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Author Topic: So what exactly is the answer?  (Read 8011 times)

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #30 on December 27, 2022, 09:24:51 am by DonnyBazR0ver »

Fairly easy solution to it all.

Exactly, even if some folk got their wish and forced regime change, which would take how long? It would still come down to this!

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Barmby Rover

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #31 on December 27, 2022, 09:54:17 am by Barmby Rover »
Were any of the board there yesterday? My guess is no, probably off watching Rugby yesterday.

Champagne Super Rovers

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #32 on December 27, 2022, 09:58:35 am by Champagne Super Rovers »
I would borrow the approach taken by Ben Stokes and Brendon McCullum with English men's cricket team.
At least for the rest of this season take the result out of the equation.   We shouldn't get relegated and the way we're going at the moment we won't be any where near promotion. So send the players out to entertain the crowd and enjoy themselves.
We might get a few beatings but we might get a few big wins too.  Either way it's got to be better than the shite we're being served up at the moment.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #33 on December 27, 2022, 10:31:24 am by Cramby10 »
I would borrow the approach taken by Ben Stokes and Brendon McCullum with English men's cricket team.
At least for the rest of this season take the result out of the equation.   We shouldn't get relegated and the way we're going at the moment we won't be any where near promotion. So send the players out to entertain the crowd and enjoy themselves.
We might get a few beatings but we might get a few big wins too.  Either way it's got to be better than the shite we're being served up at the moment.
great example. I’ve been saying the same to my mate.
And how have they achieved this turnaround with largely the same group of players? Man management! Which is what we’ve needed for some time now.
We need a man manager, a motivator and a leader of men at this particular juncture. We don’t need a Pep wannabe to over complicate things. He can place those ‘principles’ and ‘fundamentals’ where his head seems to be wedged at this moment. Just have a go!!

Chris Black come back

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #34 on December 27, 2022, 10:43:41 am by Chris Black come back »
As the board took the regrettable decision in 2016 to stop disclosing the income and expenditure for Doncaster Rovers, we only have quite dated figures to work from - but we can see that in the last disclosed figures which related to the 2014/15 season in League One under Dickov, we spent £3.7m on player salaries. If you compare that with Rotherham United who got promoted from League One in 2019/20 season, they spent £5.1m.

Given increased EPL and TV distributions over this six season period, those two budgets are pretty much the same.

I make this point only to show that if a club like Rotherham United which is certainly no bigger than us or with better infrastructure than us, and is not in a more economically advantaged area than us, and arguably don’t have the financial stability we have, then it does go to show how poorly we have made footballing decisions.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 10:45:49 am by Chris Black come back »

Colin C No.3

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #35 on December 27, 2022, 11:15:18 am by Colin C No.3 »
The cheap option manager appointments, the procrastinating transfer window in summer 21 are aligned in my opinion with other signs like the flimsy pamphlet type programme, awful material of the away kit, lack of kiosks being open in the ground, all tangible indications of significant lack of proper investment by the owners in the club despite all the rhetoric to the contrary.

 It's clear we have been downsizing both on and off the pitch since pre pandemic  which probably facilitated the owners in a desire to cut the cloth accordingly.. only this cutting of cloth accordingly is simply transparent on the pitch as the death of a thousand cuts with a continuing decline in results and performances. I've read the words austerity and gaslighting.. the last decade almost since 2013 in terms of lack of success and 5 year plans to the championship do now suggest so. Other than the McCann year when he managed to galvanise rhe club and got rid of the soft centre (apparent with the number of yellow and red cards),  we haven't looked like matching previous achievements. Now we look more likely of falling through the trapdoor back to the conference. I did hope Coppinger could generate some magic off the field to be reflected on it but right now it looks way off. 

Our rapid decline is hard to take, is it a coincidence it has happened following the sad loss of Rovers fan Dick Watson, and before that JRs departure, a step process of decline linked to reduction in financial support, despite the rhetoric to the contrary.

That said we have witnessed a real horror show of performances including by experienced pros over the last two years and there is absolutely no excuses for the clear lack of application in.the away defeats this season at Hartlepool, Colchester, Carlisle, Tranmere amongst others.. absolute horror shows with hardly a shot in anger in three of these absolutely shocking and unacceptable performances (first half at Colchester excluded). So the current crop of players and both managers this season are also culpable too.

