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Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 941882 times)

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1590 on April 05, 2020, 10:35:20 pm by IDM »
Odd that you choose to go fishing on a subject like this then.
Not fishing....... just stating the obvious...


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Colin C No.3

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1591 on April 06, 2020, 12:00:54 am by Colin C No.3 »
I understand the need for debate.

I understand we are facing an unprecedented ‘attack’ on our whole way of life not experienced in our lifetime since WW11.

I understand that some may find solace in debating, analysing, quoting ‘experts’ & berating the government for its lack of leadership, abominable preparation for a pandemic it ran a ‘what if’ scenario for 4 years ago & chose not to heed what would be needed in frontline medical equipment & staffing should such a horrific situation arise.

As my neighbour, now deceased, would have said “We are where we are”.

I’m not blinkered. I know only too well that what we have seen in the ‘casualty rate’ in the UK & worldwide is but the tip of the iceberg.

So debate by all means. Even if it ‘simply’ be on a Football Forum we may call ‘home’ & if in so doing so you draw comfort from that then ‘power to your elbow’.

I’ve spent the last 3 weeks, since March 17th ( & yes I accept that was too late ), along with my wife in self isolation. We’ve gardened, painted fencing, fixed a shed, fixed a leak on my garden pond, sowed garden planters with veg, FaceTime’d family & friends, played scrabble, tackled some grouting for the very first time (learning new skills late in the day) done the Yorkshire Post crossword, cancelled booked holidays, relied on good friends to bring groceries (I wasn’t savvy enough to register for supermarket home delivery in time before they halted all future registrations even though I still regularly receive online offers having been a customer of Sainsbury’s for over 10 years, nectar card & all), bought grass seed, fertiliser, bird food, fish food online planning ahead for jobs to do in spring, summer & beyond.

If we, i.e this government, is truly looking at herd immunity to see us through this ‘horrible situation’, then personally I think I’m fooked.

So enjoy today, as I have truly done, enjoy tomorrow, in essence don’t waste too much of your time studying graphs etc. Enjoy what you have now, tonight, tomorrow.

We can’t change the face of the world my friends, but we can be thankful  for as long as we remain a part of it & ‘simply’ be thankful for that lest we ever regret having done so.

River Don

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1592 on April 06, 2020, 12:11:12 am by River Don »
Colin, the government is no longer looking at herd immunity as an option. That idea was dropped weeks ago when the severity of this virus became starkly clear.

unfortunately herd immunity is the ultimate outcome of this thing if no treatment becomes available. And I'm afraid no effective treatment looks likely to be developed in time.

Lockdown, slows the progress of the virus, which is good as it spreads the burden on the NHS, but slow the progress of the virus is all it does.

Its long past too late to try and isolate the spread of the virus and choke it. Its tentacles spread far too deep and wide now.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1593 on April 06, 2020, 12:20:42 am by BillyStubbsTears »


CV-19 is embedded now. We will have to get used to the concept of isolation and distancing for as long as it takes for us to find a vaccine, or develop herd immunity by the old fashioned approach.

The key things over the rest of this year are:

1) Kill this first wave as quickly as we can.
2) Develop cheap and quick serology tests so that we can find out who has had the virus and who hasn't, do nationwide testing and get a clear picture.
3) Pour money into the NHS to up its capacity so that is can deal with larger subsequent peaks without being overwhelmed.
4) Release the lock down where we can so that we minimise the economic hit to the country, then crank it up again where and when we have to to stop the NHS being overwhelmed.
5) Start thinking about how we want society and the economy to be structured post-virus to make sure we never leave ourselves this vulnerable again.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1594 on April 06, 2020, 01:05:08 am by SydneyRover »
Unfortunately those of us with age and or compromised health conditions (includes me) have to get used th the idea that until a vaccine is developed it means we are effectively locked down for 18 months.

Colin C No.3

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1595 on April 06, 2020, 08:27:43 am by Colin C No.3 »
That’ll be me then SR (which was what I was alluding to) if/when I contract this virus I will be fooked. No ICU, no ventilator will I fear enable me to beat it. A vaccine is what I shall hope for. But 18 months or more is a long time to ‘stay lucky’.

Blue skies, another day in the garden beckons.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 08:48:15 am by Colin C No.3 »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1596 on April 06, 2020, 08:41:54 am by drfchound »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1597 on April 06, 2020, 08:46:47 am by Filo »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

That would be me, I did also say if he really did have the virus I wished him well, as I do now. If you are going to comment on a previous post you would do well to comment on the full facts of the post, not half of it


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1598 on April 06, 2020, 08:49:22 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

And that is an outcome of precisely what I've been saying about him for years. He doesn't inspire trust because he is a professional liar. (That isn't a political slur by the way, it is simply a fact. There has never been a politician in this country who has made a career out of lying like he has.)

