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Author Topic: Labour policies  (Read 35626 times)

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wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #420 on November 23, 2019, 08:12:55 pm by wilts rover »
Wilson didn't stay neutral.


I can't see that anyone here has said he did? Have I missed something?

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Bentley Bullet

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #421 on November 24, 2019, 10:34:12 am by Bentley Bullet »

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #423 on November 24, 2019, 10:50:00 am by Bentley Bullet »

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #424 on November 24, 2019, 10:52:39 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
BST, the point is you have a man who wants to be the leader of a country who claims not to have an opinion.  Just sit down and think what youd say if it was Farage saying it?

Another disingenuous post by the Johnson apologist.  You know full well that he doesn't claim to not have an opinion but you just can't help yourself can you.

Ridiculous, criticising one doesnt mean you like the other does it?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #425 on November 24, 2019, 04:18:17 pm by i_ateallthepies »
You criticised - incorrectly in this example - Corbyn and defend Johnson repeatedly.  Johnson apologist.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #426 on November 24, 2019, 05:43:59 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
You criticised - incorrectly in this example - Corbyn and defend Johnson repeatedly.  Johnson apologist.

Get away, you cannot expect a leader to take up a position of not leading surely? Or are we saying that we should have everything decided by what the majority of the country want in every case?  Surely as voters we have a right to know what he wants.

You are a classic example as to why labour is set to lose again.  Any sort of debate on something you dont like and these are the kind of things that get thrown at you.  You simply cannot debate with the left, it's their way or no way. Not all like that but a lot are.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #427 on November 24, 2019, 06:27:24 pm by i_ateallthepies »
Now you're trying to create a diversion because you've been called out.  You said Corbyn claims not to have an opinion, you know that isn't what Corbyn is saying and you've been called out on it.  Now you're trying to turn your argument into something else.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #428 on November 24, 2019, 06:52:04 pm by selby »
  You have got to hand it to labour policies, they are already working, the National Grid company is now resident in Hong Kong( lost tax take) and SSE are resident in Switzerland ( a double up).
 So the big hitters are already on the march out of their way, they will now have to pay the going rate for any of their shares that will put the price up toa premium, and we have lost their tax return to the economy.
 Well Done, I wonder how many more in the next month?
  Don't vote Labour to make yourselves poorer.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #429 on November 24, 2019, 07:19:12 pm by DonnyOsmond »
  You have got to hand it to labour policies, they are already working, the National Grid company is now resident in Hong Kong( lost tax take) and SSE are resident in Switzerland ( a double up).
 So the big hitters are already on the march out of their way, they will now have to pay the going rate for any of their shares that will put the price up toa premium, and we have lost their tax return to the economy.
 Well Done, I wonder how many more in the next month?
  Don't vote Labour to make yourselves poorer.

Vote Conservatives for more food banks and homelessness! :D

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #430 on November 24, 2019, 07:41:49 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Now you're trying to create a diversion because you've been called out.  You said Corbyn claims not to have an opinion, you know that isn't what Corbyn is saying and you've been called out on it.  Now you're trying to turn your argument into something else.

Ok chap you win.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #431 on November 24, 2019, 07:48:59 pm by drfchound »
A genuine question here.
I honestly don’t know whether people have to prove that they actually need to use a food bank or can anyone just roll up and ask for stuff.
There are plenty of freeloaders out there who could just take advantage of a free hand out.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #432 on November 24, 2019, 07:55:22 pm by Metalmicky »
A genuine question here.
I honestly don’t know whether people have to prove that they actually need to use a food bank or can anyone just roll up and ask for stuff.
There are plenty of freeloaders out there who could just take advantage of a free hand out.

I believe it has been proven that freeloaders often turn up at food banks...


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #433 on November 24, 2019, 07:57:00 pm by SydneyRover »
You'd think Tories would have enough money?

wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #434 on November 24, 2019, 07:57:26 pm by wilts rover »
  You have got to hand it to labour policies, they are already working, the National Grid company is now resident in Hong Kong( lost tax take) and SSE are resident in Switzerland ( a double up).
 So the big hitters are already on the march out of their way, they will now have to pay the going rate for any of their shares that will put the price up toa premium, and we have lost their tax return to the economy.
 Well Done, I wonder how many more in the next month?
  Don't vote Labour to make yourselves poorer.