That is an excellent summary of ‘our’ situation to date.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #36 on December 27, 2022, 11:24:10 am by andyst79 »
Fairly easy solution to it all.
As daft as it sounds I think if we went out and got 2 good cm's , got Olowu fit we could easily make the playoffs. That's how bad most of the teams are in this division.
Ben Whiteman is a prime example of what can be achieved if we are prepared to spend a bit of money.

Reg of the Rovers

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #37 on December 27, 2022, 11:33:42 am by Reg of the Rovers »
Fairly easy solution to it all.
As daft as it sounds I think if we went out and got 2 good cm's , got Olowu fit we could easily make the playoffs. That's how bad most of the teams are in this division.
Ben Whiteman is a prime example of what can be achieved if we are prepared to spend a bit of money.
I think so too - a couple more pieces in the jigsaw, and a more positive playing philosophy and I think we'd be picking up a lot more wins. This division is poor, if we can get at teams rather than let them play we'd put many to the sword.

On Ben Whiteman for me that is the one defining moment that put us on this downward spiral, his quality of turning defence in to attack, playing through the lines and athleticism in getting up the pitch, and chipping in with goals we've never got close to replacing. The day he left this slide started.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #38 on December 27, 2022, 11:37:00 am by tyke1962 »
As the board took the regrettable decision in 2016 to stop disclosing the income and expenditure for Doncaster Rovers, we only have quite dated figures to work from - but we can see that in the last disclosed figures which related to the 2014/15 season in League One under Dickov, we spent £3.7m on player salaries. If you compare that with Rotherham United who got promoted from League One in 2019/20 season, they spent £5.1m.

Given increased EPL and TV distributions over this six season period, those two budgets are pretty much the same.

I make this point only to show that if a club like Rotherham United which is certainly no bigger than us or with better infrastructure than us, and is not in a more economically advantaged area than us, and arguably don’t have the financial stability we have, then it does go to show how poorly we have made footballing decisions.

Rotherham have had four promotions to the championship in the last 10 years .

As a consequence they've probably accumulated at least £15m in tv revenue for those promotions plus increased attendances , sponsorship and advertising revenue .

Tony Stewart doesn't go for too much in the championship , he won't play the game , however it means they are always in pretty good shape when they take the drop back to league one .

Extremely financially stable club although hugely frustrating too when in the championship and Stewart does have his critics .


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #39 on December 27, 2022, 12:07:09 pm by ravenrover »
Let's put Wellens and budget to bed, he blew it on the key signings he made and came back like Oliver "please sir I want some more" When none was forthcoming he hoovered up a few 2nd rate scraps to.make up numbers. His signings have proved not to be a success which is why he was sacked
I see it mentioned on another thread that we should revert to 4 4 2, which I said weeks ago. Trying to implement a system such as 3 4 3 depends on the quality of the players at your disposal, sadly the ones we have are not up to it. Basics are required in this league, defend well get the ball forward quickly. Whilst the formation of 3 4 3 on paper looks good sadly it turns very quickly into
5 4 1 when we are under pressure, usually after the first 5mins of a game.
The games I've seen which have been few and far between this season so far have shown that when we play at pace we can compete even with this squad. Sadly a game played at pace removes Clayton from the equation. January recruitment will be critical if we are to achieve success this season along with DS realising that Premiership tactics don't work at this level JMHO
« Last Edit: December 27, 2022, 12:09:36 pm by ravenrover »


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #40 on December 27, 2022, 12:07:34 pm by Avsuptem »
This is going to be an unpopular posting because it incudes an unpalletable observation about a club legend. It is my view that the problem lies at the top. A fish rots from the head.  We have onwers who care little for the fans or for the football performance, they are not RTID in the mould of, say, JR but savvy business people who are focussed primarily on sustainability. We have a very competent and highly rewarded CEO who does the owners bidding and has done an excellent job of spin doctor in convincing the supporters about playing budgets etc. Who can blame him for taking his fat salary and doing the job he is paid for? But, when a well heeled fan offers to sponsor a young overseas player with  massive  potential to transform team performance and make a fortune for the club in sell on fees but neither our CEO or club legend can even be bothered or summon the courtesy to respond to the offer there is summat wrong. Yes this happened. Only a few months back. It is shocking. It is indicative of the attitude that has led us into these doldrums and will lead us back into non league if it does not change.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #41 on December 27, 2022, 12:11:04 pm by ravenrover »
Please give us the details, something I've missed