 So it was inevitable that some people would think that was a stunt.

That is totally different from wishing him ill and frankly it is obscene not to see that distinction.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1599 on April 06, 2020, 08:50:26 am by drfchound »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

That would be me, I did also say if he really did have the virus I wished him well, as I do now. If you are going to comment on a previous post you would do well to comment on the full facts of the post, not half of it

I couldn’t remember who it was Filo so I wasn’t going to trawl back through pages of posts so that it why I didnt quote the rest of it.
In fact, I thought that more than one person had joined in with the suggestion.
Nowhere in my last post did I say that the poster(s) hadn’t wished him well.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1600 on April 06, 2020, 08:52:29 am by drfchound »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

And that is an outcome of precisely what I've been saying about him for years. He doesn't inspire trust because he is a professional liar. (That isn't a political slur by the way, it is simply a fact. There has never been a politician in this country who has made a career out of lying like he has.)

 So it was inevitable that some people would think that was a stunt.

That is totally different from wishing him ill and frankly it is obscene not to see that distinction.

See my response to Filo BST.
I just remembered the comment and wasn’t going to waste time trawling through dozens of posts to see who wrote it.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1601 on April 06, 2020, 08:54:21 am by Filo »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

That would be me, I did also say if he really did have the virus I wished him well, as I do now. If you are going to comment on a previous post you would do well to comment on the full facts of the post, not half of it

I couldn’t remember who it was Filo so I wasn’t going to trawl back through pages of posts so that it why I didnt quote the rest of it.
In fact, I thought that more than one person had joined in with the suggestion.
Nowhere in my last post did I say that the poster(s) hadn’t wished him well.

And nowhere in your last post did you say the poster had wished him well


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1602 on April 06, 2020, 08:55:15 am by drfchound »
Bojo admitted to hospital. He didn't look well tbh and still having a high temperature was a bad sign.

I'm sure some will be happy at this news....

And that's the first thing you can think to say?

What a society we have become.

When Boris first went into isolation there were posters on here who suggested that he might not have the virus and that it was some kind of stunt.

That would be me, I did also say if he really did have the virus I wished him well, as I do now. If you are going to comment on a previous post you would do well to comment on the full facts of the post, not half of it

I couldn’t remember who it was Filo so I wasn’t going to trawl back through pages of posts so that it why I didnt quote the rest of it.
In fact, I thought that more than one person had joined in with the suggestion.
Nowhere in my last post did I say that the poster(s) hadn’t wished him well.

And nowhere in your last post did you say the poster had wished him well

Good grief, I have explained why.

River Don

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1603 on April 06, 2020, 09:03:47 am by River Don »
That’ll be me then SR (which was what I was alluding to) if/when I contract this virus I will be fooked. No ICU, no ventilator will I fear enable me to beat it. A vaccine is what I shall hope for. But 18 months or more is a long time to ‘stay lucky’.

Blue skies, another day in the garden beckons.

Another day in the garden, is the best thing you can do.

River Don

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1604 on April 06, 2020, 09:04:13 am by River Don »
If you look at Boris Johnson, there is a bloke in his mid fifties, who has not been exactly the most fabulously fit sort of fella. It puts him at marginally more risk. It looks like he hasn't recovered after the first phase and now they will be worried about the second phase and the prospect of pneumonia.

For anyone who is over fifty, or anyone out of shape, well, anyone at all really, I'd suggest doing whatever you can to get a bit fitter.

If you smoke, you're going to need your lungs, stop smoking. If you drink you can help your immune system, put the bottle away. Eat plenty of fresh produce, put high fat foods and sugary stuff away. Get vitamin C into your system, drinks, supplements, fresh fruit whatever, it boosts the immune system. Find a way to do some exercise that is appropriate, garden, walk, be more vigorous if you can, run cycle, work out.

It looks like we're all going to be locked down for sometime, so we might as well use that time to improve our chances... And when it all passes, you can emerge looking like a Greek god.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1605 on April 06, 2020, 09:06:17 am by drfchound »
That is a good message RD.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1606 on April 06, 2020, 09:18:51 am by BillyStubbsTears »
Bang on RD.

I've got back into doing HIIT workouts in the back garden for the first time in 2-3 years and I feel like a different person already. 20 mins a day and it's life changing. Although it does feel like death at the time.

I do.
90 second plank.
12 lunges on each leg, holding 2x8kg dumbbell.
15 Russian twists each side holding a 10kg kettle bell.
10 tricep dips on a pair of bars I got from Argos (best buy ever).
10 curls on each arm with a 16kg dumbbell.
200m flat out shuttle runs between two markers set 10m apart.

Rest for 90 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Amazing how quickly you feel the difference.

It also always surprised me which exercise leaves me aching the longest after doing it the first time in a while. It's the lunges. Backs of my thighs and buttocks feel  like someone has taken a baseball bat to them.

