018, 01:24:51 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
Said it before we actually get far more details about the running of our club than lots of other fans. Maybe this has just created the expectation that we need more, or maybe its something to moan about and bash the club with...


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Re: McCall
« Reply #107 on June 26, 2018, 01:38:53 pm by RedJ »
Probably a bit of both.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #108 on June 26, 2018, 02:07:20 pm by GazLaz »
It doesn't really matter who is left in the running, it will come down to who wants the least amount of money!

I thought this was b*llocks when I first read it. McCall definitely wanted more money and a bigger budget. That ultimately swung it for McCann at the last minute. I really didn’t think that wages would ultimately be an issue.

Copps is Magic

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Re: McCall
« Reply #109 on June 26, 2018, 02:15:20 pm by Copps is Magic »
What am I reading?

Gaz you are claiming to have intimate knowledge of a discussion that could only have happened between a handful of people.

Again, where are you getting this from?


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Re: McCall
« Reply #110 on June 26, 2018, 02:16:10 pm by rtid88 »
McCann clear favourite now, looks like it's happening!

Shocking decision if true.


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Re: McCall
« Reply #111 on June 26, 2018, 02:18:02 pm by raggytash »
McCall’s not a yet a yes man like McCann shocking appointment at best, he’s done nothing, where as McCall as been there and done it, with bigger clubs than us...


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Re: McCall
« Reply #112 on June 26, 2018, 02:19:18 pm by DearneValleyRover »
McCall’s not a yet a yes man like McCann shocking appointment at best, he’s done nothing, where as McCall as been there and done it, with bigger clubs than us...
Assuming Gaz is right obviously


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Re: McCall
« Reply #113 on June 26, 2018, 02:21:35 pm by rtid88 »
Someone must have stuck a massive bet on McCann for the odds to have swayed as much as they have.

Copps is Magic

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Re: McCall
« Reply #114 on June 26, 2018, 02:22:53 pm by Copps is Magic »
McCall’s not a yet a yes man like McCann shocking appointment at best, he’s done nothing, where as McCall as been there and done it, with bigger clubs than us...

Been there and done what exactly?


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Re: McCall
« Reply #115 on June 26, 2018, 02:24:00 pm by redbrez »
About sums us up at the moment , don't get the first choice because he wants a budget for transfers , might has well dragged someone of the streets
Not sure what's going off, but will get slated for having my opinion , not impressed the slightest with mcann
We are going backwards , and people are still justifying the board, we cut the wage bill, and each year the deficit is 2 million ,  we get relegated slash wages and the deficit is 2 million , we lose player s out of contract and the deficit is million,  so to get on a even keel we get rid of the first team and play the youth squad , why is are budget different to teams like Shrewsbury  Rochdale, do they have a budget where they carnt sign players.

I for one think something isn't right
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 02:31:40 pm by redbrez »


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Re: McCall
« Reply #116 on June 26, 2018, 02:24:39 pm by GazLaz »
What am I reading?

Gaz you are claiming to have intimate knowledge of a discussion that could only have happened between a handful of people.

Again, where are you getting this from?

Do you think the people involved in the recruitment process don’t talk to anyone at all?


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Re: McCall
« Reply #117 on June 26, 2018, 02:26:07 pm by Boomstick »
McCall’s not a yet a yes man like McCann shocking appointment at best, he’s done nothing, where as McCall as been there and done it, with bigger clubs than us...

Been there and done what exactly?
Only managed more clubs, got more experience, and had a hell of a lot more success.

Bristol Red Rover

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Re: McCall
« Reply #118 on June 26, 2018, 02:27:22 pm by Bristol Red Rover »
What am I reading?

Gaz you are claiming to have intimate knowledge of a discussion that could only have happened between a handful of people.

Again, where are you getting this from?

Do you think the people involved in the recruitment process don’t talk to anyone at all?

There's people in the process and people making the decisions, the latter being a very small number.

Copps is Magic

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Re: McCall
« Reply #119 on June 26, 2018, 02:30:18 pm by Copps is Magic »
What am I reading?

Gaz you are claiming to have intimate knowledge of a discussion that could only have happened between a handful of people.

Again, where are you getting this from?

Do you think the people involved in the recruitment process don’t talk to anyone at all?

You're dodging the question.


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