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Author Topic: So what exactly is the answer?  (Read 8013 times)

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #60 on December 27, 2022, 09:22:02 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
As John Ryan says in the dfp. The club needs a top to bottom shake up.

I said it at the time, but the appointment of JC I believe was a cameo attempt at placating the fans into thinking real change was soon the horizon.
Unless I’m missing something, nothing has changed since he arrived. I know to many this will be controversial, but his appointment is wasted money imo. Jobs for the boys. Which I suspect was engineered by himself, for himself.
Abject performances.
No obvious leadership on and off the pitch.
No clear playing style.
A loss of identity and reputation as a football playing team.
A loss of support.
I’ll be going to the Orient game fully expecting rovers to be given a footballing lesson. Happy to be proved wrong.

John Ryan also said on 23 July "Well done Rovers great window and thanks to Terry Brammall for backing the team i can see another promotion on its way"

He received quite a number of supporting comments as I'm sure like many, we thought it was a good transfer window, particularly in comparison to the previous couple of seasons.

Is JR just a cynical fan like the rest of us? What does changing things from top to bottom actually look like, what does it mean?

Since the summer window the board and the HoF had to act to relieve McSheffrey but have not had the benefit of another transfer window to 'shake things up' even further and I'm sure they desperately want to see improvement too.

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #61 on December 27, 2022, 09:27:49 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
As John Ryan says in the dfp. The club needs a top to bottom shake up.

I said it at the time, but the appointment of JC I believe was a cameo attempt at placating the fans into thinking real change was soon the horizon.
Unless I’m missing something, nothing has changed since he arrived. I know to many this will be controversial, but his appointment is wasted money imo. Jobs for the boys. Which I suspect was engineered by himself, for himself.
Abject performances.
No obvious leadership on and off the pitch.
No clear playing style.
A loss of identity and reputation as a football playing team.
A loss of support.
I’ll be going to the Orient game fully expecting rovers to be given a footballing lesson. Happy to be proved wrong.

The reason the board appointed a Head of Football, somebody else to take the flack instead of themselves. There is no ambition to have a successful football club at Rovers with the current owners, which is why we lost MCCann, Whiteman, Kane, et al, and why we will lose Faulkner and Miller sooner rather then later.

Then how did we get McCann, Whitemen, Marquis etc in the first place? How did Whitemen and Marquis both stay and extend their contracts? Kane wasn't ours btw.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #62 on December 27, 2022, 09:47:13 pm by danumdon »
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) we have as club owners and directors who we have, it's not going to change anytime soon. I think many on this board have an inkling that the issue is at the level just below the owner, but TB is not going to make any changes there because of fan pressure.So pointless even speculating.

It looks like the people on the professional footballing side need to make the difference, so we are talking JC and DS, to me it looks like DS is carrying out the remit he was tasked to produce ie, an attractive football playing side to play attacking football but he has major issues with the personnel, if they can't or won't conform to the managements program then it's pretty obvious what needs to happen.

JC and DS are not going to produce all the extra loaves and fish to satisfy us as things stand, they need their own players and that will require more than this window.

Its a massively disheartening watch just now, that performance yesterday was abject but we all know what's required.

Will the majority of the fanbase give them the time they need? surly its only right to give them the tools to perform the task in hand.

I also think its a big ask to expect DS to temper his playing setup to conform to the players he has, that way only leads to players being allowed to wallow in their comfort zones with no overall team progression, if the principle is correct and the outcome can be produced (a la SOD) then its imperative that he holds his nerve and sticks to his playing plan.

Sometimes you have to take some steps back to be able to make the big leap forward.

The breakdown in that argument, DD, is attendances. Supporters are already staying away, and unless things drastically improve, the stadium will be almost empty, which will be disastrous for the club.

The one thing Rovers don't have is time.

I understand completely Steve, attendances are falling and displays like that cannot do them any good whatsoever but what can we do other than have faith in  a manager who has yet to be given the tools for his job. If we got rid and brought in someone else in haste would we say the same thing again when he fails for all the same reasons?