I'm also going out for an hour long hard walk up and down the hills on the back roads every evening. There's next to no-one around and it's easy to just cross the road to avoid people if you do pass them.

This whole situation is a kick up the arse to remind you that you're not immortal.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1607 on April 06, 2020, 09:22:13 am by selby »
There are 1,276,118 reported cases at the moment world wide with  reported deaths of 69,509 but 265,944 recovered cases, and that is the number people want to concentrate on, and what they can do for themselves to help getting over it, such as diet, exorcise, and most importantly not putting themselves in more danger by socialising when not necessary and improving the chances of not getting it in the first place.
   Self awareness is the most important thing in your personnel battle to win, it is mostly in our own hands to be sensible, but time is an enemy, don't relax your guard for a few moments of enjoyment you could regret later. 

River Don

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1608 on April 06, 2020, 09:31:45 am by River Don »
Blimey BST, it sounds like you are in training for Superstars.

I'm doing some press ups and sit ups and I've started taking the bike out on an evening.

It's whatever is appropriate though, if Col digs a border and gets that overgrown shrub out, then that's great.

tommy toes

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1609 on April 06, 2020, 12:11:09 pm by tommy toes »
Mrs Toes is running around Armthorpe every day for between 40 and 50 mins.
Not bad for a 65 year old.
My knees ain't up to it so I do a brisk walk each day for at least an hour. Sometimes 2 hours.
I've discovered lots of routes through Armthorpe to Cantley and Edenthorpe or Barnby Dun.

Ps...How come tigers are getting tested when we can't?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1610 on April 06, 2020, 12:11:19 pm by Filo »
Spanish deaths fall for fourth consecutive day


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1611 on April 06, 2020, 12:12:32 pm by Filo »
Mrs Toes is running around Armthorpe every day for between 40 and 50 mins.
Not bad for a 65 year old.
My knees ain't up to it so I do a brisk walk each day for at least an hour. Sometimes 2 hours.
I've discovered lots of routes through Armthorpe to Cantley and Edenthorpe or Barnby Dun.

Ps...How come tigers are getting tested when we can't?

It’s a Tiger in America, Trump will have a reason for it


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1612 on April 06, 2020, 12:36:13 pm by ian1980 »
Debenhams is on the brink of collapse as it files intent to appoint administrators putting around 22,000 jobs at risk.

The motor trade looks like it’s on it’s arse as well


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1613 on April 06, 2020, 02:32:18 pm by Filo »
432 deaths today, another drop


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1614 on April 06, 2020, 02:50:51 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
That is fantastic news Filo.

A word of caution though. Last week and to a lesser extent the week before the Sunday and Monday totals were very low, followed by big increases over the next few days. It looks like there might possibly be a weekend effect.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1615 on April 06, 2020, 02:59:09 pm by big fat yorkshire pudding »
That is fantastic news Filo.

A word of caution though. Last week and to a lesser extent the week before the Sunday and Monday totals were very low, followed by big increases over the next few days. It looks like there might possibly be a weekend effect.

Yes, the admin staff probably off in some areas, rightly so. Trend not individual days of course the key.  And arguably hospital admissions more important than deaths too in terms of tracking progress.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1616 on April 06, 2020, 05:10:48 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Thing is, today's released figures cover the data submission period Sat 17:00 - Sun 17:00 and Sunday's cover the same times Fri-Sat. So this could well be an issue with backroom admin staff being off at the weekend.

I hope I'm wrong of course, but going on experience, I'd expect big increases on today's figure on Tues and Weds. Not least because it would be unprecedented for a country to hit 700+ deaths and rising rapidly, and then within a couple of days be back down at 400.

wilts rover

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1617 on April 06, 2020, 05:35:39 pm by wilts rover »
That is fantastic news Filo.

A word of caution though. Last week and to a lesser extent the week before the Sunday and Monday totals were very low, followed by big increases over the next few days. It looks like there might possibly be a weekend effect.

They were discussing this on the radio today and as you say in your later post noted that there were less people working on the recording at weekends.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1618 on April 06, 2020, 06:59:20 pm by albie »
Turns out the testing kits are not up to it;

What next foe Hancock's half-hour?

Copps is Magic

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1619 on April 06, 2020, 07:21:59 pm by Copps is Magic »
Just to clarify, the link you have posted is about the antibody tests not the infection tests.

Funnily enough, I was reading about this topic today on a blog from researchers at Oxford. The short of it is that antibody tests are extremely difficult to get right, and you need them to be extremely accurate or it defeats the whole purpose of doing the tests. They say in this article we are at least 1-month away from getting accurate tests, but in reality it may be several months.


That should be dissapointing for us all because we need these tests to make all kind of decisions about how we move forward.


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