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Author Topic: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?  (Read 2354 times)

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wilts rover

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It IS quite astonishing isn't it? I remember when the Tories prided themselves on being the party of sound economic sense  and law & order.

But here we are. Deliberate policy choices have slashed police numbers and given us the worst economic decade for over 100 years.

What exactly DO the Tories stand for these days? What is their political aim? What sort of country do they want us to be? There's been no big ideas coming from them since Thatcher. It's "Vote for us and we'll...err...get back to you on that one."


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #2 on December 10, 2019, 07:48:57 pm by drfchound »
In answer to the OP, yes.


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It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.


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It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.

You don't have to make excuses sprot, if you want to vote tory man-up and just do it  :)


  • Forum Member
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It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.

You don't have to make excuses sprot, if you want to vote tory man-up and just do it  :)
Strategic voting may be more appropriate against Milliband


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It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.

F*cking hell.


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It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.

Do a list of the pros and cons of voting Conservatives and if the cons list is quite long from the issues they've caused over the last 9 years, homeless numbers rising, avoidable deaths, the UK having the lowest debt in the G7 previous to them taking over but not anymore, universal credit, etc, etc. If the only pro is, they're not Corbyn then you're doing something stupid and you've bought into the smear campaign. The Labour front bench probably do have histories but so do the Tories but the difference is Labour could offer the country a future. Just as an example of the Tory front bench...

Boris - Wasn't trusted with secrets by Theresa May. Friends with a convicted Russian spy and friends with another suspected Russian spy. Racist, sexist and homophobic comments. We could probably go on.
Priti Patel - Sacked after 14 dodgy meetings with Israel.
Williamson - Already been sacked for leaking information.
Jacob Rees-Mogg - Insults Grenfell victims.
Raab - Allowed US citizen to piss off back to the US after killing UK citizen and now is suing the family for expenses.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 09:10:17 am by DonnyOsmond »


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #8 on December 11, 2019, 12:19:21 pm by Donnywolf »
It is annoying that due to Corbyn and his cronies people like myself will be either voting Tory or choosing any other party. It is a lost opportunity.

You don't have to make excuses sprot, if you want to vote tory man-up and just do it  :)
Strategic voting may be more appropriate against Milliband

Depends if you are a Leaver or a Remainer

Vote for Tory Party (as its not a Presedential event) if you voted Leave and still want to Leave or indeed the B****t Party


If you voted Remain and still want to Remain - choose the Party most likely to win your local Seat and deprive Tories of that particular seat

It will be of no use in solid Tory  Seats of course but there are huge numbers of Sites leading people to vote tactically and spelling it out for them
Here is one chosen at random


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #9 on December 11, 2019, 12:30:16 pm by Donnywolf »
In answer to the OP, yes.

Yes back to the OP and I offer this example of the correlation between (minor offences) and the loss of Police numbers

In Thorne there is a Stop Sign on a very dangerous junction. It has been there as long as I can remember certainly 50 years

In the days when Thorne had a Police Station that was fully manned at all times the Sergeant used to send a WPC (it was usually a WPC) to stand 200 yards round the corner and whenever any motorist did not stop she simply walked into the road - stopped them and gave them a Summons - and that acted as a huge deterrent though people still did it

These days the Cop shop is a base for them to have their sandwiches and is not open even to report anything. You have to phone 111 and w-a-i-t

Stand watching that junction now and barely a person stops because there are no consequences - and I am astounded there have not been more accidents than there have been

Sultiply that up and ask is there more Crime because of less Police and you know my answer

Axholme Lion

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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #10 on December 11, 2019, 02:41:00 pm by Axholme Lion »
It IS quite astonishing isn't it? I remember when the Tories prided themselves on being the party of sound economic sense  and law & order.

But here we are. Deliberate policy choices have slashed police numbers and given us the worst economic decade for over 100 years.

What exactly DO the Tories stand for these days? What is their political aim? What sort of country do they want us to be? There's been no big ideas coming from them since Thatcher. It's "Vote for us and we'll...err...get back to you on that one."

I agree with a lot of Labour stuff such as renationalising utilities and railways but I would never vote for this lot, ever.
I know where I stand with the Tories, yes they will look after the rich first and foremost but I can't see where Labour have any interest in ordinary working bods like myself. If you're not in some fringe, minority group or other they're not interested.

Bentley Bullet

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Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't we have a debate recently that ridiculed my suggestion that it is far more unsafe to walk the streets nowadays than it used to be? I got replies from people giving examples of not being beaten up since the '80s, therefore my claim is rubbish!

So, just for clarity, are those agreeing with the OP in this thread willing to admit that I was right on the 'Reasons to be cheerful' thread?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 03:35:53 pm by Bentley Bullet »

Iberian Red

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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #12 on December 11, 2019, 03:40:15 pm by Iberian Red »
Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't we have a debate recently that ridiculed my suggestion that it is far more unsafe to walk the streets nowadays than it used to be? I got replies from people giving examples of not being beaten up since the '80s, therefore my claim is rubbish!

So, just for clarity, are those agreeing with the OP in this thread willing to admit that I was right on the 'Reasons to be cheerful' thread?


Axholme Lion

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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #13 on December 11, 2019, 03:59:59 pm by Axholme Lion »
Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't we have a debate recently that ridiculed my suggestion that it is far more unsafe to walk the streets nowadays than it used to be? I got replies from people giving examples of not being beaten up since the '80s, therefore my claim is rubbish!

