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Author Topic: Ukraine  (Read 249262 times)

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River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #420 on February 25, 2022, 03:07:48 pm by River Don »
You're not a very compassionate man are you AL.


Were you abused by your Dad as a child?

It's not uncommon amongst our more reactionary posters on here.

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #421 on February 25, 2022, 03:21:55 pm by IDM »
The Ukrainians should surrender to avoid further bloodshed. They are being used as expendable cannon fodder by the US puppet government.

Your daily broadcast from Lord Haw-Haw.

It's a pity you the self proclaimed defender of the poor are not more concerned with the massive costs sanctions will put on the fuel and energy prices here in the UK. This is more important than crying about some one carrying out a military operation in a country which does not concern us.
Like when Germany invaded Poland & we ended up with our population on food rations as we went to war with Germany. What were we thinking about!

Could have been avoided though couldn't it? Do you think any of these foreigners are ever grateful to us? They all hate us as proved by the petty EU carry on over covid vaccines and border checks. We'll just end up with more so called refugees coming over here 'cause we're a soft touch for spongers. We should be a closed country and have nothing to do with anyone. We'd be a lot better off for it.

I’m wondering, do you get up especially early in the morning to practice, or does ignorant pigf**kery come naturally to you.?

Axholme Lion

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #422 on February 25, 2022, 03:27:19 pm by Axholme Lion »
The Ukrainians should surrender to avoid further bloodshed. They are being used as expendable cannon fodder by the US puppet government.

Your daily broadcast from Lord Haw-Haw.

It's a pity you the self proclaimed defender of the poor are not more concerned with the massive costs sanctions will put on the fuel and energy prices here in the UK. This is more important than crying about some one carrying out a military operation in a country which does not concern us.
Like when Germany invaded Poland & we ended up with our population on food rations as we went to war with Germany. What were we thinking about!

Could have been avoided though couldn't it? Do you think any of these foreigners are ever grateful to us? They all hate us as proved by the petty EU carry on over covid vaccines and border checks. We'll just end up with more so called refugees coming over here 'cause we're a soft touch for spongers. We should be a closed country and have nothing to do with anyone. We'd be a lot better off for it.

I’m wondering, do you get up especially early in the morning to practice, or does ignorant pigf**kery come naturally to you.?

It's a gift.
 A shame more can't see through it all. All part of the plan for the new one world order.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #423 on February 25, 2022, 03:30:51 pm by River Don »
Perhaps this is not going as well as Putin had planned?

He's just called for the Ukrainian armed forces to turn on their leadership... Somehow I doubt that will happen.

And the MoD have reported their intelligence suggests the Russian army isn't making significant gains and has yet to take a major city.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #424 on February 25, 2022, 03:33:11 pm by Filo »
Perhaps this is not going as well as Putin had planned?

He's just called for the Ukrainian armed forces to turn on their leadership... Somehow I doubt that will happen.

And the MoD have reported their intelligence suggests the Russian army isn't making significant gains and has yet to take a major city.

The obvious reply back to him would be

Putin, go f**k yourself

He’s now realised it’s not the walk in the park he thought it would be

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #425 on February 25, 2022, 03:40:44 pm by River Don »
Perhaps this is not going as well as Putin had planned?

He's just called for the Ukrainian armed forces to turn on their leadership... Somehow I doubt that will happen.

And the MoD have reported their intelligence suggests the Russian army isn't making significant gains and has yet to take a major city.

The obvious reply back to him would be

Putin, go f**k yourself

He’s now realised it’s not the walk in the park he thought it would be

It occurs to me the Russian army hasn't really come up against a people fighting to protect their democratic freedoms before. It does look like they are inspired, it's humbling to see.

It didn't workout so well for Russia in Afghanistan, when faced with a people inspired by religious zeal.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #426 on February 25, 2022, 04:01:35 pm by albie »
The key to this might be how the Russian armed forces see it, when resistance is high and the incursion badly received back home.

I reckon it will revert to a defensive operation with the occupied Russian speaking east of Ukraine becoming independent of Kiev and officially neutral.

The continued military expansion has no obvious end that does not provoke further conflict.
That said, if Putin has lost the plot then can we rely upon rational assessment of the options?


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #427 on February 25, 2022, 04:02:35 pm by ChrisBx »
You're not a very compassionate man are you AL.


