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Author Topic: Season tickets  (Read 3589 times)

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Season tickets
« on March 18, 2023, 07:45:53 pm by swain_drfc »
Who isn’t buying one next season that has had one this season?

The only way we can force these clowns out of the club is by not buying the product that they are serving up. When they realise that no one wants a ticket to their circus they may finally admit that they need to sell up.

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #1 on March 18, 2023, 07:57:18 pm by Retdon1 »
Me and my group of 4 are not renewing. Next season would have been out 18th season having one


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #2 on March 18, 2023, 08:01:42 pm by 5minstogo »
Today was the last straw for the two of us.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #3 on March 18, 2023, 08:08:06 pm by CantleyDRFC »
Me and my Dad aren't renewing ours after 20 years


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #4 on March 18, 2023, 08:15:38 pm by Prez »
No, unless we have a positive recruitment in the summer.

Signing Burton, Hartlepool reserves and players from Scunny etc, needs to stop.

Had a season ticket for the last 21 years as well.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #5 on March 18, 2023, 09:19:17 pm by roversdude »
Not enjoying this season but will be renewing

scawsby steve

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #6 on March 18, 2023, 09:42:56 pm by scawsby steve »
I renewed several weeks ago, because I want to support my club financially.

However, I doubt that I'll be attending that many games, unless there is massive improvement next season, which at the moment I just can't see.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #7 on March 18, 2023, 09:50:18 pm by mushRTID »
Renewed but regretting it


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #8 on March 18, 2023, 09:50:27 pm by rich1471 »
I renewed several weeks ago, because I want to support my club financially.

However, I doubt that I'll be attending that many games, unless there is massive improvement next season, which at the moment I just can't see.
the people in charge have more money then me and you , The owners don't want to comment to spending money so why should anyone else ,It's not like its even enjoyable anymore


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #9 on March 18, 2023, 11:17:40 pm by Monkcaster_Rover »
Not renewing.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #10 on March 18, 2023, 11:59:20 pm by eastender »
Not renewing as it stands , and if i can't get an early bird price after April 1st then definitely not.

Draytonian III

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #11 on March 19, 2023, 06:53:30 am by Draytonian III »
Got mine a few weeks ago, I don’t regret it all. I’ve supported OUR team through worse seasons than this one

Chris Black come back

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #12 on March 19, 2023, 07:10:00 am by Chris Black come back »
I got mine but did so out of obligation rather than any expectation of enjoyment. It’s like a winter flu jab or cauliflower, you are not going to enjoy it but you have it even so. It’s also so competitively priced these days that it does make the decision financially easier even if the experience itself is more often than not risible.

big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #13 on March 19, 2023, 08:13:02 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
Not really keen to as there's not been much enjoyment again this year (ironically early season under mcsheffrey was probably most enjoyable).

But Mrs made a good point yesterday, what if we don't get one and there's 500 tickets at Harrogate to win the league next year.....

We'll get better eventually, won't we????


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #14 on March 19, 2023, 08:18:42 am by DonnyOsmond »
Not really keen to as there's not been much enjoyment again this year (ironically early season under mcsheffrey was probably most enjoyable).

But Mrs made a good point yesterday, what if we don't get one and there's 500 tickets at Harrogate to win the league next year.....

We'll get better eventually, won't we????

I'm sure you'll be fine if you miss Harrogate winning the league. ;)


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #15 on March 19, 2023, 08:22:21 am by mrfrostsdad »
Who isn’t buying one next season that has had one this season?

The only way we can force these clowns out of the club is by not buying the product that they are serving up. When they realise that no one wants a ticket to their circus they may finally admit that they need to sell up.

I'm not re-newing because I just don't enjoy it any more. It's garbage.
The problem is, you want to get rid of all the clowns? We wouldn't have any players, or a manager

Not Now Kato

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #16 on March 19, 2023, 08:32:33 am by Not Now Kato »
Bought mine. It’s been worse, it will be better. BELIVE.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #17 on March 19, 2023, 08:38:27 am by Lazar »
Good luck to anyone renewing, fair play. I couldn’t put myself through it.

Watching an increasingly substandard group of players produce an awful spectacle has long been the worst part of each Saturday.

There’s ways of seeing your pals which don’t involve 90 minutes of horrendous football by a squad of players who wouldn’t look out of place in the league below.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #18 on March 19, 2023, 08:47:48 am by DonnyOsmond »
Bought mine. It’s been worse, it will be better. BELIVE.

Blind faith. We have the same recruitment team from the last two windows taking us into this summer.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #19 on March 19, 2023, 09:11:33 am by swain_drfc »
Bought mine. It’s been worse, it will be better. BELIVE.

It won’t be better until the boys at the top have packed up and left. Only way that happens is when it is clear to see that they are not wanted at the club anymore. Right now there is still too many just accepting of our demise over the past 3 seasons. How bad does it need to get before everyone wakes up? Would being in the bottom 2 after 10 games next season open everyone’s eyes as to where we are heading?


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #20 on March 19, 2023, 09:16:01 am by ravenrover »
Replaced by whom?


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #21 on March 19, 2023, 09:21:17 am by swain_drfc »
Replaced by whom?