How can companies that run British utilities be allowed to be based outside the UK! Madness. No wonder the National Grid went down for the first time ever a couple of months ago.

British utilities for British people. Bring them back - re-nationalise.

wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #435 on November 24, 2019, 08:04:18 pm by wilts rover »
The tax dodger apologists don't like them but how popular are Labour's policies with the public, lets see:


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #436 on November 24, 2019, 08:15:54 pm by SydneyRover »
Wilts, I think you're confusing this Apologists Branch of Britainstan with a debate about how the country can come together prosper and look after those less well off if those at the top of the heap sacrifice a bit of their wealth.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #437 on November 24, 2019, 08:50:54 pm by drfchound »
A genuine question here.
I honestly don’t know whether people have to prove that they actually need to use a food bank or can anyone just roll up and ask for stuff.
There are plenty of freeloaders out there who could just take advantage of a free hand out.

I believe it has been proven that freeloaders often turn up at food banks...

Cheers MM for that info.
The reason I asked is because it has been quoted on the forum that four million people HAVE HAD to use food banks in the UK.
I wondered how many of the four million were freeloaders and whether the four million were genuinely in need.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #438 on November 24, 2019, 09:07:46 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
This is a depressingly out of date topic lads.

Folk don't just turn up at a food bank and take home a bag of M&S Finest. I assume you DO realise that?

There's a process that people go through, whereby they are assessed and given a referral and vouchers if they are deemed to need emergency support.


What you are doing here, MM, is repeating the deeply ignorant and stupid opinion of a Tory minister from a few years ago, who claimed (without any evidence to support his case) that if you provide free food, people will abuse it.


It's inevitable that some people will abuse anything. There is zero evidence that such abuse is widespread or makes a significant effect on the total figures.

wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #439 on November 24, 2019, 09:33:32 pm by wilts rover »
A genuine question here.
I honestly don’t know whether people have to prove that they actually need to use a food bank or can anyone just roll up and ask for stuff.
There are plenty of freeloaders out there who could just take advantage of a free hand out.

I believe it has been proven that freeloaders often turn up at food banks...

Cheers MM for that info.
The reason I asked is because it has been quoted on the forum that four million people HAVE HAD to use food banks in the UK.
I wondered how many of the four million were freeloaders and whether the four million were genuinely in need.

A bloke on the internet makes an unsourced statement and this becomes 'info'. Welcome to the world of 21st century propaganda.

A major academic study by Oxford University says you are wrong.

No prizes for guessing that the false 'info' first appeared in an article in the Daily Mail tho

Herbert Anchovy

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #440 on November 24, 2019, 09:56:18 pm by Herbert Anchovy »
A genuine question here.
I honestly don’t know whether people have to prove that they actually need to use a food bank or can anyone just roll up and ask for stuff.
There are plenty of freeloaders out there who could just take advantage of a free hand out.

I believe it has been proven that freeloaders often turn up at food banks...

MM - rather than believe whatever is fed to you by the right wing press, why don’t you spend some time at a food bank, see the people who use them and then form an opinion?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #441 on November 25, 2019, 01:23:29 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Support for Labour's policies from 82 leading economists. Headed by David Blanchflower, who used to be on the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee. The body that carefully and soberly decides interest rate policy every month.


These are not rabble rousers or revolutionaries.

These are straightforward economists who have spent their lives studying economics, and built their careers on getting their judgements demonstrably correct.

Can we now stop this nonsense about Labour's approach not being feasible? These 82 are saying that, far beyond feasible, it is essential.

wing commander

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #442 on November 25, 2019, 09:25:47 am by wing commander »
Lord knows I've had my complaints about Corbyn over Brexit. And I think he's made a massive political mistake in 2019 in not unequivocally coming out for Remain. If he'd done that, the LDs would be on 5% in the polls and Labour would be on 40%.