Don't you have anything better to do than post on a forum of a club your team hasn't played for 6 years? Very sad.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #428 on February 25, 2022, 04:04:53 pm by River Don »
The key to this might be how the Russian armed forces see it, when resistance is high and the incursion badly received back home.

I reckon it will revert to a defensive operation with the occupied Russian speaking east of Ukraine becoming independent of Kiev and officially neutral.

The continued military expansion has no obvious end that does not provoke further conflict.
That said, if Putin has lost the plot then can we rely upon rational assessment of the options?

Personally I'm hoping one of his generals decides to blow his brains out.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #429 on February 25, 2022, 04:19:16 pm by Nudga »
You're not a very compassionate man are you AL.


Were you abused by your Dad as a child?

It's not uncommon amongst our more reactionary posters on here.

What the f**k is that supposed to mean?

Copps is Magic

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #430 on February 25, 2022, 04:54:27 pm by Copps is Magic »
Putin's latest press conference is his most unhinged yet. I feel this man is genuinely dangerous for the world now, increasingly irrational, with seemingly his ego unable to take the resistance he has encountered.

I still think China is key here. His muddled call for talks in Belarus with the Ukrainian leadership directly followed that conversation. They need to put more pressure on him for a resolution.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #431 on February 25, 2022, 06:04:08 pm by River Don »
You're not a very compassionate man are you AL.


Were you abused by your Dad as a child?

It's not uncommon amongst our more reactionary posters on here.

What the f**k is that supposed to mean?

Oh, I just wondered if there might be a link between people holding right wing views and authoritarian fathers. A couple of people on here have volunteered that information and It chimes with the experience of a friend I grew up with.

Then look at Donald Trump, famously authoritarian father. I get the feeling Margaret Thatchers greengrocer father was a very strict man too.

Interesting thought?


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #432 on February 25, 2022, 06:36:17 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
The Ukrainians should surrender to avoid further bloodshed. They are being used as expendable cannon fodder by the US puppet government.

Your daily broadcast from Lord Haw-Haw.

It's a pity you the self proclaimed defender of the poor are not more concerned with the massive costs sanctions will put on the fuel and energy prices here in the UK. This is more important than crying about some one carrying out a military operation in a country which does not concern us.
Like when Germany invaded Poland & we ended up with our population on food rations as we went to war with Germany. What were we thinking about!

Could have been avoided though couldn't it? Do you think any of these foreigners are ever grateful to us? They all hate us as proved by the petty EU carry on over covid vaccines and border checks. We'll just end up with more so called refugees coming over here 'cause we're a soft touch for spongers. We should be a closed country and have nothing to do with anyone. We'd be a lot better off for it.
Yep, could have been avoided. And of course had we not gone to war with Germany, Axholme Hitler would never had invaded Britain.

I don't believe he would have if you look into it properly. Once again getting involved in other peoples problems cost us thousands and thousands of British lives. We never seem to learn from it. It's not worth our while, let europe look after themselves. What right do we have to set ourselves up as the worlds policeman? All the do gooders bleat on about our evil empire but seem happy for us stick our oar in now when ever anything kicks off.

So I no longer need to say that you'd have been a Hitler apologist in 1938. You've said it in your own words.

Thank f**k you are in a fraction of a percent of a minority.

normal rules

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #433 on February 25, 2022, 06:56:19 pm by normal rules »
I’m beginning to wonder if Putin was abused as a child, or bullied at school.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #434 on February 25, 2022, 07:00:27 pm by River Don »
I’m beginning to wonder if Putin was abused as a child, or bullied at school.

The BBC have just said he had a very tough childhood. He once said as a child he learned if you're getting into a fight, make sure you throw the first punch.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #435 on February 25, 2022, 07:27:05 pm by tyke1962 »
When a Ukrainian Soldier is prepared to sacrifice his own life to blow a bridge up and so stop Russian forces in that sector you know you are dealing with highly motivated people who are prepared to die for their country rather than be governed by one of Putin's choosing .

The Ukrainians will ultimately lose this part of the conflict .

However they won't be going away either and this will become guerrilla warfare .

I'd suggest there will be plenty of body bags getting used and flown back to Russia .


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #436 on February 25, 2022, 07:47:35 pm by MachoMadness »
Just read about that soldier tyke. Like something out of a film, that. Russia does seem to have underestimated the fight Ukraine would put up.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #437 on February 25, 2022, 07:51:31 pm by Filo »
UK NLAW anti tank weapon deployed in Ukraine, will scare the shit out of the Russians, hold it on target for three seconds and it guides its self to hit the target


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #438 on February 25, 2022, 08:02:56 pm by 5minstogo »
UK NLAW anti tank weapon deployed in Ukraine, will scare the shit out of the Russians, hold it on target for three seconds and it guides its self to hit the target

Just reading about that. Developed by Saab.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #439 on February 25, 2022, 08:08:10 pm by River Don »
Putins tactic is regime change.

