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Author Topic: Labour policies  (Read 35653 times)

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #390 on November 22, 2019, 01:16:01 am by bpoolrover »
Yes I did read that but I had to ask you 3x  :)
you had to ask me 3 times well I’m sorry dad

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #391 on November 22, 2019, 01:18:35 am by SydneyRover »
As they (ifs) haven't had time to do any modelling I think it's a fairly reasonable evaluation which will I'm sure be fleshed out when they see more detail, but overall I would think it (labours policy) would benefit you more than what's offered by others, unless you are a 'professional', a business owner or just plain old rich?  :)


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #392 on November 22, 2019, 01:20:02 am by bpoolrover »
You need to be clear that the taxes needed will need to be widely shared and they need to stop pretending they will just come from companies and rich, that’s the last paragraph and the answer to your post above


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #393 on November 22, 2019, 01:21:20 am by SydneyRover »
So we’re agreed then labour can’t actually afford what they have set out?

I didn't say I agreed I said l'd read it, I will hold my overall judgement until it has been evaluated against the past 9 years and promises from elsewhere.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #394 on November 22, 2019, 01:22:51 am by SydneyRover »
You need to be clear that the taxes needed will need to be widely shared and they need to stop pretending they will just come from companies and rich, that’s the last paragraph and the answer to your post above

Have you read the fine print?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #395 on November 22, 2019, 01:29:19 am by bpoolrover »
Yes I no it’s not a full assessment but can go only off the initial findings, that was just one person the rest of them on there equally question the figures, pretty much the only way to fund free universities is to put a cap on the numbers, is that a good idea everyone is entitled to a education surley

wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #396 on November 22, 2019, 06:20:42 am by wilts rover »
Leavers for the past 3 years - dont listen to the experts or economists, they don't know what they are talking about

Leavers on seeing Labour's manifesto - listen to the experts and the economists, they know what they are talking about

Is there a word for this does anyone know?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #397 on November 22, 2019, 07:06:19 am by DonnyOsmond »
So we’re agreed then labour can’t actually afford what they have set out?

This is brilliant. People have been brainwashed into thinking fully costed = can't afford it. Where as Tories can promise the world and have no costings but it's the Tories so we'll let them off.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #398 on November 22, 2019, 07:27:28 am by DonnyOsmond »


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #399 on November 22, 2019, 07:44:38 am by Sprotyrover »

Where did you get that number from?
Kueneberg on the BBC ten o'clock news.

You need to pay more attention Sproty.

a) It was Faisal Islam, not Laura Kuenssberg who mentioned £140bn.

b) He didn't say Labour would be raising taxes by that much. They'd be raising just over half that much from tax increases. The rest would come from borrowing to invest in infrastructure.

Billy when a government 'Borrows' money they have to get the funds from somewhere (Me and You) to pay it back. The money spent on housing won't generate any revenue, they are capping the rents and most social housing rent under the previous labour govt was paid by the Labour Govt!


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #400 on November 22, 2019, 07:48:31 am by SydneyRover »
Leavers for the past 3 years - dont listen to the experts or economists, they don't know what they are talking about

Leavers on seeing Labour's manifesto - listen to the experts and the economists, they know what they are talking about

Is there a word for this does anyone know?

Is it the name for someone who spills his seed upon the ground?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #401 on November 22, 2019, 07:57:34 am by bpoolrover »
Leavers for the past 3 years - dont listen to the experts or economists, they don't know what they are talking about

Leavers on seeing Labour's manifesto - listen to the experts and the economists, they know what they are talking about

Is there a word for this does anyone know?
people for the last 3 years have been listening to economists saying brexit will cost the country a fortune,soon as them said people question labour....


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #402 on November 22, 2019, 09:27:35 am by SydneyRover »
Paul Mason gives an account of the IFS’s evaluation


wing commander

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #403 on November 22, 2019, 09:46:02 am by wing commander »
   The thing that worries me is how well thought out are these plans..Take the plan to build all these council houses within a short time frame.Everybody knows it's impossible to achieve.The CITB spokeman on 5live news and said that there just isn't enough skilled manpower to even get close to a third of that target and it would take a generation,yes a generation to achieve..

    Of course you could argue that Wales has it's own Labour government,how many council houses did they build last year...the answer is 57...


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #404 on November 22, 2019, 08:08:39 pm by SydneyRover »
Taking into consideration the corruption and lies surrounding the 2016 vote this sound like a fair option.

What Corbyn said about staying neutral in second Brexit referendum
Peter Walker

Peter Walker

This is what Jeremy Corbyn said about staying neutral in a second Brexit referendum.

One, we negotiate a credible deal with the European Union. Secondly, we will put that, alongside remain in a referendum. My role, and the role of our government will be to ensure that that referendum is held in a fair atmosphere, and we will abide by the result of it.

And I will adopt as prime minister, if I am at the time, a neutral stance so that I can credibly carry out the results of that to bring out communities and country together, rather than continuing in endless debate about the EU and Brexit. This will be a trade deal with Europe, or remaining in the EU. That will be the choice that we put before the British public within six months.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #405 on November 22, 2019, 08:15:09 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Lord knows I've had my complaints about Corbyn over Brexit. And I think he's made a massive political mistake in 2019 in not unequivocally coming out for Remain. If he'd done that, the LDs would be on 5% in the polls and Labour would be on 40%.

But I don't get this obsession with his own personal view. He has a credible policy which says "What *I* think doesn't matter. It's about what YOU, the people want."

The whole shit storm of the past 3 years has been down to politicians trying to tell the people what they did and didn't vote for in 2016. Why should it be more noble for Johnson to stand there and say, " You voted Leave. Now leave it to ME to interpret exactly what you meant by that".?