We would be very lucky indeed to be able to source a manager who could implement some sort of system that this current squad could perform to. we lack strength, pace and guile but most importantly we lack the desire. I think we all know that a good number are short of many of the elements we require and will not bring us the success we crave. Its going to require some fresh blood and we will need it whoever is in charge.

When you say the one thing we don't have is time its ironically the only thing we can be certain we do have, with all the implications it brings.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #63 on December 27, 2022, 10:14:16 pm by bpoolrover »
As John Ryan says in the dfp. The club needs a top to bottom shake up.

I said it at the time, but the appointment of JC I believe was a cameo attempt at placating the fans into thinking real change was soon the horizon.
Unless I’m missing something, nothing has changed since he arrived. I know to many this will be controversial, but his appointment is wasted money imo. Jobs for the boys. Which I suspect was engineered by himself, for himself.
Abject performances.
No obvious leadership on and off the pitch.
No clear playing style.
A loss of identity and reputation as a football playing team.
A loss of support.
I’ll be going to the Orient game fully expecting rovers to be given a footballing lesson. Happy to be proved wrong.

The reason the board appointed a Head of Football, somebody else to take the flack instead of themselves. There is no ambition to have a successful football club at Rovers with the current owners, which is why we lost MCCann, Whiteman, Kane, et al, and why we will lose Faulkner and Miller sooner rather then later.

Then how did we get McCann, Whitemen, Marquis etc in the first place? How did Whitemen and Marquis both stay and extend their contracts? Kane wasn't ours btw.
until a couple of years ago I thought the board did a pretty good job, recently it seems like tb has basically had enough of any
Extra funding, which would have been fine if we had a decent squad but unfortunately we have needed a few rebuilds


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #64 on December 27, 2022, 11:44:48 pm by dickos1 »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #65 on December 28, 2022, 06:21:30 am by Avsuptem »
Please give us the details, something I've missed

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #66 on December 28, 2022, 09:16:29 am by vaya »
Please give us the details, something I've missed

Please give us the details, something I've missed

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

Because in a previous post you've complained about the club not answering emails in regards to sponsorship.

Irrespective, I'm not defending anything. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you're on about. I don't think anyone has. You've still to explain it.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #67 on December 28, 2022, 09:33:13 am by i_ateallthepies »
What he says to the press and what he really thinks are probably two very different things.

I agree, Baz, but talking about principles and fundamentals each time following performances like we're being served up sounds to me like we are being taken for fools.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #68 on December 28, 2022, 09:33:33 am by steve@dcfd »
Quote from Dickos
Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

If that’s the case then the level of these players is not good enough. We are 12pts  off the automatic promotion places and do not look as though we can win enough games or score enough goals to get there. So we have wasted money on players if you are and others are right about one of the biggest budgets


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #69 on December 28, 2022, 10:31:18 am by Avsuptem »
Please give us the details, something I've missed

Please give us the details, something I've missed

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

Because in a previous post you've complained about the club not answering emails in regards to sponsorship.

Irrespective, I'm not defending anything. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you're on about. I don't think anyone has. You've still to explain it.

Fare enough.

I probably should have provided more detail but to do so would not be helpful to the club or the individuals involved.

Like most of us here I am horrified by the slide down the slippery slope and the apathy that has allowed it to happen. I believe the answer would be to find enthusiastic and wealthy new owners who are hardcore DRFC supporters to boot. Unfortunately they are not queuing up. I also acknowledge that the current owners have given their time, expertise and money in the past and that there are a lot worse out there.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #70 on December 28, 2022, 10:42:32 am by Glyn_Wigley »
Please give us the details, something I've missed

Please give us the details, something I've missed

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

If I'm understanding correctly, the club's facing annihilation because someone didn't answer an email.

What makes you think someone failed to answer an Email ? No mention of Email was made.

Why are you defending the indefensible and trying to trivialise someting so.serious ?

Because in a previous post you've complained about the club not answering emails in regards to sponsorship.

Irrespective, I'm not defending anything. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you're on about. I don't think anyone has. You've still to explain it.

Fare enough.

I probably should have provided more detail but to do so would not be helpful to the club or the individuals involved.