He believes if he can install his own government then Ukraine will become compliant. I think he genuinely believes a return to authoritarianism will appeal to the Ukraine military, which is why he appealed to them today. I wonder if anyone told him about the soldier who sacrificed himself to slow Russia down? Or the soldiers who told the Russian navy to f**k off?

I think he underestimates the Ukrainian population. I don't think a pro-Putin leadership would be able to govern. The war will continue and become a protracted guerrilla affair.

How will the Russians react to ongoing economic sanctions and a steady flow of body bags returning home?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 08:10:43 pm by River Don »

normal rules

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #440 on February 25, 2022, 08:11:17 pm by normal rules »
I was very familiar with the 94mm LAW weapon system.
Utterly devastating at ranges up to 500 m.
Which is why I am shocked to see Russian tanks in urban areas.
Sitting  ducks .
Let me at em.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #441 on February 25, 2022, 08:13:04 pm by tyke1962 »
Just read about that soldier tyke. Like something out of a film, that. Russia does seem to have underestimated the fight Ukraine would put up.

What that supreme sacrifice and bravery on that scale tells me is that the Ukrainians believe they can win in the longer term .

Absolutely no soldier wants to die in vain , the Argentinean  and Iraq's layed down their weapons in masse and surrendered during conflicts in the Falklands and the Gulf before fight .

Clearly nobody thought their life was worth losing for the Argentinean Junta or Saddam Hussein .

Apparently a dozen Ukranian soldiers were asked to surrender by a group of Russian soldiers earlier today as they had them surrounded .

The Ukrainians told them to go " feck themselves " and all sadly were killed .

normal rules

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #442 on February 25, 2022, 08:18:46 pm by normal rules »
I’ve been watching the developing conflict.
It strikes me that this is not a “kill all” mission. He thinks he is going to win the Hearts and minds. He is deluded.
It seems Putin wants to  take out conventional Ukrainian Military capability.
But what he has not bargained for is every eligible Ukrainian taking up arms.
So, a bit like Vietnam, He is engaging an enemy he cannot properly determine or asses. Like ISIS, he is not fighting a military might , he is engaging with an ideology. The ideology that Ukraine Is sovereign. Independent. And not willing to lie down to Russian aggression.
Good luck to him. He is going to need it .
He will fail while ever there are Ukrainians on Ukrainian soil willing to fight for their freedom.
They will prevail.
Russian soldiers have families behind them who do not support their actions.

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #443 on February 25, 2022, 08:22:30 pm by River Don »
Conversely there are stories of some Russian soldiers refusing to fight and kill brother Ukrainians, laying down their arms and surrendering.

And thousands of ordinary Russians willing to risk prison and possible torture to protest against the war.

normal rules

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #444 on February 25, 2022, 08:30:30 pm by normal rules »
The major concern for me is Putin has opened Pandora’s box.
And he is now powerless to close it.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #445 on February 25, 2022, 08:33:45 pm by MachoMadness »
Putin now threatening Finland and Sweden. Completely batshit.

normal rules

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #446 on February 25, 2022, 08:44:27 pm by normal rules »
Best they join NATO. ASAP.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #447 on February 25, 2022, 08:49:40 pm by tyke1962 »
Putin now threatening Finland and Sweden. Completely batshit.

The Russians got more than they bargained for with the Finns when they invaded them in the early part of WW2 .

River Don

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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #448 on February 25, 2022, 10:23:16 pm by River Don »
Vladimir Klitchko mayor of Kyiv warning of a very difficult night ahead.

Reports of locals building makeshift roadblocks and local radio telling people how to make Molotov cocktails. Dads Army stuff but by god they've got guts.


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #449 on February 25, 2022, 10:29:33 pm by Filo »
Vladimir Klitchko mayor of Kyiv warning of a very difficult night ahead.

Reports of locals building makeshift roadblocks and local radio telling people how to make Molotov cocktails. Dads Army stuff but by god they've got guts.

Apparently Molotov cocktails a very effective against tank when hitting near the air intake of the engine, kills the engine and the tank becomes a sitting duck


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