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Author Topic: Tory leadership contest  (Read 3237 times)

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Bentley Bullet

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #30 on December 07, 2023, 09:52:44 am by Bentley Bullet »
Looks like a new Tory leader is on his way imminently, along with a party colour change.

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big fat yorkshire pudding

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #31 on December 07, 2023, 09:57:06 am by big fat yorkshire pudding »
The party is spread too much, there's too many opposing views that no leader could actually fix.  That's a good thing for our democracy even if it's bad for the party in power.  Labour and the tories only work effectively when they are fighting each other, but both parties have issues with the wings of their party being so far apart.  Right now the Tories have become what labour were and that's why they'll lose.  Labour will take power and see a similar thing.

But, it's actually why to be in control the leadership choosing candidates is important and something Starmer's team have done really effectively.  There's members of both parties with more in common than the parties opposite and it's largely what keeps our politics going.

Pancho Regan

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #32 on December 07, 2023, 10:00:54 am by Pancho Regan »
Never in my life did I imagine that I would see the day when a country like Rwanda cared more about abiding by International Law than my country does.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #33 on December 07, 2023, 12:48:00 pm by MachoMadness »
Doesn't have the stones to make it a confidence vote. Embarrassing.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #34 on December 07, 2023, 01:56:27 pm by Donnywolf »
Never in my life did I imagine that I would see the day when a country like Rwanda cared more about abiding by International Law than my country does.

Yep , who would believe it if they had bagged our 150 million quid and then found a get out clause or invent one

Will we ask for a refund ?

Worse still we send illegals there who they don't like but won't be able to send home but there is one place that has agreed to take them . The UK


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #35 on December 07, 2023, 03:21:59 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
This is the line that historians will be discussing in 100 years time.

Sunak in his letter to Jenrick tonight, explaining why we can't just tell the courts to f**k off. (This is the real thing by the way - not made up.)

"The Rwandan government have been clear that they would not accept the UK basing this scheme on legislation that could be considered in breach of our international law obligations."

Stop and absorb that for a while.

That's the Government of Rwanda, a country in which 900,000 people were killed, many being chopped up with machetes in a civil war of barely believable horror a generation ago, having to lecture the UK Government on our obligations under international law.

What the f**king hell have we become under this disgusting rabble?

PS. In case it needs spelling out. This is what Sunak's letter did NOT say.

"I, as the PM of the United Kingdom, have been clear that I will not accept the UK basing this scheme on legislation that could be considered in breach of our international law obligations."

Not sure whether this should go here or in the Cover Versions thread.


Not Now Kato

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #36 on December 07, 2023, 03:24:48 pm by Not Now Kato »

Hope he follows his fellow slime ball Zahawi into obscurity, but I somehow doubt it with him.

He won't and he's doing his usual positioning move ( where's my Tweet when I need it )

Oh it's here

Hands face space
Black is White
Say anything to deflect
Say anything to stay in job he has (or better)
They all do it , that's why we have so many affected yet ineffective Ministers etc like Jenrick

Nice to see the most apt MP / Constituency partnership recognised.
MP for Newark and he's a 341625 for sure

Come on Wolfie, he must have been fantastic in his last job, Sunack has needed to replace him with two, YES 2, ministers!

scawsby steve

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #37 on December 07, 2023, 06:22:13 pm by scawsby steve »
I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but nobody is going to tell me they can look at his face and think "He's going to be a pleasant person, isn't he?"



Nowhere near as big as the humungous, pendulous boobs displayed by Jo Swinson though, CLH.

It's a shame she was as mad as a March hare.

normal rules

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #38 on December 07, 2023, 07:53:05 pm by normal rules »
Tory supporters can rest their heads on the soft pillows of Penny Mordaunts “assets”.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #39 on December 07, 2023, 08:40:31 pm by SydneyRover »
Never in my life did I imagine that I would see the day when a country like Rwanda cared more about abiding by International Law than my country does.

Yep , who would believe it if they had bagged our 150 million quid and then found a get out clause or invent one

Will we ask for a refund ?

Worse still we send illegals there who they don't like but won't be able to send home but there is one place that has agreed to take them . The UK

Sounds a bit like an internet scam?


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #40 on December 07, 2023, 09:25:47 pm by ravenrover »
And this from Nick Robinson to Cruella this morning


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #41 on December 08, 2023, 04:29:18 am by SydneyRover »
Well fmd it is an internet scam .....

''UK paid Rwanda an extra £100m for asylum deal''


Draytonian III

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #42 on December 08, 2023, 08:45:28 am by Draytonian III »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #43 on December 08, 2023, 11:24:54 am by ravenrover »
Another little spat between Cruella and Rich-ie you wrote the cheque, no you wrote the cheque..... oh dear!


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #44 on December 08, 2023, 12:52:17 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
Well fmd it is an internet scam .....