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #42 on December 27, 2022, 12:30:30 pm by vaya »
Please give us the details, something I've missed

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #43 on December 27, 2022, 12:31:18 pm by danumdon »
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) we have as club owners and directors who we have, it's not going to change anytime soon. I think many on this board have an inkling that the issue is at the level just below the owner, but TB is not going to make any changes there because of fan pressure.So pointless even speculating.

It looks like the people on the professional footballing side need to make the difference, so we are talking JC and DS, to me it looks like DS is carrying out the remit he was tasked to produce ie, an attractive football playing side to play attacking football but he has major issues with the personnel, if they can't or won't conform to the managements program then it's pretty obvious what needs to happen.

JC and DS are not going to produce all the extra loaves and fish to satisfy us as things stand, they need their own players and that will require more than this window.

Its a massively disheartening watch just now, that performance yesterday was abject but we all know what's required.

Will the majority of the fanbase give them the time they need? surly its only right to give them the tools to perform the task in hand.

I also think its a big ask to expect DS to temper his playing setup to conform to the players he has, that way only leads to players being allowed to wallow in their comfort zones with no overall team progression, if the principle is correct and the outcome can be produced (a la SOD) then its imperative that he holds his nerve and sticks to his playing plan.

Sometimes you have to take some steps back to be able to make the big leap forward.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #44 on December 27, 2022, 12:52:52 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
This is going to be an unpopular posting because it incudes an unpalletable observation about a club legend. It is my view that the problem lies at the top. A fish rots from the head.  We have onwers who care little for the fans or for the football performance, they are not RTID in the mould of, say, JR but savvy business people who are focussed primarily on sustainability. We have a very competent and highly rewarded CEO who does the owners bidding and has done an excellent job of spin doctor in convincing the supporters about playing budgets etc. Who can blame him for taking his fat salary and doing the job he is paid for? But, when a well heeled fan offers to sponsor a young overseas player with  massive  potential to transform team performance and make a fortune for the club in sell on fees but neither our CEO or club legend can even be bothered or summon the courtesy to respond to the offer there is summat wrong. Yes this happened. Only a few months back. It is shocking. It is indicative of the attitude that has led us into these doldrums and will lead us back into non league if it does not change.

So where is this said young magician who can carry the fortunes of an entire football club on his young shoulders now?


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #45 on December 27, 2022, 01:18:03 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) we have as club owners and directors who we have, it's not going to change anytime soon. I think many on this board have an inkling that the issue is at the level just below the owner, but TB is not going to make any changes there because of fan pressure.So pointless even speculating.

It looks like the people on the professional footballing side need to make the difference, so we are talking JC and DS, to me it looks like DS is carrying out the remit he was tasked to produce ie, an attractive football playing side to play attacking football but he has major issues with the personnel, if they can't or won't conform to the managements program then it's pretty obvious what needs to happen.

JC and DS are not going to produce all the extra loaves and fish to satisfy us as things stand, they need their own players and that will require more than this window.

Its a massively disheartening watch just now, that performance yesterday was abject but we all know what's required.

Will the majority of the fanbase give them the time they need? surly its only right to give them the tools to perform the task in hand.

I also think its a big ask to expect DS to temper his playing setup to conform to the players he has, that way only leads to players being allowed to wallow in their comfort zones with no overall team progression, if the principle is correct and the outcome can be produced (a la SOD) then its imperative that he holds his nerve and sticks to his playing plan.

Sometimes you have to take some steps back to be able to make the big leap forward.

Agreed. A very realistic observation. To keep chopping and changing managers/headcoaches is just throwing people at it and hoping it sticks.

The HoF and coach need time to lay down the foundations and that doesn't come in one or even two transfer windows.

