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Author Topic: If Danny is in charge next season...  (Read 4445 times)

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Canadian Rover

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If Danny is in charge next season...
« on April 15, 2023, 10:03:58 pm by Canadian Rover »
Then in my opinion you can write the next season off before a ball is kicked. His refusal to change to a back four from the start is ridiculous and 5-2-2-1 is boring and unless we had much much higher level players than the opposition will not (and has not) work in this division.

I enjoy the possession based game and playing the ball from the back. But I'm also a believer in not having the central midfield overloaded and having the centre forward isolated over and over again. And Danny won't go away from this.

His fundamentals are fundamentally wrong!! His use of players and rotations are a joke too. Why flog Agard again? He'll be knackered ahead of Tuesday and likely out the side again.

IF we keep this manager in place for the next season - the significant funds are gonna wasted be at mid table (at best) and likely fighting relegation.

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Branton Red

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #1 on April 15, 2023, 10:06:06 pm by Branton Red »
Unfortunately I agree completely


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #2 on April 15, 2023, 10:13:17 pm by sedwardsdrfc »
I think we’ll be better than we are now for sure. We might even challenge for the playoffs.

But the way DS wants us to play will always means we give away stupid goals. And his substitutions and generally having only one plan will limit our points total. So even with more money we could build a shit hot squad and under achieve. We might win a lot more games but coming 5th when you should finish 1st is still poor.

In that situation I don’t think the board would remove him and that’s the danger. Getting stuck with him long term just scraping enough wins to keep us within touching distance but never actually convincing that we will get there.

To be fair I thought this was starting to happen with McSheffery but the club seem much more behind DS for some reason


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #3 on April 15, 2023, 10:24:57 pm by dickos1 »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season

Canadian Rover

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #4 on April 15, 2023, 10:36:17 pm by Canadian Rover »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season

Dickos - how you can defend his performances as non boring. I appreciate your alternate viewpoint and opinion but it now feels as you are trolling (or are Danny's agent)


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #5 on April 15, 2023, 10:41:36 pm by Retdon1 »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season

You’ve been watching the wrong team then. Under DS I can only think of Grimsby away and Stevenage at home where we have actually played well and it’s been entertaining.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #6 on April 15, 2023, 10:42:35 pm by dickos1 »
Schofield certainly doesn’t overload the central midfield. That’s one of the weaknesses of the team we often get overrun in the middle of the park as we’re a man short


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #7 on April 15, 2023, 10:44:50 pm by roversdude »
Dickos agree it has worked but overall I can’t defend the way we are playing


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #8 on April 15, 2023, 11:48:55 pm by BradwellRover »
It’s not been boring, for opposition fans.

It’s been consistently shite for any DRFC fans though.

Upton Rover

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #9 on April 17, 2023, 06:57:09 am by Upton Rover »
Same old defensive comments are boring


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #10 on April 17, 2023, 07:00:22 am by ncRover »
Am I correct in saying that the only decent sides we’ve beaten under Schofield in 29 games have been Barrow and Carlisle?

And all season it appears that the only side we’ve so far done the double over is Rochdale (and that took some doing in the home fixture).
« Last Edit: April 17, 2023, 07:03:38 am by ncRover »

Campsall rover

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #11 on April 17, 2023, 09:06:10 am by Campsall rover »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season
Why hasn’t he changed it this season. It’s mind bogglingly obvious he needed to change it with the players he has at his disposal.
If he is so inflexible and stubborn then what’s going to change. 

As has been said I seriously fear next season will be no better than this one. It could be even worse.

He has to go. Sorry we have gone past the point of no return with him. 

Campsall rover

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #12 on April 17, 2023, 09:20:59 am by Campsall rover »
Am I correct in saying that the only decent sides we’ve beaten under Schofield in 29 games have been Barrow and Carlisle?

And all season it appears that the only side we’ve so far done the double over is Rochdale (and that took some doing in the home fixture).
I don’t even think Barrow are that decent ncRover.  No disrespect to Barrow but they have done way way better than expected.
Yes they are better than us. The league table doesn’t lie after 42 games.

But how many decent sides are there in this league?  That’s what makes our shocking performances totally unacceptable.
We are supposed to be a big club in this league and are becoming a laughing stock.
Other clubs have no fear playing us we are so easy to work out.  It’s quite simply unacceptable.

Action needed. DS must go along with his side kick Gribble. 
We need a proper Manager & assistant/coach and we need one within the next 4 weeks.
If it doesn’t happen we are in big trouble.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #13 on April 17, 2023, 09:46:30 am by ncRover »
Am I correct in saying that the only decent sides we’ve beaten under Schofield in 29 games have been Barrow and Carlisle?