Like most of us here I am horrified by the slide down the slippery slope and the apathy that has allowed it to happen. I believe the answer would be to find enthusiastic and wealthy new owners who are hardcore DRFC supporters to boot. Unfortunately they are not queuing up. I also acknowledge that the current owners have given their time, expertise and money in the past and that there are a lot worse out there.

Whereas repeating unsubstantiated rumours does wonders for the club!

silent majority

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #71 on December 28, 2022, 12:00:53 pm by silent majority »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

The problem is people rush to judgement based on perception rather than facts.

We do have one of the largest budgets in this division, as we expected, so that's not the issue. The issue is clearly based around the playing squad and the work done at Cantley Park, its that that needs addressing. This can't be fixed overnight, but I'm hoping for a good transfer window to at least put us on the right track again.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #72 on December 28, 2022, 12:37:02 pm by tyke1962 »
I watched the Leyton Orient v Stevenage game yesterday lunchtime .

Two teams  clear at the top of the league from the chasing pack .

Whilst there was bits and bobs of football played , in essence it was a fight backed up by superb organisation from both teams .

Both teams were extremely well coached and drilled with both managers asking their players  to do what they can do which was to do the basics very well .

In the end they cancelled one another out because the mistakes were kept to a minimum .

Nobody needs to invent the wheel in league two from the training ground and the technical area and the first thing a manager needs to know is to understand the league and the capabilities of his players and work from there .

DS isn't at Huddersfield Town in the championship and he's not got that calibre of player at his disposal with all due respect to play in areas of the field he'd probably like to .

League two is a fight every week .


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #73 on December 28, 2022, 01:39:13 pm by keith79 »
Has anyone seen the budget

normal rules

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #74 on December 28, 2022, 01:41:23 pm by normal rules »
I’d expect, no, demand to see a proven goal scorer in the next window.
Look back to the lge two promotion of 16/17. Marquis got 26 goals for rovers.
We are no where near having a regular onion bag finder with the current crop.
Defensively, rovers only lost 11 games all that season. They have already lost 9 so far this time around.
Interestingly, a certain Leyton Orient got relegated that season.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 01:44:52 pm by normal rules »

no eyed deer

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #75 on December 28, 2022, 01:48:12 pm by no eyed deer »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

The problem is people rush to judgement based on perception rather than facts.

We do have one of the largest budgets in this division, as we expected, so that's not the issue. The issue is clearly based around the playing squad and the work done at Cantley Park, its that that needs addressing. This can't be fixed overnight, but I'm hoping for a good transfer window to at least put us on the right track again.

One of the largest budgets?? A bit like 4.5 million a year !?

If the problems lies at Cantley, who is it that makes the decision to employ them.

The lack of passion and drive from the top is clear to see.

Let's hope January is better than last year as that was a joke, but then at least we can always wait till summer.

This board and thier decisions last year that are to blame for us even being in this league. Shame on them !!


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #76 on December 28, 2022, 01:49:58 pm by mushRTID »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

Does make me laugh posts like this. Written as though you know all other 23 L2 squads inside out.

Maybe you can list detailed squad comparisons for those of us who aren’t experts on the other 23 clubs. Should be easy as it’s “blatently”

From what I can see, Rowe, Anderson, Taylor and Close i would expect to be the biggest earners…everyone else I would expect to be very modest wages.

Surely other teams have a handful of higher earner too?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 01:54:48 pm by mushRTID »

Canadian Rover

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #77 on December 28, 2022, 04:16:22 pm by Canadian Rover »
Agree with the above. Whenever SM joins in the discussions it's 100% backing the current board and ownership. (This isn't meant to belittle his support or work for the club) and I do see a comment from him about the work done on training ground here which leads me to conclude that upper management are from impressed with what they have seen from our latest coaching set up.

silent majority

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #78 on December 28, 2022, 04:35:18 pm by silent majority »
Agree with the above. Whenever SM joins in the discussions it's 100% backing the current board and ownership. (This isn't meant to belittle his support or work for the club) and I do see a comment from him about the work done on training ground here which leads me to conclude that upper management are from impressed with what they have seen from our latest coaching set up.