Folk refer to the comparison with Rotherham. They got their man manager in Fatty Evans but even he stretched Stewart to the limit. It took a promotion from within to steady the ship, reduce the squad and given time to establish his own methods.

It's not too long ago our fortunes and prospects were on par with Rotherham. We failed to get to the Championship in the League One play off semi due to a slip from the keeper and a couple of penalty misses. Shortly after, Rotherham gained a helping hand in the curtailed season with a marginally better points per game average whilst we were victims of the Bolton and Wigan fiasco then followed by another manager being head hunted away.

Had those slices of fortune gone the other way I'm sure some folk would be less vitriolic about our ownership and funding model.

Chris Black come back

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #46 on December 27, 2022, 01:20:14 pm by Chris Black come back »
It's sliding doors. Imagine if we had gone up to the Championship at the end of the 18/19 season. Could probably have signed Wilks, maybe even Kane. Whiteman might have signed an extension. Likewise Marquis.

Butchers Red

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #47 on December 27, 2022, 01:20:52 pm by Butchers Red »
For me all the talk of complete rebuilds is wide of the mark - the fact is that this group of players have turned in some very good showings this season - Bradford away - a real backs to the wall display of steel and determination, then we had the two late,late victories in injury time - Northampton away where we played them off the park. At home to Stevenage and a few other decent games as well.

Both Northampton away and Stevenage at home  we played open, front foot positive football, kept Hurst and Molyneux wide and had KK and usually Maxwell bombing on in support, with Biggins bombing on as well - This current malaise,and the turgid slow build up, apparently is how DS wants to play football and what he is "coaching into them".

Presumably he bollocked them for the first 5 minutes yesterday when we looked something like up for it.

The answer is simple - DS want's a proper bollocking.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #48 on December 27, 2022, 01:22:04 pm by Cramby10 »
He’s wrong man at the wrong time.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #49 on December 27, 2022, 02:08:56 pm by Leedsrover »
The Board and CEO etc were not responsible for the embarrassing, turgid, passing exchanges between our "defenders" and goalkeeper yesterday which even had the fans of the mighty Tranmere jeering and laughing.
The tactic of tempting the opposition press onto us did not work from minute 1 and yet we persisted in continuing, with the inevitable lump up to our lonely centre forward being cigar and slippers for their defence
Why would we continue with this ? Or is there some science involved that I am too blind to see?
If there is I would welcome some logical explanation from our Head Coach instead of the same old post match rhetoric.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #50 on December 27, 2022, 02:22:54 pm by Cramby10 »
Apparently he has ‘principles’ and ‘fundamentals’. It amounts to football snobbery and it’s basically shooting ourselves in our foot.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #51 on December 27, 2022, 02:56:33 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
What he says to the press and what he really thinks are probably two very different things.

The Beast

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #52 on December 27, 2022, 03:02:37 pm by The Beast »
I think we need to sign players who have an inner steel and strength, the current bunch will never have it, alternatively have had it but have lost the fire in their bellies with age. There's no Russ Wicox, John Doolan, Paul Green, Rob Jones, Ben Whiteman; players who can stand up and drag the rest of the team through kicking and screaming. No substance.

Dagenham Rover

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #53 on December 27, 2022, 03:03:37 pm by Dagenham Rover »
What he says to the press and what he really thinks are probably two very different things.

I hope so!


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #54 on December 27, 2022, 05:48:41 pm by ForsolongaRover »
I think we need to sign players who have an inner steel and strength, the current bunch will never have it, alternatively have had it but have lost the fire in their bellies with age. There's no Russ Wicox, John Doolan, Paul Green, Rob Jones, Ben Whiteman; players who can stand up and drag the rest of the team through kicking and screaming. No substance.

The Schofield style is based around team play. All the above (and Copps for that matter) would hold the ball and look around for the best pass. You may be expecting too much in imagining that he would sign that type of individual.     

Draytonian III

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #55 on December 27, 2022, 06:07:24 pm by Draytonian III »
We should play the Mike Bassett way 4-4-2 or words to effect.
Joking apart I honestly think we should play that way, giving Miller some support and thus stopping the ball coming back towards our goal.
Why teams/managers insist of trying to play like Man City with League Two players, it baffles/annoys the life out of me

scawsby steve

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #56 on December 27, 2022, 06:16:01 pm by scawsby steve »
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) we have as club owners and directors who we have, it's not going to change anytime soon. I think many on this board have an inkling that the issue is at the level just below the owner, but TB is not going to make any changes there because of fan pressure.So pointless even speculating.