''UK paid Rwanda an extra £100m for asylum deal''


Jesus Christ, how much would we have given them if we didn't hold all the cards in the negotiations?  :blink:

Colemans Left Hook

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #45 on December 08, 2023, 01:27:52 pm by Colemans Left Hook »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #46 on December 08, 2023, 04:04:00 pm by Glyn_Wigley »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are

You telling me whatever you're saying you've told me must have been in one of your impenetrable word salad clusterf**ks because I have no idea who 'Justin Thyme' is, nor who is wife is and certainly no idea why I'd have the slightest need to know what her - or indeed anybody's - religion is.

Colemans Left Hook

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #47 on December 08, 2023, 06:52:00 pm by Colemans Left Hook »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are

You telling me whatever you're saying you've told me must have been in one of your impenetrable word salad clusterf**ks because I have no idea who 'Justin Thyme' is, nor who is wife is and certainly no idea why I'd have the slightest need to know what her - or indeed anybody's - religion is.

Sadly "Mastermind" isn't for you   :facepalm:


Colemans Left Hook

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #48 on December 08, 2023, 07:03:21 pm by Colemans Left Hook »
I heard a very small part of a sky reporter Beth's (Mrs Coleman heard her speaking the other day and thought she was a man til she saw her) interview last night

He said we didn't have children for politics  ( having a right go at that conservative who was the leader of the labour party - and was also a failed rock star )

then he mentioned about supporting Arsenal and mentioned he is always home for friday night and prayers ( that could be why Arsenal have improved )..... when questioned on this he "moved around" on this point 

November 16, 2020 14:05  Starmer: Our kids are being brought up to know their Jewish backgrounds

Labour leader tells Desert Island Discs of 'long tradition of family and faith'


We do all know the children follow the religion of their Mother in such a case.

from wikipedia
Personal life

Starmer married Victoria Alexander in 2007.[221] She was previously a solicitor but now works in NHS occupational health.[5][222] The couple's son and daughter are being brought up in the Jewish faith of their mother and the family attend shabbat dinners.[9] Starmer himself stated he does not believe in God but does "believe in faith" and its power to bring people together.[223] Starmer is a keen footballer, having played for Homerton Academicals, a north London amateur team,[224] and supports Premier League side Arsenal.[5]

Starmer is a vegetarian, believing that "it's better for yourself and for the environment".[225]

listening to the whole interview goes onto my bucket list at least I learned somrething I didn't know about him

I didn't know that about his wife, not that I am particualy bothered.

I do know he used to be a keen supporter of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign - so he presumably has good knowledge of middle east and middle east politics from all sides.

I think he dropped out of PSC when some activists went a bit too far and the a/s problem kicked off under Corbyn


I am very surprised you didn't know that

thanks for that bit of info

 i just googled.......... starmer palestine solidarity campaign  there is lots of stuff ..... he married in 2007 so he should at that time known that " the women always get their way ... children wise in the end " but obviously his stance became untenable

at least he didn't become a Tottenham supporter (think about that one)


Starmer's change of heart

Before he became party leader, he was not known for his Zionist sympathies. As a former barrister specialising in international human rights, Starmer would have honoured the UN Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian people without hesitation.

    Since becoming party leader, Starmer has changed. He has embarked on a courtship of the Israel lobby, the antithesis to his earlier positions on  Palestinian rights

His past record against the illegal Iraq war, his membership of Labour Friends of Palestine, and his condemnation of the Trump Middle East peace plan as "a farce, inconsistent with international law and human rights protections" all point him in that direction.

In 2015 he spoke at an election hustings on Palestine organised by Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and later declared: “We can promote peace and justice around the world” against the backdrop of Stop the War campaigners holding Palestinian flags.

But since becoming party leader, Starmer has changed. He has embarked on a courtship of the Israel lobby, the antithesis to his earlier positions on Palestinian rights. In January 2020, he adopted the Board of Deputies' "Ten Pledges" without caveat.

These included the International Holocaust Remembrance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism that conflates antisemitism with anti-Zionism. This conflation has been at the heart of the antisemitism allegations against the Labour Party. Its aim to link criticism of Israel, and by extension support for Palestine, with  "antisemitism" has so far been highly successful in hounding out these supporters.

Starmer now describes himself as a "Zionist without qualification" who believes in the state of Israel.


While Starmer is fiercely schtum about his private life – hence his reticence to publicly name his daughter – we do know that his wife, originally from Poland, is Jewish, and that the couple's children are being raised in the Jewish faith. Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle in March, the Labour leader opened up about his wife's faith, saying: 'As you probably know my wife’s family is Jewish. On her father’s side there are bar mitzvahs, synagogues — there’s all the traditions.'


Time to repost this -- lest ye forget

 in an earlier post after this we suddenly develop a previious hidden Doncastrian link to his wife.

perhaps he can spin it both ways !!!  but politicians have to be pragmatists

While Starmer is fiercely schtum about his private life – hence his reticence to publicly name his daughter – we do know that his wife, originally from Poland, is Jewish, and that the couple's children are being raised in the Jewish faith. Speaking to the Jewish Chronicle in March, the Labour leader opened up about his wife's faith, saying: 'As you probably know my wife’s family is Jewish. On her father’s side there are bar mitzvahs, synagogues — there’s all the traditions.'