I wouldn’t come and knock on your door and try and buy your house if it wasn’t up for sale. If they put the club up sale there would be potential buyers. Stop fooling yourself to say there wouldn’t be. The owners are currently not losing any money from the club as they are not spending anything so they are in no rush to sell up. If fans stopped buying tickets then they would soon realise that they are not wanted anymore and they might actually come out and invite potential buyers to make an offer.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #22 on March 19, 2023, 10:31:38 am by vaya »
Replaced by whom?

I wouldn’t come and knock on your door and try and buy your house if it wasn’t up for sale. If they put the club up sale there would be potential buyers. Stop fooling yourself to say there wouldn’t be. The owners are currently not losing any money from the club as they are not spending anything so they are in no rush to sell up. If fans stopped buying tickets then they would soon realise that they are not wanted anymore and they might actually come out and invite potential buyers to make an offer.

The board have said on several occasions over the years they're open to offers for the club, this has been reported in the press and it's in the public domain. Anyone wanting to make a multi-million pound investment is likely to be reasonably proactive and know this,  it's not like searching the classifieds for a Cat D Vectra.

What's more likely is that there's a tiny to non-existent pool of people with the ability and willingness to effectively incinerate cash in lower league football.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #23 on March 19, 2023, 11:41:21 am by ravenrover »
Replaced by whom?

I wouldn’t come and knock on your door and try and buy your house if it wasn’t up for sale. If they put the club up sale there would be potential buyers. Stop fooling yourself to say there wouldn’t be. The owners are currently not losing any money from the club as they are not spending anything so they are in no rush to sell up. If fans stopped buying tickets then they would soon realise that they are not wanted anymore and they might actually come out and invite potential buyers to make an offer.
If you offered the right money it would be worth considering. But could you afford or be willing is the kkto pay the price I would ask that is the question there.
As said above the club is aleays for sale......... to the right people


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #24 on March 19, 2023, 11:45:55 am by Filo »
Replaced by whom?

I wouldn’t come and knock on your door and try and buy your house if it wasn’t up for sale. If they put the club up sale there would be potential buyers. Stop fooling yourself to say there wouldn’t be. The owners are currently not losing any money from the club as they are not spending anything so they are in no rush to sell up. If fans stopped buying tickets then they would soon realise that they are not wanted anymore and they might actually come out and invite potential buyers to make an offer.

The board have said on several occasions over the years they're open to offers for the club, this has been reported in the press and it's in the public domain. Anyone wanting to make a multi-million pound investment is likely to be reasonably proactive and know this,  it's not like searching the classifieds for a Cat D Vectra.

What's more likely is that there's a tiny to non-existent pool of people with the ability and willingness to effectively incinerate cash in lower league football.

Cat D and C don’t exist anymore, it’s Cat N non srtuctural and Cat S Structural, i think we are in the later Cat

normal rules

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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #25 on March 19, 2023, 12:15:42 pm by normal rules »
How low do the crowds need to go before club Doncaster becomes “unsustainable “?
This is the pressing issue the board need to be considering. Right now.
Because die hards who have shelled out year after year are now having second thoughts and even coming out and saying enough is enough.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #26 on March 19, 2023, 01:08:40 pm by LincsRover »
I can see both sides of the argument but I’ve supported donny for the vast majority of my 58 years and, although we are watching some real shyte at the moment and I’m not loving it, isn’t that part of supporting a lower league club? The lows are proper kack but the Brentford’s, Wembleys, Brittania stadiums… they are life affirming. And without the lows, you don’t have the roller coaster that is being a donny fan.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish things were much better, but my Saturday nights moaning about a loss or celebrating a win just wouldn’t be the same without it. It’s my chance to spend some time with old mates, newer mates and family.

I’ve renewed but I understand those who haven’t, I really do. And I’m sure things will get better in time, maybe next season, maybe in 10 yrs, and some of those fans will come back but will have missed the highs of getting back there. All I know is that if I’d chucked in having a ST when things got really bad I’d have missed out on so much, not just football, but mates, an amazing relationship with my rovers mad late mum (esp touching on Mother’s Day!) and some great times.  :rtid:


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #27 on March 19, 2023, 01:17:47 pm by WantleyDragon »
For me and our group of 5, not one of us has any enthusiasm for it anymore.

Until the board actually have some enthusiasm and ambition, I doubt we will be renewing season tickets


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #28 on March 19, 2023, 01:25:20 pm by hamiltonrover »
I can see both sides of the argument but I’ve supported donny for the vast majority of my 58 years and, although we are watching some real shyte at the moment and I’m not loving it, isn’t that part of supporting a lower league club? The lows are proper kack but the Brentford’s, Wembleys, Brittania stadiums… they are life affirming. And without the lows, you don’t have the roller coaster that is being a donny fan.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish things were much better, but my Saturday nights moaning about a loss or celebrating a win just wouldn’t be the same without it. It’s my chance to spend some time with old mates, newer mates and family.

I’ve renewed but I understand those who haven’t, I really do. And I’m sure things will get better in time, maybe next season, maybe in 10 yrs, and some of those fans will come back but will have missed the highs of getting back there. All I know is that if I’d chucked in having a ST when things got really bad I’d have missed out on so much, not just football, but mates, an amazing relationship with my rovers mad late mum (esp touching on Mother’s Day!) and some great times.  :rtid:

Similar to this, I’ll be buying and I get the pleasure of a 450 mile round trip to boot.


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Re: Season tickets
« Reply #29 on March 19, 2023, 02:08:42 pm by LincsRover »
That makes my 100 mile round trip seem like a local derby!!  :thumbsup:


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