It looks like the people on the professional footballing side need to make the difference, so we are talking JC and DS, to me it looks like DS is carrying out the remit he was tasked to produce ie, an attractive football playing side to play attacking football but he has major issues with the personnel, if they can't or won't conform to the managements program then it's pretty obvious what needs to happen.

JC and DS are not going to produce all the extra loaves and fish to satisfy us as things stand, they need their own players and that will require more than this window.

Its a massively disheartening watch just now, that performance yesterday was abject but we all know what's required.

Will the majority of the fanbase give them the time they need? surly its only right to give them the tools to perform the task in hand.

I also think its a big ask to expect DS to temper his playing setup to conform to the players he has, that way only leads to players being allowed to wallow in their comfort zones with no overall team progression, if the principle is correct and the outcome can be produced (a la SOD) then its imperative that he holds his nerve and sticks to his playing plan.

Sometimes you have to take some steps back to be able to make the big leap forward.

The breakdown in that argument, DD, is attendances. Supporters are already staying away, and unless things drastically improve, the stadium will be almost empty, which will be disastrous for the club.

The one thing Rovers don't have is time.

normal rules

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #57 on December 27, 2022, 06:47:42 pm by normal rules »
As John Ryan says in the dfp. The club needs a top to bottom shake up.

I said it at the time, but the appointment of JC I believe was a cameo attempt at placating the fans into thinking real change was soon the horizon.
Unless I’m missing something, nothing has changed since he arrived. I know to many this will be controversial, but his appointment is wasted money imo. Jobs for the boys. Which I suspect was engineered by himself, for himself.
Abject performances.
No obvious leadership on and off the pitch.
No clear playing style.
A loss of identity and reputation as a football playing team.
A loss of support.
I’ll be going to the Orient game fully expecting rovers to be given a footballing lesson. Happy to be proved wrong.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #58 on December 27, 2022, 07:06:03 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
This is going to be an unpopular posting because it incudes an unpalletable observation about a club legend. It is my view that the problem lies at the top. A fish rots from the head.  We have onwers who care little for the fans or for the football performance, they are not RTID in the mould of, say, JR but savvy business people who are focussed primarily on sustainability. We have a very competent and highly rewarded CEO who does the owners bidding and has done an excellent job of spin doctor in convincing the supporters about playing budgets etc. Who can blame him for taking his fat salary and doing the job he is paid for? But, when a well heeled fan offers to sponsor a young overseas player with  massive  potential to transform team performance and make a fortune for the club in sell on fees but neither our CEO or club legend can even be bothered or summon the courtesy to respond to the offer there is summat wrong. Yes this happened. Only a few months back. It is shocking. It is indicative of the attitude that has led us into these doldrums and will lead us back into non league if it does not change.

Unless someone has seen and can provide a copy of exactly what was sent to the club (that you claim has been ignored) and details of when it was sent and how, I cry bullshit. Twitter bullshit, probably.

Barmby Rover

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #59 on December 27, 2022, 09:16:14 pm by Barmby Rover »
As John Ryan says in the dfp. The club needs a top to bottom shake up.

I said it at the time, but the appointment of JC I believe was a cameo attempt at placating the fans into thinking real change was soon the horizon.
Unless I’m missing something, nothing has changed since he arrived. I know to many this will be controversial, but his appointment is wasted money imo. Jobs for the boys. Which I suspect was engineered by himself, for himself.
Abject performances.
No obvious leadership on and off the pitch.
No clear playing style.
A loss of identity and reputation as a football playing team.
A loss of support.
I’ll be going to the Orient game fully expecting rovers to be given a footballing lesson. Happy to be proved wrong.

The reason the board appointed a Head of Football, somebody else to take the flack instead of themselves. There is no ambition to have a successful football club at Rovers with the current owners, which is why we lost MCCann, Whiteman, Kane, et al, and why we will lose Faulkner and Miller sooner rather then later.


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