And all season it appears that the only side we’ve so far done the double over is Rochdale (and that took some doing in the home fixture).
I don’t even think Barrow are that decent ncRover.  No disrespect to Barrow but they have done way way better than expected.
Yes they are better than us. The league table doesn’t lie after 42 games.

But how many decent sides are there in this league?  That’s what makes our shocking performances totally unacceptable.
We are supposed to be a big club in this league and are becoming a laughing stock.
Other clubs have no fear playing us we are so easy to work out.  It’s quite simply unacceptable.

Action needed. DS must go along with his side kick Gribble. 
We need a proper Manager & assistant/coach and we need one within the next 4 weeks.
If it doesn’t happen we are in big trouble.

I know wages do the talking at this level but our reputation is fast declining.

If a Bradford / Salford type club match our wage offer to a free agent, I know who I’d choose if I was a player.

Sammy Chung was King

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #14 on April 17, 2023, 09:47:59 am by Sammy Chung was King »
The club will lose a lot of money by retaining him, they will lose season ticket holders guaranteed funds plus the floating supporters as well. Yes they will lose out paying up his contract but when you consider that he is not capable of getting us promoted, we will lose out that way as well.

The right thing to do, is do it now, give a new manager the chance to take over and have a head start. The board need to stop dithering let him go and get the right manager in within the next week or so. None of that messing about then deciding the cheapest option is the right option. We need someone ambitious who wants funding to compete with other clubs, not a yes man. I think there are a lot of those around the club that’s why nothing is getting done.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #15 on April 17, 2023, 02:56:27 pm by Prez »
I said only 2 week ago that i didnt think DS would be here at the start of next season.

Ive changed my mind. With everything going on i didnt realise that there are now just 4 games left.

You would thought if the club wanted rid they would have done so by now, and got a new manager in to assess the squad over the last few games and then identify the players he wants. Sounds like Copps and DS are already doing that now, and if thats the case then to sack DS at the end of the season would not make sense IMHO.

Looks indeed like DS will be here in August at the very least.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #16 on April 17, 2023, 03:28:55 pm by ForsolongaRover »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season

And no doubt you believe he has the very system which he can draw from his vast fund of coaching experience which he can actually make work in the real world. And by “working” I don’t think that has always extended to actually winning games, so will we just be admiring a new process?


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #17 on April 17, 2023, 04:21:45 pm by danumdon »
It’s not been boring in plenty of games this season though.
Today wasn’t boring,
There’s been quite a few games when it’s worked but I too think he’ll Change systems next season

And no doubt you believe he has the very system which he can draw from his vast fund of coaching experience which he can actually make work in the real world. And by “working” I don’t think that has always extended to actually winning games, so will we just be admiring a new process?

See this is the thing.

Under what illusion is DS that his system is so bulletproof that he will consider no alteration whatsoever?

where is the proof that this system works?

Does he have prior accreditation and experience of his "process" working ?

What can he actually demonstrate to us that he is on the right track? have we all missed something here, is there an untapped store of knowledge that DS is ploughing to get to his model system?

I think we have all been taken for mugs by the club, we have in place a rookie head coach with an assistant who's experience adds up to nothing out of the ordinary, we have a HOF who is also a rookie in the role so in effect we have a deficit of coaching and managerial expertise in the club, by all accounts they have no intention of bringing in someone with "coaching and management experience"

This to me sets us up for more disappointment next season.

When i first started work my mentor told me that i will give you the benefit of my vast experience but i cannot give you experience per-say, you will have to go out and activity gain it through actually doing the tasks in hand. This always stuck with me because its very true, it doesn't matter who you are or how good you feel you are you cannot beat having the personal experience in any task in life, because without it you have no points of reference to fall back on.

What we are suffering from right now and unfortunately next season is a management group having to learn on the job, granted some extra investment in better players will make the job a little easier but if the fundamentals are missing then regardless of how much you throw at the situation it will never rectify if your starting with weak fundamentals.

To me the situation that we find ourselves in now is insurmountable with the current regime, they cannot find it in themselves to relieve us of a failing and struggling inflexible head coach or the HOF who has thrown all his chips on this and would also have to be relieved because of him choosing this failing route.

Unless we have some sort of divine intervention or the biggest stroke of luck ever we are royally screwed.

So another season of loss and turmoil to have to endure for long suffering ST holders, we wont be getting many pay at the gate under this regime.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #18 on April 17, 2023, 04:24:27 pm by andyst79 »
The atmosphere is toxic enough at present, can you imagine if he's backed in the transfer market pre season and we lose our first few games or something?!

Reg of the Rovers

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #19 on April 17, 2023, 04:28:35 pm by Reg of the Rovers »
The atmosphere is toxic enough at present, can you imagine if he's backed in the transfer market pre season and we lose our first few games or something?!
Unfortunately I can imagine, like a waking nightmare that won't end!