So, just for clarity, are those agreeing with the OP in this thread willing to admit that I was right on the 'Reasons to be cheerful' thread?



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Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't we have a debate recently that ridiculed my suggestion that it is far more unsafe to walk the streets nowadays than it used to be? I got replies from people giving examples of not being beaten up since the '80s, therefore my claim is rubbish!

So, just for clarity, are those agreeing with the OP in this thread willing to admit that I was right on the 'Reasons to be cheerful' thread?


Big deep breath.

When I and a couple of others said that because we hadn't been chinned since the 1980s, that proved that it was safer now, we weren't SERIOUSLY saying that because we hadn't been chinned since the 1980s, that proved that it was safer today.

It was irony.

It was using your own argument against you. The one where you say facts and stats don't matter, you just go on your own experience.

Google "Stewart Lee Top Gear". See a master comedian doing precisely that much more skillfully. Possibly the finest stand-up routine ever.

Bentley Bullet

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Ah right!

So, is it safer to walk the streets now than it was back then?


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #16 on December 11, 2019, 04:33:37 pm by drfchound »
Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't we have a debate recently that ridiculed my suggestion that it is far more unsafe to walk the streets nowadays than it used to be? I got replies from people giving examples of not being beaten up since the '80s, therefore my claim is rubbish!

So, just for clarity, are those agreeing with the OP in this thread willing to admit that I was right on the 'Reasons to be cheerful' thread?

It’s a yes from me too.

Iberian Red

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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #17 on December 11, 2019, 05:05:33 pm by Iberian Red »
Ah right!

So, is it safer to walk the streets now than it was back then?



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Ah right!

So, is it safer to walk the streets now than it was back then?

1) I don't know. I haven't seen the figures going back to the 60s and 70s.

2) If I had, there'd be no point posting them because you don't do stats. You do experience.


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #19 on December 11, 2019, 05:34:58 pm by selby »
  Is it more the way we police these days? ( more politically correct) than the lack of police officers? are the deterrents strong enough?
   Compare how the miners were treated by the police compared with the climate protester's in London. Would changing the name of the protest to a picket make any difference?
  Or the way the so called razor gangs ( betting gangs ) were sorted out in working class Sheffield in the 1920s, compare with the way drug gangs are allowed to operate nowadays?
  Would a clip round the ear at school go amiss? Don't forget we have had two periods in the last century when up to a million men walked the streets with military training, who in many cases had been trained to become trained killers, had killed, had seen death on an unprecedented scale, and came home to be teachers, policemen and fathers, and instilled discipline in most cases in their children and the way they acted.
 Compare it to modern society, and the lack of punishment, the I want, and I don't care how I get it brigade.


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #20 on December 11, 2019, 06:28:42 pm by Sprotyrover »
The problem is the Gang culture,115 Organised crime groups in South Yorkshire alone,whilst working in Prison in 2016 there was a lad tried to leave a Sheffield Gang, they told him that the car he had been given was forfeit and he had to pay £800 in four days, he got his dad to sell the £1600 car for £800 and paid them, they then went to his partners house and smashed every window, they then went to the parents house and smashed every window. Both partner and Parents were re house 15 miles away.he then got himself in segregation because they were going to Shank him!(stab in normal language).thats what we are up against, most of this new violence is Gang on Gang as they struggle for 'Turf' to control.

Bentley Bullet

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Ah right!

So, is it safer to walk the streets now than it was back then?

1) I don't know. I haven't seen the figures going back to the 60s and 70s.

2) If I had, there'd be no point posting them because you don't do stats. You do experience.

Yes, but we're talking the 80's here, not the 60's. Is it safer nowadays to walk the streets than it was in the 80's?


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Miles safer according to the British Crime Survey, which most experts take as being the most authoritative measure.

Not that there's any point my posting that because you don't do facts and stats.

Bentley Bullet

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So, if it is miles safer to walk the streets now than it used to be, how can there be a link between cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?


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Well done BB. So you DO do facts when you want. Of course, if you did a bit more research instead of just playing the smart arse, you'd see that there are still more police than there were in the 80s. Primarily due to the investment that Labour under Blair put into law and order.

scawsby steve

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BST, apart from work and the Rovers, do you ever go out?


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Re: Is there a link beiween cuts in police nos and rising violent crime?
« Reply #26 on December 12, 2019, 03:21:25 pm by selby »
Steve, has he even got time for a job for being on here and posting things he doesn't like about our elected leaders?
  I am sure Billy and Sydney are really married, and do alternate shifts.


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Thanks for the interest lads.

For the record, it's midnight where I am and I'm sat at a desk in a hotel 6000 mike's away from my wife and kids, where I'm preparing a presentation for a meeting on Saturday where I'm trying to drum up some business for my company.

I'd like to say I have the same inquisitive feeling about your personal lives, but frankly, I couldn't give a flying one.

scawsby steve

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Thanks for the interest lads.

For the record, it's midnight where I am and I'm sat at a desk in a hotel 6000 mike's away from my wife and kids, where I'm preparing a presentation for a meeting on Saturday where I'm trying to drum up some business for my company.

I'd like to say I have the same inquisitive feeling about your personal lives, but frankly, I couldn't give a flying one.

In that case, I hope you've put a postal vote in. Your party needs you.


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Yes I have. And no they don't in my constituency.


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