I don't 100% back anybody, certainly not the board or senior management.

What you're doing is what you always do, whenever I correct anybody for their false statements and scattergun theories about what's happening you interpret that as 100% support.

It's been stated by some this week that Eco Power have been paying the wages of the players, which couldn't be further from the truth. Statements and accusations like that will be very dangerous to the club if not knocked back, that has to be the right thing to do.

silent majority

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #79 on December 28, 2022, 04:36:29 pm by silent majority »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

Does make me laugh posts like this. Written as though you know all other 23 L2 squads inside out.

Maybe you can list detailed squad comparisons for those of us who aren’t experts on the other 23 clubs. Should be easy as it’s “blatently”

From what I can see, Rowe, Anderson, Taylor and Close i would expect to be the biggest earners…everyone else I would expect to be very modest wages.

Surely other teams have a handful of higher earner too?

You don't have to go to all that trouble, you just need to get the info from the EFL who have everybody's budget.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #80 on December 28, 2022, 05:08:19 pm by mushRTID »
I think it's easier to answer why we find ourselves in the position we're in rather than try and figure out how we get out of this mess, and you have to put that down to those running the club.

All the recent managerial appointments we've made have been internal candidates or external unknown quantities. They weren't the easy options - they were the cheap options.

I certainly don't fall for the guff about "one of the largest budgets in the league" or "we'd pay the manager a high wage regardless of who we hired". It's gaslighting by the board pure and simple, and unfortunately plenty of fans are happy to listen and believe those comments despite evidence to the contrary.

Would getting new owners in solve the issue? Depends who you brought in and how ambitious they'd be. The answer is - probably not. Doncaster isn't a Southern club which seem to be the clubs attracting foreign investors - unless you're a Northern club with a previous Premier League pedigree.

We don't get enough fans in ground even when we're doing well, so gates are always below par. That puts off investment. Remember John Ryan's constant rallying cries when we were in the Championship?

So you need a local investor(s) who is a lifelong Rovers fan and isn't bothered about losing money. I don't see that person or persons coming frankly.

Guff about the biggest budgets in the league? Just open your eyes and look at our squad compared to the others in this league and you’ll see it’s blatantly one of the most expensive squads in the league

Does make me laugh posts like this. Written as though you know all other 23 L2 squads inside out.

Maybe you can list detailed squad comparisons for those of us who aren’t experts on the other 23 clubs. Should be easy as it’s “blatently”

From what I can see, Rowe, Anderson, Taylor and Close i would expect to be the biggest earners…everyone else I would expect to be very modest wages.

Surely other teams have a handful of higher earner too?

You don't have to go to all that trouble, you just need to get the info from the EFL who have everybody's budget.

Can the average fan like me and Dickos request this though?


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #81 on December 28, 2022, 05:47:40 pm by ravenrover »
I’d expect, no, demand to see a proven goal scorer in the next window.
Look back to the lge two promotion of 16/17. Marquis got 26 goals for rovers.
We are no where near having a regular onion bag finder with the current crop.
Defensively, rovers only lost 11 games all that season. They have already lost 9 so far this time around.
Interestingly, a certain Leyton Orient got relegated that season.
We have what appears to be a good striker in George but he can't do it all himself. We are not getting anyone near him to be able to create the chances which he would put away. He needs help from others in the team


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #82 on December 28, 2022, 07:29:14 pm by Lesonthewest »
I’d expect, no, demand to see a proven goal scorer in the next window.
Look back to the lge two promotion of 16/17. Marquis got 26 goals for rovers.
We are no where near having a regular onion bag finder with the current crop.
Defensively, rovers only lost 11 games all that season. They have already lost 9 so far this time around.
Interestingly, a certain Leyton Orient got relegated that season.
We have what appears to be a good striker in George but he can't do it all himself. We are not getting anyone near him to be able to create the chances which he would put away. He needs help from others in the team

Absolutely. He's proved he can score goals if he gets the service, makes you wonder what the lads thinking at present.

