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Author Topic: Gomes - the new Coppinger?  (Read 2995 times)

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Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« on January 13, 2020, 02:34:56 pm by drfc_bigfan »
Finally decided to make an account after a while of lurking.

Went to the Bristol game the other day and I'm now convinced Gomes could be our answer to when Coppinger eventually retires. He's young (22) and very much reminds me of when Coppinger first joined us.

Great touch, excellent vision, technical and a low-centre of gravity.

Get this lad signed up on a long term deal and hopefully he can grow with the club.

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #1 on January 13, 2020, 05:02:57 pm by IDM »
Welcome to the forum.!

I certainly think we sometimes need to show patience with players to see how they develop - whether this lad can live up to your expectations remains to be seen, it is a huge ask after all.!


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #2 on January 13, 2020, 05:04:10 pm by PDX_Rover »
I remember Copps was a frustrating player to watch at first. And he turned out not too shabby.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #3 on January 13, 2020, 05:06:02 pm by bpoolrover »
I agree with the op, I would try with at least a 5 year contract, he has eclipsed copps already and would prefer him to start on sat


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #4 on January 13, 2020, 05:27:32 pm by Reesielad »
I agree, I remember him being cheered off the pitch when substituted away to Rochdale, very harsh and I felt very bad for him that day.

Since then he’s come on leaps and bounds IMO and quickly got to the pace of this league. Still has his moments but has shown he can be a very good player for us, and hopefully years to come.

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #5 on January 13, 2020, 05:40:09 pm by RoversAlias »
Gomes needs time to develop, he's one of several young players who have a lot of upside but are currently very raw and inexperienced.

I think he has suffered this season, particularly in the eyes of fans, because he has been asked to do too much, too soon. With our squad as small as it is, he is essentially the first back-up for both Whiteman and Sheaf when really he should be in a Watters-type position of being on the fringes of the first team and getting a handful of chances here and there. He's been tasked with more responsiblity than he is perhaps ready for, but it's clear Darren likes him and if he is given the time and space to grow then he could be a hell of a player.

Seems a nice lad as well, that always helps.

Copps is Magic

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #6 on January 13, 2020, 05:41:45 pm by Copps is Magic »
Bonkers thread. No where near the level of Copps. No where near in terms of vision, assists, goals. He was rightly subbed at Bristol because he as giving the ball away sloppily, the commentators noticed it, Moore noticed it, I saw it also. He's improved, no doubt about it, but very from a very low base at the start of the season when he did not look good enough for league football.

Let him improve slowly, don't draw stupid comparisons.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #7 on January 13, 2020, 05:46:26 pm by graingrover »
He has potential but has a way to go before he hits those heights ..against Bristol he was replaced by Copps and that changed the game altogether .Why oh why do folks try to destroy these youngsters on forum  and some at the stadium too.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #8 on January 13, 2020, 05:49:39 pm by roversdude »
Copps came into his own when McIndoe moved on, until then I would never have had him down as  the legend he is


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #9 on January 13, 2020, 05:52:13 pm by knockers »
Bonkers thread. No where near the level of Copps. No where near in terms of vision, assists, goals. He was rightly subbed at Bristol because he as giving the ball away sloppily, the commentators noticed it, Moore noticed it, I saw it also. He's improved, no doubt about it, but very from a very low base at the start of the season when he did not look good enough for league football.

Let him improve slowly, don't draw stupid comparisons.
You’re just panicking about changing your name to Madger is magic


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #10 on January 13, 2020, 05:55:22 pm by bpoolrover »
While Gomes has improved and gets in some good positions his final ball is terrible, definitely has improved thou


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #11 on January 13, 2020, 06:00:21 pm by dknward2 »
Still young and time to grow he really loves playing for us if you look at his twitter


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #12 on January 13, 2020, 06:02:58 pm by Cramby10 »
Extraordinary thread!😳


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #13 on January 13, 2020, 06:05:10 pm by pib »
Interesting one Gomes.

When I watch him I don’t think he’s that easy on the eye and I tend to think there’s loads he can improve on, leading me to think he’s not really ready for L1 football.

Then I look at some of the games we’ve won with him in the side - Peterborough, Bristol, Lincoln to name a few. Either he’s doing something right, or the other 10 are that good they can still win.

Still one for the future for me, but no reason why he can’t get better.

wilts rover

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #14 on January 13, 2020, 06:08:32 pm by wilts rover »
Bonkers thread. No where near the level of Copps. No where near in terms of vision, assists, goals. He was rightly subbed at Bristol because he as giving the ball away sloppily, the commentators noticed it, Moore noticed it, I saw it also. He's improved, no doubt about it, but very from a very low base at the start of the season when he did not look good enough for league football.

Let him improve slowly, don't draw stupid comparisons.

Its was actually John Schofield that noticed it. He came over to Darren with a pad (presumably keeping stats during the game?) and that was it, Copps was getting ready.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #15 on January 13, 2020, 06:26:49 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
I don't think anyone is suggesting Gomes is anywhere near Copps at the moment. Copps' journey to where he is has been a long and varied one.

I recall in his early time here, he became like a little boy lost at times, barely contributing to games and being regarded as lightweight. Seem to recall he was close to joining Rotherham on loan at one point.