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #406 on November 22, 2019, 08:27:05 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
BST, the point is you have a man who wants to be the leader of a country who claims not to have an opinion.  Just sit down and think what youd say if it was Farage saying it?


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #407 on November 22, 2019, 08:59:54 pm by albie »

Corbyn is NOT saying he does not have an opinion.

He is saying that if PM he will not enter the debate, allowing others to determine the outcome from the option to be considered.

A bit like a referee, really!
He might support a particular team, but will not allow his support to influence the decisions he makes when reffing other teams.

Makes perfect sense to me.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #408 on November 22, 2019, 10:09:12 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Given how destructive and divisive Brexit has been, it might even be the ONLY sane policy, if you truly want to bring the country together. As soon as you go one way or the other,you've immediately alienated yourself to one camp.

And sooner or later, we have to start bringing the country back together.

wilts rover

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #409 on November 22, 2019, 10:55:45 pm by wilts rover »
BST, the point is you have a man who wants to be the leader of a country who claims not to have an opinion.  Just sit down and think what youd say if it was Farage saying it?

If bloody Cameron had said that - and meant it - in 2016 we wouldn't be in the mess he left behind when he said he would stay on as PM whatever the result was - and then resigned when the side he campaigned for lost.

You are PM of the whole country. Not 52% of it. Or 48% of it. All of it.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #410 on November 23, 2019, 08:56:27 am by i_ateallthepies »
BST, the point is you have a man who wants to be the leader of a country who claims not to have an opinion.  Just sit down and think what youd say if it was Farage saying it?

Another disingenuous post by the Johnson apologist.  You know full well that he doesn't claim to not have an opinion but you just can't help yourself can you.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #411 on November 23, 2019, 09:53:47 am by Hounslowrover »
We've had two remain PMs and one leaver PM, so it makes sense not to alienate either side of the debate and allow a vote on an actual leave deal, rather than let everyone interpret what leave means.

Copps is Magic

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #412 on November 23, 2019, 10:55:23 am by Copps is Magic »
This is Corbyn's last stab.

It will come down to the general public, who increasingly I am very despondent with. Those who can't think on their feet will say he's sitting on the fence.

But think about it for a minute...

He is a leaver, who leads a remainer party, who's electorate voted to leave, who's general public have wanted to remain for broadly 2 years now (check the polls).

What is a 'genuine' leadership position in this complexity?

Theresa May, a remainer, who negotiated and support a very bad leave deal for the county?

Or Boris Johnson, who decided on the back of a fag packet which position he would take for his own political career?


I'm voting for labour for the above reasons - they are trying to make something out of very complex situation, and they seem to be the only party with some... policies. 

Unless you want the Brexit Party whos major policy is to scrap postal voting and whos climate strategy is to plant some more trees, then if that's what you want, vote for them.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #413 on November 23, 2019, 11:03:58 am by foxbat »
The Tories can’t campaign based on their record in power because it’s awful.
They can’t campaign on their future plans because they know their reckless Brexit will tank the economy.

They can only campaign on lies and scaremongering about Labour.

Frankly it’s pathetic.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #414 on November 23, 2019, 11:10:05 am by DonnyOsmond »
This is Corbyn's last stab.

It will come down to the general public, who increasingly I am very despondent with. Those who can't think on their feet will say he's sitting on the fence.

But think about it for a minute...

He is a leaver, who leads a remainer party, who's electorate voted to leave, who's general public have wanted to remain for broadly 2 years now (check the polls).

What is a 'genuine' leadership position in this complexity?

Theresa May, a remainer, who negotiated and support a very bad leave deal for the county?

Or Boris Johnson, who decided on the back of a fag packet which position he would take for his own political career?


I'm voting for labour for the above reasons - they are trying to make something out of very complex situation, and they seem to be the only party with some... policies. 

Unless you want the Brexit Party whos major policy is to scrap postal voting and whos climate strategy is to plant some more trees, then if that's what you want, vote for them.

He's also the leader of the most democratic party around, so what does his position even matter? He will help enact the will of the parties members and/or the will of the public. It doesn't matter what his personal opinion is. He will honour any vote.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #415 on November 23, 2019, 02:12:14 pm by foxbat »
Laura Kuenssberg @ CCHQ Propaganda Dept

Who does Corbyn think he is?

He visited Amazon & told multinationals that if they want to sell goods in the UK, they must pay their way & not hide profits in tax havens!

Personally, I prefer the situation where rich people like me can screw you over. That's why I vote Tory.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #416 on November 23, 2019, 06:10:37 pm by Glyn_Wigley »

Corbyn is NOT saying he does not have an opinion.

He is saying that if PM he will not enter the debate, allowing others to determine the outcome from the option to be considered.

A bit like a referee, really!
He might support a particular team, but will not allow his support to influence the decisions he makes when reffing other teams.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Exactly. This way is what Harold Wilson got right in 1975 and what David Cameron didn't learn from in 2016.

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #417 on November 23, 2019, 06:22:17 pm by Bentley Bullet »


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #418 on November 23, 2019, 07:43:14 pm by drfchound »
It has gone a bit quiet after that link BB.


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Re: Labour policies
« Reply #419 on November 23, 2019, 07:48:37 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Wilson didn't stay neutral.


Wilson didn't campaign though. What he did that Cameron got wrong was to make it about what the people decide and not about him, that's why he allowed the suspension of Cabinet Collective Responsibility and stood back from the campaign - and therefore the vote wasn't about him. Which is the lesson that Cameron didn't learn. He made himself so identified with the Remain campaign that when it went the other way he had to resign. And a lot of people voted against Cameron just to give him a kicking and damn the consequences.


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