Chris Black come back

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #83 on December 28, 2022, 07:30:03 pm by Chris Black come back »
The board took the decision in 2016 to stop disclosing our expenditure on wages and salaries. I don’t see why there couldn’t be some form of truncated annual report made public specifically related to Rovers and only on key metrics, income and expenditure.

Pretty much every league club makes this information public in their annual accounts filed with Companies House. We don’t, and I don’t think the Club Doncaster argument really washes.

What’s the issue with making a one sheet disclosure public?


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #84 on December 28, 2022, 09:53:34 pm by DonnyBazR0ver »
The board took the decision in 2016 to stop disclosing our expenditure on wages and salaries. I don’t see why there couldn’t be some form of truncated annual report made public specifically related to Rovers and only on key metrics, income and expenditure.

Pretty much every league club makes this information public in their annual accounts filed with Companies House. We don’t, and I don’t think the Club Doncaster argument really washes.

What’s the issue with making a one sheet disclosure public?

Genuine question. What good do you think it will achieve? Plus can you forsee any consequences?

Chris Black come back

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #85 on December 28, 2022, 09:57:11 pm by Chris Black come back »
I don’t care much either way what the figures say tbh but it’s a bit rum that nigh on every club discloses this and yet our supporters don’t see this. The VSC having sight of this but clearly on terms that mean they can’t share it with other supporters, doesn’t cut it.

There is a more fundamental point here about transparency and openness. Nobody has any idea how sustainable we are, as we can’t see even the most basic figures relating to the club.

I think these days we need to be far more open. The club is an asset of the community and the supporters, and we should be entitled to basic information about the finances of our club.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2022, 09:59:37 pm by Chris Black come back »

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #86 on December 29, 2022, 06:04:57 am by Sammy Chung was King »
It isn’t going right on the pitch, that is why we are all questioning what is going on. Nobody would care about the budget if we were top of the league. The managers we’ve had any players current and recent past haven’t performed well enough. We mention formations all the time, but if you can’t get seven or eight of the team performing to a good standard game after game, you will struggle, any team would.

A simplicity needs to come back into our game. Forget trying to be the most entertaining, trying to get players doing what they aren’t capable of. Look to get shots on target early on in games. Take the game to the opposition. Stop fearing what the other side are capable of. Play players in their best positions.

 Quick passing, move the ball on, nobody runs quicker than the ball. Put crosses into the box, forget that extra pass sideways. Players need to stop passing the buck. Get on the ball and be the difference, don’t rely on your mate at the side of you to do it. They are doing a job that many of us would love to be doing. Enjoy it and get some games won!.


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #87 on December 29, 2022, 08:20:14 am by DonnyBazR0ver »
It isn’t going right on the pitch, that is why we are all questioning what is going on. Nobody would care about the budget if we were top of the league. The managers we’ve had any players current and recent past haven’t performed well enough. We mention formations all the time, but if you can’t get seven or eight of the team performing to a good standard game after game, you will struggle, any team would.

A simplicity needs to come back into our game. Forget trying to be the most entertaining, trying to get players doing what they aren’t capable of. Look to get shots on target early on in games. Take the game to the opposition. Stop fearing what the other side are capable of. Play players in their best positions.

 Quick passing, move the ball on, nobody runs quicker than the ball. Put crosses into the box, forget that extra pass sideways. Players need to stop passing the buck. Get on the ball and be the difference, don’t rely on your mate at the side of you to do it. They are doing a job that many of us would love to be doing. Enjoy it and get some games won!.

Spot on!


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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #88 on December 29, 2022, 11:08:27 am by SydneyRover »

Fairly easy solution to it all.

Exactly, even if some folk got their wish and forced regime change, which would take how long? It would still come down to this!

I thought we went through that last time?

no eyed deer

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Re: So what exactly is the answer?
« Reply #89 on December 29, 2022, 11:56:51 am by no eyed deer »

Fairly easy solution to it all.

Exactly, even if some folk got their wish and forced regime change, which would take how long? It would still come down to this!

I thought we went through that last time?

When you lose the likes of Danny Andrews to your rivals, that set the tone for where we are now.

Substantial fund were available last January and that turned out to be broken promises resulting in relegation.

We have to face facts we are where we are due to decisions made from above.


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