Interesting I was sure I'd read his wife was from Donny.

Here we go www.thestar.co.uk/news/politics/the-doncaster-family-connections-of-labour-leader-sir-keir-starmer-3006047

"Sir Keir’s wife Victoria comes from Doncaster and his late mother in law Barbara lived in the town before her death earlier this year." From the man himself "I’m delighted that we’re here in Doncaster. My wife’s mum was born and grew up here – just next to the racecourse."

I guess the Polish link is on her Father's side

Draytonian III

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #49 on December 08, 2023, 07:08:44 pm by Draytonian III »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are



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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #50 on December 08, 2023, 08:20:46 pm by tyke1962 »
Bloody hell another failed Labour leader with links to Donny and in poor Keith's case the graveyard that is North London to go with the Donny link .

Best stick to Huddersfield and Edinburgh if I were you Labour luvvies .

Given Labour are at least a hundred years away from actually electing a woman it's probably worth sticking with the tried and trusted place of birth .


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #51 on December 09, 2023, 09:57:15 am by Glyn_Wigley »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are


Look out, you'll get another impenetrable f**k-knows-what-he's-trying-to-say reply too!


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #52 on December 09, 2023, 09:59:39 am by Glyn_Wigley »
I met Robert Jenrick a few years ago before he became an MP, he’s totally full of his own self importance, and comes across as a total tool, and I’m far from being a Labour supporter

I remember you telling us that when that "last minute development" went through  "Justin Thyme" his wife is Jewish like Starmer   - Poor Wrigley didn't even know that til I told him --  it shows how secretive they ALL are

You telling me whatever you're saying you've told me must have been in one of your impenetrable word salad clusterf**ks because I have no idea who 'Justin Thyme' is, nor who is wife is and certainly no idea why I'd have the slightest need to know what her - or indeed anybody's - religion is.

Sadly "Mastermind" isn't for you   :facepalm:


I was happy enough doing Countdown and Fifteen-To-One.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #53 on December 09, 2023, 11:07:26 am by selby »
  All three main political parties are old hat, done, dusted and outlived their usefulness, it is time for new kids on the block to come to the fore and sort a dysfunctional establishment out.
  The electorate are ready for it, if anyone with charisma, straight talking, and willing to take the establishment in government and the civil service and local government on they will get a following.
  The day of educated idiots running the show should be coming to a quick end.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #54 on December 09, 2023, 11:58:51 am by SydneyRover »
Gosh that sounds a bit like a Cummings outburst, selby.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #55 on December 09, 2023, 12:32:20 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
  All three main political parties are old hat, done, dusted and outlived their usefulness, it is time for new kids on the block to come to the fore and sort a dysfunctional establishment out.
  The electorate are ready for it, if anyone with charisma, straight talking, and willing to take the establishment in government and the civil service and local government on they will get a following.
  The day of educated idiots running the show should be coming to a quick end.

And this is precisely how democracy ends. When bored, ignorant people want a charismatic leader to smash everything up.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #56 on December 09, 2023, 01:07:24 pm by drfchound »
So, knowing that you hate the Conservatives, am I right in suggesting that you think that Labour is in a good place to sort things out?

scawsby steve

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #57 on December 09, 2023, 03:41:58 pm by scawsby steve »
  All three main political parties are old hat, done, dusted and outlived their usefulness, it is time for new kids on the block to come to the fore and sort a dysfunctional establishment out.
  The electorate are ready for it, if anyone with charisma, straight talking, and willing to take the establishment in government and the civil service and local government on they will get a following.
  The day of educated idiots running the show should be coming to a quick end.

And this is precisely how democracy ends. When bored, ignorant people want a charismatic leader to smash everything up.

Smash what up? There's f*ck all to smash. You've not sounded too happy with the state of the country  for the last decade or so.

Wasn't Clem Atlee charismatic, straight talking, and willing to take on the establishment? Or John Smith for that matter. Surely you don't think that Starmer can compare with the likes of them.


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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #58 on December 09, 2023, 05:07:30 pm by BillyStubbsTears »
Clem Attlee? Charismatic? I've heard it all now!

You know the wisecrack from Churchill?

"An empty car pulled up outside No 10 and Clem Attlee got out."

Attlee was THE ultimate example of a politician who had virtually zero personality but just worked hard at the job. Some people these days want their politicians to be light entertainers, because they get bored actually thinking about the detail of running the country in a sensible, organised way.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2023, 05:10:41 pm by BillyStubbsTears »

Bentley Bullet

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Re: Tory leadership contest
« Reply #59 on December 09, 2023, 05:51:05 pm by Bentley Bullet »
Maybe Scawsby Steve means Clem Atlee was charismatic compared to Keir Starmer?


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