Alan Southstand

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #20 on April 17, 2023, 04:46:41 pm by Alan Southstand »
To be fair, SM has given us all reason to be hopeful with his comments on other threads. Or, at least, I’m hopeful that something happens, as we can’t carry on like we are.

I can’t imagine, for one second, that the Board think that everything is ok right now. It’s just whether TB thinks it’s just a lack of funds that’s the only problem!


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #21 on April 17, 2023, 05:46:04 pm by drfchound »
The atmosphere is toxic enough at present, can you imagine if he's backed in the transfer market pre season and we lose our first few games or something?!

I said this on here a few days ago.
I have no doubt though that some posters would then say we have to give him ten games to put his theories into practice and for the new players to gel.
If it is still not right after ten games it will be that we should give him until Christmas.
We have seen it before and it is likely to happen again.

The Beast

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #22 on April 17, 2023, 06:00:11 pm by The Beast »
I'm not a big DS fan and the football is tedious at best but don't you think every manager in every industry has to fail a bit before they learn how to succeed. Just throwing it out there.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #23 on April 17, 2023, 06:37:29 pm by danumdon »
I'm not a big DS fan and the football is tedious at best but don't you think every manager in every industry has to fail a bit before they learn how to succeed. Just throwing it out there.

Very true, the big question though is how long do you persist with the failing before you realise that lessons are not being heeded and the failing will continue, when is enough , enough?.

Blind faith can not endure forever, i'm thinking we want to see at last some evidence of progress, i don't care if we don't win another point this season, it doesn't matter in the bigger scheme of things now. What we as a fan base need to see is some evidence that whatever is being attempted is starting to take shape and we can see some signs of life.

Up to press we have seen very little to suggest he's on the right path and is learning from his failures.

Reg of the Rovers

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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #24 on April 17, 2023, 06:55:04 pm by Reg of the Rovers »
I'm not a big DS fan and the football is tedious at best but don't you think every manager in every industry has to fail a bit before they learn how to succeed. Just throwing it out there.
Hopefully not the motto for the national union of Pilots or Heart Surgeons!


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #25 on April 17, 2023, 07:19:32 pm by Boycie »
I can't wait for this season to end, after watching the worst football on show it has been mind numbingly boring.
Every game seems to have been the same, make stupid defensive mistakes then watch our pathetic attempts to try to get back in the game.
My wife thinks i am mad to go every other week for zero entertainment and pay for the privilege.
I don't think Danny Schofield will be sacked, the board have now said he wasn't given enough funds to sign players who could play to his system, only time will tell if this proves to be correct.
It's a massive gamble to keep him as coach, if we continue with his failed systems I fear we will be relegated, I really hope i am wrong but look to next season with fear and trepidation.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #26 on April 17, 2023, 08:01:53 pm by ravenrover »
In his pre game comments he's still talking about the plans and players for next season....


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #27 on April 18, 2023, 05:49:45 am by Padge_DRFC »
I genuinely think Coppinger is the one keeping him in a job right now. He'd have gone by now. In fact he probably wouldn't be in charge at all.


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #28 on April 18, 2023, 08:16:59 am by Avsuptem »
I have looked into my crystal ball.

We will scrape 2 wins before the end of this season. In the close season we sign a brick shithouse midfielder, a pacey young striker, a left back in the mould of James O'Connor and a centre half who is the reincarnation of Rob Jones. We draw our opening game of the new term against the promotion favorites and then win the next 4 games on the bounce. DS gets manager of the month award, we are 6 points clear at the top of the table by Christmas and Adey Barlow has already struck 10 into the old onion bag.

All calls for the sacking of DS on here are silenced, except for one [you know who you are].
« Last Edit: April 18, 2023, 08:19:20 am by Avsuptem »


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Re: If Danny is in charge next season...
« Reply #29 on April 18, 2023, 08:49:08 am by Metalmicky »
TBF, not all managers with little or no experience fail.  For instance Pep Guardiola, took his first managerial role with the Barcelona B reserve team in 2007. That was his only experience before he took charge of the Barcelona first team in 2008...... and in his first year he led them to win the treble, including La Liga, the Copa Del Rey and the Champions League.

OK, it is a weak comparison as PG and DS are managing in different solar systems, but it doesn't necessarily make managers with little experience necessarily bad...

Another good example is Steven Gerrard whose first managerial appointment was with Rangers in 2018, having only ever been in charge of the Liverpool U18 Youth team. Rangers were transformed by Gerrand, and in the 2020-2021 season, Rangers were unbeaten for the entire season and won their first Scottish Premiership title in ten years..


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