Stood on the Main Stand terrace I was frustrated with him as he waved his hand, tentatively asking for the ball, whilst stuck out on the wing, rarely venturing inside to get involved. "Shout for it ffs!" I shouted at him.

I thought when Jason Price arrived his days were numbered as he showed more attacking prowess from wide and was prepared to get in the box and on the end of things. So much so JJ moved more up front in a central position which I think spared Copps from the chop.

Once SO'D arrived we saw Copps grow and develop into the player we hoped he would be. Even then I don't think we realised what a contribution he would make as he matured as a footballer.

Gomes definitely has some raw potential, already playing in the thick of it in midfield learning all the time. Initially, I thought he had a cocky streak in him without the performance to back it up but, he's settled down since then and is clearly learning under DM's guidance. He has shown he has an eye for a pass with a bit of flair thrown in so I can see where the Op is coming from.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #16 on January 13, 2020, 06:42:09 pm by elmsallrover »
He's nowhere near copps and never will be... Gordon Bennett some people on this forum amaze me


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #17 on January 13, 2020, 06:45:47 pm by since-1969 »
Bonkers thread. No where near the level of Copps. No where near in terms of vision, assists, goals. He was rightly subbed at Bristol because he as giving the ball away sloppily, the commentators noticed it, Moore noticed it, I saw it also. He's improved, no doubt about it, but very from a very low base at the start of the season when he did not look good enough for league football.

Let him improve slowly, don't draw stupid comparisons.
Gomes ??? He has barely played a season and he’s supposed to take over from a near 20 year veteran. Ha 😂

Spilsby Red

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #18 on January 13, 2020, 06:59:17 pm by Spilsby Red »
I agree he is no where near what’s Copps is now. But I agree with an earlier post, Copps looked lost when he first came to us. So, Gomes given the right coaching has potential. As do Watters. Let’s embrace and support them and who knows what it could bring

scunny rover

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #19 on January 13, 2020, 07:07:55 pm by scunny rover »
There won't be a new copps or a pele,best, Jeffery but there may be a Gomes make your own name


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #20 on January 13, 2020, 07:11:35 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
He's nothing like copps he's about 6'3 for starters! However I do think he's improved a lot and is now a player where i'm not unhappy/worried if he starts. Not sure he's going to dominate games or a while but against good teams he can help fill midfield and make us hard to beat. A good squad player who could become better so 100% one to keep around 


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #21 on January 13, 2020, 07:29:36 pm by drfchound »
You can see that he is improving week on week but it annoys me how much some fans get on his back, even if he hasn’t done anything wrong.

The Red Baron

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #22 on January 13, 2020, 07:32:00 pm by The Red Baron »
I think it's a bit much to start comparing him to Copps. However, it's fair to say that quite a lot of players who went on to become legends started slowly or took a while to confirm their initial positive impression. I'd put Copps and Dougie in the first category and Peter Kitchen and Glynn Snodin in the second.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #23 on January 13, 2020, 07:36:29 pm by Padge_DRFC »
Delete this thread ASAP.

Username needs changing to drunk_drfc


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #24 on January 13, 2020, 08:30:23 pm by Jonathan »
I think WindUpMerchant_drfc would be more fitting. It’s a blatant piss take. Just let Gomes steadily develop at the right pace. He still has a lot to learn but seems to show a great attitude so I’d love to see him succeed. 


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #25 on January 13, 2020, 09:56:02 pm by donnyvikings »
I've been watching Donny a long time, and I'm not sure which Planet you have just arrived from....but Gomes the New Coppinger? WTF
Realistically I'd have Copps in front of Gomes even now.......at 38/39 (think it's his birthday today?)
Agreed that Gomes has had 'one or two' half decent games recently, but that doesn't elevate him to the pillar of precision that goes with Copps.
There is a large void between being a Legend and being a decent player....
Let's keep our feet firmly on the ground here.
Wonder why it's your first post on here by the way? 🤔


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #26 on January 13, 2020, 10:35:18 pm by DonnyOsmond »
I've been watching Donny a long time, and I'm not sure which Planet you have just arrived from....but Gomes the New Coppinger? WTF
Realistically I'd have Copps in front of Gomes even now.......at 38/39 (think it's his birthday today?)
Agreed that Gomes has had 'one or two' half decent games recently, but that doesn't elevate him to the pillar of precision that goes with Copps.
There is a large void between being a Legend and being a decent player....
Let's keep our feet firmly on the ground here.
Wonder why it's your first post on here by the way? 🤔

Friday just gone.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #27 on January 13, 2020, 10:49:44 pm by drfchound »
Copps birthday is 18th January isn’t it.

Barmby Rover

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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #28 on January 13, 2020, 11:06:41 pm by Barmby Rover »
Don't forget Lirak Hasani in the ranks either, he could also be a potential midfielder of the future as well as Gomes.


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Re: Gomes - the new Coppinger?
« Reply #29 on January 13, 2020, 11:40:08 pm by RoversAlias »
It's Coppinger's birthday on Saturday. So I hope we're all up for a rendition of Happy Birthday To You from the stands!


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