But I don't get this obsession with his own personal view. He has a credible policy which says "What *I* think doesn't matter. It's about what YOU, the people want."

The whole shit storm of the past 3 years has been down to politicians trying to tell the people what they did and didn't vote for in 2016. Why should it be more noble for Johnson to stand there and say, " You voted Leave. Now leave it to ME to interpret exactly what you meant by that".?

   You see I have a slight problem with this BST,it's pretty obvious that most of the Labour supporters on here including yourself are remain.So that said Corbyn's neutral comments are the best you could have hoped for.Afterall while Corbyn remains neutral his front bench including the shadow Brexit secretary have all come out and said they would campaign for remain..So the only voices you will here from the big hitters would be for remain..Apart from that loon for Hartlepool of course..

  However,playing devils advocate for a minute.If Corbyn would have been a closet remainer and his mp's and front bench would have been leave would you have been so happy with the Neutral stance,knowing full well it would sound like the party are campaigning for leave.i think not??????

   Whilst this satisfies your position,it certainly doesn't appeal to Labour Leave voters..My best friend is a Labour voter (makes for great discussions in the boozer) he voted leave and he his fuming with what he considers a weak surrender to the party's remainers..So he's switching to Brexit Party for this election..I suspect many others will do too...

   The country is looking for leadership,and not many are seeing that from Corbyn,wether you think so or not the Electorate who will decide this election think they should know what Labours official position is..Yes it appeases you but your voting Labour anyway,it doesn't convince the voters who need to swing over to Labour to give them even a small squeak of getting in..


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #443 on November 25, 2019, 09:30:18 am by SydneyRover »
If you're looking at this on a leadership basis WC then you have to consider Johnson's duplicity, a speech written backing either option? What does he believe in except his own vanity?

wing commander

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #444 on November 25, 2019, 09:50:46 am by wing commander »
I fully accept that Sydney BJ would shout to align with Mars if he thought it would get him in,he's got more faces than big ben..However in some ways that reinforces my point..

For those of us who find politics interesting and follow it closely we know that,but that's not many of us.it's  the man or woman on the street who only watches the news and takes a passing interest in it who matters and they have been left in no doubt on Boris position.Get Brexit done has been hammered home to them all election they have no doubts about that...Then they watch Corbyn and he appears to be dithering,undecided and split...

wing commander

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #445 on November 25, 2019, 09:59:02 am by wing commander »
   The bottom line is this.The General election was called on 29th October today is the 25th November,the manifesto's are out and we are 2/3rd's through this election campaign.And at best Labour are exactly were they started if not worse than that in the ratings..The tory's are now well odds on to get a majority and Labour now know the very best they can hope for is a hung parliament and try and bed with Sturgeon.She knows it and is now adding trident to her referendum red line before she lifts her skirt and backs them..Not a position of strength...


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #446 on November 25, 2019, 12:24:54 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Wing Co.

Where do you get the idea that the country is looking for leadership? The country has been split down the middle by THE most reckless and destructive leadership. What leadership can anyone offer on Brexit that doesn't immediately alienate half the nation?

Copps is Magic

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #447 on November 25, 2019, 12:28:00 pm by Copps is Magic »
Leadership is apparently bringing a proportion of hardliner brexiteers together around a bad deal that breaks up the economic union of the UK.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #448 on November 25, 2019, 12:38:46 pm by drfchound »
Wing Co.

Where do you get the idea that the country is looking for leadership? The country has been split down the middle by THE most reckless and destructive leadership. What leadership can anyone offer on Brexit that doesn't immediately alienate half the nation?

But if the Brexiteers want to “get it done”, surely they will vote for the Torys because they are unsure where it would leave them if by chance, Labour were to win.

wing commander

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #449 on November 25, 2019, 02:16:24 pm by wing commander »
  i get the idea because people are looking for leadership to take us forward,they want to see a position...Like i said this position suits your own personal view as a remainer, but if you were a leave labour supporter what would you be thinking now????


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